HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-67F~8OLUTX0N N0o 4-6==~__ 7__~ ~ OFFX~ OF COUNC~L~N ~N B~ ~ XN DAY OF ~EE~So a vacancy occurs im the City Council by rsasom of the resignation of the Councilman from the 3rd Ward tm ~h~ City of Bakersfield~ and ~~$~ Section 16 of the City Charter allows the vacacy to be filled by a special election called by ~he Cl~y Comcil ~ and ~EAS~ Section i6 of the City C~rter requires %ha~ said election be Held not earlier ~han ninety days no~ la~e~ ~han one hundred eighty days from ~he time said election ts called~ and ~ ~YEAB~ April 11~ 1967 is no~ earlier than ninety days nor more ~n one h~ndred eighty ~ys from the da~e hereim~ ~0W~ '~EFOP~0 BB %T ~$OLVBD by ~he Co~cll oE ~he City of ~kersfie%d that a special ~ntcipal election ~o~ the orEice of Co~cil~n in the 3zd Ward of Zhe City oE Bakersfield is hereby called and ~ill be held on the llth ~y of Aprtl~ 1967 and ~he Clerk is hereby authorized to p~blish ~he Iqo~ice of X HEREB~ CE~TXFY that ~be foregoing ~esolu~on p~ed and ~dopte~ by ~he Council of ~he City of Bake~sfield regular meetinS ~he~eof held on ~he 9th day of January~ 19~7~ by ~he following vo~e~ ,'ES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOL[L,], ,-{O3KING, I~..,¢XiRUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. ]D~S: COUNC!LMEN:_.~.DJle ABSr:NT COUNCIL/:~.=N: bToD. e ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: 'NOD. e Council of ~he City of Bakersfie!do