HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 57-66RESOLUTION NO o 57-66 A PdZSOLUTION OF TI-IZ COUNCIL OF TME CI~Pf OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTIMG A~ 5UBMI~NG A BUD~',T FOR E~E~I~ OF FUNDS A~~D ~OM ~ S~ HIGHWAY F~D ~ CITIES WHEP~EASs a master agreement has been executed by the City and the State of California on April 3~ 1961~ for expenditure of funds allocated from the State high~ay fund to cities~ and %~MERFa~S~ the City Council has prepared a budget proposal showing estimated expenditures of such funds recommended ~o be made during the 1966-67 fiscal year~ and WME~S.~ the City Council has heard read said budget proposal and is familiar with the contents thereof; NOW~ TMEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that said budget propomals dated September 6D i965~ be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation to cities~ said budget proposal be and the same is hereby approved and the Acting Director of rublie Woz~ks is directed to sign the same on behalf of said budget proposal to be submitted zo the Department of rublie l~orks~ State of Galifornia~ in accordance with the provisions of Section 197 of the Streets and ~igh~ays Code° ......... oOo ......... AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOLIN, HOSKING, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORB, NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~_~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAiNiNG COUNCILMEN: ~ .STATE HEC-MWAY ENGINEER Sacramento,,, California Budget eosal No. 1 Date September 6, ,19__ 66 (TO BE TRAN.~ITTED TNROUGN.DISTRICT ENGINEER) R. E. Deffebach District F.n~inec. t Address P. O. Box 135~, Fresno BUDGET PL~OPOSAL FOR STATE ALLOCATED (SECTION 2J07) FUNDS The City of BAKERSFIELD hereby submits this budget proposal for expenditure of-funds allocated.from the State Highway fund to citiesduring the. '. 19 66 - 67 fiscal year. All work accomplished by this budget shall be done under the terms of t~e master agree- ment covering the budgeting and expenditure of these funds as executed on .April 3, 19 61 (date) , ' Main~naneo. C)~her ' Rieht of Way Construction $252,666.09 Clgy Fund~ Cht~=f Fur. Ja Total ' (See following pages for details) Includes pre~iminary ~nd cons~uction englneerlng. $252,666.09 SUMMARY OF STATE ALLOCATED '(Sac. 2107) FUNDS AVAILABLE** Unexpended under Project 68 (City) Unexpended under'Project 76 (City) ia~crued & unbudgeted to Iune 30, 1966 Estimated to accrue during the fiscal year ending Iune 30, 1967 0.725¢ $- zTsb-'-s. 2 8 O.O6 5,417.75 245,'880.00 Plc:~., o~x~:lflc~'loeg G~ e~ti~oe of co~t f~ oock con 2W~tl~ ~ I~ove~ project will ~ submi~od in ~c~O with ~tl~ 1~ of t~ ~rNte e~ HighwaVe ~ FI~ ~o ~vedlGi~ ~ cem~nclng~w~E by doy lahr. "· Atf~ch c~f~dltlor, ol pegs if fhi e eum~.fRory. (FORM MC-18 (3-64) Ray.) 6CC-I 3 ( I -66 ) Total funds available ,$ 252,666.09 Acting D~ector o~ PubZic Works .® - Project NO~ - Ae~o~nt -2 DESCRIPTION Name of Street Beginning and and of proposed week ,ength In Miles PROJECT STATEMENT PROPOSED 'IMPROVEMENT OF SELECT CITY $TREET,$ (Use separate sheet for each praises): The proposed work consists of projecf NO-* And total e.timeted cost i. $ OS?,,eGG,(~ , including engineering. TRAFFIC Estimated hourly trafficVolume approaching intersections will not exceed capaCIty of prOpOsed street for cuffsfit traffic and for traffic ten years hence. (Rof.: Division' of Highway, Circular Letter No.~ 5842). (YES) If NO, explanation given on Page 4. : . . RIGHT OF WAY 'Estimated cost $ m . To be acquired by (City) (State). Present width feet. Proposed width fat. ' TOtal width provided by set-backs ft. (present) ........ ft, (proposed) CONSTRUCTION Estimated cost $ 26;,666e~ (including engineering). ' ' Supervision of construction and construction engineeering... (City) SWellloft of preliminary engineering. (CIty)· ~ · GEOMETRIC SECTION (ROf.: Topic 4.01 City and' CoaporOtive Pro!acts Ma.ual of Instructlo. s) ADT upon cO pie+/on ;~LSeSJ~ - -: ........ '* ......... , DESIGN ADT ': ' · * EXISTING PROPOSED N.he, end w,dth of ,raffle ~....'e. ii*~/r'a~ 13,! 6'a' Zi~' e'~'" Width.of curb parking Lt. lanes Median Width Width of curb off-sets Width of turning lanes · T.,.I ,w|d~ hetw.n .xt.rio, curb. ~-2/3'er' ~" Re4sons for less than donlr.ble width, explained on page .4. * STRUCTURAL SECTION*- Tjaf~ic Index ' C~eO R-Value Pavement thickness and type Base thickness end'type *Types: .BS- bituminous seal, AC- aspbaltic' concrete, · EXISTING "POSSIBLe FUTURE DEVILOFMENT I':" ~ '~';' *":' "' ....' "' el' l!~' 15°'*"el' .... 19' ..... .,' ..... .: , · PROPOSED · (Tasterive) AS.-'aggregate, base;' '* · A~-- aggregate sub-base RIdAS-' road-mix aspbaltic .urface PCC '+Portland cement concrete CTB - cement treated bq,e SOURCE OF FUNDS $Nte ABlecared (Sec. 2107) Funds Cl~y Funds C~n~, Funds St. te'Nighw.y Budge Funds Pmv~sly B~d ~itl~l F~e to ~ Bu~e~' RI. GHT'OF WAY TOTAL * Inclndee preliminary and construction engineering.' II CONSTRUCTION' ' , li TOTAL PROPOSED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION (For use where applicable) (Show structural section and geometric details) Additio~l Remarks: (explain special financing, basis of fund proportioning, reams for lees than desirable widths and thicknesses, special construction features, etc.)