HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 53-66P~SOLUTION NO o 53-66 A' P, gSOLUTION 'OF THE, COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF BAKEItSFIELD MA~ING APPLICATION TO ~ ~CAL AGEN~ FO~ON CO~ISSION OF ~] CO~ FOR A ~~ OF OR~I~TXON ~ ~Q~STING ~T ~ BAE~FIELD ~lCXPAL WA~R DXS~XCT BE ESTABLXS~D AS A S~SXDI~Y DXS~XCT OF SAID CI~ OR IN ~ AL~~VE BE MRGED INTO ~ Cl~ OF ~~FtELD~ WHEREAS, Section 56195 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that a proposal for a change of organization or reorganization within the purview of the District Reorganization Act of 1965 may be m~__de by the adoption of a resolution of appli~ cation by the legislative body of any affected district and: (1) The City of Bakers field is an affected district under Section 56023 Government Code° (2) The merger or establishment of a subsidiary district is a ~'change of organizatione~, as defined by Section 56028 of said Code and~ accordingly~ is a procedure within the purvie%y of said District Reorganization Act as specifi~ cally provided by Section 56001 of said Code° (3) The Bakersfield Municipal Water District is a district whose boundaries are entirely within the boundaries of the City of Bakersfieldo BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1o Application is hereby made to the Local Agency Forms a~lon Con~tssion of Kern County for a change of organization and requesting that the Bakersfield Municipal Water District, a district of limited powers, be established as a subsidiary district of the City of Bakersfield, or in the alternative be merged into the City of Bakersfield, as m~y be determined during the course of the proceedings° This application and reque~ i~ ~mda pursuant ~o ~ha Dts~rtc~ Reorganization Ac~ ~ 19~5 {Division 1 oE Title 6 o~ the Goven~ 8~de of ~he $~a~e o~ C~1~[o~8 c~enc~ ~h See~on ~s proposal ~$ ini~a~ed by ~he leg~$1a~ive body of ~he Ci=y of Bske=a[ield and ~e~s fo=~h fo 11 owina: (a) ~e na~ure o~ ~he p~opo~ed change of o~gan~zacion is ~o ~ve ~he B~ke=mfteld M~cipal Wa~er Dis~ric~ established as a ~ub~ldi~ district of ~he City of Bakersfield and ~he n~s of all and cities for which any such c~nge of organio za=ion is proposed are ~he Bakersfield M~icipal Kern Co~y (3)~ Rtve~ Levee (5)Ke~ Jo~ J~io= College DieZric~ . (7)~m Co~ty ~om ~gh Scbol (9) Co~y SedUce ~ea ~o, 2 X~ is desired ~h~ an e~der of c~mge of za~ion be rode sub3ec~ ~o' ~he foll~ins ~eM' and conditions: ~I) ~a~ ~he ~i~y ~ounct1 of the Ci~y of Bakers field be decimated as~ and e~owered to ac~, ex officio as' the 5oa=d of all=actors (d) of ~he Bakermfteld I~unicipal Water ~he princip~l ac~ by which ~ wa~ e~tabli~hed wi~h the exception of ~he Board of Directors of said Distric~ which s~ll be discon~inued~ (3) All the ~c~ion8 authorized by the Board of functions of ~he City Co~cil~ acting ex officio be su~horized by the principal sc~ of maid Ba~rsfield ~lcip~l ~a~er Dis~ric~ ~y ~em and condition required by principal act wi~h respect ~o amy change of organtza~iom ~ to any of the fo~egoing~ c~blned e~ensee within said colon Xt is the belief of the City Co~cil that the ~etention of the p~e~emt District ms a ~ub~idiary without the neee~eity of the ferma.tion of identical dtstrie~ for ~he puz~ose of participating in ~he acquisition of ~up~l~entml ~a~er to the ground wa~er (f} ~ose areas outside ~he ~erri~orial l~ttS of ~he City of Bakers field or ~he preeen~ Municipal Water Die~ic~ ~b desire to could annex to ~he ~sid ~nicipal Wate~ witbut a~extnE to ~he ci~y~ surface water for ~he ~eeidents of the City of Bake=sfield~ Xf ~he Ci~y Co~cil ~ere e~ officio Die~ric~ the efforts of ~he Cit~ could be utilized without ~he necee~ity of duplica~ion of e~enses ~} I~ is hereby requested t~ proceedinS~ be of Bakers field ~ (l) X~ Is ~rther req~sted ~ ~he ~ Go~y ~c~l Agency Fo~tion Co~ls~ion reop~ and decision relative to p~oceeding Moo 47 (k) (1) The intent of the District Reorganization Act of 1965 is to prevent duplication of services and expenses ~ere one or more districts possessinE like powers operate within the boundaries of a newly created district-. (2) Within the proposed Greater Bakersfield Municipal Water District there are the follo~inE which supply services the proposed District has power to supply~ (a) Greenfield County Water District Paneram Sanitation Distric~ Union kvenue Sanitation Dis~c~ Mtghlmnd Park Public Utilit~ the District Reor~aniza~ion Act of 1965 e~enses. ~e City Clerk i8 hereb~ authorized and to file ~his ~esolu~ion of Application with Executive of the Kem testy Local AEency Fomtion ........ 'OOO ......... X ~EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoinS Kesolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ~e~ular meeting thereof held on the 6t5 day of September~ 1966, the following vote: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Ma=lan So Xrvtn