HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-67RESOLUTION NO./16-67 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF NOMINATING MUNICIPaL ELECTION AND OF ELECTION HELD IN THE BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, a nominating municipal election in the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of electing councilmen in the Second, Fifth, and Sixth Wards and an election in the Bakersfield City School District for the election of three members of the Board of Education in said Bakersfield City School District was duly held on the 28th day of February, 1967, and WHEREAS, after notice duly given as required by law said election was duly held and conducted on the aforesaid date, and the returns of said election have been canvassed by the City Clerk pursuant to Resolution No. 11-67. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with Section 22932 of the Elections Code of the State of California, this Council does hereby resolve, determine and declare the results of said municipal election to be as follows: OF ag.g. VOTE~ AT THE NOMINATING MUNICIPAL HELD ELECTIOH February 28 19~67 IN CITY'OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA (When the City, Clerk makes the Offidal Canvass, he must ,' ! ~, : fill ,out/Certificate on back page~) ;/ ~ , ./. ELECTION PRECINCTS Mrst Ward Consolidated Precinct No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 Percentage 32.62 Totals, First Ward .: Second Ward Consolidated Precinct No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 Absentees ' Totals, Second Ward Percentage 53.65 A STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE I Councilman Councilman Second Ward Fifth Ward Z 62 64 48 43 96 77 119 .37 124 75 150 108 82 ~085 188 101 65 34 108 60 214 145 258 183 197 132 86 .....59 179 119 154 96 i142 92 104 72 12 16951105 82 30 47 68 74 64 27 59 ..... 57 50 31 6 595 Totals Carried Forward A D E · ~ F G H I J K L M P Q R S T B C D E~ F G H J ~ K ! J M N O P Q R S T NominatinE Councilman Sixth -Ward '~l~sentees ELECTION. HELD 'February 28th ,19 67 Member of the Board of Education FTRRT, ,WARD .................................. 37 42 20 25 25 26 36 41 32 30 20 21 '. 31 34 23 26 13 13 '. 11 14 21 35 19 13 43 48 34 74 20 15 19 26 36 69 14 15 32 61 33 113 18 35 17 18 17 24 15 10 46__69__48__86__35__59-- 20 33 18 62 20 17 33 37 67 126 34 68 38 55 26 99 38 27 36 45 29 76 13 27 399 523 404 845 284 346 104 121 80 66 71 44 39 40 25 26 23.27 63 77 45 44 36 21 137 147 78 60 96 55 .!_61_!77_1!!_ ._67_!~.~ __85 135 146 52 60 100 128 76 96 89 94 70 80 '11 '10 71 58 89 28 29 36 71 53 107 75 37 76 57 41 69 33 31 61 ~ 7 "14' 57 23 62 61 55 26 5 :037 ~76 678 519 816 521 ELECTION PRECINCTS Totals Brought Forward Third Ward Consolidated Precinct No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 .34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Totals, Third Ward Percentage 24.5755 Fourth Ward Consolidated Precinct No. 42 43 44 H 45 I 46 J 47 K 48 L 49 M 50 N 52 P 0 Totals, Fourth Ward R Percentage 25. 678 S T Totals Carried Forward STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE Councilman Second Ward Councilman Fifth Ward A B - C 89 D 115 E 74 Ft59 'G 121 H 89 I 1.14 j 117 K 111 L 115 M 61 N 50 O 78 P 81 O 52 R 61 S 75 A 1462 B C D E F G 51 39 22 66 110 f27 50 61.. 148 93 104· 871 Nominating Councilman Sixth Ward ELECTION HELD February 28th z ~ o o o ,j 41 62 43 26 60 Member of the Board 'of Education THIRD WARD .... 46 51 66 64 29 26 23 34.