HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 44-67RESOLUnO Bakersfield requesting the Council to give ~ts consemt to the commencement of anneFation proceedings in connection with that deacribed, ~hich is con~iguous to ~he City of Bsker~ffe~d~ and ~~$, the Pla~tng Co~tssion of the City of B~r~ field ~$ rendered i~a report to thin Co~cil, and coneem~ to the c~emcement of such anne~on proceed~gm upon e~11 be annexed ~o the City of Bakersfield and the proper~ in a~exatton eq~lly with the proper~y wi~hln the City of ~kermfie~d~ ~o pay the bonded t.ndebtedness of the City of Bakersfie~d out~ standing for the acquts~ion~ const~ction e= co~letiom of ~icipal l~rove~n~a~ NOW~ T~EP~FOI~E~ BE XT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1. That condent is hereby gramted for the co~amencement the petition for a~ne~ation contaln~ a requee~ ~ha~ ~he ~o be ~ubm~t~ed ~o ~he electors residing f~ the ~e=rfto~ ~o be annexed e~lX be ~he~her ~he ~er=f~o~ ~ll be annexed ~he City of Bakers field and ~he prope=~y fn ~he ~e~=f~ory ~o be s~ne~ed be ~ubjec~ed ~o ~axa~ton after a~e~ion eg~lly ~=o~er~ ~hin ~he C~y of B~keref~e~d~ ~e p~y ~he bo~ded edme~ of ~he Cl~y of Baker~field oute~amd~mg for the ~cquimi~len~ con~t~cti~n or c~ple~ion of munici~l gemerally south .of Ming Avenue~ west of U~ S~ 99. Frosway and of Wilson Avenuelying within .the northeast ~/4 of Sectie~ TMshtp 30 South, ~mge 27 East, and is mo~e particularly described in ~he 'request on file ~ith the City of ~kerefield~ which desc~iptien ts incorpo~a~ed heroin by reference and ~de m hereof as if set forth heroin In 3, ~e CIty Clerk $~ll certify ~o the adoption of this ,! I HEREBY CgRTIFY that the foregoing Resolution ~am pasmed snd adopted by the Council of the City of Baker~field ~t ~ ~e~ular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of June, ~967~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VEI'rER, WHITrEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~_Z/ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: .~ J · e, STAINING COUNCILMEN: ./7..)/8..,..~ -~' _