HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/03/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 3, 2007 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Attached is an updated version of City Council Goals. We tried to shorten it a bit while keeping the same substance as before. Please review the two documents included and provide your comments to staff. Staff will be bringing the update of the goals to the Council for consideration and action sometime in September. 2. As you probably picked up from the media when we put a number to the added mitigation needed for one of the nine points in the transportation funding plan, it drew some protest at the Planning and Development Committee meeting. A staff working session and another Committee meeting have been scheduled for next week. The issue has a compressed time frame because of the upcoming August General Plan Amendment Cycle. 3. As part of our Operational Area Grant Program, we (City and County Fire, BPD, and Sheriffs) agreed on, applied for, and got approved two items that will help both the City and County: • $247,000 for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) web-based software, and • $245,000 for the development of a "Detailed Dam Failure Evacuation Plan". The process to implement these may take a bit of time, but it is in motion. 4. We are continuing with the remodel of the first floor of the new City Hall (Borton, Petrini). Human Resources will move there in the fall. Two conference rooms, which are intended to serve many purposes, including Council committee use, will be in that space as well. Other uses will include staff meetings, neighborhood meetings with citizens, RDA meetings, Civil Service Commission, training and testing, among others. The smaller is about the same size as the room currently used by my office. The larger one will accommodate more people — this week Planning and Development had an overflow crowd and we really could have used it. It is our intention to make them attractive, multi-use and high tech since they will serve so many key city needs. Please call if you have questions. 5. Attached is a letter from Governor Schwarzenegger thanking us for endorsing his gang initiative, CaIGRIP. 6. Enclosed are the results of Keep Bakersfield Beautiful sponsored cleanup/beautification events for the 2006-07 fiscal year. A total of 4,900 volunteers participated in these events and put in over 9,000 volunteer hours. For the cleanups, volunteers and staff removed approximately 270 tons of litter and illegal dumping from public areas. Trees and flowers were also planted, and General Services' Anti-Graffiti Program assisted with graffiti removal. In addition, KBB did 17 anti-litter/beautification/recycling presentations to various groups. A big thanks to all who participated in cleaning up the city. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 3, 2007 Page 2 7. You are invited to the BPD National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 7" from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Park at River Walk. 8. The following pools close for the season on August 4th: Jefferson, Jastro, Seimon, Planz and Martin Luther King. Silver Creek and McMurtrey will remain open until August 19th. McMurtrey will be open on weekends through Labor Day. 9. Ahpublic meeting will be held regarding the Beach Skate Park expansion on Wednesday, August 8 at 6:00 pm in the Corp Yard lunchroom. 10. The Graffiti Unit statistics for July 2007 are attached. 11. The Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for July 2007 is enclosed. 12. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 6th is enclosed. 13. Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Benham • Response to request from Golden Empire Historical society. AT:rs:rk cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk 8/3/2007 3:10:34 PM B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM August 3, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Through: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. StinsonVstant City Manager Subject: Council Goals — Draft 2007 Update Attached is an updated version of City Council Goals for your review and comment. The revised goals have been reformatted to better identify and focus on significant Council goals and incorporate other new major goals (such as the TRIP program, Mill Creek, etc.). The new format also identifies the targeted actions which support the completion of the goals. The updated goals list has been streamlined to remove those items which have been completed, were duplicative or were included within other goals, or were no longer relevant. Additionally, a review was done to relocate some items which were common among several goals (such as pursuit of grant funding) to the "Guiding Principles" section to eliminate duplication among goals. There are two documents included with this memo. The first is a summary which shows just the goals. The second includes the goals with the Target Actions and Guiding Principles. Staff will be bringing the update of the goals to the Council for consideration and action sometime in September. S:\JOHN\Council Goals\2007 Goals\Memo Goals 2007.doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD r- City Council Goals Goals Update—August 2007 GOAL #1: PROVIDE QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES 1.1 Provide consistent police services that support and enhance proactive law enforcement including city-wide efforts to reduce gang violence, illegal drug use, domestic violence and child abuse. 1.2 Provide consistent fire and related emergency services throughout Bakersfield. GOAL #2: ENHANCE THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION NETWORK 2.1 Maintain and improve the quality of existing surface streets and arterials by continuing to enhance the road resurfacing program, including increasing funding for street maintenance. 2.2 Implement the Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) projects as promptly as possible. 2.3 Implement Construction of the Westside Parkway as promptly as possible. 2.4 Maintain and construct trails for cycling, walking, jogging and equestrian uses. GOAL #3: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN AND MAJOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 3.1 Encourage improvements to the downtown. 3.2 Pursue development of the Mill Creek project. 3.3 Encourage housing and mixed use development projects. GOAL #4: PLAN FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Provide for the logical planned growth and development of the city. 4.2 Provide for and protect the city's water supply. 4.3 Encourage the development of affordable housing. 4.4 Promote the redevelopment of older areas within the city. GOAL #5: STRENGTHEN AND DIVERSIFY OUR ECONOMIC BASE 5.1 Enhance economic development opportunities. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 1 GOAL #6: PROMOTE COMMUNITY PRIDE AND IMAGE 6.1 Improve the visual appearance and livability of the city. 6.2 Provide quality recreational facilities and programs. 