HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-66P~SOLUTIO~ ~0o '62-66 ~P~EP~AS, on the 15th ~ay of AuguseD 1966, the '$~eet V~c~tion ACt of 1941'~ ~img Dlvisi~ 9~ Part 3~ of the $~ee~s and Midways Code of the S~e of ~lifomi~, ~maed ~rsfield, E~m Cem~y~ Cal~foml~'~ filed fo~ record April ~E~S~ said tomell did fi~ a ~l~ and place for he~r~ Thence .(1) I~o0°02~20~o~ 90°66 feet aXong the east line ~ ~ Thence {2) northeasterly along said curve, concave to the south° east and havin~g a radius of 350 feet, through a central said east line being the east line of & parcel of l~md defined'in a deed to the C~ty of ~rsfield recorded ~eeo~ds of said ~ Co~ty; Thence (3) $o0*02°20"Eo~ 129'o04 feet along said east line and the line of the east~est alley in said Block ~0~ (4) So89°57~40'~,~ 95o14 feet along last named south ltae to intersec~ a cL~rve~ from ~hich ~he ~di~l ee~te~ ~ars $o66052~44"E. ~ Thence (5) northeasterly along said c~rve, concave to the south° angle of 4 an are distance of 22o07 fee~ ~o Thence (6) Mo89°57e40"go~ 65,83 feet along said north line to the point of beginning, Closing a portion of !3th Street: Beginning at the northeast eo~ of Block 401B~ enid northeast corner being a point in the sou~:h line of said 13~:h Stree~ Themes (1) $.89°57~40'~L, 467°46 feetD more or less along the said south lime of 13~h Street and ~es=erly prolongation thereof~ to a point distant No89°57~40"Eo~ 11037 feet from ~he northwest comer of Lot 5 of said Block 40~ of 350 feet~ Thence <~) northeasterly along said e~ve, concave to the south~ eaet~ ~hrs~agh a eent~al angle of 5°~5e53" an ar~ die~ lance of ~3~t8 fee~; prolongation Of ~he north lime of enid 13th Street; ThenCe (4) No89e57~40"Eo, 335°83 fee~ along la~nam~d westerly p~olong~lon and the north line of said 13th S~zeet ~e the southeast eo~ner of Block 410C; Thence (5) So0°01~45"Mo~ 82°5 feetD more or less, along southerly prolongation of the east lime of said Block ........ 410e to the point of beginning° ' All of B Stree~ between the ~or~h line of Avenue and the soui:h line of 13th AI~ ~f ~ a~s~ ~llsy ~m ~ ~k 401B~ ~emce (1) nor~erly al~g said ~es~ line and ~he mor~herl~ 203.14 fee~ fr~ the southeast comer of Block 4~0C~ east ~d having a radius of 521o8~ feet~ central angle 9°44~06'' an arc distance of 88067 fee~ ~emt co~e~ of Block Block 40XB~ ~he potn~ of begfnmimgo All of F Stree~ be~eem ~he north line of Aven~ and the south llne of l~h Streeto 3, ~e Cl~y Clerk m~ll certify to the passage ~esolu~ton and shall cause a certified copy hereof, AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOL!N, !'.O.Z}(IH,3, PAP. K, P, UCKa,~, $TIGRN, WH.ITTEMORIL NOES: COUNCILMEN: J~E~T. ALL'~NG COUNCILM[N=