HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 38-6738-67 $g~XgS A OPoSMET ~~ ~O~S ~OS~ A~47 ~A5~6~ %MCLUSIVE~ FOR P~L%~T~Ob~ O~ NONCE OF ~D~ON OF SA~D ~S~ ~ ~q~aS~ pursuan~ ~o Resolu~ion ~o. 75~55 of ~he Council o2 ~he City of ~akermfiel~ adopted ~ovember 14~ 1955~ ~o ~he C~r~e= of ~he City of Bake~afield~ and ~ accer~nc~ ~he ~mm~i~u~iom and la~y~ of ~he S~a~e of ~llfomta~ ~he City of Bakersfield did issue certain Off~$~ee~ Pa~king ~enue Bonds ~~$~ by said Resolution i~ is specified A Bonds Nom. A547 ~o A536~ bo~h inclusive~ are redserbia only reverse n~rical order from high ~o lower ~pon ~he dereliction of ~he Co~cil and upon no~ice of said rede~tion~ and ~$~ by said ~eeolu~ion ~he City ie obligated ~ede~ Series A bonds ~heneve~ there i~ money in the Series A Binking F~d on any October lO~h or April lO~h lm amoeba sufflclen~ ~edeem a~ leas~ $1~000~00 princi~l ano~ and W~B~ omApril 10~ 1967 ~here was sufficien~ money ~~$~ i~ is the desire of ~he ~cil ~o call for ~he red~ption of Series A OffoS~reet Parking ~venue Bonds %0 A53~ ~cluslve~ on Jme 1~ 1967~ N~ ~~s BE IT ESOLVSD by ~he Co~cil of ~he City .... ~ said Bonds A54~ to A536~ imclusive~ e~11 be _rede~ed_, on J~e 1~ 1967~ and ~ the Crocke~oOltimema National under said geso~ion Noo 75-55, be and directed to ~e~ sa~ bonds bmds~ and o~ ~d ~eo~on~ a~ ~o and fifty on~ h~dre~he percen~ ~ tnteres~ on e~d b~d~ a~ll cease ~o ecc~e f~ end af~ ~o transfer fn~o ~he Ser~es A Si~n~ ~he red~tt~ of ~d b~ds, sho~l~ be ~sufficfen~ for ~h~ purposes ~kersfteld; ~lifo~ once a we~ first ~bltca~f~ ~ be ~o~ less and edop~ed by ~he Council of ~he City of Baker~field ~egular meeting ~hereof held on ~he 8~h day of May~ 1967~ by follc~qing votec Council of ~he C~y ef Bakerafield ~~~~>~hf~ 8~h ~y of ~y~ 1967 ~ ,~ , ~?t .... ' " 'A~P~ED c = ....?,, ~..,,,.:~'