6.3 Construct new recreational and cultural facilities. GOAL #7: FISCAL SOLVENCY 7.1 Provide for the prudent use of fiscal resources. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD f City Council Goals Goals Update—August 2007 GOAL #1 : PROVIDE QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES GOAL 1.1 : PROVIDE CONSISTENT POLICE SERVICES THAT SUPPORT AND ENHANCE PROACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT INCLUDING CITY-WIDE EFFORTS TO REDUCE GANG VIOLENCE, ILLEGAL DRUG USE, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CHILD ABUSE. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Plan for and develop funding mechanisms for proposed substations and associated staffing when possible. Continue efforts to increase Police patrol and progress towards a goal of 1.3 officers per 1,000 population. 2. Pursue and coordinate Homeland Security programs and facilitate information sharing with state and federal agencies regarding regional security concerns. 3. Enhance the City's graffiti enforcement efforts using community education, information on the City's graffiti Web site, City crews and volunteer clean-up efforts, and Police enforcement. Work with the City Attorney's office to prosecute "quality of life" misdemeanors in conjunction with the District Attorney's Office. 4. Work with Kern County Sheriffs Office and other agencies involved in the Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee and the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence to reduce gang related crime through prevention, intervention and suppression activities. 5. Promote park safety by utilizing traditional police patrol, specialized park patrol, and video technology. GOAL 1.2 : PROVIDE CONSISTENT FIRE AND RELATED EMERGENCY SERVICES THROUGHOUT BAKERSFIELD. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Determine fire service needs and future station locations based on planned growth within the Metropolitan General Plan. Implement new station development plans (Pursuant to Joint Powers Agreement with County, including funding the construction and staffing of Station #12 and Station #14). 2. Complete construction of Fire Station #5. GOAL #2: ENHANCE THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION NETWORK GOAL 2.1 : MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EXISTING SURFACE STREETS AND ARTERIALS BY CONTINUING TO ENHANCE THE ROAD RESURFACING PROGRAM, INCLUDING INCREASING FUNDING FOR STREET MAINTENANCE. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 1 Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Evaluate the condition of city streets and implement a plan to achieve street resurfacing improvements. Develop strategies for reconstruction of segments of selected arterial streets, based on priority, using state and federal road funds or other available funding sources. Set aside one-time eligible monies as a priority for street maintenance projects as they become available. 2. Implement a long term program for reconstruction of arterial streets using recurring state road funds and pursue a plan through KernCOG using 10% of state road funds allocated for Bakersfield for rehabilitation of local streets and roads. 3. Pursue all new revenue sources from the recently passed state transportation bond. Identify, through KernCog, additional transportation augmentation funding. GOAL 2.2 : IMPLEMENT THE THOMAS ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TRIP) PROJECTS AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Work with the County and other governmental entities to cooperatively plan for and fund multi-jurisdictional transportation facilities in the metropolitan area. 2. Implement the 9 point plan to address transportation project funding including: passage of the "safe roads measure" for transportation funding; updating the KernCog traffic model and implementing changes to the metropolitan Bakersfield traffic impact fee program in order to sufficiently fund transportation projects required due to development; continuing to work with developers on large projects to promote public/private partnerships to extend major roadways; and pursuit of available state and federal transportation funding. 3. Meet with Kern County and encourage Caltrans to amend preferred alternate 15 and change the designation of Highway 58 from the vicinity of 7ch Standard Road to the South Beltway. 4. Pursue the prudent acquisition of needed properties on designated transportation corridors from willing sellers with available funds designated for transportation purposes. GOAL 2.3 : IMPLEMENT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WESTSIDE PARKWAY AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Begin first phase Westside Parkway construction from Mohawk to Coffee Road. 2. Encourage completion of the Westside Parkway by accessing state and other funds. GOAL 2.4 : MAINTAIN AND CONSTRUCT TRAILS FOR CYCLING, WALKING, JOGGING AND EQUESTRIAN USES. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Recognize the link between land use and transportation through adoption and implementation of General Plan policies including development and transportation standards which promote a balanced transportation system of pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and motor vehicles. Explore alternative development concepts which promote pedestrian and transit oriented communities. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 2 2. Continue to expand and develop trails and bikeways by promoting the connectivity of new and existing trails within the city to the existing Kern River Bike Path. 3. Work with local bicycle organizations to identify new bicycle facilities. Encourage installation of bicycle parking areas in the downtown and in private developments. 4. Retrofit existing neighborhoods to be more pedestrian friendly and provide for pedestrian friendly thoroughfares in new developments. GOAL #3: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN AND MAJOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS GOAL 3.1 : ENCOURAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Complete 19th Street streetscape extension. 2. Encourage commercial development that includes plazas, pocket parks and water features. 3. Encourage the use of trees and flowers, lighting, street furniture, water features, canopies, public art, signage, flags. Use surface material that enriches the paving options on our streets, sidewalks, and curbing. 4. Expand the downtown street light design and streetscape design, and incorporate benches, refuse containers, tables and chairs and explore the use of solar lighting. 5. Pursue selection of downtown site for Federal Courthouse. 6. Pursue creation of identifiable districts within the downtown - arts, education, theater, government, finance, etc. 7. Encourage quality downtown housing developments which bring families to the downtown area. 8. Pursue property acquisition in the downtown from willing sellers for projects that fulfill stated downtown planning objectives. 