HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 26-67~SOL~TXO~ ~0o. 26-67 ~RF~S~ the City Council in full session on September 18~ bu~ ~here re~in certain propertie~ which have not be~n ~cquired BE ~T F~~ MSOLVED ~ said proposed public ~i~h the grea~ee~ ~blic good and the leas~ private inju~, of Bakersfield ta authorized and directed to acquire of the City of Bake~sfields a fee simple es~a~ep or oZ ~he C~te= of the City of ~kersfiel~ the M~icipal Code of ~he 8it~ of ~kersfiel~ ~he S~reets and ~ig~aye Code~ Co~e of emin~ d~i~ and BE IT ~E~ ~$OLVED t~ ~he City A~o~ey is hereby au~brized and directed ~o cements proceedinEs for the acquisition of those prope~ie~ bordering South "H" Stree~ necessary for the aforesaid pu~ese of improving =aid Sou~h "H" Stree~ and BE ~T ~R~E ~SOLVED t~t for the purees of prepa~img~ counting and conchdinS said proceedings ~he City To re,in and hire experts and employ and use any other fe~ ~he con~nencement~ p=osecu~ion and conclusion of said To acquire in ~he name of ~he City of Bake=sf~eld by condea~ien ~ acco=~nce ~h ~he provisions of ~he C~r~e~ of ~he 8~y of ~sf~el~p the ~un~c~pal Code of ~he C~y of ~ke~field~ =he $~ree~ and Highways Code~ ~he Code of C~vil P~ecedu~e and oZ ~he Constt~u~ion of Callfetid rehti.ng to eminen~ d~~ all of ~he exls~inE improvements which are located pa~ll7 ~i~h~ and partial~y outside the bo~.~ries of said herei~f~er deee~ibed real prope~o To take possession at any t~e after the ~te possession e~ after f~l Jud~en~ in Comde~tion fo~ ~he pu~ose of ~ovinS To ~ke application ~o said cour~ for an order fixing the amo~ of such security in the ~ay of money deposits as said c~r~ ~y direc~ and for an order pe~it~inE the City of ~akers~ To ~e deposit of such sec~i~y out of proper f~ds fixed and de~emined~ and in such ma~er as said court in ~hich I~D"]~; COUNCILMEN:~ ...... ABSF-MT COUNCJLUJM ~ ~, ............. AB~TAtN~NG cou~,,;g:,g~..=Rt~ , ~ ,n