HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-67I~8(DL~L?3~O~ ~0o., 27-67 WREE~$~ the Cou~cil of the City of Bakersfield did~ on p~ided by ~aws ~~$~ Homay~ ~he I7~h day of April, 1967s hou~ of 8~00 PoMo~ was set as ~he ~ime for hearing objections ~he inclusion of ~id territory within said Dis~ric~ and WEiSs no objec~ion ~as been filed or presented eo~cil ~e the ~c%ueion of said terri~o~ or any par~ ~hereof within the Grea~e~ Bakersfield Separation of Grade Distric~ and ~he Cornell ~her finds t!~t all of said ~erri~o~ will be benso fired by i~s inclusion within said F~ ~ no objection ~e the inclusion of said ~er~i~o~ or any paz~ ~he~eof ~l~hin the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Dia~ict~ has bee~ filed or presented to this Co~cil, ~ said tezrite~ and eve~ par~ thereof ~ and the same is hereby annexed to and included within ~he said G~ea~er Bakersfield Separation of Grade Dis~ric'~ which said terri~e~ deee~ibed as followsg Description of a parcel of land to be annexed to the "Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District": A parcel of land situate in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Sections 25, and 26, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D. M., being also a 'portion of P_i_e_rCe_._N._o_:_.l_ Annexation as defined by City of Bakersfield Ordinance No. 1639, New Series, and more particularly described 'as follows: Beginning at the SE Corner of said section 26, said corner being a point in the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1445 New Series; THENCE (1) along the foil:owing 12 courses of said Ordinance No. 1445 New Series: N. 89°05 '56"W., 32.06 feet along the southerly boundary of said Section 26, being Course (37); .. THENCE (2) N. lo42'08"E., 47.88 feet, being Course (36); THENCE (3) along Course (35): N.81°33'43"W., 172.19 feet to the beginning of a t~angent curve; THENCE (4) westerly along said curve, concave to the south having a radius' of 440 feet through a central angle of 4~11'04", an arc distance of 32.14 feet, being Course (34); THENCE (5) from a tangent which bears N. 81~07'02"W., westerly along a curve, concave to the south having a radius of 440 feet through a central angle of 6e57'07" , an arc distance of 52.34 feet to a point of tangency, being Course (33)'; THENCE (6)' THENCE (7) along Course (32): N.88"04'09"W., 319.14 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve; northwesterly along said curve, concave to the northeast having a radius of 225 feet through a central angle of 43e27'01''. an arc distance of 170.63 feet to a tangent which bears N. 44°37'08"W., being Course (31); THENCE (8) N.30e36'00"W., 102.77 feet, being Course (30); THENCE (9) N. 18e52'52"W. ,. 256.28 feet, being CoUrse (29); THENCE (1D) N.22e14'll"W., 335.04 feet, being Course (28); THENCE (11) N. 19e00'23"W., 10.66 feet, being Course ~(27), to intersect the. s6utherly right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; THENCE (12) N.89e10'14"W., 282.89 feet, being a portion of Course (26), along last named southerly right of way line to intersect the westerly right of way line of State Highway Route 99 - (VI-Ker-99~ (formerly State Route VI-Ker-4-G); THENCE (13) northerly along last named right of way line, departing from the cor- porate boundary, along the following 13 courses of last named High- way Route: N. 15e53'20"W., 313.24 feet to intersect the northerly · right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; THENCE (14) N.89°10'14"W., 74.72 feet; THENCE (15) N. 15°57'26"W., 82.04 feet; THENCE (16) N. 17°31'01'W., 290.29 feet; THENCE (17) .N.8°23'59"W. ,. 175.89 feet; ' THENCE (18) N. 12°55'22"W., 184.67 feet; THENCE (19) N.6026'55"W. ~ .307.80 feet; THENCE (20) N.5o48'W. ~ 306.44 feet; THENCE (21) N.3e00'37"W. ~ 357.28 feet; THENCE (22).N.0e28'25"E., 551.93 feet; THENCE (23) N.8e29'14"W., 202.24 feet; THENCE (24) N.3°39'07"W., 678.76 feet; THENCE (25) N.6"16'38"W., 210.92 feet; THENCE (26) THENC E (27) THENCE (2S) THENCE (29) Departing from said westerly right of way line, S. 89e 12 'E, 394.72 feet, to a point on the easterly right of way line of State'Highway Route 99 - (VI-Ker-99) (formerly. State Route Ker- 4-G); Along the following 4 courses of said easterly right of way line; S.89e12'E, 37.99 feet;' N. Sle55'10"E, 751.4 feet; S.'