HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 20-67~,~GLUT~N ~o 20-67 A ESOLUT!ON OF THE COUNCEL OF THE CJ.T~' OF ~M%ERSFXELD FXNDINC AE DEC~XNG T~T A ~0~ P~O~ST ~S NOT BEEN EE A~ENST TE ~TEON OF BE~ON P~ NO o 8 TO ~ C~Tf O~ B~FXELD~ WE~P~EAS~ a ~ritten petition was filed wi~h ~he of the Cl~y of Bakermfield~ requesting th~ certain inhabited ~e~l~ory the=sin d~mc=ibed be snmexed ~o =he Ci~ of B~ke~sfield~ W~P~EAS~ by ~e~olu~ion No, ~o67~ ~he Co~cil of ~he in certain in~bi~ed ~erri~o~ com~igueu~ ~o said cl~ proposed b~ ~nnex~d ~o s~id clty~ for ~h~ pu~o~e of ~ubmi~ting q~li~ied slec~o~c ~eciding in smid ~e~i~o~ ~he ques~io~ o~ no~ ~mid te~ito~ s~X1 be ~nnexed to s~id ci~y~ ~~$~ ~ copy of said re~olu~ion wa~ publimhed required by la~ W~S~ said hearinE ~as continued for a period of ~eek~ in accordnee ~ith Section 35120 of ~he G~e~men~ Cede~ the~exa~lon Ac~ of 19~3~ reference thereto being mde for fur~]~er ..... M~ ~FO~ BE ITSSOLVED by-~he Co~cf~--o~ ~he-C~y the v~lue 0f.~he .......... oOo ..........