HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-67~%~©LIr~Y~)N ~T~o 7-67 XN SAXD E~X~ ~ QUESTXON ~THE~ SAXD E~FXE~ AND FXXXNG A T~E ~ P~G WF~N BE ET ~SOL~ by the Council of the Cf~y of Bakersfield: SECTXON 1o That it is the in~ention of the Council of ~he Oily of Bakersfield to call smmexed ~hereto~ for the pu~ose of submitting ~o the ~.ualifiea electors residhg in slid ~erri~ory ~he question whether ~atd ~err~te~ B~ke~gfle~d~ ~o pay ~he hemdad indebtedness of the City of Bakers~ field ou~standimg fo~ the acqutsition~ coms~ction or completion ~rked Exhibl~ A~ and ~de a par~ hereof~ SEC~O~ 2. ~t said ~errito~y i~ hereby desi~ated and identified for a~ such election of F~ch~ the Cl~y ~1~ 150~ Tmxt~ Avenue~ Bakersfield~ Califomiav any pe~on o~lmg real p~operty within said territory so proposed should not be so annexed° Such protest mu~t be filed in writing no~ later than the hour set for hearing objections to the election~ and shall state in general Germs the name or names of the o~ne~ or o~nere of the property affected and the location and area of such p~ope~yo $~CTION 4o That the City Clerk shall certify 6o ~he adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be published once a ~eek for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the territory proposed to be annexed, or, if there is honed in a ne~spaper of general circulation published in the city° AYES: COg- N.CIL/~EN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, ~ RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. I~OES: COUN~LMEN: ~-{,~j._.~/ j ..~BSENT COUNCILMEN: ,.~'~ AI~IAINJNG COUNCILMEN: ~ . Council of the City of ~ake~field Description of a parcel of land'~ to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and which is to be designated as "BENTON PARK NO. 8", said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the ·County of Kerfi, State of California, and being a portion of Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M: of the N.~r. 1/4 of Said Section 12, being a point on the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1473 New Series and along the following 5 courses . . . of said'Ordinance No. 1473 New Series; ':. :.':~ THENCE (1) eas{erly alohg the north line of the So 1/2 of the N.W. 1/4 of .' .' '': ~ .... the S°W. 1/4 of the N oWo 1/4 and along the north line of Tract ." Noo 2215 as said Tract No. 2215 is shown on the map recorded ' '." ":::"'i" " June 25, 1959 in Book 10 of Maps at page 170.in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, to the northeast " · . corner of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 2215 (being Course 6 of last .....'...:: named ordinance); ... :.. THENCE (2) northerly along the westerly terminus of County Road N0. 2'08 3'~ ' · ." ' "',.i.'. known as Lure Avenue, of 60 feet in width, to intersect the north line of said Lure Avenue (being Course 5 of said Ordinance)~ ..... easterly along the said north line of Lure Avenue a distance of'. 40 feet, more or less, to intersect the west line of the east : '. ~.'.i.'::- 264'feet of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 12.' ~,~,~ .... · "?'.:' (being Course 4 of' said Ordinance); 1 northerly along the last named west line a distance of 300 fe'et~ .... " ,..! more or less, to intersect the north line of the S.W. 1/4 of the "'::i.'..: N.W. 1/4-of said Section 12 (being Co .u~,.se 3 of said Ordinance)~ .... · . ". .~... . '. 'easterly along last named noah line and the noah line of the .. :'f..~ 'f '~'.]';": . ~..:... S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 12 to the noaheast ' .':.'. corner of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section '12 (being. · Co~es~ and 1 of said Ordinance); :. ,.':...... .. :'.'-(~::' so, utherly along the east line of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 1/4 of ' ':...;." said Section 12, and along the cormrate boundary as defined '. ..' "':. "".~:f".~ by Ordinance No. 1107 New Series, to intersect the noah ' ." ',', """E '. line of the South 30 feet. of the N.W. 1/4 of said ~ctien 12;: .' '..'. ' -F "- ~.. .. ,,.~, '~'~' ~.,....~ ~ .~, . . ... .... '-1- ' ' "' ':.'.'Lig' . . .- . , . ..:-.'. ' ,,' ",".' ,, .~, ..~~. '..~. ' ~ ~'..' .... : .- " ", ..... . .......,.. . ... ... ' . ' .... '........,,.. ..