HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-67P SOLUTXON NO ~P~G P~NS A~D SP~CIFICA~ONS~ ~OV~NT D%S~CT OF S~D~AL~S ~D NECESSARY W~LS ALONG WILSON ~OAD~ AMTON~ WAY~ AND ROSALIA DRIVE BE~EN "M'~ S~ET~ WMERFAS~ the City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield~ in compliance wi~h the order of ~his City Council of said city, has submitted to the City Council a careful estimate of the costs and expenses of work contemplated in Public Improvement District Noo 819~ plan~ .ae~ignated~Plan and Profile for Public Improvement Dist~ic~ Mo~ 819~consis~ing of three sheets~ n~bered I to B inclusive}~ specifications designated ~Specifications ~ Public I~rovement Distric~ ~o~ 81~and a ~p desi~ated ~Map of Assessment Dis~:'cict eho~ing the boundaries of ~he territory to be benefite~ by 'sai~.- ~orl~ and to be aceeaSed to pay ~he cost-and e~ense of said ~o:~k~ and ~~S~ after due consideration thereof~ this City ~pecifications~ eoe~ .e~ti~tes and ~p of the district ~o be' 1~ Said e~t~ate~ plans and specifications are here~my ~pp~oved and are ordered to be filed with ~he ei%y ' ' ' 2~ ' Said ~p of ~he assessmen~ dis~ric~ is hereby approv~d~ ~ae ~i~y ~lerk is hereby directed to endorse he~ certificate on the origir~a% and a copy of said ~p of ~he a~sess~ent district evidencing the adoption o of the resolution of intention to file the original of said map in the office of the City Clerk and file said copy ~qith the Cotsty Recorder of the County of Said plans and specifications~ estimates of cost and district ~p are for the followin~ ~rovement The construction of sidewalks and re~aining %~alls on lots 1 to 59 inclusive of Tract Moo 1541 and lots 1 to 6 inclusive of Tract Moo 1577~ City of Bakers field ~ along Wilson ~oad~ ~tom~ Way~ Do~ian Drive~ Rosalie Drive~ ~'Kn Street All of the above described work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of the '~lmprovemen~ Act of 1911~ being Division 7 of the Streets and ~ighwaye Code p~e~ed and adopted by ~he Council of the City of Bake,rsf~eld ~ a =e~l~ meeting ~he~eof held on ~he 30th day of january~ X967~ by the following ve~e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BALF , DOOLIN, HOSKING, F~-~', RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: %r_.~ ~./ ' ABSENT COUNCILMEN: .~-~,~' ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~arian So Xrvin 'CXT'f ~L!~:a,P~ and" ~f~~~~ Council of the City of Bakersfield APPP~OV~D thi~;~,$Qth day of January~ --~_%:-, ^ - ,, , APP2OV~D ~ ' "': '."" ":':: . ". .....' i: "-. ""' ' d.