HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/2008 ZO L B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Rhonda Smiley Zack Scrivner, Chair Rick Kirkwood Harold Hanson Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:00 P.M. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor - City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT THE APRIL 3, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update on Standards for Block Walls Along Freeways — Movius/ Rojas B. Update on Traff ic Impact Fees—Tandy/ Rojas 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Maintenance Assessments for Special Storm Drain Facilities Required in Response to the Clean Water Act— Rojas/Shaw 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT SACouncil Committees\2008\08 Planning and Development\May\08 May6 agenda.doc B A K E R S F I E L D 4 Zack Scrivner, Chair Rhonda Smiley, AssLVdnt to the City Manager/ P.I.O. Harold Hanson For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Ken Weir AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Regular Meeting of the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, April 3, 2008— 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room — Suite 201 City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA The meeting was called to order at 1:02 PM. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmember Zack Scrivner, Chair Councilmembers Harold Hanson and Ken Weir Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager Stanley Grady, Development Services Director Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Jim Movius, Planning Director Steven Teglia, Administrative Analyst III Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Bob Sherfy, Deputy City Attorney Brad Underwood, Asst. Public Works Director Nelson Smith, Finance Director Marian Shaw, Civil Engineer IV Allen Abe, Asst. Recreation & Parks Dir. Sean Cacal, Supervisor II Ken Trone, Recreation & Parks Bruce Deeter, Civil Engineer III Gilbert Alemao, Supervisor II Ryan Starbuck, Engineer III Others present: Phil Gaskill, Gaskill Custom Homes James Geluso, Bakersfield Californian Gary Grumbles, Lennar Peter Samore, KUZZ Radio Jim Grombly, Lennar Dave Dimohowski, Premier Planning Tom Dee, Lennar Michael Turnipseed, Kern Tax Pat Henneberry, Castle & Cooke Cassie Daniel, HBA of Kern County David Cates, Lenox Homes Roger McIntosh, McIntosh & Associates Nick Ortiz, Greater Bakersfield Chamber James Nickel, Nickel Family LLC. Donna Carpenter, Sikand Engineering Adam Terronez, Leighton Group Corrine Coats, Association of Realtors Nicolyn Hernandez, Quad Knopf Richard Chapman, Kern EDC Brian McLaughlin, Bakersfield Independent Cal Rossi, McMillin Land Development Cathy Williams, McMillin Land Development Planning and Development Committee April 3, 2008 Page 2 2. ADOPT THE MARCH 6, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update on Standards for Block Walls Along Freeways — Movius/ Rojas At the Planning and Development Committee meeting of March 6, 2008, three options were presented to the committee as possible standards for freeway walls adjacent residential tracts. These standards will improve the aesthetics/attractiveness of the walls and deter graffiti on the walls. The option chosen by the committee consisted of the following: 1) Textured concrete block (freeway side of wall must contain a minimum of 25% texture on the face of the wall), 2) Climbing vines capable of attaching to wall, and 3) 10-foot wide maintenance road for access (outside of CalTrans right-of-way). Planning Director Jim Movius stated that with the Committee's approval, an amendment to Resolution No. 58-92 (which sets the City's wall and landscaping policy for residential subdivision walls), will be placed on the May 1, 2008 Planning Commission agenda. Committee Chair Scrivner expressed concern of only 25% of the wall being textured. He fears that this will not be sufficient to deter the graffiti issues, and would like to see a standard "scored" wall throughout the city. Considering the costs of the freeway walls, Public Works Director Raul Rojas questioned having vines growing over them. This may defeat the purpose of some of the more costly and decorative walls. Committee Chair Scrivner questioned the amount of time it will take for the vines to cover the walls. Staff stated that with the correct amount of irrigation, it should take approximately two years for the vines to cover the walls. Committee Chair Scrivner asked the difference in cost between a split- face block wall and a scored block wall. Public Works Director Rojas is going to research this and report back to the Committee. City Manager Tandy would like to get an opinion from the design staff regarding options for continuity, right-of-way, and irrigation issues that may arise. Committee Chair Scrivner requested that staff obtain more information and details regarding this issue and report back to the next Committee meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Traffic