9. Ensure that the future freeway system provides ample and easy access to the downtown area. 10. Address downtown parking needs by developing a comprehensive plan in cooperation with public and private downtown interests which addresses joint use and other creative ways to integrate parking downtown. GOAL 3.2 : PURSUE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MILL CREEK PROJECT. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Complete street crossing and streetscape improvements at Central Park as Phase 1 of the Mill Creek Project. 2. Develop a linear trail along the Kern Island Canal to become a focus for redevelopment, community activities and outdoor enjoyment as part of the Mill Creek Project. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 3 3. Develop concepts for projects which contain the following elements: entertainment, trees, landscaping, water features, canopies, family activities, pedestrian-friendly design, safety, attractiveness. Minimize the negative aspects of railroad. 4. Provide green space for walking, relaxing, jogging, biking, and picnicking. Provide a pedestrian friendly atmosphere by linking the parks with a canal system. 5. Continue to build on the success of the Convention Center Hotel, Centennial Plaza, Rabobank Arena, Amtrak Station, McMurtrey Aquatic Center, and Ice Sports Center by promoting mixed use development that supports entertainment venues, restaurants, commercial and retail businesses and housing. Identify underutilized and blighted properties in the downtown core area as potential sites for improvement. GOAL 3.3 : ENCOURAGE HOUSING AND MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Promote mixed use development that includes landscaping and innovative urban design elements, urban housing, restaurants, retail and other commercial uses. 2. Complete the mixed use development in the Southeast and Old Town Kern (Baker and Kentucky Streets) Redevelopment areas 3. Implement housing development in the Southeast and Old Town Kern Redevelopment areas. 4. Explore the sale of surplus City farm property to build Southeast economy and to generate funds for needed capital improvements. GOAL #4: PLAN FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT GOAL 4.1 : PROVIDE FOR THE LOGICAL PLANNED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Update Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan including planning for infrastructure and delivery of public services. 2. Complete construction of the upgrade/expansion of Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. 3. Facilitate annexations where staff is sensitive to the areas and where support starts with the neighbors. Provide information to explain financial incentives or other benefits of annexation, including water and sewer service, which encourage urban areas in the County to be annexed into the City. 4. Work with major corporations/homebuilders and land owners to facilitate master planned additions to Bakersfield including the use of development agreements. 5. Encourage the use of development agreements which provide for cohesive design and transportation elements and standards to unify master planned communities. 6. Develop strategies to reduce consumption of prime agricultural land for urban development. 7. Prepare an urban services study of areas within the current City boundary, as well as the sphere of influence, to identify areas that are not served by existing infrastructure master plans— i.e. sewer, water- and identify ways to serve them. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 4 8. Plan for development of City facilities such as fire stations, police stations, parks, and water facilities such as wells and pumps, etc., with other governmental agencies and organizations and locate such facilities in a manner which will provide economies of scale, reduce costs, and maximize the public benefit of City facilities and other related public facilities. GOAL 4.2 : PROVIDE FOR AND PROTECT THE CITY'S WATER SUPPLY. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Vigorously defend against any potential threats to the City's water supply and water rights. 2. Provide for future growth and water demands by planning for water facilities in advance of development. 3. Pursue opportunities to increase the water supply available to the City. GOAL 4.3 : ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Support affordable housing for seniors and low/moderate income residents. 2. Encourage and support redevelopment project areas to promote development in the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast areas of Bakersfield through use of redevelopment, community planning efforts, and other available revitalization tools. 3. Streamline processes and provide incentives for first time homebuyers in blighted areas. GOAL 4.4 : PROMOTE THE REDEVELOPMENT OF OLDER AREAS WITHIN THE CITY. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Encourage and support redevelopment and neighborhood improvements in Southeast Bakersfield and on 34`h Street area between Chester Avenue and Union Avenue by providing streetlights, street repairs, and median island landscaping and streetscapes. 2. Develop policies for specific incentives for residential in-fill in blighted areas. 3. Continue program to improve existing median islands with landscaping and decorative rock features in accordance with City standards throughout the city. 4. Continue code enforcement efforts to help maintain neighborhoods and improve visual standards. GOAL #5: STRENGTHEN AND DIVERSIFY OUR ECONOMIC BASE GOAL 5.1 : ENHANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Continue to enhance the TEAM BAKERSFIELD concept and develop a fast-track process for establishing or retaining a business. 2. Encourage business retention through programs which collaborate with local organizations such as trade unions, vocational training centers, schools and universities to provide technical assistance, employee training resources and other business assistance. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 5 3. Attract industries which are best suited to the advantages of our location, which include availability of energy production, access to major transportation corridors, and geographic diversity for film locations and recreational activities. 4. Focus on improvements and opportunities within the Southeast and Old Town Kern Redevelopment Project areas, and the Incentive Area. 5. Implement job creation strategies identified in the Old Town Kern and Southeast Economic development plans which address high unemployment area needs by attracting targeted industries that provide higher paying jobs which can support families. 6. Assist in business expansion and job opportunities by encouraging development of workforce training and infrastructure development which are consistent with identified strategic business attraction goals and build on our existing economic base. GOAL #6: PROMOTE COMMUNITY PRIDE AND IMAGE GOAL 6.1 : IMPROVE THE VISUAL APPEARANCE AND LIVABILITY OF THE CITY. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Continue the campaign against littering (Keep Bakersfield Beautiful and CUB Programs) and graffiti. Encourage public participation in such volunteer efforts. 2. Create landscaped gateways, freeways and arterial roads. Improve freeway and entry point landscape standards. 3. Continue efforts to enhance the city's urban forest by promoting the planting, proper care and maintenance of trees throughout the city. GOAL 6.2 : PROVIDE QUALITY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS. Tarqet Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Facilitate development and encourage corporate capital investments towards cultural and recreational facilities, including the use of grants, contributions, in-kind services and other unique or appropriate one-time funding sources which may become available, while limiting the use of General Fund revenues for such capital construction. Such facilities would include a performing and cultural arts center; community recreation buildings; aquatics facilities; and a multi-purpose stadium. 2. Pursue National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Accreditation to enhance, promote and foster community image. 3. Continue the operation of existing city swimming pools in a safe and cost effective manner. GOAL 6.3 : CONSTRUCT NEW RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Begin construction of 40 acre baseball park development. 2. Complete design for 200+ acre complex to address soccer, baseball, aquatic facilities and related needs on Taft Highway. 3. Complete design and begin construction of improvements to City recreational facility (formerly Mesa Marin) adjacent to City in the Hills development in northeast Bakersfield. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 6 GOAL #7: FISCAL SOLVENCY GOAL 7.1 : PROVIDE FOR THE PRUDENT USE OF FISCAL RESOURCES. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. To incorporate best practices from the private sector as an element of conducting business. 2. To prudently govern all areas of discretionary spending, including personnel, benefit and pension costs, so that funds to provide services can be balanced with the need to attract and retain quality personnel. 3. To conservatively govern the financial operations of the City, so that long-term liabilities are controlled as best as practicable for the benefit of the tax payer. 4. To budget conservatively by using one-time revenues for capital rather than operating costs, with streets being of particular importance. 5. To preserve General Fund revenues for core services of the City, such as public safety, streets, parks, and quality of life issues. 6. To respect the history of the City by keeping tax rates, fees and assessments as low as possible while still providing quality services. 7. To maintain reserves adequate for dealing with contingencies. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 7 City of Bakersfield - Guiding Principles In addition to the City Council Goals, the City of Bakersfield recognizes the following guiding principles in providing public services to the Citizens of Bakersfield: • To maintain responsible fiscal policies which insure fiscal solvency, promote the pursuit of grants and private donations, maintain the lowest possible fee structure for all services and streamline government operations to be more responsive and cost effective. • To recognize that pension costs are a large percentage of the General Fund and to therefore pursue fiscal policies which prudently govern such costs. • To encourage utilization of local vendors wherever possible and continue an investment policy that provides opportunities for City funds to be invested locally if all other conditions such as rate of return are the same. • To attract and foster a qualified workforce by creating an environment that encourages employees to achieve and provide quality customer service. • To maintain positive and effective labor and employee relations through enhanced employee reward and recognition programs, involving all staff in implementing the goals and objectives of the City. • Continue to implement cultural diversity in all aspects of the employment process. • Provide safe working conditions and train employees in sound safety practices. • Improve city government communications which promote a positive image of the City's projects, programs and accomplishments. • Continue enhancement to the public communications process, including use of television broadcasts for meetings and to provide public information; enhancement of the city's WEB site; use of press releases regarding city activities; use of surveys to obtain customer service and other citizen feedback information; and distribution of city-wide publications. • Provide more positive council interaction with public through improved response to citizen complaints and inquiries through use of constituent tracking software. • Improve internal Council relations by promoting common goals, respecting individual positions on issues, reducing the level of"political" decision-making, and conducting annual team building and goal setting sessions. • Work with the County to provide efficient government services for metropolitan area which reduce the duplication of public services. • Research, evaluate and implement emerging technologies which would enhance the provision of City services by making them more effective and efficient. • Explore new or alternative funding mechanisms, including the pursuit of grant funding for constructing and staffing new programs and facilities. • Continue to provide consistent urban services within the metropolitan area defined by the City's General Plan. • Adhere to City Statement of Water Resources Policy in preserving the quality and quantity of City's Kern River water supplies and water rights of the water resources available to the City. