HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-67I~$OLUI~OI~I NO o. 12-67 %~aE~$, pursuant to Division I Title 6 of ~he GovezTaent Gods of the State of California beEinning with Section 56000 and in particular Section 56195 authorizing an affected City to make application for a detachment of territory annexed 6o the city~ and W~M, said Ordinance No o 1639 No So ~ annexed certain inh~bited properties Go the City of Bakersfield commonly kno~% as nPlerce No. l~eD a fill description of said proper~y with a m~p attached is contained in said Ordinance No o 1639 No So which is ~a~ked euExhibit Aue and is attached to and made a part of this resolution the same as if it were set forth in full herein~ and WE~REAS~ said Ordinance Noo 1~39 No So became effective on the 19th day of September, 1966~ pursuant to the laws of the State of California 'and by virtue of said laws said ~errito~y. described in Ordinance Moo 1639 No So became a part of the City of ~akersfield~ and %~RFa~S~ all of said property is still contained in and a part of ~he North of the ~iver ~ec=eation and Park District° ~~8, ~eeolu~ion No. 66o~ adopted by the ~ern ~ounty Local Agency FoEsnation Commission~ approving the proposed annexation to the City of Bakersfield designated a8 "~Pierce No. 1~'~ se~ forth as a recommendation that upon completion of the annexation pro° ceedings would commence to detach the territory so annexed from the North of the River Recreation and Park District~ and ~- W~E~8~ all of the property o~ners ~ithin the annexed property commonly known as ~Pierce Noo l'D as heroinabove described have executed a consent to detach their properties from the No~h of the ~iver Recrea~ion and Park District 6o the City of Bakersfield~ ~eof ~he~eof being submitted in the fo~n of an afftda?~ of the ~l~ ele~k ~ked ~xhibi~ ~ and a~ached ~o and ~de a par~ of ~hi~ resolution the $~e as tf all ~he si~ed consents were set forth in full heroine and ~~$~ Division X, Title 6 of ~he Gover~en~ Code requires ~t the petition se~ forth the Affected County of and the other affected ~em Mosquito Abatemen~ District, ~e~ ~lver ~vee Dis~rict, ~nd the Bakersfield Separation of Grade MOWe· ~F0~ BE XT ~$OLVED by the Co~cil of ~he el~ of ~ker~fieldD as follows: Section X: ~a~ the City Co~cil of the City of fie~d he=~i~h eu~tts an application for detac~en~ ~egether with and Pa~k Dist~is~ and request ~hat proceedings be ~aken pursuan~ ~o Section 5e2~1 of ~he ~ove~ent Code to effec~ the c~mge- of or~anization proposed therein. Section 2~ ~e City Clerk is hereby directed ~o fo~ard a certified copy of ~his Resolution with ~$ a~ached exhibits ~o~ ~co Norman MeNames Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission Administration and Courts Building 3h415 Truxtun Avenue ~aker~field, California 'e~-ZP&4.S, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legis!at~are of '~he State of California.~ known as the '~Annexation Act of 1913" and pursuant to Resolu'~ion No 44°66 adopted by the Co'~ci! of the City of Bakersfield on the 5=h day of juiy~ 1966~ a special election was held on zhe 13th day of Sep~ember~ 1966~. in tha'~ certain inhabited ~erritory contiguous i:o the City of Bakers- field designated as ~'Pierce No. 1" and which is hereinaf~er more particularly described; and ~j~.P~.S at said special election the following question' was submitted to the qualified electors residing in said territory: $1'TAIL '~PV_ERCE NO o t'~ BE b3.~NDIED TO T[~E C!~'T OF Bz~)?,B!..;IELD AND T~Z ~h~DPER22~ iN SUCH ?ERRiTOR~r AFTER SUCH ~U~E]~!TiON~ SUBJ~?~C~jD TO T~J[~kTXON EQUALL~g Wi3i{ ~!E P~IOPE~%Tf WIT~ZN 9X~E Cirf OF E~kK~RSFIELD~ TO PAY T~I~Z ~ONDED IixtDEBTEDD~SS OF Cl?Z OF B~CERSFtEDD OUTSTAndiNG FOR T}~ ACQDISiTiDN~ COi~$~{UCTiON OR CO~TION OF K~iC!PAL ~ROVE~.