HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/09 RDA AGENDA~_ ifa BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,'''~t..,3r, AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2009 Conference Room A, City Hall North ~~ 1600 Truxtun Avenue 4:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of the November 10, 2008 regular meeting. b. Approval of department payments from October 31, 2008 to December 24, 2008 in tho amount of $1,805,626.27. c. Component Unit Financial Report (CUFR) for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. Staff recommends approval of Consent Calendar items 3.a. through 3.c. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. REPORTS 6. DEFERRED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Resolution authorizing the purchase of five (5) tax-defaulted properties located within the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area for the Southeast Infill Housing Project or Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. b. Resolution for the Declaration of Official Intent of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of indebtedross for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project. Staff recommends adoption of the resolutian. c. Approve :Stipulation Re: Settlement and Entry of Judgment and Final Order of Condemnation to purchase real property located at 730 California Avenue for $527,51 Cj:iJO for the Mill Creek Project. Staff recommends approval of the Stipulation. d. Election of Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Chairperson and Vice- Chairpersbn for Calendar Year 2009. Staff recommends conducting election in accordance with Bakersfield Redvelopment Agency By-laws: 8. AGENCY STATE=MENTS 9. CLOSED SESS~~NS 10. WORKSHOPS 11. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, (I~ v" ~ Alan Tandy Executive Director A O v t: ~' '~ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 3.a. TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk DEPARTMENT HEA /~- DATE: December 30, 2008 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Minutes of the November 10, 2008 regular meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the minutes. BACKGROUND: AKE pF ~,vo.,, h'S, ~ ~ i~ d ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ~~~ cgLIF MEETING DATE: January 5, 2008 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: ,3. b, TO: Bakersfield RDA APPROVED FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Officer DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: December 30, 2008 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Approval of department payments from October 31, 2008 to December 24, 2008 in the amount of $ 1,805,626.27. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $1,805,626.27 BACKGROUND: I.,.J:..:.d. ...1 ., e.,+c cvnenrainn ~Q Sinn in 4hc 7hA\/A fAtal arP IICtA(', hPInW Chica o Title Com an $ 500,000.00 Purchase Of Property For The Development Of Shelter Housing Per A reement RA 08-018. Me er Civil En ineerin Inc $ 17,100.00 8 Pa ment For Professional Services For The Mill Creek Project. California Eminent Domain Law Grou $ 6,303.30 1 S Payment for Professional Services For The Month of September 2008 Per A reement BRDA 08-018 8~ BRDA 08-019. Lee Cri en Demolition $ 47,465.10 1 S Pa ment For Downtown Redevelo ment Demolition of Various Pro rties. Cornerstone En ineerin Inc $ 3,571.67 8 Pa ment For En ineerin Services of Various Demolition Pro'ects. Downtown Business & Pro ert Owner's Association $ 25,000.00 Payment To Assist With The Cost of Electric Trolley System For Downtown Bakersfield Per A reement RA 08-011. Psomas En ineerin $ 3,500.00 Payment For Professional Services For The Mill Creek Project Per A reement BRDA 08-014 Bank of America $ 1,000,000.00 Predevelopment Draws For The 19 Street Senior Plaza Per Agreement RA 08-014. California Eminent Domain Law Grou $ 6,650.10 2" Payment For Professional Services For The Month of October 2008 Per A reement BRDA 08-018 &BRDA 08-019. Desmond, Marcello & Amster LLC $ 7,317.50 1 g Payment for Professional Services For The Months of July & August 2008 Per A reement ED 08-014 & ED 08-015. S:\Richard\AP\ADMIN-BRDA\ADMIN-BRDA-AP-1-12-09.doc ~,wwe~ ~R ~ ~ in d ~ ~t~ LIFO ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Landsca eforms $ 9,689.75 Pa ment for the Mill Creek Pro'ect -12 Plexus Litter Rece tacles. Me er Civil En ineerin Inc $ 45,493.97 9 Pa ment For Professional Services For The Mill Creek Pro'ect. Townsend Public Affairs $ 5,000.00 1 S Payment for Professional Services For The Months of October & November 2008 Per A reement BRDA 08-021. Me er Civil En ineerin Inc $ 35,177.84 10 Pa ment For Professional Services For The Mill Creek Pro'ect. Fidelit National Title Co $ 3,504.75 1 S Payment for Professional Services regarding the 19 Street Senior Plaza Per A reement RA 08-014. Summit En ineerin $ 7,604.00 Payment For Professional Services for the Mill Creek Canal Waterway Pro'ect Phase 5A & 56. Commonwealth Land Title Co $ 35,000.00 Down Payment Assistance for Teresa Espinoza for Property Located at 1808 Filson St. Lee Cri en Demolition $ 21,888.00 2" Payment For Downtown Redevelopment Demolition of Various Pro ernes. S:\Richard\AP\ADMIN-BRDA\ADMIN~BRDA-AP-1-12-09.doc MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: ,~, (~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Nelson K. Smith, Finance Officer December 10, 2008 Component Unit Financial Report (CUFR) for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. AP/PROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD /~/ GENERAL COUNSEL ~ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Component Unit Financial Report be received and filed. BACKGROUND: Attached is the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency's Component Unit Financial Report (CUFR), commonly referred to as the Agency's Annual Audit Report, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. The CUFR represents the Agency's financial statements as of June 30, 2008 which are audited by the accounting firm of Brown Armstrong Paulden McCown Starbuck Thornburgh & Keeter. December 10, 2008, 9:34AM S:WdminWdmin Reports\2008 RDA CUFR.doc ~" 'F/, "~.' ~ ;' f"z-: ="``` ~~~{- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ;_. .r~. MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: ~"l,c~. TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Deputy Executive Director DATE: December 19, 2008 DEPARTMENT H GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~C~ SUBJECT: Resolution authorizing the purchase of five (5) tax-defaulted property located within the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area for the Southeast Infill Housing Project or Neighborhood Stabilization Program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Once