HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/2008 Z-0�0-�- 0 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Rhonda Smiley Zack Scrivner, Chair Rick Kirkwood Harold Hanson Ken Weir REGULAR MEETING NOTICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, April 3, 2008 1:00 P.M. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor - City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT THE MARCH 6, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update on Standards for Block Walls Along Freeways— Movius/ Rojas B. Discussion regarding Traffic Impact Fees —Tandy/ Rojas/Smith 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT S:\Council Committees\2008\08 Planning and Development\April\08 April 3 agenda.doc BA K E R S F I E L p Development Services Department Stardey C.Grady,Director M E O RA N D U M March 25, 2008 TO: STANLEY C.GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: JAMES D. MOVIUS, PLANNING DIRECTO SUBJECT: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FREEWAY WALLS This memorandum represents the Planning and Development Committee's direction to amend the Citys policy to include standards for walls developers construct with residential development adjacent to freeways. BACKGROUND: The primary purpose of walls separating residential subdivisions and freeways is sound attenuation. The height of the wall is determined by a noise study prepared by a qualified consultant. Typically, concrete block is used to construct these wails. The Committee requested information to improve the aesthetics/attractiveness of the walls and deter graffiti on the wails. COMMITTEE DIRECTION• At the March 6°i Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed the three options provided by staff. The Committee directed staff to propose the following standard for freeway walls adjacent residential tracts. A maintenance district shall be formed or other funding souFca must be identified to pay for maintenance. • Textured concrete block or poured—in-place walls with climbing vines to cover wall. The freeway side of the wall shall have a minimum 25%texture on the face of the wall (examples could include split face block,scored block, or other patterned block and/or pilasters). Climbing vines capable of attaching to wall. • 10 foot wide maintenance road for access(outside of CalTrans right-of-way). IMPLEMENTATION: Planning Commission Resolution No.5&92 sets the Citys wall and landscaping policy for residential subdivision walls. With the Committee's approval, an amendment to this resolution shall be placed on the May 1,2008 Planning Commission agenda to consider the following amendment to the resolution to add a standard for walls separating residential subdivisions and a freeway, highway orexpmssway. Memorandum Freeway Walls March 25, 2008 Proposed Amendment to Add The Standard for Freeway Walls to Planning Commission Resolution No. x6-92: 4.A.1 Walls required under Chapter 16.28 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code or as required by the Planning Commission and/or City Council separating residential subdivisions and freeways, highways or expressways shall be masonry, concrete or wall panels with a texture. Walls shall be designed so that a minimum of25%of the freeway, highway or expressway side of the wall has some type of texture for visual relief such as,-pilasters, split-face, fluted or scored block. Walls shall be a minimum six(6)feet high, or at a height as required by a noise study, and the minimum height of the wall shall be measured from highest adjacent grade.A combination wall and berm may be allowed as approved by the City Engineer.Walls shall meet minimum structural and construction specifications as approved by the City Engineer. Fencing and/or locked gates shall be required at the ends of the wall as determined necessary by the City Engineer to deter graffiti and access. In addition, subdivider shall install irrigation and plant climbing vines on the freeway, highway or expressway side