HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54A-66 WI'ERF, ASs the Counc~l of ~he C~y of Bakersfield~ pu~su~n~ ~ ~s general legislative po~er and ~he ai~ec~ves of ~esolu~ion ~oo 2~6 requiring a public vo~e on amy of ~he Ci~y°s par~ic~pa~on ~n any local an~i~pover~y progr~m~ hss in~ia~sd ~uch an ordinance in ~he ~me of ~he people governing ~he C~F~ participation ~m '~uch anSi-poverty progr~which r~ads ~e follows: Ol~I',RNCE NO, ......................~ SEIGES WHETS, no policy o= plan has been established by ~he City Council for the expenditure of cl~y ~xmonie~ for ~lch m~_y be devised by local or~niza~ieme~ o~he~ ~n ~he Co~cil~ ~de= Tt~e XI of ~he Economic ~po~i~y Ac~ of ~9~ W~$~ said Econ~ic Oppo=~i~y Ac~ of ~9~ tn Section 208 provides for Federal assis=ance no~ ~o exceed 90~ ef ~he co~e in ~he year ~96e a~d no~ ~o exceed 50~ of '~he cos~3 ~he~f~er~ and Ac~ of 1964 does mo~ specf~ ~he comdi~ionm~ crf~eris, fi~ncial con~rol~ or ~cope of prog~$ which migh~ be eXigible fo~ federa! ~ssie~ance~ NOW~ ~FO~ Bg IT O~&~D by ~he People ef City of ~akersfield sa fo~ows: SECTION ~ ~at ~he City Coumcil~y or~e~ ~ ~enditure of ~nds f~m the clty's S~eral ~ds for ~he pu~ese of q~lifyinS any ~co~mic ~po~C~i~y Ac~ of 19~ ~u~s~n~ ~o ~ch condi~l~a ~t ~he City Council s~l~ ~l~e p~ovision of se~ices for pubodes of q~li~imS any of ~he proEr~s proposed for ~plementa~ion ~de= the Economic ~po~ai~y Act of pu=a~n~ ~o such conditions as my be established by ordinance, SECTION XXX Section I and IX aMll no~ ~equi~a ~he City Co~cil ~o su~horize e~e~di~ure of ~ds or ~ kind sa~ices where such ~mds SEC~ON IV Unless ~he voters of the city approve ~his ord~nce by a ~jo~f~y vote no ~ds or ee~tcs~ ~halX be p~ovided by ~he cl~y for any progr~ ~der Title I~ of ~he Mcon~lc ~por~ity Act of NOW~ THEI~I~OI~ BE IT Ia~SOLVMD by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ Califomuta~ ~ha~ said p~opo~i~ton shall be placed on ~he ballot to ~ used a~ a spec~l ~ictpal election ~o be held ~ ~he City of ~ke~sfteld and to be coneoli~ed wi~h ~he Sta~e X ~EREB~f CEP, TI~ that ~he fo~egoing Reeolu~fon w~m pa~ed ~md adopted by the Coumcil of the City of Bakermffeld ~ ~ ~eguler meeting ~he~eof held on ~he 6th day of Sep~e~ber~ 1966~ by Zhe following vote= AYES: COUNCILMEN BALFANZ,. ~L4'N, HOSKING, PARK, ~, STIERN, WHITTEMORE. ABS_?.NT COU['~CILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~z'lan So Zrvin Council of the Oi~ of Bskersfie~d