HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 41-67"BENTON PA~ ~O, .8~ AND SE~X~ ~ TX~ ~ %~2~Ss proceedings have been completed for the annex° u~Ben~on P~rk ~o. 8~ ~o the City of ~akeF~f~eld~ a~d ~~$~ a po~ion of said ~errito~ l~e~ ou~[de ~he of the State of California~ provides that ~he uninco~orm~ed of grade district a~ the time of ~he reunion of such die~r~ct~ and ~hich subsequen~ ~o ~he fo~tion of such district is ~exed to or o~he~ise included within a city which tea part of such included w~thin ~he district and 8~11 thereafter become a ~r~ of ~he district to the same extent as such ct~y~ e~cept such pe~fon or por~i~s thereof which the City Co~ciX ~8 de~emined~ ~ill not be banefired by inclusion in the distric~. N~ ~FOE~ BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, ae follows: X, ~ a description of ~he portion of u~inco~or~ed Deecrip~ion of a parcel of land to be annexed to the "~Greater -Bake~effe-td Separation of Grade Dis~rict'~ A parcel of land situate ~ the County of ~em~ State of Ca~tfo~ia, and being a portion of Section 12~ T~mehip 30 South~ ~nge 27 East~ M,D.M., and ~=e particularly de~cri~ed as follow~: said Sec~ion 12~ excepting theref~o~ the eouth 100 feet of the west 528 feet ~he~eof and the East 2e~ feet thereof. 2o That unless any portion shall be excluded by the City a~nexa~ion to the Cl~y of Bakersfield be i~cluded within ~he Greater Bakersfield Separst~on of Grade District. 3, ~t Monday~ ~he 3rd day of JuXy~ 1967, a~ ~he hour of eight oecXock PoM~ tn ~he Co~cil C~mSers of ~he Cl~y ~Xl~ ~501 T~tm Avenue~ ~kersf[eld~ C~life~ia te the ~ ~hem amd .......... o0o .......... follo~fn~ vote: RYBI: COUNCILMEN HEI cy, HOSKING, REES, R, lmm~l~m~Pq $TIERN, VETTER, 'W'HITTBIdORt~ NOES: COUliCILMr. N: ~ \.. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAININ6 COUNCILMEN: ~PPRO~ED.~