HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-66RESOLUTION NO o 58-66 A P~$OLUTION OF TME COUNCIL OF TME CITY OF ~Y DgS~TED AS ~P~Z PA~ ~0. 9~ PROPOSgD ~ B~ ADdeD ~ ~ Ci~ OF ~~FIELD. WREREAS, pursuant to the Government Code of the of Ca!ifornia~ Sections 34300 and following~ proceedings have been instituted for the annexation of certain territory designated ~Planz Park No~ 99~ and W~$~ purs~nt to such proceedings a petition si~ed and filed for such annexation~ a resolution adopted describing boundaries of the territory sought to be annexed~ publi~ cations had on said resolution and a time adopted for hearing of protests from persons o~ing real proper~y in said territo~D W~$~ a hearing was duly held In ~he Co~cil Chambers of ~he City Mall in the City of Baker~field on the 6th day September~ 1966~ a~ ~he hour of eight o~clock p.m~ purs~nt notices given in compliance ~ith !aw~ and ~M~$~ Sept~ber 6~ !966~ at the hour of 8s00 P~ M~ ~as the time me~ for hearing protests by any person o~ing property within the aforesaid NOW~ ~E~ BE IT ~$OLVED by ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: ~at a~ ~he t~e se~ for hearing protests to the proposed prcetes~ has not been ~de by private o~ers of oneshalf the value of Z~ -territory proposed..to be a~n~ed~-as :aho~*~y -the-last equalized asscogent roll: or by public and private owners eq~l ~o oneself of ~he value of said territoz~ said property being designat~a as "~Planz Park No. 9~ and more particularly desc~lSed in ~esolu~ion Mo. 42-66 of ~he City of Bakersfield. ........ 000 ........ regular meeting thereof held on the eth day of September~ 196~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALEANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHII'1'EMOP, B. AssEN~r COU,C.,',V-N, ..~ZZ .J ABS'fAINING COUNCILMEN: , :-: , Ma~i~n So Xrvin Council of ~he City of Bakersfieldo