~1~47'23"E., 21.65 feet; THENCE (30) 'N.30°00'41"E., 30.00 feet, to a point on the southerly right of way line of State Highway Route VI-Ker-58; ' THENCE (31) N.30°00'41"E., 155 feet, to a point on the northerly right of way line of State Highway Route VI-Ker-58; THENCE (32)' Southeasterly along said northerly right of way line to a point on the east right of way line of Oak Street of 82.5 feet in width, as said Oak Street is shown on the "Map of the City of Bakersfield, recorded November 25, '1898, in Book 1 of Maps, at pages 13 and 14 in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County; THENCE' (33)"'southerly along the said east line' 6f Oa~ st~'eet' and the' eXt~nS'f0~s thereof and along the corporate boundary as defined by that Special · 'Election held March 21, 1939, .and which results were certified by the' Secretary of State on March 28, 1939, to intersect the .southerly bOUndary of said Section 25 ,. said point of intersection being a point .......... in the corporate boundaxT.as..defined by_Ordinance. No, 1445 NeW Series; THENCE (34) westerly along said southerly boundary of Section 25 to the southwest' corner thereof, being Course (38) of said Ordinance No. 1445, New Series, said southwest corner being the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN A PARCEL OF lAND DESGRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 26, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M.; thence, west along the South boundary line' of said 'Section 26 to a point distant 233.95 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section 26, said point being the southerly terminus of the Seventh Course in that certain deed recorded April 27, 1917, in Book 322 of Deeds, Page 10, ']{ern County Records; thence, northerly along said Sevenths Gourse a distance of 431.09 feet to a point, said point being the Southeast corner . of that certain Lparcel of land described in that certain deed recorded July 8, 1931, in Book 35 1 of Official Records, Page 255, 'Kern County Records; thence, as per last-named deed we. sterly 575.0 feet along a line lying parallel to the Fourth Course as described in aforementioned deed as recorded April 27, 19 17, in Book 322 of Deeds, Page 10, Kern Gounty Records, said Fourth Course being parallel to the South right of way line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and 0 distant 200.0 feet South as measured at right angles from said South line; thence, northerly and parallel with said Seventh Course and its northerly prolongation 353.72 feet to a point in said Fourth Course; thence, westerly along said Fourth Course to a point in the westerly right of way line of State Highway Route 99 (VI-Ker-99) (Formerly State Route VI-Ker-4-G); thence, northerly along said westerly right of way line to a point in the northerly right of way line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; thence, easterly along said northerly right of way line to a point which point bears North 14e54' We~t 1126.4 feet and westerly 1039.5 feet along the North right of way line of the Atchison.Topeka and Santa Fe Railway from the Southeast corner of .the Southeast quarter of said -Section 26, said point .being the Southwest corner of that certain parcel of land described in that certain deed recorded February 23, ·1918, in Book 331 of Deeds, Page 308, Kern County Records; thence; North along 'the'West boundary line of said parcel 469.75 feet .to the Northwest comer thereof; thence, East along the North boundary line of said parcel to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of that certain parcel of land described in that certain deed recorded Iuly 25, 1947, in Book 1341 of Official Records, Page 301, Kern County Records; thence', according to last named deed; thence, North a distance of 70.00 feet. to a point; thence, North 57e47'24"East a distance of 309.38 feet; thence North 41° 10' East a distance of 210.0 feet to a point shown as the intersection' of the northwesterly boundary line with the West .boundary line of that certain plat of land designated on that certain Record of Survey Map recorded January 31, 1940, in Book 4, Re-cord of Sur.vey Maps, Page 109, Kern County Records; thence, · as per said map North 41e13'East786.11 feet; thence, North 48e41 East to a point in the North boundary line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 26; thence, East along the North boundary line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 26 and easterly projection thereof to a point in.the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield, said corporate limits as defined by that special election held March 21, 1939, and which results were certified by the Secretary of State on March 28, 1939, said · corporate limits also being the East boundary line of Oak Street; thence southerly along said corporate limits and along the East boundary line of Oak Street to inter- sect the South Boundary line of Section 25, Township 29 -South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., said point of Intersection being a .point in the corporate boundary as defined by City of Bakersfield, Ordinance' No. 1445 ,. New Series; thence, West "along the South boundary line of said Section 25 to the point of beginning. AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, NOES: COUNCILMEN: b/'r',-'~'I'U*'-~ .... ' __.- ABSENT COUNCILMEN: , ........ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN~ Co~f~l of ~he C~] of ~ke~ef~Leldo