HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 55-66 mSSOLF XO N0o..,55:6,6 ....... A RESOLUTION O~7 ~ CO~C~L O~ ~ C~ OF ~I~[IE~ ~QUESTING ~ ~O~ OF S~ERVISO~ OF ~ CO~T~ OF I~ ~ O~R ~ CONSOLeDAmON OF A SPECIAL ~ClPAL E~CTXON WX~ ~ S~ GE~L E~CTION ~ BE ~D ON NOVEBE~ 8, 1966~ a SETTING FOX~ T~ ~CT FO~ OF ~ PDPOSI- TIONS ~ BE VOiD ON AT SUCH E~GTION~ AS ~ Sa AM ~ ~P~.K ON ~ ~L~T~ WHEREAS~ on the 6j~_h~day of September, 1966, this Council did paso and adopt Resolution No,.~766.. callinE a special municipal election to be held in the City of Bakerefield~ on the 8th day of November~ 1966, for the purpose of submi~tinS to the qualified electors of said city~ a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and an ordinance requirinE a public vote~ and ~REAB~ it is ~he desire of this council t~t said special municipal election be consolid~ted with the S~ate General Election to be held on the 8th day of No~ember~ 1966; NOW~ M~FO~ BE ITSSOLVED by the Council of ~he ~ity of Bakersfield~ as follo~$: ts hereby requeeted to mke an order~ pureuant to Section 23302 of special m~lcipal elect~on called by the Council of the Cit~ of to be held on the same date, to be vo~ed upon a~ eaid election~ as ~he sa~ are to appear on the ballot~ be as folios: Proposition Noo 1 Ordinance No o leo 35 ~ New Series o Shell the %q~$ City Council p=ovide finds and services for anti-poverty p~ograms under Title XX of ~he ~0 ~conomic Oppor~i~y Act of ~9~? Proposi~ion Noo. 2 Sh~ll ~he City Char~er be amended by adding Section {2.07ol)2e~ imposing a du~y on ~he City Council to annually set the bame ra~e of wage compensation for members of the ~kers- field Fire Depar~men~ equal ~o but no~ less than ~he average wage compensation paid to firefighters in ~he cities of F~esno~ $~ock~on~ Santa Barbara~ San Leandro~ Alhambra~ Buena Park~ Comp~on~ ~ard and E~e~ Co~y Fire Departend? 3o Tha~ for ~he purposes of said special municipal elec~ion~ ~he precinczs~ polling places~ and officers of election ~ithin the City of ~akersfield shall be ~he same as for said Sta~e General Election ~ithin said 4. The. t the Board of Supervisors of the County of is hereby authorized to canvass the re~urns of said special municipal election~ and shall certify ~he results of the canvass of said re~urns to ~he Co~cll of the City of. Bake~sfield~ s~ll ~hereupon declare ~he results ~hereofo field i{ hereby directed ~o ~=am~mi~ amd f~Xe cer~ified copie~ of ~hie re~oh~iom ~th sa~d Board of Supe~ers and ~he eXerk of ~e~ Co~, as required by Section 23302 of ~he Elec~ion~ Code of ~he ~taCe of Califo~ia~ ........ OOO ........ I MEREBY CRRT~P~f ~hat .the feTegoing Resolution was pa~sed and adopted by the Co~cil of zhe City of Bakers field reels= ~e~g ~he[eof held on ~he 6~h day of Sep~e~e~ 19e6~ by ~he follo~in~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOOL~N, HOSKING, pARK, RUCKER, STERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ...... ~ ABS'~A~N~NG COUNCILMEN: Council of the City of Bakers field