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 8 • Maintain, replace and protect the City's infrastructure (i.e. streets, storm drains, sewer lines, canal crossings, buildings, structures and facilities, parks, etc.) • Pro-actively pursue intergovernmental legislation at the county, state and federal levels by monitoring, taking a position and actively pursuing pending legislation; expanding annual lobbying efforts with state and federal representatives; inviting legislators to Council workshops or other activities; holding joint City Council/County Board of Supervisor meetings to discuss various issues. • Continue to partner with school districts on recreation and education programs to reduce youth violence, drugs and crime. City Council Goals-Goals Update August 2007 Page 9 GOVERNOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER July 24, 2007 The Honorable Harvey L. Hall Mayor City of Bakersfield 1501 Trtix:tun Avent e Bakersfield,California 93301 Dear Mayor Hall, Thank you for sharing Kern County's endorsement of my gang initiative, Ca1GRIP. I very much appreciated the thoughtful analysis and broad support. Gang violence is a problem that knows no boundaries and that no single entity can solve on its own, and I believe that a coordinated approach will provide us with the tools we need to fight the problem. I couldn't agree more that prevention,intervention and suppression must all play key roles in any statewide effort. In developing the initiative, I spent several months meeting with mayors, law enforcement, faith-based and community organizations, local officials and legislators to discuss how communities across the state were fighting gangs and what resources they needed to boost their success. All across California, our communities must deal with the same problems: a lack of coordination,a lack of funding and a lack of a comprehensive approach to anti-gang efforts. Those are all areas I've tried to remedy in Ca1GRIP,and they're all areas where I'm truly glad to have your support. As you're well aware, Ca1GRIP brings together more than$48 million in state finds; grants,and federal d1oilars for.suppmssion, nten ertlnn al,d preVe-11 611 prog;'Ams. At the same time, the state is investing in career technical education, after-school programs and school counselors, all in an effort to give at-risk kids alternatives to gang life. I believe fighting gangs is one of the single most important things we can do to make California a better, safer place to live and work. Thanks again for your tremendous leadership and for stepping forward to be part of long-needed solution. With regard mold Schwarzenegger 7 STATE CAPITOL • SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 • (916) 445-2841 2 2007 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Manager DATE: July 24, 2007 SUBJECT: Keep Bakersfield Beautiful During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, Keep Bakersfield Beautiful (KBB) sponsored fifty-seven cleanup/beautification events in the City of Bakersfield. A total of 4,900 volunteers participated in these events and put in over 9,500 volunteer hours. For the cleanups, volunteers and staff removed approximately 270 tons of litter and illegal dumping from public areas. In addition, trees and flowers were planted and graffiti was removed with the assistance of General Services' Anti- Graffiti Program. In addition, KBB did 17 anti-litter/beautification/recycling presentations to various groups including social clubs, youth groups, schools and businesses. The KBB Committee would like to thank the Mayor and City Council for their support of this very successful program that has been embraced by the community. 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The goal is to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, build support and participation in local anti-crime programs and, most importantly, send a message to criminals that our neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. It's also the perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbors even better. See you there! An evening of fun,food, Bakersfield City partners, and police exhibits. Free shredders to the first 100 ADULTS who bring at least 2 bags of personal material from home to be shredded. VON$ SUPERMARKETS AVE MART Ingredients for fife,, FOODS xa-,„,,,m . 4UVP0 SYOU OM UNITY +kea.<r o�`Fr, PORT� BAKERSFIELD POLICE ' MEMORANDUM -FORS 1w Date: August 2, 2007 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police Subject: GHOST "Graffiti" Statistics for July I have attached the Graffiti Unit statistics for the month of July. Please call if you have any questions. Z^ ommmoom nO C -n DC- II p :y O -�� Q- H m N fD D D N D 0 O Cc c0'1 p O a1 CD -1 fD O N y O N fD CD 3 N N 0 y N CD N "- -< O -` O O CA CJ1 CA co W 1 j N W ^ N CD ) 4�6 O -► ^* O O O O O O CO 0o �I ^ O O j C (^17 Cn ^ N GJ CJ7 Q O .� .� O O N `. O N `. O O _ N N 00 w �wy� �7 W CA \/ �� O -► O -4 C� L O cn v N W 0) co co N O N -` CO N V J N ^ ^ ) W _' 00 N Cb N .. N`. r* O O N CA) -' CO cn O N O N ^ j W j ^ ^ --� j C .+ CD N 0 O N O y L T O � N N 00 O ^ � O C CA) C `� N DN CD CD V N O V F* O Z O CD N cn Cr N -4 1 CJ 1 11 -4 00 �l N N �' N U0 w 0 N -4W � p N -' CA U1 CO -4 CA) 1� B A KE'R V�`HGORPORATfO sl� BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM GARY 11.�� Date: August 2, 2007 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police ��� Subject: Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for July, 2007. Please call if you have any questions. W R R/vrf Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report — July 2007 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for July 2007. 107 Felony Arrests 11 Guns Seized 55 Supplemental Reports 72 Misdemeanor Arrests 678 FI's 132 General Offense 41 Felony Warrant Reports Arrests 55 Citations 29 Vehicle Reports 41 Misdemeanor Warrant 632 Probation and Parole Arrests Searches 7 Search Warrants Hrs. Assisting Other 8 2007 Shootings 400 Hours In Training 611 Department 6 2006 Shootings Sections 10 2005 Shootings 4 2004 Shootings Year to Date Statistics January — July 2007 669 Felony Arrests 107 Guns Seized 426 Supplemental Reports 421 Misdemeanor Arrests 3654 FI's 824 General Offense 159 Felony Warrant Reports Arrests 379 Citations 208 Vehicle Reports 244 Misdemeanor Warrant 3295 Probation and Parole Arrests Searches 49 Search Warrants Hrs. Assisting Other 37 2007 Shootings 666 Hours In Training 3653 Department 32 2006 Shootings Sections 50 2005 Shootings 41 2004 Shootings SEU DAILY ACTIVITY 7/1/07 - Sunday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Raul Garcia, 34, 12/14/72, from the 200 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, for a misdemeanor warrant. Misty Burdette, 21, 9/20/85, from the 1000 block of Owens St, for possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia. Kenneth Chandlee, 24, 8/30/82, from 1100 Owens St, for possession of drugs for sale, possession of paraphernalia and parole hold. Russell Davis, 27, 11/18/79, from the 1100 block of Owens St, for transportation of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia, brake light out and parole hold. from Potomac / S. Brown, for false personation and false info. Craig Bailey, 26, 10/20/80, from E. 3rd / Northrup St, for public intoxication. from 1620 Orange St, for resisting arrest. Darryl Williams, 22, 12/18/84, from Texas / Hayes St, for a parole hold. Ahmod Turner, 21, 2/5/86, from Monterey/ Inyo, for violation of parole. Tommy Moten, 19, 9/28/87, from 431 Water St, for a felony warrant. Pedro Duran, 33, 9/23/73, from the 100 block of Northrup, for public intoxication. Lorece Crystal, 28, 5/5/79, from the 300 block of Northrup, for being an unlicensed driver, off road vehicle in the street and no insurance. (Cited) 7/2/07 - Monday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Joe Mora, 27, 7/28/79, from E. 4th / Rodman, for a felony warrant. Nicholas Brimage, 28, 6/26/79, from 1400 Miller St, for public intoxication. Ramon Lasalde, 24, 4/21/83, from the 1400 block of Miller St, for possession of paraphernalia. Pablo Gonzalez, 26, 8/9/80, from 1400 Miller, for public intoxication. Sidney Walker, 32, 4/8/75, from Fairfax /Auburn, for reckless discharge of a firearm, brandish a firearm, threats, participation in a criminal street gang, gang member with a firearm and felon possess a firearm. Edward Melville, 41, 2/11/66, from Fwy 99/ Golden State, for violation of parole. Brenda Brimage, 39, 3/15/68, from 99 / Airport, for GTA and possession of stolen property. Roy Weeaks, 29, 11/18/77, from 4600 Buck Owens, for parole violation and resisting arrest. Joe Landeros, 48, 2/12/59, from MLK / Virginia, for public intoxication. 