~NTS? and ~'f~PjEAS= i~ appears from ~he canvass of the re~urns of the votes cas~ at said special election that a majority of all votes cast in said territory on the question of said m~exation and=he ass'~nption of said indeb~edness favor annexation upon the terms contained in the question submitted; and %:IfER%~.S~ i~ auue~rs that said special election and all proceedings relating thereto have been conducted strictly in accordance wiZh law~ _ ~{O_'W~ TI-I'R~tEFORE~ BE IT O...RD?.,i~.F~_'_ by; t~e_ Counc_i_l o.f. the .Cit~7 of Bakersfield, as follows: "EXHIBIT A" SECTION Io That the anne:~ation of t~ certain inhablCed territory contiguous to the City of Bakersfield designaGed as "Pierce No, 1" be and the same is hereby approved upon the terms contained in the aforesaid question which was submitted at the special election held on =he i3th day of NoVember~ 1966o Said territory is described as' follows: Description of a p~ircei of land to be annexed to the City of Bakers field and which is to be designated as "Pierce No 1" said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern~ State of California, 13, i~.~ 23, 24~ 25, and 26, Township and being a portion of Sections ~. 29 South, Range 27 Eas~ M. Do M. ~ and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most northwesterly corner of Tract No. !387~ as per nmp recorded M~rch 26~ 1948, in Book 6 of ~ps at pagel04 in ~he office of the County Recorder of said Kern County~ thence westerly along the ~ester].y prolongation of the nc~h line of said Tract No, 1387 89~ 44 15~ W.~ 1154.753 feet to. the =rue point on a bearing of No ~ ' of beginning~ said point of bagi~ming being a point on the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No~ i479 Mew Series~ continuing ~.yesteriy along the last named.prolongaCion~said prolongation also being the ~esterly prolongation of the north llne of 34th Street~ of 82,5 feeC in width~ as said 34th Street is shown on the ~'~ap of the City of Bakersfield" recorded ~oven~er 25~ 18~8~ tnDook i of Z4aps at pages 13 and 14 in the office of the said.County Recorder, and along ~he corporate bounder.7, to intersect'the left or eas~ bank of ~he Xera Rive '~ as described in the Charter. of the City of Bakersfield~ ra~ified and approved January 23, 1915; "thence meandering southwesterly along said east bank of the Kern River Co i~.s intersection with the eas~ line of Oak S~:ree~_~" of 82.5 feet in wid~h~ as sho~m on the said ~F~ap of the City of Bakersfieldn; TI.~NCE ( 3 ) southerly along the said east line of Oak Street and along' the corpora~e bounda~ as defined by ~he said Charter~ to in~e~ect Course (3)of Ordinance No, 1472 New Series; '~.%=~MCPI (4) S.52°01"10'~4., 249.43 feet along said Course (3); TP~MCE (5) S.32°11~20"Wo~ 283.48 fee'~ along Course (2) of said Ordinance No, 1472 New Series ~o intersect the northerly right of way line of State High%yay Route VI-Ker-58; THENCE (6) S.73°25~20"E°, 360.61 fee= along Course (!)"b~f said Ordinance No, ~1472 Hew Setlea =o intersect the aforesaid east line of Oak Street~ o THENCE (7) southerly a'long the said east line of Oak S~ree~ and the extensions thereof and along the corporate boundary as d~fined by ~ha~ Special Election held ?.,'i~rch 219 1939~ and ~,~hich results were certified by ~he Secre~a~ of State on F~rch 28~ 193~, to in'~ersect the southerly bout. defy of said Sectto~l 25~ said poin~ of interJect!on being a poln~ in the co~oraee bo~dary as defined by Ordinance NO. 1445 Ne~7 Sertes~ ~CS (8) along 'the follo~ing 12 courses of said Ordinance No. 1445. Ne~ Series: westerly along said southerly bo~da~ of Sec'~ion 25 to ~he southwest corner ~hereof~ being ~ourse (38) of said Ordinance~ ~NCE fg) iq~89o85~56~'W~ ~ 32~06 fee~ along the southerly bounda~ of said Section 26~ being Copse T~CE (10) N.i~42~08'eE. ~ 47.88 fee~, being Course (36)~ ~MCE (11} along Course (35): N.81~33~43'~.