HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 81-67A t~SOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF M Cliff OF BA~FIE~ DECKING ITS XN~NTXON TO CALL A S~C~L ELECTION I~ C~I~ I~BXT~D ~ITOR~ CO~IGUOUS TO SAID SUB~TTING ~ T~ qU~IFIED ~C~ ~SIDXNG IN SAID ~RI~RY DZ Q~STION W~~ SAID ~RITO~ $~L BE AMD TO M C I~ OF ~~FI~LD, ~ F~iNG A TM A~ P~CM AI~ WI~ A~ PE~ON ~NIN~ ~L P~OPER~ SUCH TgRITORY ~Y APPEAR BgFO~ SAID CO~CIL A~ SH~ CAUS~ W~ SUCH ~I~Y SO ~~Do BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfieldc SECTION 1o That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakers field to call a special election to be held in certain inhabited territory contiguous to maid city~ propo~.ed be annexed thereto~ for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territozy the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and the property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to ~axa~ion after annexation equally with the prope_~ty within the City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indeb~.ed~ess of the City of field outstanding for the acquisition~ cons~E~Action or comp~e~ion of municipal improvementso That a description of said territory is attached hereto .marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof° SECTION 2o Tha~ said territory is hereby designated and identified for ouch election puz~moses and for use upon the ballots at such election as '~EENC NO o SECTION 3o No~ice is hereby given that on the 30th day of October~I 1967~ a~ the hour of 8c00 P~Mo ~ in the Council Chamber in the City PL~ll~ 1501 Truetun Avenue~ Bakerefield~ California~ any persom owning real proper~y within said te~ritory so proposed to be annexed and having any objection to the proposed ~m ~f ~he p~op~ affected and ~h~ loca~ton and a~a vf much ~i~ published ~ ~h~ regular meeting thereof held on ~he 2md day of Octobe=D ~967~ by ~he fello~ng vote= A!~EI,IT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of the ~ of B~kermff~el~o EXulS!T Description of a; parcel of land to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and which is to be designated as MiNG NO. 4, said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California ,. and being a poXion of the East one-half (E~-) of Section. 11, ToWnship 80 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B. & M: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly right of way line of Real Road, of 60 e~ ~ width, and the easterly prolongation. of the' south line of Lot 3 of said Section 11, as said Lot 3 is shown on the "Sales Map of Kern County Land Company in Section 11", filed ianuam/25, i894, in the office of the said County Recorder, and as said Real Road is shown on the ,map of Tract. No. 2628, recorded November 24, 1961, in Book 12 of. Maps at page lOS,, ."'~ RecSrds .of Kern County, said intersection also being on the corporate bounda~ of the Oily of Bakersfield as defined by Ordinance No. ~'ew. Series, ce~ified by the Secreta~ of State on October 24, THENCE (i) no~herly, easterly, no~herly, easterly and no~herly along copses (8), (7), (6), (5) and (4) of said corporate bounda~ to ~he noah- west corner of Lot 27 of Tract No. 2720 as said Lot 27 is shown on the map of said Trac~ No. 2720, recorded iune !S', i962 in Book 12 of Maps at pages 196 and 197, Records of Kern County, said nozlhwest ' ., corner also being on 'the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as ". ~'' ' defined by Ordinance No 1478, New.Series, certified by the Secretary of ; '''~ · .: .' THENCE (2) along copses '(17) ~ough (8) of said corporate bounda~'as"'k"~'.'.."" .'. ".':' ~' ~' THENCE (a) S 23~Sl'01"E, 2S0,S0 fee~; .THENCE (S) S i0°02'01"E., 169.44 feet; THENCE (10) S 0°20'06"E,' 266.'90 feet to the southeast corner of said Tract 2628, said corner also being on the westerly right of way line of T= S 99 Bakersfield By Pass (State R6ute Ker-4-C).as per that certain grant deed to the State of California recorded Decem.b_er. 10 , 1959 in Book 32 1~o at page'57.9, Records of Kern County; Ti{ENC?. (1 I) southerly along the wes~ line of said deed to intersect the north llne of the south one half (S~) of the northeas~-quarter (NE 1/4) of the southeast quarter. (SE .'1/4) 'of zh~ "northeast:j. quaner (NE' 1/4) of said Section 11; .' .. · .:. :.. .~ ..: . ..'.::.':"'.':' .'..' .'""' "' .: .. ,~~ ......~..~... . ....... ,. · THENCE (12) continuinQ' southerly ~I nJ . ' ':' ,+ a o , the west line of said deed, depart- _ .: . · ing from the corporate bou ,ca ' to intersect the north line o~ the south " one half (S~-) of ~he southeas~ quanet (SE 1/4) of. the northeast quanet .'. ' "' THENCE (13) S 2~01'.45"E, 70.74 feeU "" THENCE (14) S .0°50'00"~, to intersect zhe south line'of the noah 30.00 fee~ .:... .~ '.' of the southeasz quaXer'of said Section 11, said south line also being ".'::.:'- .' "'..-'.., the souzh 'line of Wilson Road, of 80 feeZ in Width; .Z. :.=...:.-f 9 ,.=~ :,. ,Ti~ENCE (IS) westerly aion~ las~ named south line :o intersect ~he .southerly ', "'..f': . . prolongation of ~he east line.of Lot 38 of Tract 2489 as said. lot is shown "" '.:', '?..'.~.' "-'~ .. on the map o~...Trac% 2469, recorded May 12, iSal in Book 11 of Maps -' · '......"' :'~.' '.'. Page l'92, Records of Kern county; ' "' '- :" ~/:' .l.l)..'.'~ THENCE (18) ~- 0~ 0'43"E,'along said southerly prolongation ana..'along %he east . "' line of Lo~s 38 i'o 82,. said Tract 2459, a distance of 690.96 feet; '.'.:..'.2.L':... ....,'...' ....;, '... ~. '. . q'; :... "'?. ~.. · .' THENCE (18) N 0c10'43"E along %he last named easterly boundary line %o in%ersecZ "'. ' said intersection being a. point.on the corporate bounda~ as defined by said "~ /~' "' .. .. . ........'. ~.-. , , . · . . · , ., . . · . . . , .... ,..,,..~ . ..' . , .,... ., ...-, , ......:,.: : ,.)~. -- . · c..c ::'.!'..' ' .... ""b l: .i T:j ~ " - .. :., . ,: STOX~S AVENUE SECF. 2EST AVENUT AV~NU~ · .~, ~'~ SCALE: ..N ""/i / / · ... / -'. // ~! '.