7/3/07 — Tuesday — 1700-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: marijuana. from 4017 Darwin Ave, for possession of less than 1 oz of Jerome Amey, 18, 3/6/89, from Monterey / Inyo, for Detox. Keiwan Washington, 18, 10/19/88, from Monterey / Inyo for Detox. Kenneth Woolfolk, 29, 1/19/78, from the 3600 block of K St, for possession of marijuana for sales, destroy evidence, resist arrest and conspiracy. Erick Pullum, 29, 4/4/78, from the 3600 block of K St, for conspiracy, resist/ obstruct officers and possession of marijuana for sales. Michael"Perez,"23, 2/85/84, from 400 Union Ave, for no rear plate, no CDL in possession and throw a lit cigarette. (Cited) Otis Francisco, 40, 3/24/67, from 34th / Q, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Lisa Arana, 37, 11/30/69, from Hale/ Lake, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Connie Ramsdell, 45, 1/14/62, from 4017 Darwin Ave, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/4/07 — Wednesday — 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Donte Stubbs, 24, 12/11/87, from Lotus / Casa Loma, for public intoxication. violation. from 32nd St/Jewett St, for false info to an officer and curfew from 32nd St/Jewett Ave, for unsafe speed, stop sign violation, false info, unlicensed driver and curfew violation. Gregory Spain, 24, 5/10/82, from the 300 block of Monterey St, for possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana. Tremelle Spain, 18, 12/2/88, from the 300 block of Monterey St, for possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana. Dashawn Hunter, 19, 10/14/87, from Monitor/ Olson, for having a suspended license, no insurance, no plates and expired registration. (Cited) Jerome Johnson, 19, 4/5/88, from Monitor/ Pacheco, for having a suspended license, lighting, flashing light, failure to signal. (Cited) 7/5/07 — Thursday — 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Kamal Hodeen, 21, 4/11/86, from 4032 O St, for resisting arrest. Bayben Williams, 22, 2/12/85, from 4032 O St, for resist/obstruct officers. Javier Rodriguez, 22, 3/9/85, from 1823 Dracina St, for Detox. (Cited) from Potomac/ S. Williams, for allowing an unlicensed driver to drive. z (Cited) from Potomac/ S. Williams, for suspended license and fail to signal. Gun Seized: 07-143174, Serial: AP405613, Davis Industries, Semi-auto, .380, from 4215 Teal St#44 7/6/07 - Friday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Marlon Turner, 27, 11/29/79, from 1109 E. 10th St, for a felony warrant (violation of parole) Justin Marshall, 25, 8/6/81, from the 1100 block of Clyde St, for a felony warrant (violation of parole). Damon Simmons, 26, 11/15/80, from the 1100 block of Clyde St, for a felony warrant (violation of parole). Laquinta Foreman, 26, 10/3/80, from 6600 Hazelnut, for accessory. Dennis Holder, 24, 3/27/83, from 6600 Hazelnut Ct, for assault on a peace officer. Orlando Ulloa, 20, 1/14/87, from 1400 E. 18th St, for felon in possession of a firearm, gang member in possession of a firearm, felon in possession of ammo, conspiracy, carry a loaded firearm and participation in a criminal street gang. Carlos Mendoza, 21, 6/24/86, from the 1400 block of E. 18th St, for felon in possession of a firearm, gang memo er in possession of a firearm, felon in possession of ammo, conspiracy, carry a loaded firearm and participation in a criminal street gang. 46muel Flowers, 48, 4/17/59, from N St/ Chester Pl, for a felony warrant (violation of parole). Desean Webb, 21, 3/25/86, from Pacheco / Hughes, for a felony warrant. Donte Johnson, 25, 3/14/82, from Clifton /Texas for amplified sound. (Cited) GUN SEIZED: 07-142726, Serial: F75705, Cobra, revolver, .38, from 1831 Terrace. 07-144294, Serial: none, HA (Alex/ Allen), revolver, .32, from 1408 E. 18th St. 7/7/07 - Saturday - 1000-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: conspiracy. from 1016 N. Coronado St, Los Angeles, for Homicide and Herbert Harris, 46, 5/29/61, from 1202 19th St, for possession of marijuana and violation of parole. Leonard Eddington, 32, 1/15/75, from 431 Martin Luther King Blvd, for a felony warrant. George Mendoza, 19, 7/10/87, from 1408 E. 18th #B, for a felony warrant. John Montgomery, 26, 12/22/80, from 20th St/ Eye St, for Detox. Dametras Level, 33, 7/443, from 1221 Niles St, for failure to register. (Cited) GUNS SEIZED: 07-142726, Serial: 105705. Lorcin, semi-auto, .380, from 1016 N. Coronado, Los Angeles 07-142726, Serial: AP159463, Davis Industries, semi-auto, .380, from 1016 N. Coronado, Los Angeles 07-142726, Serial: 35053, Remington, bolt action rifle, .257, from 1016 N. Coronado, Los Angeles 7/8/07 - Sunday - 1000-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Lyndon Thomas, 18, 11/24/88, from 903 Feliz Dr, for CCW in public, CCW non-registered firearm, gang member CCW, carry a concealed firearm, and participation in a criminal street gang. Lee Jackson, 41, 4/8/66, from the 900 block of Feliz Dr, for delaying officers. Joyce Jackson, 48, 6/26/59, from the 900 block of Feliz Dr, for assault on an officer and resist arrest. Lawrence Slaughter, 23, 2/21/84, from Cottonwood / Feliz, for stop sign violation and no license. from the 300 block of Martin Luther King, for probation violation. from Ming Ave / S. H St, for a felony warrant. Joshua Garcia, 18, 10/30/88, from Ming Ave /Ashe Rd, for reckless driving and license not in possession. Guillermo Piceno, 29, 2/10/78, from the 1400 block of Haley St, for driving without a license and amplified music. Edward Chatman, 37, 5/17/70, from the 900 block of Feliz Dr, for possession of a dirk/ dagger. Jaron Amey, 18, 3/6/89, from the 300 block of Martin Luther King Blvd, for unlicensed driver, no insurance and fail to maintain lighting equipment. (Cited) GUN SEIZED: 07-145500, Serial: 92343, Ruger, Semi-auto handgun, .22, from 903 Feliz 7/9/07 - Monday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Eric Cerda, 20, 6/22/87, from E. 18th / Miller, for false personation of a real person. Willie Williams, 19, 4/2/88, from Brundage/ Eye, for public intoxication. Semaj Douglas, 19, 8/26/87, from Brundage / Eye, for false info to an officer. Wanda Stetson, 35, 6/3/71, from 301 Morning Dr, for a felony PAL warrant. Michael