~ 172'.19 feet to the begi~ing of a tange~t cur~e; a radius %~0 tc g~O%C · ' 4~11 04~'~ an a~ distance of 32,14 fee~ being Course ~NCE (13} from a ~amgen~ which bea~s M.'81~07'02'~., wes=erly along a cu~e~ concave ~o =he sou~h ~vin8 a radius of 440 fee~ ~hrough a central .angle of .6~57 ~07~' ~ an. arc distance -of 52~34 fee'~ to a point of ~angency, being Course ~Z~CB (14) along Course (~2): ~.88~04~09'%}.~ 319.14 f~e~ ~o .~he beglrming of a non-~angen~ T~NCE (15) nor~h~es~tly along said cu~ve~ concave to ~he nor~h~as~ ~vin~ a radius of 225 fee~ ~hrough a cenzral angle of 43~27 01"'am arc dis'~ance of 170~63. fee~ '~o a ~angen~ x~hi~h b~ars N,44°37'~08~ W. ~ being' Course (31) ; T~ICB (16)N,3O~36~O0'~q,, 102,77 fee~ being Co~rse Tt~M~B (i7) N,18°52 ~52'~,, 256.28 feeZ~ being Course (29); ~ZNCE (18) ~,22~i4~1i~'W. ~ 335,.04 fae~, b~ing co~rse (28); ~1~!c~ (19) ~.19°00~23~4., 10,66 fs~ being Course (27)~ to ~h~ southerly righ~ o~ way line 'of ~he Atchison, 'Topeka 'and Santa Fe ~ilway; ~ZR~E (20) D~.89°lO~14'~W,, 282.89 f~e~ b~ing a po~=ion of Course along ias~ named sou~he=iy right. of way line tO' in~ersece ~he w~s~erly righ~ of ~ay line ~f S~aZe 'Higb.z. yay R~u~e 99 (Vi-tCe~-99) (formerly Sza~e R~u~e ~NCE (2!) northerly along last n~ed ri~t of way line~ departing courses of las~ named Migh~ay Rou~e:. M. 313,24 fee~ ~o in~ersec~ ~he northerly ~igh~ of way line of =he Arcbison,' .Topeh and Santa Fe ki.~NCE {22) N.SD°!O~14~W, ~ 74,72 T[DF, NCE (23) tq,15°57~26'~,~ 82,04 feet~ .~:EEZE (24} N.17°31'Ol~:W..~ 290°29 fee~z~ Ti-~INCE {25) N,8o23~59L~W,~ 175.89 feet~ Ti-~NC-'F, (26} iq.12°55~22~%q0,184°67 feet.~ 307°80 ~eet.~ (28) I~L5°48~Wo~ 306°44 feet~ Ti~NCE (29) ~o3°00~37~%7o~ 357o28 feet..~. %YZNCE (30) N.0°28~2F'~Eo~ 551o93 feet; Tb.'~NCE (31) N,8°29~I4~W°~ 202,24 (32) No3°BD~07"M,, 678.76 feet; TI'~=ENCE (33) No6°!6~38e:Mo ~ 228o91 feet.~ TI~iCB (34) Mo4°!2:12'~W.~ 186o04 fee~; (35) No24°40~38~1°, 540°38 feet to a point on a cur~ye~ v~hich poin~ the radial center bears S.62°07~41~°, dis taut 145 feet ~ from northwes~sriy along said cuz~e through a central angle of 55°37e55': an arc distance of 140o79 feet to a point on the cu~e~ from ~hich the radial cente~ 5ea~s S.6°29~46 ~., distant 145 feet; T~i~iCE (37) No85°03~24'~W. ~ 364°94 faet~ T~MCE (38) N°86°12'12~:Wo 30°20 feet; (39) M.0°bB~08~'E.= 106o42 feet to int.ersect the ~ortherly boundary of said Section 26~ said northerly boundary being the center line of Rosedale Highway~ of 85 feet in width; TilENCE (4i) $ogg°06'~lbe~E°~ 154,94 feet~ Ti{ENC~; (42) No85°46~i3~'E,, 265,14 feet ~-RT, DT,'3E (43) NoZ:.5°48'0!'~E.~ i4i°&2 feet; Ti~i~fCM' (44} No27°42'~bO~'E° ~ 358,9! fast; Tl~.q'CZ (45) NoS°!6~12""Eo~ 419o31 feet; (46) No3°51~27'~E 300.66 feet; 502°03 feet~ o Tqt~b~'CE (48) N.0°02~36"~., 300.00 fce~; ~N-CE {49) N.O°45~B4~E.., 400.03 feef~; %~!Zt~CE (50) iq 2°10~00'"E~ 800 09 fee~ to a point on a curve, from ~.~hich Doin'~ the radial cen~e~" bears lq,88o31~47~j, - ~ dis=ant 29,905 fee~ D T'i:~I:.~CE (5t) nozcther!y along said curve~ concave to the ~.