__38 51 49 22 24 28 27 38 40 45 40 41 39 53 63 51 35 61 52 53 25 29 36 25 30 27 32 20 32 62 53 35 65 68 38 49 33 34 52 56 54 30 53 77 86 ~9 3_1 65 50 61 41 25[ 58 60I 6259 35 65 56 36 22 261 30 35 19 10 30 '31 31__33. 38.__41 25 19 38 50 27 22 23 32 28 21 33 37 33 27 36 45 ,1967 762 793 623 484 722 796 FOURTH WARD 32 36 17 15 28 24 28 19 25 12 13 14 10 11 8 5 69 66 ............... ~ 83 85 19 27 35 37 117 120 60 63 53 63 550 589 303 242 483 318 38 23 90 49i 25 23 14 21 28 27 25 34 17 108 33 43 21 45 32 39 37 61 46 ELECTION PRECINCTS Totals Brought Forward FiRh Ward Consolidated Precinct No. Absentees Totals, FifthWard Percentage S;xth Ward Consolidated Precinct No. A B 53 C 54 D 55 56 F 57 G · 58 H 59 60 J 61 K 62 L 63 M N O 50.709 P Q R S T A B 64. C 65 D 67 F 68 G 69 H 70 71 J 72 K 73 L 74 M 75 N Absentees 0 Totals, Sixth Ward P Percentage 57. 006 Q Totals Carr;ed Forward STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE Councilman Second Ward Councilman Fifth Ward 4 8 120 177 188 190 139 103 .169 188 24 25 65 49 56 61 124 4 59 142 3 45 76 2 59 60 5 35 113 3 52 102 13 72 190 137 129 20 i1750 126 1 63 78 7 51 74 5 50 13 2 5 ~68 126 612 129 208 104 168 107 251 171 63 194 50 208 ,i786 R Nominating ELECTION HELD February 28th ,19 67 Councilman Sixth Ward B C D E F G 'H I J K L M N -_ ~ O P Q R S T A B C 100 D 169 E 80 F 48 G 56 ~ SeLt b ee H i J ~ M N O P Q R S T 0 28 5 _ O 120 I 5C, 99 8 878 93 0 79 12 15 2 4~ _ 79 5 117 17 1 32 0 109 12 38 862 Member of the Board of Education FZ H wknD ......................................... 41 60 52 75 64 88 67 130 1.12_.1.13. ~7 _62 123 133 72 79 63 72 105 119 113 120 107 129 57 68 80 48 80. 84 45 14 10 7 962 1~7 647 683 787 521 66 52 56 42 54 76 30 23 33 43 95__5~. 96 55 54 68 42 37 33 2r 42 92 62 69L 89 53__ 52 105 66. 55 75 44 45 66 49 10 5 6 61 58 51 96 4.L__56 93 113 65 77 150 172 88 97 41 4.4 45 90 26 31 94 169 38 40 5_~_83'_L_16 18 59 52 74 59 62 35 31 29 91 80 129 69 65 74 72 58 1_4___1_7 .....3_4 22 76 105 113 23 27 119 145 8 16 85 34 45 44 23 66 71 65 100 27 25 22 13 90 82 85 50 5 6 11 5 921 ~99 716 823 682 483 ELECTION PRECINCTS Totals Brought Forward Seventh Ward Consolidated Precinct No. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 Absentee Totals, Seventh Worel ' Percentage 16. 956 Totals Carried Forward A B C D E F G H J K L M N STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE Councilman Councilman Second Ward Fifth Ward O P Q R S T A B C D E 46 39 28 53 45 46 77 75 60 I27 i32 G H I J L M N Z ~ o ~ NominatinE ELECTION HELD February 28th ,19 67 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Councilman Sixth Ward Absentee Member of the Board of Education SEVENTH WARD ~ o ~ o ~ ~ Z 25 16 18 27 29 28 49 31 33 19 32 20 17 18 27 23 21 24 13 16 12___12___1_~,~ 1.4 10~__ 31 31 18 22 18 .. 32 19 19 22 14 27 18 17 18 24 46 26 29 41 33 46 36 301 3~___,3~ 37 21 21 35 23 "., 20 10 8 11 10 32 14 15 32 11 307 32.6 225 211 270 205 Q R S T A B C D E F G H J K Q STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE Councilman ~ Councilman Second Ward Fifth Ward ELECTION PRECINCTS Totals Brought Forward Outlying Precincts Outlying Precinct No. 1 C 120 2 D .212 3 E 178 4. F 26 5 G 92 6 H 26 7 I .95 s ~ 8s lo L 140 179 11 M I 12 N! 13 0,263 14 P 150 15 0 244 16 R [85 17 S 128 18 T 65 19 A 87 20 S 34 21 C 72 22 O 23 E 24 F ~138' 25 G 187 26 H ,150 27 ! ,176 28 J 15 Totals, Outl~ Pre~ih~ts Percentage 14. 656 ABSENTEE VOTE City of Bakersfield Totals Percentage of Total City Vote-35.96' K 32 L337~ M N 0 P Q R T 1105 595 4 8 ~ ~ ~ Z' 968 126 612 Nominatin~ ELECTION HELD February 28th ,1967 · E [ F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T Councilman Sixth Ward F A B C D E F G H I J K : i M N O P Absente ~78. 