Impact Fees—Tandy/ Rojas/Smith City Manager Tandy gave a summary of the Transportation Impact Fee, which is considered a "development fee" and must follow a specific process in order to be adopted. This is a City-County program, which was originally adopted in 1992. In order to expand the program, it periodically goes through an update. Civil Engineer Marian Shaw gave an update on the Transportation Impact Fee Program which was presented to the City Council on February 27, 2008. She gave an outline of the RTIF Update Process, which requires significant research and work to be done by City and County staff and consultants. Committee Chair Scrivner questioned if a developer is required to pay the traffic impact fee on a project where the level of service is not a "C". Civil Engineer Marian Shaw explained that all developers obtaining a permit will be required Planning and Development Committee April 3, 2008 Page 3 to pay the traffic impact fee. If the developer is required to build frontage improvements on a property that is on the Impact Fees Facilities List, then they are eligible to receive a credit on the fees they owe. Finance Director Nelson Smith presented a "Draft" bonding financial plan to meet the local match requirements. One of the most important aspects of the financial plan is related to an assumption that the Transportation Impact Fee will be increased in the near future. The financial plan is in the early stages of analysis and will continue to evolve over time. Committee Chair Scrivner asked for a status report on the County's $100 million bond. Staff will research and report this information back to the committee. Committee member Weir questioned the bonding process of the Traffic Impact Fees. He asked how we were allocating that money before the TRIP money came along. City Manager Tandy stated that there is a long list of projects that this money can be used for. In dealing with these projects, the following areas are considered: prioritization, need, and opportunity. This is based on an ongoing analysis of locations where problems exist and eligible areas where the money can be spent. Committee member Weir asked what the impact would be on other projects on the RTIF list if a majority of the impact fees collected were used to repay the bonds. City Manager Tandy stated that it would be ideal for the voters to approve the Y2 cent sales tax, which would enable both programs to continue in parallel. Committee member Weir raised the issue of how secure the gas tax revenues were from future state capture. City Manager Tandy stated that these revenues are typically secure, however, he did concede that there is no guarantee that they could be subject to some sort of future state action. A back-up plan would need to be in place. He explained how the City has handled this type of situation in the past. Cassie Daniel, representing the Homeowner's Association of Kern County, read and submitted a letter to the committee regarding TRIP. The letter included information regarding proposed freeways and expressways; the state's housing market condition; increase in traffic impact fees; and questions regarding the City's financial plan and the impact that it may have on the housing impact fees. Committee Chair Scrivner requested that additional stakeholder meetings be held in May, once additional information is available. He also requested that this issue be brought back to Planning & Development once the new information (specific numbers) is ready. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1.58 PM. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council members B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director °A DATE: May 1, 2008 SUBJECT: Review of Maintenance Assessments for Storm Drain Facilities The Clean Water Act and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System have required that municipalities implement policies and standards to minimize or eliminate pollutants into rivers and canals. This has obligated the City of Bakersfield to require developers add items to the storm drain systems designed for their projects that have not been required before—for instance, we now require the installation of a "separator" in the storm drain system just before it empties the storm water into the sump. This "separator" cleans out the silts that might otherwise clog the sump and prevent it from draining properly and also cleans out the trash and oils that might contaminate the ground water. These types of items are in addition to the current normal design for drainage systems and will require additional maintenance that is above the norm. Staff's estimate for the annual cost to maintain these separators is approximately $2400. This may need to be adjusted later, as the City does not at yet have one of these in place. There is no funding associated with complying with the additional requirements of the Clean Water Act. The City currently maintains 335 sumps; any