HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 59-67RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKER~FIELD ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS~ SPECIFICATIONS~ ESTIMATES OF COST AND DISTRICT MAP, IN THE MATTER OF PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 822° WI{EREAS~ ~he City Council of =he City of Bakersfield duly found and determined tha~ the owners of more than sixty cent (60%) of the area of the property subject to assessmem~ signed and filed a written petition for improvement work~ herefnaf~er X ~EREBY C~RTXF~ that the fo=ego~ng Reeolut~on ~ae =egul~= meeting the=eel held on the XTth day of July~ 1967, by the following rotcoo AYES: COUNCILh4EN HI:ISEY, HOSKING, NOES: COUNCiLmEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Council of the City of Bske=mfieXd. Kenneth W. cx~ A~!'I CITY ~O~CIL OF~m C~Y OF RESOLUTION NO. 58-67 the State Enlployees' Retirement lL~w l~e~mits ~ p~ict~tion of p~ltc by ~e e~tion of a Confer, ~ sets fO~ t~ p~e~ by w~c~ said p~lic ~ncies ~ elect ~ s~ec% %~elves ~d ~ir ~b~es ~ .me~ents ~ s~td ~wl ~d one of the steps required in the proceeure to eraend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public a~ency of a resolution givin8 notice of the intention to e~prove an emendment to maid contr~ctp which resolution shall contain 6 ~U~ of ~Jue changes proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a summary of the proposed chsmges: Retirement allowances payable for time commencing on the first day of the calendar month coinciding with or next following the effective date of this amendment to or on account of an~ member ~,zho retired on or prior to July 1, 1956, are hereby increased by $10.00 a month plus a percentage varying according to date of retirement and years of service to a maW~ of 5~- Retirement allowances pe4rable for time commencing on the effective date of this amendment to or on account of any person whose retire- ment became effective on or prior to December 31, 1961 are hereby increased accorling to a sliding scale ranging from t~.zo percent for those whose retirement became effective durin~_g the eighteen months endin~ December 31, 1961 to a maximum of ten percent for those whose retirement became effective July 1, 1957 or earlier but not to exceed ~ sum of $50 per month~ as provided in Government Code Section El251.6 added by Chapter 2099, 8tatutes of 1963. NOW~ ~, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the CITE C~]NC~L of the CFEY OF BAKEPaFiEL~ gives, ana it dues hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to contract between said C]ZPZ COX~C]I an~ the Board of Administration of the State Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hemto, marked "Exhibit A" and by this reference made a part hereof. APPROVED CI~~/~ July 17, 1967 (Date adopted and appreved} Ret. Form 122 CERTIFICATI01Y OF GOVERNING BODY'S ACTION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true ~.~d correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the CIT~ ~TT- Governing Body ) ~e0Fopi~ci~ on July 17, .' 