38 S 862 I i" Member of the Board of Education 42 66 46 99 30 67 93] 72 184 50 54 81 941 62 121 68 51 9 11 30 46 43 19 18 8 40 52' 40 44 401 40 80 87 71 111 117, 61 74 78.i 55 127 140i118 62!} 65 1181i 125 37 47 74 70 29 35 42 33 .14 18 34 39 32 31 69__6Ai 76 68 113 86 91! 126 123~ 13 11 66 15 47 5qL 53, 48 79!$ 77 47(~ 96 39 47 45 48 35 23 49 36 19 17 38 27 23 28 49__3.2 63 45 74 68 72 50 50 41 7.6 6 43 11 13 29 39 8 4 33 48 36 39~ 71 1~! t! .1526 28 35 60 59 106 69 77 80 143 144 73 93 135 133 · 45 36'. 63 '64~ · 28 27~ 34 55 10.19, 31 42I 19 18i 55 4.7; 7O 74 91 93 68 6C 99 32 1538 t[ ,! 6a67 7369!~49~B5236'15513 46~8 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK TO RESULT OF THE CANVASS .OF ELECTION. RETURNS State of California, ~ss. County of. ...... .K...E....R...N.. ................................... : ........................ /', ............... MAB.Ii~I...$. ....... IB..V..I,N. .................................................................................................................... City Clerk' of said City, do hereby certify that, in pursuance of the provisions of · Section 22932,,5 of the Elections Code and of the resolution of the governing body of said City, heretofore adopted and entered upon the minutes of said governing body, I did canvass the returns of the. vote cast in said City, at the .......................................................................................................... · ......... NO~ilNAT. ING....MIINI.CIP. AL ........................................................Election held on F. EBRIIARY...2.8 ...................... ,19.67....., for elective public offices, and/or for and against each measure submitted to the vote of the voters, and that. the Statement of the Vote Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the whole number of votes cast in said City, and the whole num- ber of votes cast for each candidate and/or for and against each meas- ure in said City and in each of the respective precincts therein, and. that the totals of the respective columns and the totals as shown for each candidate and/or for and against each measure are full, true and. correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this ........ ..2..n....d...~ ................day of (SEAL) City Clerk.. By ..................... .......: ......................................................................, Deputy. · (The above Certificaie iS t~ b.e used only when the governing body has ¢;rderod ~he City,Clerk to make the omclal canvass.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to the office of City Councilman for a full term of four years, as follows: WALTER F. HEISEY - SECOND WARD DR. RICHARD A. STIERN - FIFTH WARD and that the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to the office of Member of the Board of Education of the Bakersfield City School District, for a full term of four years: THOMAS W. (BILL) CURRAN ¢ WILLIAM H. MOORE, JR., M. D. BENNETT SIEMON o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of March, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM_~N BALFANZ, DOOL!N, HO31CNG p~¢, RUCKER ST r-P.N WHITTEMOR~. NO2~-: COLJ~4CILA~T.N: ' .... ._ ABZT~,~T COL H;2' ' ~BSTAINtNG COUNCILMEN: .......... .... ~"~ ~L~CL~K~' 'n f the ~. 2~ ~~.~-;'~ Council of the City of Bakers field. 0 . ~%PR VED:~is ~L~- day of ~ch, 1967 ~Y~ ~f ~he City~~f Bake~ld APPROVED: C]_TY AT~~ORNEY