HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-67PaSOLUT~ON NO o '15-67 WE~Sa the California Highway Commission has adopted resolution on September 19~ t958~ declaring of State Highway RDute 178~ fe~erly State ~ou~e 57~ in the ~ity of Bakersfield and Co~ty of Men, be~een M Street and of ~ing Drive ~o be a fre~ayZ and W~Ss on Sep~be= 5~ 1961 the County of Ke~ and ~he State of Califomla entered ~to a freeway agreeant cover~g ~hat pomtion of State Mig~ay Route 178 in the 8o~ty of Ke~ between the Eas~ ~lty L~it of Bakers field and 900 fee~ Eas~ of Mo~= Vernon Avemue~ and W~$, on Au~e~ 15~ 1961~ the County of [<e~ and the $~ate of Caltfo~ia entered into a fre~ay portion of Sta~e Mighway Route 178 in the County of Ke~ be~een 900 feet east of Mt~ Yemen Avenue and 4 miles east of M~ re,on Avemue; and ~~Ss on September 6~ 1966~ Mighway gouge 178 be~een Mo~t Vernon Avenue and 1300 feet eas~ of in~eres~s in real proper~y for ~he said fre~ay be~een Mo~t Venom Avenue and Oswell St~ee~ and ~~S, traffic from ~he freeway is raking conside~able use of ~he local streets at the temfnus of the consteered portion of the freeway a~ Mo~-t Ve~on Avenue~ and -- ~S~ i~ is the opinion of the City that there sufficient throuEh t~affic to justify the i~ediate extension of the freeway ~o Oswell {b} ~ the City Cle~k Is hereby directed to fo~ard ~o (2} cer~ified copie~ of this resolu~ion to the Depar~ent of ......... o0o ......... AYES, COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOL]N, ::O7:',C!N3, ~ RUCK~R, STI"-~N, WHITTHMOI~B, NOES: COUNCILMEN: ./-),-~.4cj,.,y~ o ,2 .......... ' ..... ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ( ~ ....... ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ / ........... AI'PP. OVED ~