of the.wall.Selection and installation of the irrigation system,vine species, spacing, and location shall be approved by the City Recreation and Parks Department. Rodent control methods shall be as required by the City Recreation and Parks Department.Subdivider shall provide a 10-foot wide maintenance road on the freeway, highway or expressway side of the wall, outside of the CalTrans right-of-way. The surface of the maintenance road shall be all-weather as approved by the'City Engineer. Currently, all rodent(rat)control in City maintained landscape areas is provided by the Kem Mosquito and Vector Control District.The District recommends thinning out vegetation as a first step to discourage harborage. If that fails, they place poisonous bait stations vuith anticoagulant bait that kills rats after ingestion. JM*g S:1waIIsw"wall4n-my waft doc PROPOSED FREEWAY WALL STANDARD* WALL WITH NO BERM WALL WITH BERM SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW MIN.V WALL 18"VINE PLANTING AREA MIN.8'WALL 18"PINE PLANTING AREA CALTRANS FENCE 10'WIDE 3'! THIGH BERM NCE ROAD (2:1 SLOPE MAX) CALTRANS FENCE 3't 10'WIDE MAINTENANCE ROAD 13' 19' FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW 6' 71M 8'MIN.y___ ROAD �® ERM(2:1 SLOPE MAX.) 3. /ROAD TOP VIEW TOP VIEW %TOP OF WALL 18" 18" 13' 6' 10' CALTRANS FENCE 19' 10' CALTRANS FENCE 'NOTES MINIMUM 6-FOOT HIGH WALL TEXTURED CONCRETE BLOCK OR POURED-IN-PLACE WALLS WITH CLIMBING VINES TO COVER WALL -THE FREEWAY SIDE OF THE WALL SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 25% TEXTURE ON THE FACE OF THE WALL(EXAMPLES COULD INCLUDE SPLIT FACE BLOCK,SCORED BLOCK,OR OTHER PATTERNED BLOCK AND/OR PILASTERS) -CLIMBING VINES CAPABLE OF ATTACHING TO WALL WITH IRRIGATION SYSTEM -10-FOOT WIDE MAINTENANCE ROAD FOR ACCESS OUTSIDE OF PBEARD COB PLANNING CALTRANS RIGHT-OF-WAY DATF:3/2 2006 -FENCED OR GATED ACCESS AT ENDS TO DETER GRAFFITI AND ACCESS Prop Fwy_Wall Std.dwg Highway Wall and Landscape Issues Q: Will the work currently underway at Fairfax and SR 178 include landscaping and will there be vines covering those large walls on the south side of SR 178. A: Yes, the approved landscaping plans include Boston Ivy and Cat's Claw. Both of these are acceptable to the Parks Department for the Committee's intended purpose. +. Boston Ivy ,j ,s I y� k " - Cat's Claw SACouncil Committees\2008\08 Planning and Development\April\Highway wall and Landscape Issues.doc Q: Will the landscaping for the Westside Parkway include landscaping consistent with the Committee's intent? A: The Westside Parkway team is just starting the landscape design. They will be informed of the Committee's landscape criteria as soon as it is available. Q: What Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD) Landscape Tier can the existing developments west of SR 99 between Panama Lane and McKee Road be charged once the freeway landscaping is in? A: There are three maintenance districts in this area. All three of them are legally able to be increased to Landscape Tier IV. SACouncil Committees\2008\08 Planning and Development\Hpril\Highway Wall and Landscape Issues.doc Highway Wall and Landscape Issues Q: Will the work currently underway at Fairfax and SR 178 include landscaping and will there be vines covering those large walls on the south side of SR 178. A: Yes, the approved landscaping plans include Boston Ivy and Cat's Claw. Both of these are acceptable to the Parks Department for the Committee's intended purpose. Boston Ivy 'i + M - Cat's Claw SACouncil Committees\2008\O8 Planning and Development\April\Highway Wall and Landscape Issues.doc City Council Committee Update for April 3, 2008 Update of the Transportation Impact Fee Program This information was presented to the City Council on February 27, 2008. New information is shown in italics. The program was originally adopted in 1992. Although the fee and facilities lists are updated annually, those updates are only within the context of the existing TIF facilities list. In order to expand the program to consider growth beyond the original horizon year, the entire program periodically goes through an update —this is the fourth since the programs inception. Outline of the Update Process: The Transportation Impact Fee is considered a "development fee" and as such, the adoption of a new or updated fee must follow a specific process. As this is a joint City-County program, the work is shared jointly between City and County staff and consultants. 