HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 70-677.0-67 WliFaEAS~ on July 10, 1967~ ~here wm~ filed wt:h :he City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield a copy of Motic® of Intention to Circulate Pe~i~ton Rels~lng ~o ~nex~tom of Certain Ter~i~o~ ~o ~e City of ~ke=afi~ld Under the ~m~l~ A~ of 1913 per~sining ~o ~erri~o~ desolated as Bri~e Moo 7~ ~oge~har w~h an affl~vit of ~blics~lon of said ne~ice she~img public~iem ~hereof on july 12~ 1967, $n ~he ~kersfield Caltfomiam~ ~ m~e~ape~ of gemeral circularton publighed im the Ci~y of Bakergfield~ and ~~S~ ~he Anmexa~om Ac~ of '~913 p~ov~dee t~ =he legislative body ~y ado~ a =esoh~iom ach~ledgtmg receip~ of ~ no~ice and appr~ng ~he circuls~io~ of ~he petiole; ~ M~FO~ B~ IT ~SOLV~ by ~he Council of =he C~=y of Bakersf~eld: 1, ~ ~he ~eceip~ of ~he no~ice and sffi~vi~ of approval be and t~ hereby given for ~he cl~cul~ion of ~he pe=t~ton for annexa~i~ of ~ certain ~er=i~ de~~ed am B=i~e Mo, 7 ~=y-one days afte~ the publicc~iem of ~aid mo~ice, 20 ~a Ct~ Clerk $~lX cer~i~ ~o ~he adoption of ~hts =eeolu~ion ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSI(ING, REE$, RUCKER, STiERN, VETTEIt, WHITTEMORE ' NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of the Cl~;y of ~aker~fieldo APP%GVED ~