HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 19-67RESOLUTIOi~ NO o 19 - 67 RESOLUTXON OF INTENTION TO INCLUDE WITHIN TEE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPARATiOM OF ~DE DISM~T A PARCEL OF TE~I~Y DESIGneD AS NOo 1'~ AND SETTlinG ~ ~E A.~D P~CE FO~ ~ ING OBJECT~OMS ~ ~ 'INCLUS!OB] OF SA~D P~CEL OF ~ETO~Y WI~IN SAID D!STRIGT~ WHEREAS~ proceedings have b.een completed for the annexao tton of a certain parcel of unincorporated territory designated as g~estchester No o 1~g to ~he City of Bakersfield; and · WMEREAS~ a portion of said territory lies outside the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade Dtstrict~ and ~P~EEEAS~ Section 8290 of the Streets and Mighways Code of the State of California~ provides that the unincorporated terri~ory of a county ~?hich was not included within a separation of' grade district at the time of the formation of such district; and which subsequent ~o the formation Of such district is annexed to or othez%~ise included within a city which is a part of such shall i~edia~eXy upon such annexation ~o such city be included within ~he district and shall thereafter become a part of ~he dis~ric~ ~o ~he same extent as such city; except such portion portions ~hereof which ~he City Co~cil has determined~ wilX be benefi~ed by inclusion in ~he NOW~ ~EFO~ BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as l o T~at a description of ~he untnco~o~ed not included within ~he Greater Bakersfield Separation of G~ade District is as A parcel of land sit~te in ~he City of Bakersfield~ County of $~a~e of Califomla~ being a portion of Section 24~ To~ship 29 ~nge 2-7 Mas~ M~D,M~ also bein~-a-por~lom-of--Wes-~chesre~Mo-j~l A~exation as defined by City of Bakersfield Ordinance No, 1479~ New Series and be~jag more particularly described as 80~ncing at the most northwes~er!y corner of Tract No. 1387~ as per ~p recorded ~rch 2'6~ 1948~ in Book 6 of ~ps at page 104 the office of the Co~ty Recorder of said ~lem County, ~hence-~,es~erly ~long the wes=erly [~rolonga~ion of the north line of said Tract ~oo 1387 on a bearing of ~o 89°Z~,~15~ Wo ~ 1154,753 fee~ ~e ~he ~e pei~ of beg~nn~mg~ sa~d po~n~ of beg~mg being a poin~ on ~he ee~e=a~e bo~da~ as defined by Ordinance ~eo 1479 N~ Se=ies~ 917o898 feet~ T~EMCE (2) No55°50eSOQ~Eo to intersect the East line of the ~ 1/4 of said Section 24~ South along the East line of 'the ~ 1/4 of said Section 24 to intersec~ the Westerly prolongation of the Morth line of said Tract No° 1387o No89°44~iSQ~o~ alone the Westerly prolongation of the North line of said Tract Noo 1387 to the point of beginning~ 2o That Monday, the 17th day of April~ 1967, at the hour of 8:00 Po Mo, im the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 ~t~n Avenue~ Bakersfleld~ Califo~nia~ is ~he time when and the place where~ objections to inclusion ~ithin the district hod=do AYES: COUNCILMEN 8ALFANZ, DOOUN, HOSKING, ' LLs~NT Cou.~cI,j~E~, ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN~