HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 78-66~30LU~ON NO o 78-66 A lfliISOLUTIQN OF TI~ COUNCIL OF BE CITY OF P~O~STS B~ PE~OBS O~ING ~L P~OPE~ WX~N ~I~Y DESXG~D AS "UNION C~~Y NO~ 2'~s P~POSED ~ ~ ~ED TO ~ CX~ OF B~M= F~ELD ~ WHE~Ss a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on ~he 29~h day of November, 1966, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed ~o and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WM~ZAS~ said petition was si~ned by the o~ners of not less than oneofourth ~1/4) of the area of the land in such territory, and representing no~ less ~han onesfourth (1/4} of ~he assessed value of such territory according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of ~erno NOW~ THEt~E~OE, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1~39s Chapter 297s as amended, BE IT P~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described as follows: A parcel of land situated in the County of ~ern, State of Californta, and being a portion of ~he North oneohalf of Section 32s Township 2~ South, Bangs 28 Ea~t~ MoDoMo and more Particularly described as Beginning at the point of intersection of the ease right of way line of South King Stress with the south right of way lineoof Poto~c Avenues said point also being the oint of intersection of the south line of the north 30 feet of ~he S~ l/~ of the 1/~ of said Section 32 with ~he east line of the west 30 feet of ~he E 1/2 of said Section 32s and also being a poin~ on the Corporate Boundary'of the City of Bakersfield, California, as defined by Ordinance Noo 896, Ne~ Series~ TEF~CM (1} west alons the'laSt named south line and the south line · --of-the notch 30~feet of the SE t/~ of the NW t/~ to ln~ersec~ ~he southerly extension of the,east ,right of way line of Baker Street~ said east right of way line also being a line parallel ~ith, distan~ 11o25 feet westerly' of the ~est line of Block 17 and extension thereofs Bor~ardt Tracts as said Block is shown on the Map filed J for record January 12= 1907, on page 100 of Book 1~ Official ~ecords of %e~n Coun~y~ California; T~CB (2) northerly along said east right of way line to intersect a line parallel with, distant 11o25 feet northerly of the nor~;h line the east right of way line of County ~oad No, 1321~ knoMm as South ~ing Street~ as per Deeds of Masemen~s for s~e recorded on passe 4~8 and 4e9 of Book No~ ~131~ Official ~ecord of Ke~ CO~ty~ Be~da~ of ~he City of ~akersfield~ Califo~ia~ as defined by ~oad Moo 1321 and along aaid Corporate Boundaz7 to tntersec~ a line ~ 1/~ of the ~S 1/~ T~CB (5) Westerly along the last named parallel lime a distance of 2 feet to a point on ~he east line of ~he west 30 fee~ of ~he B 1/2 of said Section 32~ TE~CE (e} southerly along the las~ named eas~ lane ~o ~he point of beginning° Said parcel of land contains 7°46 acres more or less, That a desig~ation appropriately naming such is "UNXO~ C~T~I~Oo BB %T FU~TE~%ESOLVBD~ that Monday~ the 16th day of January~ 1967~ at the hour of 8:00 P.oM,~ in the Co~cil 8ha~ers of ~he City ~all~ 1501 Truetun Avenue~ Bakersfield~ Califo~nia~ is the ~i~e when and ~he place where any person o~aing real proper~y within such territo~J so proposed ~o be annexed and having any of the ~ity of ~akersf~eld and sho~ cause ~,3hy such ~erritory .......... o0o .......... o AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, :'.D~;',:N3, PARK, RUCKER, STERN, WHITTEMORE. NoE__s..~ c.o..u~S,bMj.~:~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~