~ · ....:, ~... . ' ~... .: :.: '...L .. '-.. ... ".L'...,. . . T rSN CE (3).. TS'EN CE. (4) · TSSNCE (5) T -r -NCE (e) THENCE (7) THENCE THENCE (9) THENCE THENCE (il) THENCE THENCE THENCE (1. 4) THENCE (lS) THENCE THENCE westerly along last named north line and along the corporate" ': ... boundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1330 New Series, to '. a point distant 307.85 feet easterly ofthe most southerly southeast corner of Tract No. 1833 as said corner is shown :,.. on the map recorded June 9, 1955, in Book 8 of Maps at ...... ....... page 200 in the office 'of the said County Recorder, said point being the southeast corner of the annexation defined - by Ordinance No. 1465 New Series and along. the following "./.-'/.~ .... '.C' 3 Courses of said Ordinance; .. N.00'O4'.38"E , 253.00 feet along the east line' of said ' . . .'.. annexation to the northeast corner thereof (being Course 3' ':,..' .~. of said last named Ordinance); ': N.89°55'22"W., 307.85 feet along the'north line of said ..: q' ,.. :. annexation to the northwest corner thereof (being Course 4 of said Ordinance); ./.. S.0°04'38"W., 253.00 feet along the west line of said ' ":." annexation to the southwest corner thereof, said corner being '.' a point in the aforesaid north line of the south 30 feet of the "'f': N.W: 1/4 of said Section 12, and being a point on the corporate" .... .. . westerly along the last named north line, and along the - "~;' · .!:~. following 7 courses of last named Ordinance, to the southeast . '.. .. ·.,..!, corner of Tract No. 2400 as said corner is shown· on the map. ' ,: ,.. '.' ... rec6rded July 13, 1961, in Book 12 of Maps at pages 24 and 25 in the office of the said County Recorder; ~.~.,.~.;.~&~ .,.!:~. ... ..~!.! N.0°02'10"W., 278 27 feet along the east boundary of said "' · Tract No. 2400 to the southwest corner of the "sump location"~ : .": : ,"[' 7 ':'j..'.' So89eS6'lS"E., 143.35 feet along the south line of the sump · .. . ..,.,., to the southeast corner thereof; -,. ~ . ~.. · " N.0"02'10"W., 60.00 feet along the east line of the sump ... :..i.=. to the northeast corner thereof; ' N. 89 "56' 18"W., 143.35 feet along the north line. of the sump ' to intersect the east line of said Tract No. 2400; .:.i-: .... No0.°02'10"W., 292.00 feet along the last named east line .~":'~.~'=i~.!~: : :. '.~; to the northeast corner of said Tract No. 2400, said northeast corner being a point in the north line. of the S. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 ,':.':,f of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 12; -. ":.". westerly along the said north line of Tract No. 2400, ~fnd the ' ';"" north line. of the S. 1/2 of the S.W. !/4 of the N .W. 1/4 of said Section 12, and the north line of the S. 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of said Section 1!, as_de_fined _b_y.__O_rd_inances No. " 1330 and 1397 New Series, to intersect the west line of the east 30 feet of said Section 11~. THENCE (is) T n NCE, (19) T ZNCE (20) .TH'ENGE .(21) THENCE (22) THENCE (23) THENCE (24)'. THENCE (25) THENCE (26) THENCE (27) southerly along the last named west line to intersect the south line of the N. 1/2 of the N. 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 of ' said Section 11; ...,;.i: easterly along last named south line and the south line of the N. 1/2 of the N. 1/2 of the S.W. 1/4 of said Section 12, .~, and along the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinances · ..' i. 1397 and 1276 New Series, to intersect the west right of '... - way line of Agate Street, of 60 feet in width, as said Agate' Street is shown on the map of Tract No. 2335 recorded March 24, 1960 in Book 11 of Maps at page 63 in the office of .t.he said County Recorder, said point of intersection also. . being the n6rthwest corner of an annexation designated "Coronado No. 4" approved May.21, 1963, by ResolUtion ". ..~!::'.' 63-213 of the Board of Supervisors of said Kern County~ ' '~ ."!~' southerly along the west line of said "Coronado No. 4" to intersect the north line of Tract No. 2521 as shown on the map recorded July 12, 1961, in Book 12 of Maps at pages 19, . .:...~ 20 and 21, in the office of the said County Recorder; ....'./.?~'~..' :.,: N.89°54'lT"W., 115.36 feet along the north line of said ... .. Tract No. 2521, and along the corporate boundary as ·defined '~ ::~'' "~ of'said Tract No. 2521; -' .' . ... . . S.0e0:l'52"E., 660.4'4 feet along the west line of said Tract ';--.~' ..~i~'~. corner being a 'point on the~'no~h line of Tract No. 2438 as ~.~ & ,..~: shown on the map of said Tract No. 2521; ~ . ""~-.~:'-: .. N.89°53'44"W., 3.67 feet along ~he 6orporate boundary as ~ .:f?:.. defined by Ordinance No. 1327 New Series and along ~he ' noah line of Trac~ No. 2438 to the noahwest corner of said '~: '- Tract No. 2438 as shown on the map recorded November 17~ ' .':.:"7 1960 in Book 11 of Maps at page 134~,in the office of the ~ .. said County Recorder; southerly along the wes~ line of said Tract No. 2438 and the southerly e~ension thereof to intersect the south line ' -'.. :'.' of the noah 30 feet of said Section 13; ~"~' .:. easterly along last named south line ~o intersect ~he no~herly prolongation of the eas~ line of E1 Potrero Lane of 60 fee~ in width as said E1 Po~rero is shown on the map of Tract No. 2263 . recorded April 7, 1960, in Book 11 of Maps at page 74 in'the "' :,'.' office of the said County Recorder, said east line of E1 Po~ero -: . being the west line of Lot 2 of said Trac~ No. 2263; ~.. :~. . '..~' S.0~02'41"E. 188.82 feet along ~he said no~herly prolongations: ~ .:' ~he west line of said Lo~ 2 and along ~he corporate .~unda~ as defined by Ordinance No. 1355 New S~i~_ ~O ~he sQUthwe~. ...:. corner of said Lo~ 2; "~. N.89e57'19"E., 1'69.74 feet along the south line of said Lot 2 to the ;outheast corner thereof , -3- (28) THENCE (29) N.0002'41"~Ar., 188.42 feet along the east line of said Lot 2 and the northerly prolongation thereof to intersect the aforesaid south line of the north. 30 feet of said Section 13; 'easterly along the last named south line and along the corporate boundary as defined by said Ordinance No. 1327 New Series,· .I to intersect the east line of the west 250 feet of the E. 1/2. of .· said Section 13; THENCE (30). THENCE (31) THENCE (32) northerly along last named east line and the east..line of the west 250 feet of the E. 1/2 of said Section 12 to intersect the north-line of the drainage sump shown on the map of Tract No. 2687 recorded November 13 ~ 1962, in Book 13 of Maps at pages 79 and 80 in the office of the said County Recorder, said point of intersection being a point on the corporate boundary as defined by'Ordinance No. 1428 New Series~ S.89°54'02"E., 10.35 feet along the north line of said sump to -. the southeast corner of Lot 19 ~ Tract No. 2687 (being Course 5 of said Ordinance); N.28°23'.S9"E., 120.12 feet along the east line of said Lot 19 to the northeast corner thereof (being Course 4 of said Ordinance) '- said corner being a point on.a curve, concave to the east, from which the radial center bears N. 28~23'39"E., distant 90 feet;'!. THENCE (33) THENCE (34) THENCE (35) · TB'SNCE (36) THENCE (37) northerly along said curve through a central angle of 91 o 16 '30" an arc'distance of 143.37 feet to a point of reverse curve from which the radial center bears N.60olg'51"V~r., distant 25 feet (being Course 3 of said Ordinance); . northerly along said curve, concave to':the west, through a ,central angle of 29°35'31'' an arc distance of 12.91 feet to a point of tangency in the west line of Durrwood Street, of 60 feet in width (being Course 2 of said Ordinance);, N. 0e04'S8"E., 342.45 feet along the said west line Of Driftwood. Street (being Course 1 of said Ordinance No. 1428 New Series 'and Course 5 of Ordinance No. 1360 New Series:to a point; along the following 3 courses of said Ordinance No. 1360 New Series as follows: S. 89~55'22"E., 867.00 feet; S.0~04'38"E., 62.91 feet to a point on a curve from which the radial center bears S.40e40'26"E., distant 260.99 feet~, -i THENCE (38) northeasterly along said curve, concave to the southeast through a central angle of 40~46'24" an arc distance of 185.73 feet-to intersect the' easterly line of the W. 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 12; THENCE (39) .northerly along last named 'easterly line and along the corporate ... boundary as defined by Ordinances No. 1360, 1312 and 1259 New Series to intersect the south line of the north 30 feet of the S.E. 1/4 .' of said Seotior~ 12; -4- THENCE (40) THENCe. (41) THENCE (42) THENCE (43) THENCE (44) THENCE (45) THENCE (46) THENCE (47) THENCE (48) TmSNCE THENCE (S0) easterly along last named south line and along the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No, 1021 New Series to intersect the east line of the west 369,15 feet of the E. 1~2 'of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 12; " S.0°00'52"E,, 370,40 feet along'last named east line, said .. east line being the west line of a parcel of land deeded to the County of Kern by deed recorded April 12, 1960 in Book 3260 . .: ./. at pages 659 and 660 in the Official Records of said Kern County; to the. southwest corner of said parcel (being COurse 7 of Ordinance . .. '. No. 1.3.76New Series); '...i." · along the following 7 Courses of said Ordinance No. 1376 New Series: N'.89°53'30 E., 299.65 feet along the south line of ' : said parc61 and the easterly prolongation thereof to intersect . ' the west line of Lot 28 of Tract No. 2385 as said Lot is shown .. .~i~..'; on the map recorded April 1, 1960 in'Book 11 of Maps at page 66 '!!.~'~ in the Office of the said County Recorder; " "" :~" .~..~; N 0°00'30"W., 334 93 feet along the west line of said Lot 28 to the beginning of a tangent cu~ve, having a .radius of 20 feet;' ."" point of tangency in the south line of the noah 45 fe'et of. S.E. 1/~ of said Section 12~ · ..~ -~. S. 89~55 '22"E., '560· 00 feet along last named south line, being the south right of way line of Wilson Road, ~o the beginning of :"" a tangent cu~e having a radius of 20 feet; '~' - southeasterly along said cu~e, concave to the southwest, t~ough .-~'~'~ a central angle of 89~54'52'' an arc distance 'of 31.39 feet to a ... point of'tangency in the west line of the ..east 55 feet of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 12; . . . .~.. . ..~ ~.~:- S.0~00'30"E. ~ 812.53 feet along last named west line ~o intersect the .south line of said Tract No. 2385; " S.89°55'22"E.., 25 00 feet along last named south line to intersect :. the west line of the east 30 feet of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 12 · (being Course 10 of said Ordinance 1376 New Series); southerly along last named west line and ~he west line of the east ':"' 30 feet of said Section 13, being the west right of way line of " South H Street, of 60 feet in width, and along the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinances No. 89'8 and 1'322 New Series, to intersect the south line of the N, 1/2 of Lot 1 in said Section 13, as said Lot 1 . ':'~'i is shown onthe "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of l- Bo ' Haggin", filed for record May 3, 1889, irn the office of the said County Recorder; westerly along last named south line and along the corporate bounda~-y defined by said Ordinance No,. 1322 New Series to intersect the west line of said Lot 1; " -5- THENCE (S 1) 'THENCE. (S'2) THENCE- (53) THENCE .(54) THENCE (55) THENCE (S6)+ THENCE (s7) THENCE (ss) THENCE (69), THENCE (60). THENCE (61) THENCE (62) THENCE (63) northerly along the said west line of Lot 1 and along the corporate boundary 'as defined by Course 2 of Ordinance No. 1362 New Series, to the northwest corner of Lot 1, said northwest corner being a point in the south' right of way line of Planz Road, of 60 feet in width; along the following 3 courses of~said Ordinance No. 1362 .. New Series: westerly along the north line of Lot 3 in Section 1'3 to intersect the west line of the east 300 feet of said Lot 3; southerly along last named west line to intersect the' south line of said 'Lot. S; easterly along the said south line of Lot S and the sout~ line of Lot 2 as defined by Course 5 of said Ordinance No. 1362 New Series ahd Ordinance No. 132-2 New Series to intersect the west line of the east 30 feet of said Section 1S, said west line being the west right of way line of South H Street, of 60 feet in width;" .. southerly along the said west line, said line being the east line of Lot 15 of "Lands of I- B. Haggin" 'in said Section 13, and along the corporate boundary as defined by Ordinance No. 1491 New Series, to the southeast corner of. said Lot along the ·following 14 courses of said Ordinance No. 1491 New Series: "v~sterly along the south line of said Lot 15 and the south line of the N. 1/2 of Lots 14 and 13 of "Lands of l. B. Haggin" of said Section 13 ~ to intersect the west line of said Lot 13; .. southerly along said west line to intersect. a line parallel with the south line of the N.