1. Determination of New Horizon Year— 2035 2. Determination of the growth in population and jobs by the horizon year. 3. Updating and validating the Kern COG model for the new horizon year and growth figures. 4. Determination of the transportation facilities necessary to support the growth with a Level of Service "C" as mandated by our General Plan. 5. Informational meetings with stakeholder groups such as the HBA. 6. Verification of the network through model runs by Kern COG 7. Determination of the cost of the final Transportation Impact Fee Facilities network. 8. Determination of the amount of the fee based on the above and other determined variables. 9. Preparation of a "Nexus Report" which details the following: a. a reasonable relationship between the fee's use and the type of development on which the fee is imposed; b. a reasonable relationship between the need for the public facility and the type of development on which the fee is imposed; and c. a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee and the cost of the public facility attributable to the development on which the fee is imposed. 10.A noticed public hearing must be held prior to the adoption of the resolution. MEMORANDUM To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director Subject: Traffic Impact Fees as they relate to TRIP Financing Plan Date: March 21, 2008 We have been working with a bond underwriter for several months on a draft funding plan for TRIP projects. A presentation was made to the-City Council on January 30, 2008 regarding the proposed financing plan. The current proposal anticipates the pledge of both gas tax revenues and transportation development fees (TDF)to fund the debt service of a$246 million bond issue, with gas tax revenues repaying about 25% of the annual payments and TDF fees repaying the other 75% of annual payments. The financing plan is still in the early stages of analysis and will continue to evolve over time. There are many assumptions made regarding "when°we might need the money and what our historic revenue streams will look like in the future. We plan to continue working on the plan with the underwriter and periodically update our projections and assumptions as we get closer to finalizing the bond financial plan. One of the most important aspects of the financing plan is related to an assumption that the Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) will be increased in the near future. The timing and amount of,this fee increase will have a significant impact on our financing plan and ultimately on the amount of money we will be able to borrow. Also, since maps that have , already "vested"with the City will not be subject to the new fee, there is an implied delay of any increased revenues that might be associated with the new fee. Attachments SAAdminWemoftaffic impact fees March 2008.doc _1- M Q U. V C N CL ■� N o C) CD c m CV -W Ci) U NCL Alp E (, CO f m =3 o jY � cc , a° } w � 0 E "o x O 4j s-- Q � Mff ,Y�. f A V N s.. N Y _ m CD co O o ♦♦^^ V c V♦ O C c 0 cu O C.) a n' ■ / W S WC � O co 06 C:) iz L. O E X o C CL O - n' ca�/ °� a N E ` ._. o o l + U Cj o > � LL FY yb LL ffcu, U. V _ cu T Q U V♦ -1-0 W E 0 Y 4-j 4— N 0 0 Cl. E O t6 _ o co .0 X 4-a (CS O ! Cc: W E- �I 0 > C: = W -0 15 2) .0 LL 4-4 C: O 0 > 0) _ w . � (D 4-0 rO V 0 U The following documents were presented during the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of April 3, 2008 HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Member OF KERN COUNTY (9� P.O. BOX 1848 NMB NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HE3F1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 PHONE (661)633-1316 FAX (661)633-1317 OFHOMEBuiLDERs President and April 3, 2008 Chairman of the Board Dairy]Tucker Construction,117C.Roger!Enn.e tc. Planning & Development Committee First Vice President City of Bakersfield Roger McIntosh 1501 Truxtun Avenue McIntosh&Associates Bakersfield, CA 93301 Second Vice President David Cates Lenox Homes Re: Thomas Roads Improvement Plan Secretary Calvin R.Stead,Esq. Dear Honorable Members of the Planning & Development Borlon&Petrini,LLP Committee: Treasurer David D The HBA understands the city's financial commitment needed for Prgjec!Design Design Consultants Immediate Past President successful completion of the TRIP program. Because of our Michael Hair,Jr. industry's role in funding new road improvements through fees and Interstate Land Development,Inc. exactions, we support the city and the Bakersfield community in President of BIPAC building a safe and efficient transportation system. Gregory Hash Fallgatter Rhodes Insurance Executive Vice President We need to caution you, however, that the strategy of reliance of Cassie L.Daniel 75% RTIFs could place a disproportionate and unfair burden on yard of Directors ma Carpenter new housing and the new home buyer. ..and Engineering Tom Dee Freeways and expressways proposed by TRIP are intended to Lennar Communities improve connectivity and regional mobility throughout the Metro Darryl Ebel Area which is a benefit to the entire community, and therefore Granite Construction Co. Pat Henneberry should be funded by the entire community. Castle&Cooke,hoc. Steve Lott The state and region are in a serious housing market downturn The Gas Company combined ironically with an affordability crisis. The state Marion Malamma budget meltdown is largely due to the condition of the housing Direclor-for-Life market. The home building industry anticipates that entry level Vaughn housing, not luxury housing, will lead Bakersfield and the Central James C.Nickel Valley out of the current market downturn. Significant increases in Nickel Family,LLC impact fees will stifle the market recovery and dramatically impact Dave Packer the number of building permits issued by the city. The county's Dave Packer Construction recent increase in traffic fees for the Northwest, for example, will Ron Ray effectively preclude entry level, workforce housing in that Director-for-Life area. Over half of the Bakersfield housing market is priced under Calvin Rossi McMillin Nones $250,000, and that is the market segment that will be hurt the most Pat Scofield by fee increases. California Horne Builders,Inc. Bill Scroggins National Association of Horne Builders economists found that 'nlexHomes 422,309 families have been priced out by fees in California. The .,emy Tobias Sm17Cal Companies David Turner David A. Turner Homes metro areas most affected are Los Angeles (95,806), Inland Empire (69,502), San Francisco-Oakland (42,438), Bakersfield (37,698) and Fresno (34,909). The HBA wishes to ask the City some important questions that may require further research in order to discover tangible answers. • Why is the City relying on one industry that is currently in a major downturn as a major revenue source? • What other revenue sources have been researched and ruled out?Why? • What part of the City of Bakersfield's budget is the debt service? • Why is the City financially assuming that general funds (at least in part) cannot be used as a bonding mechanism? What about other fund resource revenues? We urge the City to consider the impacts of your proposed action on housing affordability and supply, and request that the city reconsider its proposed reliance on housing impact fees as the centerpiece of its financial strategy for the TRIP program. Other strategies need to be considered similar to the County of Kern's reliance on the General Fund. We would welcome an opportunity to work collaboratively with you on workable alternatives. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Cassie L. Daniel cc: Bakersfield Association of REALTORS® Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of CA—Kern Chapter Kern Tax Payers Association Kern Economic Development Corporation Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Kern County Board of Trade California Building Industry Association National Association of Home Builders PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,April 3,2008 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail Af tl, "-', HOC- II II • � p iL `� l � � A i,k 0,-4,7— �Tr."L u�Ce+s�iele� G�r.laar '9'Y;?_) Ick ` Pi I�.l �t•lf� 31.00005 ( I - W ^i r RA4.10 3 q 9- s� S CT� J 3A L 4 1Z 6 CA-Vars ��, sl1- 32- - 3 �� 326-398 ti� G,rs-•�,_ I� 4 I � 3 Z� —��13 3 Z(-1 3 d1 3 & 3 a 3 1310 1(e� Cam PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday,April 3,2008 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail 0 — � 05 C-�v�d�5�1 �SS©c. kn/Ic1,A4-rb � C �i �550c`_ O,1- P2�Sna fj���.s �c�c . s A/t L C l CkeI AJ 01 N�COL,-N 1 t'Ptz.NAW1DF1 OUAD K-NOpF n,co nhn vcac�kno cum Ur�a✓�Wc�Gl 11 6LI- is ���I if lip s csjo, Ificz"s(,DgCjp(//jd_ u5),r,, �Jra.� vt Z�-wov�1 Ct7 �U$Lt In1�tz.ks Planning and Development Committee Media Fax Confirmation ;-K'- JOIX Ellas FV List IP-15 help _110 L ­ Account Matta eDaWTime ToRr ie �FasNumbWE-m P Aft m A:1 324-0215 C�er tl .......... ................................... 3-213PM SteveDeBranch 3iY4669 Co_-1 0 OK Covert 0 OK MN n Lj Loslati W2812008 3:20 PM Roger McIntosh 634.0972 F14MU47EDOCE ItS Main W912008 3:20 PM Aft:KWC81iti-&Cooke 664'6199 CoYW+1 0 OK MN CJ plannim; t 3/28n008 3:20 PM Supervisor Barbara Patrick 868-3677 C-.*1 0 OK M!" Planning C-j Plnnc t 3/28/2008 3:20 PM Tom Caroselis 631.2693 1.1+1 O OK MI, Trash t 3/28120083:20 PM Mark Smith 862-5444 Co,er+1 OOK MM 312812008 3:20 PM Scott8lunck 664-6042 Cover+1 O OK W 3128/2000 3:20 PM Cathy Butler 325-7319 Cwes+1 0 OK M11 3/28/20083:20 PM John Fallgatthist 324-2323 C.ve,+l 0 OK MN T 3/28/20083:20 PM Carl Moreland 3273283 Cver+1 0 OK MI/ 3/28/20083:20 PM Fred Poiter 3271065 Cover+1 0 OK MN 3/28/20083:20 PM News Editor-Bakersfield 395-7519 Cove(+1 OK MI, 3/28/2006 3:20 PM Charles G.Waide 325-7814 C.",+, OK MN T 3/28/20063:20 PM Editor-Bakersfield News 3249472 Cov-1 OOK Cover+1 OK MI, 7 3/2812008 3:20 PM BiA 633-1317 MI, T 3/28/20083:20 PM Government Affairs D's. 635-2317 C"+1 OOK MI, T 328/20083:20 PM Deaf Channel Radio 2832963 Cwsr+1 0 OK MI, 3/28)2008 3:20 PM News Director-Channel 3 334-2685 Cover+1 0 OK M!" 3/28/20083:20 PM Opinion-Bakesslield Cal 395-7380 CoYes+1 0 OK Mt, 3/2820083:20 PM News Diiedoi-UnVision 334-2687 Cover+l 0 OK MIv 3M2008 3:20 PM News Director-KBAK TV29 861.9810 Co_s+1 0 OK MN 3/28/20083:20 PM News Director-KERN/K... 326-0388 Cover+1 0 OK MI, 312820083:20PM Editor-ElPapular 325-1351 CWes+1 0 OK Mf, 3128/2008 3:20 PM Beal.Libi.ry 6319439 C.ves,l 0 OK MI, 328/20083.20 PM Editor-El M..i.alo 323-6951 C."'.1 0 OK MI, 3/2812008 3:20 PM News Director-KWAC Sp 327.0797 CoYer+1 0 OK MP 3/281 20083:20 PM News Diieclo,-KERO TV 323-5538 Coves+1 0 OK MP 312812006 3:20 PM News Director-KGET TV 283-1843 C."1+1 0 OK I'll, T 328/20093:20 PM The Minority Construction 3239297 cover+1 0 OK MIV T 3/29/2008 3:20 PM News Director KUZZ/K..3287537 CoVes+1 f OK 0 OK MN 3128/2008 3:20 PM Kathy Eddy-County of Kem 868-3190 Co�es.l MN 3/2W2008 3:20 PM News Director-Chamber... 327-8751 COY01+1 0 OK It MI, Director ",J1, 312EW20M 3:20 PM News Dire KLLY 95 F 393-1915 Coye,+1 0 OK MI, 3/28/2008 3:20 PM David Burner-Bakersfield 395-7519 cov-1 0 OK 7 faxes isibild X1 Ell, Fix List look Help JU 131, [A IT R • �esx�. Page�"gas Statue maw I UnA wy E Newyork[8. 1 1 Dat&'in Mm, F K ............................. �j AN ............. ..........................�2mtl............................ ................................. commu, 3:20 PM Bruce., F.feenian 664.6030 CoverA O OK T Cj Lgislati Ij Main f_1 Planning I'I Plainnint Trash famosited