HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 49-67 P~aOLUTION NO o '~t9-67 RgSOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF T~ CI~ OF B~FIED A. PPLYIN~ FO~ STA~ ~TCHING F~DS FOR ~ ~SlO~ OF F .A. S ~ ~OADS. WMERF. AS, Section 1~3.3 of the S~ree~s and Highwsys Code of the Stste of California provides tha~: certain fund~ are availr~b~e for improvement of Federal Aid Seconda~ Hig~ys within Urban AreBe ~ and ~~$, ~he City of Bakersfield and the County of Ke~ desire ~o ~mprove B~ndage ~ne (Federa~ Aid Seconda~ 575) be~een Union Avenue and 1200 fee'~ eas~ of Cottonwood Road, and ~~$, the Ci~ of Bakersfield has jurisdiction over ~ portion of Bmndage ~ne within the p=opomed proJec~ Xfmt~8 be~een Cottonwood Road and 1200 fee~ ea~ of Cottonwood Road, a~.d ~~S, ~he description of s~fd pTojec~ including limi~ ~ na~ure ~ coe~$ ~. pertfnen~ background da~a ~ and a description of ~he projec~m in ~he contiguous ~ral area which create ~he need for ~he proposed imp~ov~ents a~e as se~ forth in the ProJec~ ~epor~ submitted by ~he County of Kem~ da~ed J~e 7, 1~67~ and in =ela~fon to ~hia projec~ it is further attested t~: 1. ~e need for the projec~ is occasioned by the proposed cons~c[ion of S~a~e Route 58 paralleling Bmndsge Lane ~hroughou~ ~he project limit. ~e propomed improvement ie on a mJor hig~ay as eho~ on the adopted ~jor $~ree~ and Highway Plan of ~he County of Kern and ~ City of Bakersfield~ 3. ~e improvemen~ is proposed in conj~ctfon wi~h an urban arem extension p=ojec~ ~i~hin ~he Co~=y of Xe~o 4. ~e City will pro~ec~ sufficlem~ rights-of-way ~o assure c~le~fon of ~he ul~i~e facility. 5. The City has appropriated or will appropriate sufficient funds to finance its share of the project which will not be less than 50 percent of the cost of that portion of the project lying between Cotton= wood Road and 1200 feet east of Cottonwood Road. 6. The City is cognizant of the effect of the proposed financing in relation to the sCatuto~ formula contained in Section 188~4 of the Streets and A~ ~~S~ the total cost of the City°e portion of the A~ W~$~ conerection and constmction eng~eertus costs ~hich are ineligible for Urban Extemsiom Fund ~rttcipation does hereby apply for 50 percent of the emti~ted eligible coet of the Cttyes por~l~ of ~he projec~ in ~he amour of $20~600o00 ~nder the provisions of Section 1~3,3 of the Streets and HtS~ay~ Code. ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of