Hawkins, 32, 1/25/75, from 301 Morning Dr, for a felony warrant. Abraham Crompton, 46, 8/4/60, from the 1800 block of Potomac, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/10/07 - Tuesday - 1000-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Leonardo Rios, 26, 5/17/81, from 400 Union Ave, for a felony warrant. Tammara Brown, 21, 12/22/85, from 505 Union Ave, for a warrant. Troy Stewart, 18, 2/20/89, from the 1300 block of Texas, for false info and fail to register. from S. Williams / Potomac, for a misdemeanor warrant. from 901 E. California, for grand theft firearm, participation in a criminal street gang, supply firearm to a gang member. GUN SEIZED: 07-146949, Serial: 034354, Sundance Industries, semi-auto, .25, from 301 Monterey 7/11/07 - Wednesday- 1000-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Anthony Hodge, 22, 10/29/84, from the 900 block of Feliz, for a felony warrant. Donne Petetan, 31, 1/23/60, from the 5600 block of Stockdale Hwy, for a misdemeanor warrant. Juan Zavala, 19, 5/20/88, from the 700 block of Bernard St, for public intoxication. Carl Fite, 20, 9/22/86, from the 900 block of Feliz, for a felony parole warrant. Ruben Mariscal, 32, 11/26/74, from 30th St/ Q St, for evading / pursuit, possession of marijuana for sales, transportation of marijuana, suspended license and destruction of evidence. marijuana. from the 1700 block of Flower, for possess on less than ounce of Gabriel Vasquez, 19, 9/22/87, from the 2000 block of Pacific St, for possession of meth. Saba Gallardo, 21, 3/26/86, from 325 Monterey St #A, for possession of paraphernalia. (Cited) 7/12/07 - Thursday- 1000-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Kathryn Brown, 35, 1/5/72, from E. 18th / Robinson, for possession of cocaine for sale. �, from E. 18th / Robinson, for juvenile warrant. Bobby Corns, 24, 8/7/82, from 1126 E. 18th St, for possession of more than an ounce of marijuana. Patrick Martinez, 26, 7/2/81, from the 2000 block of Oregon St, for possession of meth, possession of paraphernalia and resisting arrest. Eugene Matthews, 25, 8/25/81, from 325 Monterey St #B, for felon possess ammo. Ryan Johnson, 50, 6/9/56, from the 900 block of Feliz, for public intoxication. Jesse Hill, 19, 8/31/87, from the 900 block of Feliz, for failure to register as a gang member. Ronda Fox, 27, 6/22/80, from 106 McCord, for possession of heroin and parole violation. Bobby Robertson, 58, 2/26/49, from 106 McCord, for a felony parole warrant. Melinda Haddock, 44, 6/16/63, from 100 McCord St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/13/07 - Friday- 0700-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Darryl Jones, 20, 8/23/86, from Ming Ave/ Stine Rd, for burglary, possession of stolen property, participation in a gang, parole hole and conspiracy. L.D. Giles, 20, 11/9/86, from Ming Ave / Stine Rd, for gang member possess a loaded firearm, loaded firearm in vehicle, gang member with a firearm, burglary, possession of stolen property, gang participation; carry a non-registered firearm and conspiracy. Anissa Muhammad, 25, 2/16/82, from Ming Ave/ Stine Rd, for burglary, possession of stolen property and conspiracy. Chris Bridges, 54, 2/26/53, from Ming Ave / Real Rd, for public intoxication. Ruben Bautista, 41, 9/16/65, from 3143 S. H St, for Detox. John Mata, 20, 7/25/86, from 3143 S. H St, for public intoxication. James Martin, 31, 10/13/75, from the 3000 block of Q St, for a parole hold. Johnnie Little, 54, 7/31/52, from 3613 Elda Ave, for possession of meth for sale. Reyes Salazar, 20, 10/27/86, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Gun Seized: 07-149362, Serial: 317316, Omega, Revolver, .22, from 4300 Ming Ave 7/14/07 - Saturday- 0900-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Jerome Johnson, 19, 4/5/88, from White Ln / Wible, for gang member possess a firearm, gang participation, carry a concealed firearm, carry a loaded firearm in public, possess a non-registered concealed firearm and conspiracy. Samuel Johnson, 23, 1/23/84, from White Ln / Wible, for felon in possession of a firearm, carry a concealed firearm, possession of a loaded firearm, gang participation, conspiracy and suspended license. Eugene Matthew, 25, 8/25/81, from White Ln / Wible, for felon in possession of a firearm, CCW in a vehicle, CCW - firearm, gang participation and conspiracy. Andrew Barraza, 22, 5/7/88, from the 3700 block of O St, for a felony warrant. Calvin Cooper, 36, 10/18/70, from Ming / Gosford, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Gun Seized: 07-150225, Serial: PDJ5890, Smith and Wesson, semi-auto pistol, .40, from White Ln / 99 7/15/07 - Sunday - 1200-0200 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: from the 1400 block of E. 18th, for auto theft, possession of stolen property, driving without a CDL and possess burglary tools. Brittany Pratt, 19, 2/12/88, from S. Chester/ Planz, for driving without a license, no proof of insurance, and no tail lamps. Leticia Rosas, 24, 12/5/82, from 1000 Pacheco Rd, for carjacking, possess a stolen vehicle, conspiracy, gang participation, resisting arrest and accessory. David Gonzalez, 19, 1/6/88, from 1000 Pacheco Rd, for carjacking, possess a stolen vehicle, conspiracy, gang participation, resisting arrest, probationer possess a firearm, gang member possess a firearm in commission of a felony, gang member carry a concealed firearm, gang member possess a loaded firearm and armed with a firearm in commission of a felony. Marvin Johnson, 23, 1/7/84, from Ming Ave / S. P St, for unlicensed driver and no plates. Roberto Rivas, 25, 3/8/82, from the 400 block of Union, for a felony warrant. Marie Carrisoza, 28, 8/6/78, from Panama / Wible, for driving on a suspended license, no proof of insurance, unsafe turn and no front plate. (Cited) Willie Rainey, 27, 7/26/79, from Planz / S. Chester, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Leonardo Rosas, 27, 11/6/78, from Cottonwood / E. Belle Terrace, for being an unlicensed driver and failure to maintain lighting. (Cited) Deanna Francisco, 22, 9/10/84, from the 900 block of Feliz, for misdemeanor warrants. (Cited) Gun Seized: 07-151423, Serial: 343544, Raven Arms, Semi-auto, .25, from the 1000 block of Pacheco Rd. 7/16/07 - Monday - 1000-0200 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Martin Plata, 33, 8/8/73, from the 600 block of S. Chester Ave, for violation of parole. Daniel Garza, 24, 8/4/82, from Clarendon / E. California, for violation of parole. Frank Aguirre, 23, 4/6/84, from Clarendon / MLK, for unlicensed driver and stop sign violation. Lindsey Carrigan, 25, 8/25/81, from Monterey/ Inyo, for Detox. Ernesto Tejeda, 22, 2/25/85, from the 700 block of Tanner, for a suspended license, broken taillight, unsafe turn and no insurance. Gregory Speed, 33, 3/13/74, from the 1000 block of Madison, for speeding, no seatbelt and unlicensed driver. � from the 2200 block of Alta Vista, for unlicensed driver, no insurance and unregistered vehicle. (Cited) 7/17/07 — Tuesday — 1200-0200 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Sonia Rodriguez, 18, 1/30/89, from 3700 White Ln, for conspiracy, resisting arrest, gang participation, attempt carjacking and assault with a deadly weapon. Eduardo Guerrero, 19, 6/26/88, from the 3700 block of White Ln, for assault with a deadly weapon, attempt carjacking, gang participation, conspiracy and resisting arrest. � . �, from the 3700 block of White Ln, for assault with a deadly weapon, attempt carjacking, gang participation, conspiracy and resisting arrest. from the 3700 blk of White Ln, for assault with a deadly weapon, attempt carjacking, gang participation, conspiracy and resisting arrest. 