1967 , of the C ency ) 19___~ appearing at Page , Vol'~me of the (Minutes) (Official Records) of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. (C~verning Body) CITY CLERK e ,q~retary of th[e Board Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of July, 1967, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Heisey, Hosking, Rees, Rucker, Stiern, Vetter, Whittemore Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None Ret. Form. 949 (Rev. 9/57) 75 A EYHIBIT A The '~a~j 0£ Administration, State E~,lo~es' ~etirenent Sy~ter~ l~reinaf'tsr ~ofe~ t~ ~s ~d, ~ad the O~TY Oo~C~ of ~he C~TE O~~ ~F1Z~, ~i~tcr t~, effective AuguSt ~, !~4, a~ ~ ~uded effective J~n~ 1, 19~7, ~ber i~ i9~S, a~ A~i 1, 1~', ~'~tch p~vides ~or ~ar~icii~ntio~ effective AuF+ust 1, 19~, a~ as e~x~n~ effec~e Janus~ 1, 1950, N~o~r !, 19~, October 1, 1~5~, a~d ~prit 1, 1~6~, end are h~ ~laeed HF the ~3~'~)lo~es' l{eti~en% ~ ~hall h~ve ~e ~iug ~s deflated unless ethe~ise $~cii'ical~' p~ovid~. ~'~o~l r~f~nt ~e" e~dl ~ean age 69 fer p~scella~o.~ ~c~rs and ago ~ fop local s~f~ memb~s. Agency shaI1 partieip~t~ iu ~e Ste~e i~leyees' ~qetirc~cnt f~ a~ ~ter August t, 19~4, ~i~g its ~m~ees ~ heroin- prodded, ~t~re of said System e~bJec% %~ ~i ~visionS agenci~. _ ~dition ~ ~e en'9!oyeee e~clud~ from m~bershi~ by ~sid ~ti~ Law, the fotl~i~ e~loS~s m~ll not ~enone ~:~etlre~ent Syst~: ~e e ~e T~e fellowin[ additiopal pr~visloss of ~e $~ E~ioyeae' [~etim- n~ent t~ ~i~ a?~ on~ ~on election of ~ c~ntracting cgoncF shall ~ly to the P~blic Age~F and i~ e:~to~es~ e. Sectie~ 20524.01 (defi~in~ nfin~l cc~9ensatien" on ~m basis of e p~riod of t~ree co~ec~t!ve peers). e, .~CtiOn 21367.,5l (providing a ~,49~,00 death benefit upon death ~. ~ctlen 2002~ (.~rcvlding fe~ i~clnston of Co~cnention limit in eory~ut~tione ~ero eo~ensstien te~ ~e ~e rctlre~t'e~o for local s~ety prior fa age ~5 mlbJect ~ sctu~lal ,dlscmmt). Section 21264 ~m h~d retir~ ccntinaatien of one-bah~ ~e retii-~:~n% a~tewa%c:e'~ cer~in Sectlo~ ~12~1.~ (?~rovldin:f,~ ITer ino~eoees in silocanoes coinci~ing ~th or ~t re!leonine ~e eff~ti~ ~te of ec~.~e~cn~ ~ pc~oons ~t~ed o~ a~td prior %o a~y 1, 19~). 702-2 t*~ith respect to mi~'celte~co~$ the following l,a~mot~ -~z~Oers of, ~eid SFet~:, kt~i~it~' for i"~ service bmmflts. '(2) 6,~h per'cent on account of %he lSability for c~rent ~e~vic~ benefits. ~jith respect %o local ,safety ~}~ers, t~e city ehalt cm:,~ibute Safe~y m~abc-rs Of said Syet,er~ Ha~i~iity for prior ~rviee benefits. (2) .t3~47 ~e~en% on accotmt of the lic~lity for c'ar~n% ee~ice benefits. A teaserruble muoun% per ann~L% aS fixed by ~oard -~ cover the costs of ai~ix~istcring said Sys~% aS it ~Tsets ~,e onp~yeos Of ~h~c A~en~r, not inclu~d~ tl~o co~ts of ep~ial valuation~ Or of %P~ pe~.odical inveCti~latio~ a~ vah~%ion mq~rod by ~ws pr~ded t~at said a~ount e{~'.:all be dete~ned on the ~i8 of ,the ~ber of er~ployees of Pu%iio A~o~y '~o ~ ~epo~ aS me~s on a pa~ell to be deoi~%~ by the Samtern coverl~ ~articifmtie~, on the effective date of $~d p~ticipatlen. Contributions Perspired ~ I~2blic Aga~y a~d its e~Ioyee8 s}mll ~e subJe~t ~ ~Ju~ent by Bea~ e~ account of ~ud~cnte to ~e State L~%}Ioyeesm ~etirement Luw, and o{~ ~ou~ Of ~{~e ~;~oriem,ce u~d~ the ~ti~ment System, ~e ~e~o~ed by ~e ~'~ori~ilcsl invos~iga- tion ar~ valuation req:~d by 'aaid ~stire~n% Law. ., Contributie~m r~q~ired of Pubtie A[~oncy a~d its employees shall be p~dd b~ I~c Agency %o ~ ~e~irc~nt Sy:e~U wi~i~ %~ d~ pOOP' A%tes~: