HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 37-67[~E~OLUTXON NOo 37-67 A RESOLUTEON OF THE COUNC~KL OF T~E CXTE OF CE~TX~ECA~ON OF ~ RIG~T O~ ~ ~Q~D W}KE~$~ ~esoXu~ion No. 34~67 of ~he Council of ~he Cit~y of B~ker~field approved Agreemen~ No. ~67 wl~h ~he $~a~e of 882~2 ~ and constockton p~opoeed for contrac~ and ~en acgutred ou~i~h~, c~ered by righ~ of ontO, or order of ~fgh~ of Way, F~A.$oU~E~ Project U.E~882~2~ Sou~h be~een B~ge h~ and Ming Avenue is hereby approved~ ~he ~yo~ ~ $~a~e of ......... O00 ......... amd ~dop~ed by ~he Counc~ o£ the e~y of ~e~e~field ~ ~ meeting ~he~eef hela on the 8~h ~y of~y~ 1967~ by the foXl~ing vo~e~ AVIs. S: COUt:CILI'.4EI'I HEISEY, HOSKINGo REES, RUCK~), A.,1S~NT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN; APP%O~BD: CERTIFICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY, F.A. S. U. E. PROJECT U. E. -882-2, SOUTH "H" STREET BETWEEN BRUNDAGE LANE AND MING AVENUE The City of Bakersfield hereby certifies in connection with the right of way for project F.A.S.U.E.'-882-2, South "H" Street be~veen Brundage. Lane and Ming Avenue that: All required Rights of Way for construction of this project have now been acquired, covered, by right of way contract, right of entry or order of immediate possession. ~i ." STATUS OF RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION. c.. Parcels covered by R/W contract .................. d. Parcels covered by right of entry or order for immediate possession ............... e. Parcels covered only by condemnation resolution (if any) .......................... Total number of parcels required .................. 14 .Parcels acquired outright ......................... 11 0 3 0 2. STATUS OF AFFECTED RAILROAD FACILITIES (None effected) DESIGNATED MATERIAL SITES 4 (None required) 4. DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREAS (No designated disposal areas) 5. STATUS OF UTILITY RELOCATIONS Company Utility Relocation Date Pacific Gas & ··Power Poles and Overhead Electric Company Cables. Gas Valves June 19, 1967 California Water Service Company Water meters, valves, services, fire hydrants. June 19, 1967 Pacific Telephone . Company' Poles and overhead cables · June 19, 1967 6. SCHEDULE FOR REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS. Service station gasoline pumps and canopy in southwest corner of the Belle Terrace/South "H" Street intersection to be removed prior to June 19, 1967. Portion of tiiplex building on west side of project 160+- feet north of Terrace Way to be removed prior to June 19, 1967. CITY OF BAKERSHELD Mayor of the City of B k r fi ld 'ATTEST: .-~ C t ~'~ ' '