~est~ through a centz"al angle of 0°43~21" an arc distance of 377,20 feet to a point on the curve~ from x. Lqich the radial center bears iq,89°!5~08~Wo~ dis~an~ 29~905 feet; .T~CE (52) No0°57'34~o 388 36 from ~htc~ ~he radial distant .740 fee~; nor~chwesterly along said curve= concave to ~he through a central angle of i6602~24n an a~c distance of 207o!6 feet to a point~ from ~hich the radial cen'~er bears So73°00~02w~4o~ distant 740 feet; along. a non-tangent coup-so ~]°17°52~57'%~'o~ 420.79 feeC~D the begiz~cng of a '~angent curve; northerly along said cu~ve~ concave to the east~ through a cen~z"a.:i anSte of !0°09~01~ an arc distance of 146,15 feet to a point on the cu~ve~ from which the radial cen~er bears ~,82°i6~04~'Eo said arc being Course (3) of paragraph (b) of Pa:~cei !~ in a Seed recorded Octobez' 23~ 1963~ in Book 3656 at page 457 of Official ~cordD of 8aid Keza departing from the westerly righ~ of ~qay !ine~ s o89°!oe16"E,, 5!5~57 fee~ along a potation of Gourse (4) of las= p~d deed~ to in~ersec~ the easterly rlgh= of way line of said Uo So Migh~,zay route 99-Bypass~ 17,10 feet; No12°27"07nE° 222°45 fee~ to a point in the wes~er!y right of ~,~ay ~.ine of Cou.nt~y B. oad No. 2385, also ~. Pierce ~oad; along said %~yesterly right of way line the following 12 courses: $~S8°17~O0~'~go ~ 7~,76 feet; Ti-~]CE (6!) S,43°45~32"E° 46~72 feet; T~.Y3~biCE (62) S,1O°O3~ig'"g,~ 152o05 , 84°08 fee'~ to intersect the southerly bourn. defy of said Section 14~ (64) $,89°lO~i6~ra~. 120~0~ fee~ to intersect the easterly right of ~,~ay line of said Count- Road ~No° 2385~ TI~ac~CE (65) N.0°38~32~%i,~ 268o18 feet to ';"he begir~ing of a tangent curve~ from x.~hich the radial center bears No89°2I~28'~Eo ~ distant !020 feet; (66) northeasterly along said cuTve, concave to ~he southeast~ 5!~24 feet to a ?~o'].r~t of tang~ncy~ from ~'hich the radial 'F.~Z.~'CE (70) ~,~.44°46~35~Wo~ 52.20 fee't~ (71) i~o32°22'~37~o ~ 90.89 feet to a point in the ss,utherly right of way line of State l. ii~:~my Route 204B ~_~.qCE (72) easterly along sa~d sou';~herly. right of ~Tay line the fo.!icz:~ing 7 courc~Gs.' ~.4Z:.°57~O6~E.~ !85.26 feet; Ti:Zi-ICE (73) t.~oS!°58e53':Eo~ 303°49 feet~ T~;~CE (74} No75°OS~AT~E 98°40 fee~ 17.,-~lC~ (75) .5o64.°10~21'~E.~ 300°67 feet; : o 353°56 feet to the begit~%ing of a non- TDZigCE {76) S°eT°50'~03~E , · %" c radial center bea~s tangeni.~ c~rve~ Lore ~.yhi h 'ache ~,29°38~30~,~ distan'~ 7000 feetl easterly aloD. g said curve, concave to the south~,ms~ ~hrough a central angle of 13°05~30" an arc distance of i599,45 fee~ ~o a poin~ of =~angency~ from ~rhich ~he radial center bears $~42°44-~0O~W,~ dis'~an~ 7000 fee~ So55°50~50~"I~1o~ 591o96 feet along Course (3) of las~ named Ordinance; So!9°04~4.0~o, 917°898 fee,~ along Course (2) of said last na~ed Ordinance to the point of beginning and containing 703,96 acres of !and~ 'more or lasso passed and adopted by the Cc,~.nci! of <jhe Oit~ of Bakers field at a re~.iaz' ntee~ing thereoE held on the 19~~ day of Sept~ber~ 1966~ by ~he fotto~ing~vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, ':<G.3KfNG, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN!. pOOP, OR%G%NAL ~e, rian S. iz~zin Council of the City of Bakersfleld APPRDVED this ~=19t~=h~ day. of Septe~oer~ 1965 ~3PS. OVED ~ ~enneth W~ belmg fi~s~ duly $~e~s depose and say ~ha~ as of ~he 16~h day of geb~ary~ 1967~ X ~v~ ex~imed and now ~ve in my poseessien ~he si~ed consents ~o the de~ac~en~ of ~Plerce No~ l~e~ from ~he of the ~i~er ~ec~ea~ion and Park Dis~ric~ of all ~he property o~e~$ ~hose lands co~oee tMt parce~ of land co~only referred Subscribed and.$~oz~ to before me ~hi~ 16~h day of Febz~a~y's 1967 POOR ORIGINAL of ~ez~a~ $~a~e of Oaliformia AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, P-'~[~, RUCKER, STIERN, WHI't'fgMc}P'i~'' NOES: COUNC!LMEN: r,._ /')q_//~ J ............. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ..... .~, ABSTAiNiNG COUNCILMEN: C~/'9,-R.,/~ -/'