new sump will have at least one of these separators at the storm drain inlet into the sump. During the 2007 calendar year, the City approved 5,102 lots covering approximately 1700 acres. Our requirement is one sump per 80 acres— meaning about 21 new sumps for last years' development. This adds up to a potential annual cost of$50,400, for a annual per lot cost of approximately $10.00. Staff has prepared for committee discussion a potential change to the maintenance district ordinance which will allow the City to collect a maintenance assessment for these types of facilities. SAMEMOSMOBWaintenance District for storm drainage.doc B A K E R S F I E L D Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director M E M O R A N D U M May 2, 2008 TO: STANLEY C. GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: JAMES D. MOVIUS, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJEC : *PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FREEWAY WALLS—SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION This memorandum provides supplemental information requested by the Planning and Development Committee during the April 3, 2008 meeting. The Committee requested the following information relative to the proposal amending the City's policy to include standards for walls developers construct with residential development adjacent to freeways. REQUESTED INFORMATION: 1. What is the type of vine growing on the freeway wall through McFarland? Elbert Cox, CalTrans Senior Landscape Architect states there are 2 types of vines growing on these walls: Boston Ivy and Cat's Claw Vines. Boston Ivy tends to cover the wall better but does not perform as well on south and west facing walls. While Cat's Claw will grow on the south and west facing walls, it does not attach as securely as the ivy and will detach during wind storms or when becoming top heavy. Cat's Claw also tends to grow up and along the top of wall leaving open areas on the bottom portion, which is why CalTrans planted a combination of the two. 2. What are some suggestions for wall areas that will not be covered by vines (example locations: an interchange or off-ramp)? • Mosaics • Public Art • Murals • Textured or colored finishes (includes 1 type of texture/color, or a combination of different textured and colored block to create a design.) I Memorandum Freeway Walls-Supplement May 2, 2008 3. The Committee requested staff provide the relative cost difference between smooth block, and textured block (scored block and split face block) materials as well as the poured in place cost difference for walls. • Freeway Walls— Block Wall Construction (Requirement for 10 foot or 12 foot wall height depends on results of noise study.) Cost Comparison: Smooth Face Scored/Split Face $330,000 - $400,000 per'/ mile $345,000 - $420,000 per'/ mile • Freeway Walls at SRI 78 and Fairfax: (Poured in place construction— 12 foot in height) Cost Comparison: Smooth Face Scored/Split Face $726,000 per'/ mile $1,056,000 per'/ mile RECOMMENDATION for Freeway Walls: Choice of wall construction: a. Block: 40% texture Plant vines on freeway side b. Poured in place Plant vines on freeway side (Recommend smooth face poured in place walls based on cost factor). • Subdivision Walls (Block Wall Construction —(6 Foot Minimum Height) Cost Comparison: Smooth Face Scored/Split Face $125,400 per'/ mile $139,260 per'/ mile RECOMMENDATION for Subdivision Walls: For all Subdivision Walls (along arterial and collector streets) ➢ Minimum 40% texture (currently 25%) Subdivision walls along freeways ➢ Minimum 40% scored face ➢ Vines and irrigation system required (as approved by the Recreation and Parks Dept.) ➢ 10 foot maintenance road JM:jeng S:\Walls\Fwy Wall\m-fwy walls-more info.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works-Directoe1 DATE: May 1, 2008 SUBJECT: Transportation Impact Fee Phase IV Update City and County staff and their consultants have been meeting and corresponding on this issue. The new fee schedule is waiting upon the resolution of a couple of the factors that go into the fee formula. Staff should have some preliminary numbers by the committee meeting. The fee is based upon several factors: • The growth expected within the metropolitan area through the year 2035 • The transportation facilities needed by the year 2035 to support the new growth at Level of Service C. • The cost of the facilities • The relative effect of the various land uses on the transportation system due to trip generation, length of trip and degree of linked trips (expressed as "New Trips") Still at issue is a couple of cost items for the facilities list and further analysis of the relative effect of the land uses. SAMEMOS\2008WIF IV PD Committee.doc Planning and Development Committee Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Media Fax Confirmation �. g ml�$ rmlml�r 77-7 71 fi Main -All Faxes B- NevAakCd t 4 6 A Da .D1M/Tiar Tm7RaMfia flrNlwdpAE.a. 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