~Ar. 1/4 of said Section 13, said parallel line passes through the northeast corner of Parcel "A" of'Altered . Map of Tract No. 2263 as said Parcel "A" is shown on the map recorded October 8, 1962, in Book 13 of.Maps at pages 57 and' 58 in the office of the said County Recorder; · ~,F~,~.~& ... westerly along said parallel line to the said northeast corner "' of Parcel "A"; N.89°41'16"~Ar., 200. feet along the north line of said Parcel "A" to the northwest corner thereof, said corner being a point on a curve, from which the radial center bears S. 89°41' 16'"E.'~ distant 1342.82 feet; ,. southerly along said Curve, concave to the east, through a central angle of 0° 15 '34'' an arc distance of 6.08 feet to a point; N..89°56'50"V¢;',. 60.00' feet to intersect the east line of Parcel "B" of said Altered Map, said point of intersection being the beginning of a tangent curve having ai:radius of 1402.82 feet; northerly along said curve, concave to the east, through a central angle of 3°48'03'' an arc distance of 93.06 feet to the , northeast corner of said Parcel "B" ; .. N. 89 %5 '40"~r., 471.49 feet along the north line of said Parcel "B" to the northwest corner thereof; -6- THENCE (64) THENCE (6s) THENCE (66) TP NCE (67) THENCE (68) THENCE THENCE (70) THENCE (71) THENCE (72) THENCE. (73)' THENCE (74) THENCE'-(7~S) -- S-0°02'41"E., 2.08 feet along the west line of said Parcel "B" to intersect the easterly prolongation of the north line of Parcel "C" of said Altered Map; S. 89°57' 19"W., 359.30 feet along last named prolongation and the north line of said Parcel "C" to intersect the westerly boundary of said Altered Map of Tract No. 2263; northerly along said westerly boundary to intersect the north 'line of Lot 10 of "Lands of I. B. Haggin" in said Section 13; o,. , ": ""..' ;:, :~.' i:,.;:u o:~ 'U.S.~j. Snw Bypas s; southerly al6n9 said west right of'way line to intersect the north line of a parcel of land described in a grant deed recorded August 29, 1957, in Book 2837 at page 128 Of the Official Records of ~aid Kern County; westerly along said north line a distance .of 417.69 feet, more or less, to intersect the east line of the west 30 feet of said Section 13, said east line being the east right of way line of Wible Road, of 60 feet in width; northeriy,. depari-in9 from the corporate boundary, along last named east line ~oa point in the south line of the north 283.32 feet said Section 13; N.6°14'08"E., 254.41 feet to the point of intersection of the south ~.~'- line of the north 30 feet and the east line of the west 55 feet of said Section 13; westerly along the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 13 and Section 14 to intersect the west line of the east 55 feet of said Section 14; northerly along the west line of the east 55 feet of Section 14 and Section 11 to intersect the north line of the south 45 feet of said Section 11, said point being on the westerly right of way line of County Road No. 2357, as described in Parcel 20 of Relinquishment of Highway in the County of Kern, Road VI-Ker-4-C, recorded October 19, 1963 as Document No. 63809 in Book 3652, page 185 on' Official Records; northerly along the westerly right of way line of said County Road No. 2357 to a point on the west right of way line of aforesaid U. S. Highway Route 99, VI-Ker-99, Bakersfield Bypass, said point'being on a curve from which the radial center bears N. 80°58'21"E., . distant 5 125 feet; nort-herly along said curve, concave to t-he-east-and having a radius of 5125 feet, through a central angle of 9°5 1'39'' an arc distance of 881.88 feet; -7- THENCE (76) THENCE (77) TH, SNCS (7S) THENCE Written .by Checked by Compared by N.0°50'00"E., 566.77 feet; N. 2°01'45"E., 200.25 feet; .N.0,°53'06"W., to intersect the north line of the S. 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of the 'N.E. 1/4 of said Section ll, said point of intersectior~ being a point on the corporate boundary · as defined by Ordinance No. 1473 New Series; easterly along the north line of the S. 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of the S. E. 1/~i of the N.E. 1/4 and along 'a portion of Course 7 of said Ordinance No. 1473 New Series to the northeast corner of the ~.~,~ S. 1/2 of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/~i of said' ~. "' .' Section 11, being the point of beginning and containing 416.56 · acres-of land, more or less. 7/18/66' -8m