HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-66I"~SOLUTION l~Oo 54o~6 WFa~REAS~ certain of the electorate of the City of Bakers° field, by petition prepared in accordance ~tth Section 8(h} of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California~ have proposed an amenc%eent to the Cha.~ter of the City of Bakerafield 'which reads as follo,~s: Section (207ol)26 nP~.~S OF PAY OF Not later ~han the 15th day of Febm~ of each yea~, ~akersfie!d Fire Department Civil Se~ice Board s~ll su~ey and certify ~o the City Co~cil rates of c~npemsation of FirefiEhters ~n their respective fire depar~ents in the Cities of Stockton~ Santa Ba=ba~a~ San Leandrog Alhambra, Buena Park~ ~aFard and the Ke~ Co~ty Fire Depar~en~ in the State of California ~ Not later ='ham '~he 1st day of April of each year, ~he City Cc~ci~ shall ~ve ~he power~ and it shell be its ~uty (by Co~cil Ordinance) to fix rates of c~pensa~lon for me~ers of the Fire ~epar~n~ eq~l ~o not less t~n the averaSs rate certified to the City Council by the Fire Depar~en= 8ivi! Se~ice Board w!~h respec~ to aZl of the above eiSh~ {8} cities and ~e~ ~ounty and said shall be effec~ive on the ls= day of July next follo~qin~ ~%e rates of co~ensation 8e~ forth in =he budge~ estates t'he budEet and ~b.e annul sala~ ordinance shall be ~hose fixed by the Ci~cy Co~cil as In this Sec~io~ provided and therefor s~ll be based thereon~ Not la~er t~n the 2nd Monday of july of each yea=~ the Civil Se~ice Board s~ll su~ey and certify ~o ~he City Council ~he rates of compensation paid firefighters on the 1st day of July of tha~: year in the cities and county heroinabove referred too The City Council shaXl thereupon have the po~er and it shall. be du~y to revise six of the ~atee of compensation a~ in this Section p~ovided~ Said ~evised ra~ee ~11 be effective from ~he ~ day of July of the ~hem curren~ fiscal year~ Xf ~he City Council revi~ed said ra~em of compemsatiom~ then it ~hall~ not l~ter thmn the 25th day of July of ~he them curren~ fieca! year~ have the po~er~ and i~ shall be it~ du~y~ subject +zhe fincol provisions of the Ch~r~er~ bu~ without reference o= amen~en~ ~o the auual budget~ ~o ~md ~he ann~l eala~ ordinance and annual appropriation ordinance ~o include ~he provieton~ nece~mery for paying the rates of co~emsa~ion fixed by ~he Ci~y Council ~$ in this Section provided for the then current fiscal. ~e expression curates of co~ense~ion~ a~ used in this S'ectien~ in relation to ~id ~u~ey~ im hereby declared to apply only to basic amoumt of wage~ ~ith included =~mge scales~ and dee~ include such ~orkimg benefit8 as might be ~e= up by mny o~her city by way of holidays~ v~cation~ o~her pemi~ed absences of any type ~ha~eoever~ overt!men night of epli~ ~hif~ or p~y for ~pecialized eervice~ within a claesifics~ion o= rank~ or pr~i~ pay diffe=entials of any ~ype ~$oever. ~e foregoing endoration is not exclustve~ bu~ it Is the intent of ~his Section t~t nothing other~ th~%n m bamic amour of wages, wi~h included, range ecales~ is to be included within ~he meaning of '~rm~e of c~pensatiom~ "~ ~e te~ ufirefigh~er~ as used in this Section s~li mean poreone e~loyed tn ~he several grades, ranks or positions In fire depar~ents of tb.e eight (8) cities and the Coun~ of ~e~ ~pecified above or of the City of Bake~efield who perform '~he duties being perfo~ed on ~he effective da~e of ~his Section by member~ of ~he [ire Depar~men~ in ~he Ci~ of Bakers field ~ of ~ker~field~ ~life~la~ ~ha~ s~ld p~opo~t~ion shall be placed on ~he ballo~ ~o be used at a special ~icipal election to be held in the ~i~y of Bakers field and ~o be consolidated with ~he ~eneral Election ~0 be held on ~he 8~h ~y of Movember, X ~R~B3[ CE~TI[~ that the foregoing Resolution was pa~med and adopted by ~he Council of the City of Bakersfield =egul~r meet,~ng thereof held o~ ~he eth day of September~ 196eD by ~he following voee~ AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ, DOO' 'N :'DT:'..,'.hH.G, PARK, RUCKER, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ...... ABSENT COUNC]: !.~EN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMF:_N: APPROVED: