HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 70-6670-66 WE~RFAS, on the 19~h day of September, 1966, the Council of the City of Bakers field ~ pursuant to the provisions Of the °~Street Vacation Act of 194!°~ being Division 9~ Par~ 3~ of the Streets and ~ighways Code of ~he State of Califomia~ passed and ~ton ~o order ~he ~acatien of a portion of prope~y re~urn co~er Mine Avenue and Cas~ro Lane~ City of ~akersfield~ ~l!fo~ia~ W~$~ said Co~cil did fix a ~e and place for hearin all persons interested in or objecting ~o said proposed vaca~ion~ ~hich said hearing ~qas held on ~he lO~h day of October~ 1966~ after no~ices ~ere duly posted as required ~y law~ and W~S~ this Council after duly considering ~he does hereby Eind and resobe as follo~s: follo~s~ is unnecesaa~ for present or prospective public pu~oses ~ the ~ 1/~ of Section 1~ To~ship 30 $o~th~ ~nge 27 Sae~ MoDoMo as said Lo~ is sho~ on e~e~ County Sales ~p ~oo 1 of ~nds of ~ Bo ~ggin~, filed in the office of the County ~ecorder of Co~y~ Galifo~ on ~y 3~ 1889~ said bt for the purpose of ~his description being bonded on the South by ~he north right of ~qay line of Mine Avenue of ~0 feet in ~idth and being bounded ~id~h~ said portion being more particularly described'as followed: No 0° 07o 33"~ Eo~ 35,02 fee~ alons ~he ~,;es~ ~ine of said Lo~ 44 the t~e po~ of be~i~lnE for this description; Thence ~1> continuing I~o line of said 07 33'n Wo ~ wi~h a radius oE 20 feet. ~hrough an a~c of' 90° 57n for a disCnee o.f 31045 fee~ ~esolu~ien and shall cause a ce~lfied copy herof0 attested by ~he Clerk under the seal oZ the City ~o be recorded i~ the office of the County [~eco~der of ~he County of Ke~ CaliZo~miao ........ O00 ........ AYES: COUNCILM[N BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HO,3KING,-FAP-d~, RUCKER, STERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT coV~.c!L~: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: