HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/2008 CANCEL /0 B A K E R S F I E L D NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council scheduled for Thursday, November 6, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor of City Hall, Suite 201 , 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, has been canceled. DATED: October 28, 2008 Rhon Smiley, Assista the City Manager ���oicw� wrrcnenemuniz- HE: November 6th­ pi- From: Rhonda Smiley To: Alan Tandy; Zack Scrivner Date: 10/28/2008 8:54 AM Subject: RE: November 6th So now that we have received the records request from the RBA's lawyers,we are definitely aware of the possibility of lawsuit. We will go ahead with issuing the cancellation notice for P&D Committee. We can cite both reasons for cancellation if asked. >>>Alan Tandy 10/27/2008 10:48 AM >>> Tahat and the threat of lawsuit-we can surely say we are aware of the possibility >>> "Zack Scrivner" <zscrivner(ablibertvstar net> 10/27/2008 10:40 AM >>> Yes, but I am not sure what reason we should give. My thought was the need for more staff time to prepare a response to the request from Turnipseed and the Chamber. Do you have a better idea? -----Original Message----- From: Rhonda Smiley fmai Ito:rsmilevCJ)bakersfieldcity usl Sent: Monday,October 27, 2008 9:02 AM To: zscrivnerCablibertvstar net Cc:Alan Tandy Subject: November 6th Greetings Zack. As a reminder of your discussion with Mr.Tandy,this is to confirm that you wish to postpone the November 6th Planning and Development Committee meeting, as there may be some pending legal issues coming up? NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 MEDIA NOTIFICATION qua Fax u� IWIS hero LIE T.L ara r 7C�j I a & E fl ® Date/Tune To/FronJFik Fax Numbs r/Em. Pepes/By4ea SIMUa. �. 10/28!2006922 Bruce Feeman A.ccosnt Matta ;a ..._._. 66d 6030 1 p➢s 0 OK 1028/2008922.Ron Brummatt ..32452 15 ..t..pgs ......'.._O OK. ........... Commur 4 102&20089:22...Steve DeBranch 3234006 1 pgs 0 0K 4 1028/20089:22...Roger McIntosh 8340972 1$ 102&20089:22 gnrt Kim/Castle&Cooke 664.6199 11�gs 'Transmission Error ras 102820089:22...Supervisor Barbara Patrick 8683677 l pgs 0 0K 10/20/20088:22...Tom Carosella 631-2693 1 pgs 0 OK 4 10/28/2008922...Mark Srnith 8625444 ipg. :.� 10/28/20089:22...Scott Blunck 0 OK 6645042 1 pgs 0 OK 10/2&2008 9:22...Cathy Butler 3257319 1 pgs 0 0K 28/ 1020089:22....John Faigathre 3242323 1028/20089:22...Cal Moreland 1pgs 00K g' 10282008 9:22...Fred Porter 327.1 5 1 pgs 0 Phone Line Problem 4 3271005 1 pgs 0 OK 1028/2008 9:22.,.News Editor�Bakerslield 3%7519 1 pgs 0 OK :@ 10/2&20089.22...Charles G.Waide 325-7814 4 10/28/20089:22...Edtor-Bakersfield News 3249472 1P9s 00K ' 10/2820089:22...BIA 6331317 1 pgs 0 OK 9' 1028/20089:22...Government/dfairs Dir. 635-2317 1pgs 0OK S' pgs 00K 1028/20089:22...Clear Channd Radio 283-2963 1 1026/2008 9:22...News Director-Channd 3 3342685 1 pgs 0 OK 8 1028/20089:22...Opinion-Bakersfield Cal 395-7380 1pgs 00K 00K 10/28/20089:22...News Direct.-Univision 3342667 1028/2006 9:22...N.ws Director-KBAK TV29 8619810 1 pgs 0 OK 10/28/20089:22._News Director-KERN/K.. 3260388 pgs 00K ? pgs 0 O 102820089:22._Editor El Popular 3254351 096 00K 102&20089:22...Beale Library 6319439 1 �- pgs 0 OK 1028/2008&22-Editor EI Megcalp 323,6951 1 '@ Pg. 0 OK 102 8Y20089:22...News Director KWA,C Sp...327-0797 1 pgs 0 O 10/28/20089:22,..News Director-KERO TV...3235538 10/28/20089:22_News Director-KGET TV..2831843 1pgs NoAnswerA[Fax Number 102820089:22,..The Minority Construction 3239287 1ppggs 00K "e 10/28/2008 9:22-News Drector-KUZZ/K,.3287537 0 OK ?' 1028/20089:22...Kathy Eddy-Couny of Kern 8683190 1pgs 4.OK 1028/20089:22...Ne-Dvecta Chamber.. 3278751 1 pgs 0 OK 102R/7MA 972 pgs 0 OK x J 4 ew.s Ovenrn�Kl l`l 95F 333�191fi 1ms OOK Fie—FAX L# TOOIs.CeIP .wki==, J... <1hi1 Xf o LID— W v •l pgs .. 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P 9s '� '-Date/Time To/FromlFae s/By4es Status �' ' -iJC �' 10/2&2008922..Roger Mclrxosh 8340972 AccoJelt Matte !�Co... 4 1028/200 8922..Attrt Kim/Castk:2 Cooke 6646199 1 !Transmission Eecr Main ? 1028/20089:22...Supervisor Barbara Patrick 8683677 1 00K Planninc l 1028/20089:22.,.TomCarosella 093 ®OK :J Planninc g 6312693 7 pgs 0 OK 10/2&20089:22...Male Srndh 8625444 1 pgs 0 OK -[]Trash 4 10/28/20089:22...Scott Blunck '9' 102&20089:22...Cathy Butler 66460-02 1 pgs ®OK .� v 3257319 1 pgs 0 OK 10/2&20089:22...John Fdlgalhar 324-2323 1 pgs 0 OK 1028/20089:22...Cad Moreland 3273283 102&2008 9:22...Fred Porter 1 PO Phone Line Problem �. 327-1065 1 pgs 0 OK 10/28/20085:22...News Editor Bakerslield 3 95-7519 1 pgs 0 O 1012 0V2008 9:22.,.Charles G.Waide 3257814 1 pgs 0 OK 10128/20089:22...Editor 8akerstieldNews 3249472 1pgs 10/28/20089:22...BA 0 OK 4, 633-2317 1 pgs 0 OK 10/2&20089:22...Govarnmern Alfairs Gir. 6352377 ipgs 00K 102&2008 9:22...Clear Channd Redo 283-2963 1028/20089:22._News Director Channel3 3342685 pgs 00K P9s 0 O 10/28/20089:22...Opinion Bakersfield Cal 3957380 9; 102&20089:22...Naws Duea.:Univision 3342687 tea 0OK 10/2&'2008522...News Direct.-KBAK TV23861.9810 !pgs 00K 10/28/20089:22...News Director KERN/K.. 3260389 102&'2008 9:22...Editor-EI Popular 1 pgs 0 OK ? 102&20089:22...Beale Library q 325-1351 1 pgs 0 OK ,g. Y 631-9439 1 pgs 0 OK 1012&2008 5:22...Editor�El Mexicala 32;6951 1 pgs 0 OK 102&2008 9:22...News Dir.cwr-KWAC So 327-0797 4 10/28/20D89:22...News Director KERO TV...3235538 1pgs 00K 10/2&20089:22...Naws Director-KGET TV..2831843 1P9s No Answer At Fax Number 102&20089:22...The Minority Construction 323-9287 1 pgs 0 OK 102&2008 9:22...News Dir ect. KU22/K...3287537 pgs 0 OK 10/2&2008 9:22..Kathy Eddy-County of Kern 8683190 1 pgs 0 OK P9s 0 O 10/28/20089:22._News Direct.-Chamber._ 3278751 pgs 0 OK 102&2008 9:22.,.News Direct.-KLLY 95 F 3931915 10/2&20089:22...David Borger Bakersfield 395-7519 1pgs 0OK pgs 0 OK 102820089:22...N.-Ouector KIM 2833-2963 1 x J ' pgs 0 OK 37 Faxas lsted -- NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 MEDIA NOTIFICATION -s.x Fide Fj:: Lis[ tools Help Newyork[& I a & o fl ® Date/Time T./R.m/File Fax Numba/E-M., Pape Aft $mamas Accowll Moue' J All .. ..._. 10/2802008522 Bnce F 6646030 1 pps,,. .. .. ...0 OK ......,. .... ................ ......... ....,.... .... ....,....,. ............. .-..... J Commur t 1028/20083:22...Ron Brummett 324-8215 1 Pps 0 OK j -A Main z 1 028/21008 92 2...Steve DeBranal 323-4M6 1 pga 0 OK J PlanninS 3 1028/2008922...Rogm Mclaosh 834-0972 legs Tr —trionError j Planninc 3 1026/2008 9:22...Alta Kim/Castle L Cooke 664-6199 1 pg. 0 OK Trash 1029/2008 9:22...Su is.Barbara Patrick 8683677 1 pg. 0 OK * 1026/20089:22.,.Tom Carosella 631-2693 toga 0OK * 1028/20089.22...Mark9mith 8625444 1pg, 0OK t 1028/20089:22...Scat Blunck 6648042 1 pg. 0 OK t 1028!2006822...CathyButler 3257319 lops 0OK 3 1028/20089:22...John Fa4geth. 3242323 1 Pgs 0 OK t 1028/2008 9:22...Carl Moreland 3273283 1 pgs Phone Line Problem t 10IM2008 9:22...Fred P.O., 3271065 1 pgs 0 OK 3 10/28/20089:22...News Editor-Bakersfield 3957519 1Pgs 0 O 10/2&20089:22...Charles G.Waids 3257814 1 pg. 0 OK t 10/26120089:22...Editor-BekamfiW!dNew, 3249472 1pg, oOK t 1020/2008 9:22...BIT 6331317 1 Pgs 0 OK a 1028120089:22...G-ernmentAffairs Dir, 635-2317 1pgs OK 1028)20,1089:22...Clear Channel Rado 2832963 1pgs 0OK 1028/2008 9:22.,,News Director-Channel 3 3342685 1 pg. 0 OK t 1028/21x18 9:22...Opinion Bakemfield Cal 3957380 1 pg. 0 OK 3 1028/2008 9:22...News Direct.�Unrvision 3342687 1 Pgs 0 OK t 1028/2008 9:22...News D'xecl. KBAK TV29 861-9810 1 pg. 0 OK t 102820089:22...News Direct.-KERN/K... 326-0388 1 pg. 0 OK * 10/28/20089:22...Editor EIPopular 3251351 1pgs 0OK 102820089:22...Beeler Library 6319439 1pgs 0OK ,3 1028)20089:22...Editor EIMaxi..I. 323-6951 1pgs 0OK t 10/28)2008 922...News Director KWAC Sp...327-0797 1 pg. 0 OK 10/26/20089:22...News Direct..KE80 TV...3235538 1 pga v No Answer Al Fax Number t 10/28/2008 9:22...News Diector KGET TV...2831843 1 pg. 0 OK t 10/28120089:22...The Minority Construction 3239287 1pgs OOK * 1028/2008 9:22...News Direct.-KU2Z/K...3287537 1 pgs O OK t 10261 2008 9:22.,.Kathy Eddy-County of Kern 8683190 1 pgs O 0K 1028120089:22...News Direetor-Chamber . 327-8751 1Pgs 0OK 1 n/m2M6 R 22 tew.a n'rent.-Kl I 95F 3931915 lone as nK 37 faxes Wad _1JJ He Fax bs Tools Help NEWWim Newyork[8. I 4 & f4'fl ® - Deta/Time T./From/F_I. Fax Nwnber/E.... Papas/Bytes Status Aewalt MMte� J nil t 10/28/2001 R22...Roger McIntosh 834-0972 1Pgs Transmission Error ,J comma 1026/21008 9:22...Ath Kim/Castle&Cooke 6646199 1 Pgs 0 OK -A Man t 1028/20089:22._Supervisor Barbara Patrick 868-3677 1Po o0K J Planninc 1028/20089:22...Tom Caroselle 631-2693 1 Pgs 0 OK J PlanninS t 1028/20089:22...Mark Smith 8625444 1 pg. 0 OK j Q Trash t 1028/2008 9:22...Scat Blunck 6646042 1 pg. 0 OK 1028/2006922.,.Cathy Butler 3257319 t pgs o OK t 1028/20089:22...John Fallgather 3244323 1 pgs 0 OK t 10/28/2008 8:22...Cad Moreland 3273283 1 pgs ?Phone Line Problem t 10/28/20089:22...Fed" red Porter 3271065 1 pg. 0 OK t 10/28/20089:22...News Edtor-Bakersfield 3957519 1pgs 0OK t 10/28/210089:22...Charles G.Waide 3257814 1 Pgs 0 OK 3 1028/211089:22...Editor-Bakersfield News 3249472 1pg. 0 O t 1026/2008 922...BIA 633-1317 1 pg. 0 OK t 1026/20089:22...GormoeMAlfairs Dir. 635-2317 1Pgs 0 O t 1029/2008 9:22...Clear Channel Rado 2832963 1 Pgs 0 OK t 1028/2008 9:22...News Dk""'-Channel 3 334-2685 1 pgs O OK 3 102812008 9:22...Opinion-Bakersfield Cal 395-7380 1 pg. 0 OK 1028/20089:22.,.News Director-Univision 3342687 1pgs oOK 1028/2006 9:22.,.News D'aactor�KBAK TV29 861-9810 1 pgs 0 OK t 10/28/20089:22...Newa Directs-KERN&.. 3264388 1pgs oOK t 10/282008 9:22...Editor El Popular 325-1351 1 pgs 0 OK t 1028/20089:22...Baal.Library 631-9439 1pgs 0 O t 10/28/20089:22...Editor-El Mexicalo 323-6951 1 Pgs 0 OK 1028/20089:22._News Direct. KWAC Sp...327-0797 1 pgs 0 OK t 10/28/210089:22...News Diactcr�KEROTV...3235538 legs N.AnsWaAt Fax Nun1. t 10/28/2008 9:22...Newa Dien. KGET TV...2831843 1 pg. 0 OK 10/28/2008 9:22...The Minority Construction 3239287 1 Pgs 0 OK 1028/20089:22...News Director-KUZZ/K...328-7537 1Pgs 9 O t 1026/2008 922...Kathy Eddy-County of Kern 868-3190 1 Pgs 0 OK * 10/26/2008 9:22...News D'xecl.-Chamber.. 327.8751 1 Pgs 0 OK t 1028/2008 9:22...News Direct.-KLLY 95 F 3931915 1 pg. 0 OK t 102820089:22..David Burger-Bakersfield 3%7519 1pg, 0OK * 1028/2009 9.22.,.News Died.-K00G 2832963 1 pgs 0 OK tx x • 37 faxes Wad