each year, the County of Kern compiles a list of real properties for which property taxes have not been paid for a minimum of five years. tf the City of Bakersfield has any recorded liens against any of those properties, the County notifies the City. If the City does not object,. the County will sell those properties at auction. The minimum bid would entail the cost of the back taxes, any liens and expenses associated with the auction. The City, however, can object to the sale and offer to buy any of the properties for which it has liens. The total sales price for the five (5) one lots would be $62,900.00, plus publication costs of approximately $2,500. State law also permits redevelopment agencies to purchase tax-defaulted properties, providing those properties are in a redevelopment project area. These properties are located in the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area. The following table lists the property address, physical description and possible use: Pro ert Address Ph sisal Descri tion Possible Use 409 N Street Multi-family complex Residential Rehabilitation through the Neighborhood Stabilization Pro ram 822 Collins Street Vacant land Residential In-fill 907 Dr. Martin Luther Kin Jr. Blvd. Vacant land Multi-famil or residential In-fill 305 Dr. Martin Luther Kin Jr. Blvd. Vacant Land Multi-famil or residential In-fill 132 Milham Vacant Land Residential In-fill Lots purchased in this manner will not be insured by title insurance companies until one year has elapsed from the date of the purchase. Therefore, after the lots are purchased, the Agency would have five years to negotiate with housing developers to develop the residential properties to benefit low-income residents of the Southeast Redevelopment Area S:Wdmins\RDA\RDA Admins 2008\tax default property 2009.doc 12/19/2008 8:02 AM aaxE O4 MCOMOR~,~, ~s~~ U ADMINI ATIVE REPORT Cq~IFO ~P MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: r/. b TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Financial Officer DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: December 30, 2008 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Resolution for the Declaration of Official Intent of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of indebtedness for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND: Staff is in the process of preparing the final documents to enable the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to authorize the issuance and sale not to exceed $13.5 million of aggregate principal amount of its 2009 Tax Allocation Bonds to provide funding for redevelopment activities in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project. As part of the bond process a declaration of official intent to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of indebtedness is required. This declaration is solely for the purposes of establishing compliance with the requirements of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations. The declaration does not bind the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to make any expenditure or incur any indebtedness in conjunction. with the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project. The declaration merely declares the official intent of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to use the proceeds from the 2009 Tax Allocation Bonds to reimburse itself for redevelopment activities in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, and Old Town Kern-Pioneer Redevelopment Project prior to obtaining the financing. S:\Edcd\RDA(CDDA)\08-09 RDA Admins\Downtown,etc.projectbond.doc 12/30/2008 3:37 PM BAXE 04 acow'ortrtre ~6` ~ ~ Uc~~,,~P° ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT A`'F° ~~ BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: '~. G• TO: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency APPROVED FROM: Joshua H. Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: December 12, 2008 GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Approve Stipulation Re: Settlement and Entry of Judgment and Final Order of Condemnation to purchase real property located at 730 California Avenue for $527,510.00 for the Mill Creek Project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the stipulation. BACKGROUND: The property being acquired is located at 730 California Avenue and is owned by Richard and Debra Whitlock and Whitlock Property, LLC, and contains two businesses, Rick's Recycling, Inc. and A & S Trucking Company, a general partnership. The property consists of land improved with an industrial building. On September 29, 2008, the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency filed a Complaint in Eminent Domain against Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock and others seeking to acquire all rights and interest in the real property. The purchase price of $527,510 is a product of negotiations based on an appraisal prepared by Michael Burger, MAI and reviewed by Michael Launer, MAI. The stipulation settles any and all claims and disputes related to the fair market value of the real property as follows: Real Estate: $543,000 Less Environmental Remediation: ($32,500) Improvements/F&E: $12,010 Appraisal Cost Reimbursement: $5,000 Total $527,510 The stipulation does not include the claims for compensation for loss of business goodwill and relocation benefits, which will be resolved later on as part of the existing litigation. The Whitlock defendants also agree to vacate the property and deliver possession to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency no later than April 1, 2009. This property is the last property for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to purchase for the South Mill Creek Project. S:\Edcd\RDA(CDDA)\08-09 RDA Admins\730CalifAveMillcreekstip.Adm.doc 12/12/2008 3:17 PM BAKE Q~ Mcn0.von~ ~ RSA ~ ~ U~~~,,.®P° ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT gL1F0 N~ MEETING DATE: January 5, 2009 I AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: r/. ~~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Pamela A. McCarthy, Secreta~ December 31, 2008 Election of Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for Calendar Year 2009. APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEA ~ ~~ GENERAL COUNSEL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends conducting election in accordance with Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency By-laws. BACKGROUND: The adopted By-laws for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency stipulate that the Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson be elected during the Agency's January meeting. Term of office is one year. S:\BRDAIADMINS\2008\election of chair & vice chair 2009.doc Ir