HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-67P~$OLUTXO~ NO o 62-67 A I~SOLUTXON OF TX-[g COUNCXL OF TNg CIT~ OF BA~SF~gLD ACCEDING FOK S~T ~0$~5 ~T CERTAIN S~IP OF ~ LY~N~ BE~EN T~ ~ST ~ICHT OF gAY LI~ OF ~N IS~ND ROAD ($0~ "H" S~ET) ~D ~ LI~ DESIG~ ~D AS "FU~E S~ET LIE" IN LOT 16 OF T~CT NO. 1~66. WREREAS~ that certain strip of land lying between the west right of way line of Kern Island Road {South "H" Street) and the line designated as "future street lime" in Lot 16 of TrAct Moo 1366 was dedicated for public use by the mmp of Tract No. 1366~ ~~$, the City of Bakersfie~d desires to proceed wi~h widening South "M" Street~ and ~~S, said widening will require ~he use of ~he area of said certain s~rip of land~ N~, TEEFOE~ BE IT ESOLVED~ =~t+ the certain 8~rtp of land lying be~een the west right of way line of Kem Island ~oad (South "H" Street} and the line desi~ted as "~re $~ree~ line" in Lo~ 16 of Tract No o 1366 is hereby accepted for street pu~ose$. ..... ' ..... O00 .......... AYES: COUNCILMEN HE , HOSKING, REF..$, RUCKER. $TIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMOR!~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~2'_....~,.;..,- ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Deputy Clerk POOR ORIGINAL RECORDING REQUES~'ED B~ A ~SO~U~O~ O~ ~ CG~C~ O~ ~ C~ O~ ~~~ ACC~G ~O~ ~~ ~OS~S ROAD (SO~ ~ AS '"FU~ S~ET LK~~° IN ~T 1~ OF ~ NO. 1366. A'TI] FCk" 0.0C P,,,!:cc,,:.,:;bi.-.<:2 By RAY A'. V['.lF-..C/hb/iiv'ii]!N, ~.*.,~.-ft C,.:i. ]~--_.,.¢oi-.J,:~. W~EREAS, that certain strip of land lying between the west right of ~ay line of Kern Island Road (South '~M" Street) and the line designated as oefuture street lineue in Lot 16 of Tract No. 1366 was dedicated for public use by the ~p of Tract No. 1366; and ~~$, the City of Bakersfield desires to proceed ~ith wideninS South "'H~" Street; and ..... E~S~' said widenin~tl'i req~'ire the use Of the 'area" of said certain strip of land. M~, ~FOM~ BE IT ~SOLVED~ ~hat' ~he certain 8~rip of land lying be~een the west right of way line of Ke~ [sXand ~oad (South eu~u Street) and the line designated as e°future street lineee in Lot 16 of Trac~ No. 1366 is hereby accepted for st=set pu~oses, .......... 000 .......... AYES: COUNCILMEN HEJSEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, YETTER, WHITrEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~,~.,,/j ^.EN, couNc,MEN: ~~ ABSTAININ~ COUNCILMEN: ~ APP~OVED ~h~s 17~h day of July, 1967 R. V. Xarlen~ M. D. APP~OVED: POOR ORIGINAL ,,./JU!.-2:j. RECORDING ~, ~., ~ ~EQUESTED BY '-~- &MAIL TO MAIL TO, MARlAN S. IRVIN CITY CLERK, CITY HAIL BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 4096 6Z8 RESOLUTION R'0,_.6.2,-6~ ........... A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF BAKERSFIELD ACCEPTING FOR STREET PURPOSES THAT CERTAIN STRIP OF L~ND LYING BETWEEN THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LI~TE OF KER~ ISLAND ROAD (SOLFlY{ "Hi' STREET) ~6J~ID ~ LIttlE DESIGo X~TED AS ~'FUTURE STREET LINE~; IN LOT 16 OF TRACT NOo 1366. NQ WHEREAS, that certain strip of land lying between the west right of way line of Kern Island Road fSouth ~'Mn Street) and the line designated as "future street line" in Lot 16 of Tract No o 1366 was dedicated for public use by the map of Tract No. 1366~ and W~EREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to proceed with widening South e'M~; StreetS and WHEREAS, said widening will require the use of the area of said certain strip of land. NOW~ TMEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED~ that ~he certain strip of land lying between the west right of way line of Kern Island Road (South nil'; Street) and the line designated as °;future street line" in Lot 16 of Tract No o 1366 is hereby accepted for et~eet purposes. .......... O00 .......... Deputy Clerk I It~REBY C~XFY ~ha~ ~he fo~vfung Resolu~vn ~ ~guXa~ meeting ~h~e~ held on the ~Tch ~y vf 3uly~ 19~7~ by th~ £ollow~ng vote: ABSTAININP~ COUNCILMEN: Ceuncti of ~he ~i~y of APP~OVgl) ~his 17~;h day of July, 1967 R. V. ~arlem, Mo Do APPI%OVED .o ................ CI~ Al~fO~ .....