HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 76-66 WH~REAS~ on the 24~h day of October~ 19~6~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ pursuant to the provisions of the Vacation Act of 19~'~ being Division 9~ Pa=~ 3~ of ~he and Highways Code of ~he S~ace of Califomia~ passed and adopted t~$ Resolution of ln~en~ion No. 817~ decla~ing ice in~en~ivn order ~he abando~n~ of the dedica~ion of ~igh~ of vehicula~ accea~ ~om Lo~ 1~ Trac~ 2815 ae said ~rac~ la ~h~ on a ~p recorded July' 18, 1963 tn Book 13 of ~ps a~ Ps~e 17~ in ~he o~flce of ~he ~igh~ of ingress and egre~e fr~ ~id ~ 1 ~o Ei~ 5~r~e~ She following ds~lgna~ed l~it~; Begi~t~g a~ a ~otn~ in ~he l~e of E~ $~ree~ ~aid poln~ being 137o8~ Zest nor~herXy~ measured along enid eas~ line~ from the no~th line of 2~th S~reet, Elm Street a distance of 23.89 fee~ and ~~$~ said Council did fix a ~e and place hea~ing all persons interested in or objecting ~o enid proposed 1966~ afte~ notices ~ere duly posted as ~equirad by ~a~ and ~~$~ this Council after duly consider~ the doe~ hereby find and resoNe as follows2 1~ ~at ~ha~ certain dedica~ion of rlEht of vehicuXa~ access to Elm Stree~ from bt 1~ Trac~ Noo 2815, City of Bake~efield~ Co~y of Ke~, Sta~e of Califo~ia~ ~s ~ecessa~ for p~eeen~ or prospective public ~tree~ ~u~o~e~, ~ubJec~ ~o ~nd in confo~l~ ~i~h ~e~olu~Lon o~ Indent/on ~oo 817~ ~efe=ence ~e ~d resolution 3'0 ~at the City Clerk sh~ll certify ~o the p~age of by the ~le~k unde~e the ~ea~ of the C~ ~o be recorded in the office of ~he Co~y ~eco~de~ of the Co~ty of ......... OO0 ......... I IaEREBY 6~RTIFY ~ha~ the fo=e.~e~ag ~e~olu~ion was pa~eed and adopted by ~he Council of ~ ~ of Bake=~Zield a~ a =e~ular meeting ~he=eof held on the 14~h day of Nove~be~ 1966~ by following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BA ANZ, DOOLIN NOES: COUNCI/ME/~:; ~ HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER STIERN, WH|TrEMORE. -"' ~ZJ .'-: ' ABSENT COU.N_C:.ILMEN: ~.~..~ .... ,d,j.~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCIZ~"EN: ~ ~'<~'~"W'/ ...... ~ --:Z:.". '..:Z' ':.; .-. ': - -_ ...... y -- ~,,:.~1 i. '