HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 74-67 -WREREAS, the Council of ~he City of Bakersfield 57-67, to include certain property designated as ~$~tne ~oo 2~'~ ~i=hin" the Grea=er Bakers field Separation of Grade Dis~ric~ and did set the time and place for hearinE objections to ~he inclusion W~S~ said ~esolu~ion of ~n~en~ion ~as duly and legally published once a week for ~e ~eeb~ ~he firs~ publication thereof being a~ leae~. ~en~y ~ys prior to ~e ~e of hearing as provided by law~ and ~~S~ Tues~y~ ~he 5~h'~y of Sep~e~er~ 19~7~ at =he hour of 8:00 'P.M. ~ was se~ as the time for hearing objec~i~$ to ~atd Council =o the inclusion of-said ~e~lto~ or. any par~ thereof within the erea~er Bakersfield Sepa~a~ien of erade Dis~ric~ and ~he Co~cil further finds t~t all of ~aid terri~o~ ~ill be bonefired by its inclusion 'within said N~, T~FO~, BE IT ~$OLVRD A~ T~ CO~CXL DOES '~'no objection ~o ~he inclusion of 8aid ~errl~o~ or any part ~hereof within ~he Greater Bakerafield Separa~ion of Grade District, ~s been filed or presented-~o ~his ~ouncil~ T~t said ~erri~o~ and eve~ par~ thereof be~ and the same te hereby a~exed ~o and included ~[thin the said Bakers field Separation of Grade Die~ric~ upon completion of annex= scion of said terri~ory to the City Of ~ke=~field~ which is described as follows: A parcel of land situated in the County of ~erns Sta~$' of California, and being a portion of the MW 1/~ of ~ec~ie~ 11~ T~hip .30 Sou~h~ 19~7~ a~ Pa~e 37v Book 6 of ~ps~ ~ece~d~ of ~a~d ~em Coun~y~ '~d of Ba~rsf~eld ~ defined by Ordnance ~oo 1500~ Sep~embe~ 15~ 1961~ a~ pa~e 6e~ ~oek 12 of ~Pas ~ecord8 ~C~ (2) ~ 89°18°10'~ ~lon8 the line'and extension ~he=eof~ a dts~auce of 512o3~2 ~CE .(3), no=~hwes=e=!y $1on~ sstd ~an=en~ cl~cula~ cu~e~ concs~e co '~he nor~h~ ~v~ a0r~dtu~ of 255 central '~n~le of 30 10 [ee~ ~o a ~otn~. from ~h~c'h. ~he ~NCE (~) N .59°07~5'~ ~ d~s~ance .of 80 Eee~ ~o tn~e~ec~ ~he .' Sandpipe~ Road Is' sho~ ~'on 'esia ~p' of Trac~ Moo' 2533; ~y line ~o ~he northeast Mo~ 2533~. ., ~SE (5) nor~es~e=lyalonS Che northeasterly line of sat~ LO~ and ~ no~hwem~erly p~olonga~ton ~hegeof~ ~o tm~e~ec~ ~he westerly rtSh~ of way lane of $~lne Canal of ~m CO~y 'Land C~aay 27 g, ~ M,D,B, & Mo, filed Office of said Co~y ~co~der.~ a potn~ on the colorate bo~~ 'of ~he. City of Bakersfield as defined by 1500s N~ Se~les~ ~CE (7) nort~aa~arly along course course (9} of ~he laS~ named_tolerate bo~da~ ~o ~he nor~es~ co~e~ of ~at~ 'poin~ of be~i~ln~ and con~ainin~ 9009 more o~ .. ........ OOO ........ 0 I P~Eea~f Cg~TX~f that ~he foregoing ~eeolu~ion was and adopted by the Ceumcil of the City of ~akersffeld a~ a ~eguler meeting ~hereef held em ~he 5~h amy of Sep~embe=~ 1967~ by following ve~e~ AYES: COUrlC~LHEP'I F!Ei~".Y, HOS:(ING, R~.'--S. T,UCI',,~,',. 5"5RN, VETTER, WHITTEMOIIE NOES: COUNC'.LM~N: ~ ABSTAININ~ COUNCILMEN: ~ Council of the City of Bakersfieldo APPROVED ~