HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 75-67,I~gSOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BA~RSFIELD SETTING FORTH PRINCIPLES RESPECTING SUPPLEMENTAL WATER NEEDS IN THE CIT~ OF BAKERSo FIELD ANDADJACENT AREAS OF URBAN BAKMKSFIELDo WMEREAS, the City Council on June 19~ 1967, directed the city staff and consultants to cooperate with the Kern County Water Agency and water purveyors for the purpose of resolving problems connected with the acquisition and use of supplemental water for ~he greater Bakersfields. area; and WMEREAS~ meetings have been. held with staff personnel of the Kern County Water AgenCy in order to implement the above~ and WMEREAS~ the Water Committee of the City of Bakersfield has been in close contact with all proceedings and discussions relative ~o the above~ and W~EREAS~ the City ~ouncil is apprised of the problems sought to be resolved respecting the acquisition and use of supplemental water for .~hle greater Bakersfield area; and WMEREAS~ it' is the desire of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield to go on record se~ing forth the principles it supports for the acquisition and use of supplemental water. for the greater Bakersfield area and under which the citizens of ~he greater Bakersfield area will be provided a continuous source of wa~er for the fu~ureo NOW~ TMEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1o It is agreed tha~ 77~000 acreofeet of State Project water is the amount which should be allocated by the-Kern County Wa~er Agency for the grea~er Bakersfield area° -~ ~ 2o The Xern County Water Agency is~ and should be~ the enmity to acquire the above amount of water for the use of greater Bakersfield area by acceptable exchange agreements with the holders of Kern River water rights° The purpose of such agreements will be to exchange ~ern River water for State Project ~atero Such agreements to be predicated on the true value of the water to be exchanSed o 3o That an amendment to the ~e~ County Water AEency Act be obtained ~o authorize ~he ~e~. County Wa~er Agency to levy a p~p tax for partial paymen~ of acquisition and utilization of said water~ ~ Pursuant. to the Kern County Water AEency Act~ as amended~ an appropriate improvement district for the entire Erediet ~kersfleld area be foxed for the purpose of ftnancinE ~he costs associated with such excbanEe of water co~ensurate with ~he public interest of the Ereater Bakersfield area~ [inancinE will be accomplished ~hrouEh charEes for the delive~ of exc~nSe water, ad valorera taxes and p~p taxes~ as appropria~e~ 5~ ~ said improvement distric~ be es~abiished with appropriate boundaries ~o include all benefi~ed areas~ 6~ To the ~xim~ extent possible, the initial use Of exc~nEe water be for Eround water replenis~ent ~hrouEhou~ the 7~ ~ additional improvement dis~ric~s will be crea~ed where appropriate in connection with furnishinE a water supply or improvements of local benefi~ ......... 000 ......... X M~R~B~'C~TI.F~ ~ha~ ~he Zonegoing Resolu~fom ~a~ p~s~ed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield regular mee~img ~he~eof he~d on the llth day of Sep~embe=~ ~967~ by the following voze= AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER. WHITTEMORE ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: /~~ Cou~c~ of the City of ~aker~fieZ~o APP~OV~D ~