7/18/07 — Wednesday— 1400-0200 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Jonathan Winslow, 26, 12/11/80, from 100 E. California Ave, for possession of marijuana for sales, transportation of marijuana and unlicensed. Kenneth Mann, 27, 12/27/79, from Niles / Baker, for violation of parole. 7/19/07 — Thursday — 1400-0200 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Glenn Ford, 37, 2/5/70, from 710 Brundage Ln, for public intoxication. Lawrence Martinez, 26, 9/30/80, from 18th St/ Chester Ave, for a parole hold. Alan Hardy, 27, 4/7/80, from 18th St/ Chester Ave, for possession of a dirk /dagger David Mercado, 19, 11/19/87, from S. H / Hendricks, for transportation of meth, possession of meth for sale, unlicensed driver and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Allen McDaneld, 29, 7/19/78, from 2700 White Ln, for possession of meth, possession of paraphernalia, unlicensed driver, expired registration and no front plate. Debbie Benavidez, 26, 3/15/81, from 18th St/ Chester, for failure to maintain lighting equipment and unlicensed driver. Clayton Campbell, 29, 11/14/77, from the 7600 block of White Ln, for failure to yield to an emergency vehicle and unsafe speed. (Cited) 7/20/07 - Friday - 1400-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Heath Coppedge, 27, 2/8/80, from 5700 Eva Way, for a felony warrant. Albert Ledesma, 25, 1/17/82, from 3737 Q St, for criminal threats, brandishes a replica firearm and resist / obstruct officers. Willie Jackson, 46, 8/19/60, from 1901 112 Madison St, for possession of cocaine base for sale. Venita Louis, 35, 9/1/71, from the 1800 block of Orange St, for Detox. Joshua Maddox, 27, 2/15/80, from Belle Terrace / Oleander, for a suspended license, unsafe speed and no insurance. (Cited) 7/21/07 - Saturday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Wendell Brown, 31, 9/21/75, from 1709 Oregon St, for resisting arrest. John Alexander, 58, 4/19/49, from the 400 block of P St, for a felony warrant. Sarina Arvizu, 23, 11/28/83, from the 3400 block of Bucknell St, for public intoxication. Robert Yanez, 36, 8/29/70, from the 3400 block of S. Chester for possession of meth, transportation of meth and possession of meth paraphernalia. Charles Wells, 25, 11/19/81, from 1502 West St, for a felony warrant. Rodrick Morrow, 23, 3/5/84, from E. 3rd St/ S. Owens St, for Detox. Ray Pena, 28, 5/28/79, from the 300 block of Wilson Rd, for a suspended license, inoperable tail light, no insurance and possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana. (Cited) 7/22/07 - Sunday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Edward Martinez, 30, 6/22/77, from 1030 Kern St, for a felony warrant. Richard Naudin, 28, 5/26/79, from 8660 Rosedale Hwy, for violation of parole. Alex Lozano, 23, 4/2/84, from 8400 Rosedale Hwy, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/23/07 - Monday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Jason Ellis, 29, 10/31/77, from Chester Ave / Brundage, for possession of burglary tools, no insurance, suspended license, and no front plates. Marcos Leyva, 29, 3/19/78, from the 900 block of Feliz Dr, for possession of paraphernalia. Fernando Vega, 21, 8/29/85, from the 900 block of Feliz, for public intoxication. Willie Brown, 19, 3/14/88, from Monterey / Inyo, for battery on an officer, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Eric Arvizu, 42, 2/16/64, from 4011 Jewett Ave, for ADW - firearm and reckless discharge of a firearm. Jesus Arellano, 25, 4/26/82, from the 1100 block of Union Ave, for possession of paraphernalia. Tinyamor Taporco, 26, 8/13/80, from the 1100 block of Union Ave, for violation of parole. Elene Rivera, 28, 9/23/78, from the 1100 block of Union Ave, for possession of meth, transportation of meth and conspiracy. Hope Gallagher, 20, 12/3/86, from the 1100 block of Union Ave, for possession of meth, transportation of meth and conspiracy. Charity Cerda, 22, 8/31/84, from 111 S. Union Ave, for transportation of a controlled substance, conspiracy and possession of a controlled substance. Ampelia Davies, 49, 2/23/58, from Virginia / MLK, for stop sign violation. (Cited) 7/24/07 - Tuesday - 1500-030_0 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Sharron Lane, 19, 1/1/88, from 1500 Ralston, for resisting / delaying officers. Clifton Brooks, 37, 3/2/69, from the 1500 block of E. 3rd St, for public intoxication. from 1200 38th St, for GTA and possession of stolen property. Charles Starks, 39, 9/30/67, from Pacific/ West for burglary. Timeka Newsome, 23, 1/31/84, from Rodney / Ethrum, for unsafe turning movement and no signal. (Cited) 7/25/07 - Wednesday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Anton McThrow, 25, 3/27/82, from800 Ivy Trae Ln, for violation of parole. Kerry Hastings, 21, 3/5/86, from 1500 Ralston, for violation of parole. Jolene Clement, 32, 9/16/74, from 1601 Truxtun Ave, for a felony warrant. Alejandra Martinez, 23, 10/26/83, from the 1300 block of K St, for a felony warrant. Joe Harring, 50, 3/2/56, from 11512 Reagan, for violation of parole. Deandrey Thompson, 25, 12/5/81, from the 800 block of Lost Trail Ct, for lewd act with a child over 10 and spousal abuse. Brian Michel, 27, 8/28/79, from Akers / Firwood, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/26/07 - Thursday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Oscar Mercado, 22, 10/24/84, from 500 H St, for possession of a dagger and participation in a criminal street gang. Antonio Rosas, 24, 12/31/81, from 500 H St, for possession of a dirk / dagger. Adam Jackson, 18, 7/15/89, from the 200 block of N. Stine, for detox. Araceli Soto, 29, 2/25/78, from 1306 Virginia St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Joseph Salazar, 39, 7/3/67, from W. Niles / Union, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Phillip Torres, 26, 2/15/81, from W. Niles / Union, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/22/07 - Friday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Nathaniel Jones, 30, 5/27/77, for a felony warrant. Preston Thomas, 34, 8/13/72, from the 100 block of Hayes, for a felony warrant. Jerry Knox, 25, 10/28/81, from 3215 Chester Ave, for possession of stolen property. Robert Henson, 45, 8/31/61, from 3215 Chester Ave, for a felony warrant. Melissa Smiley, 22, 10/24/84, from the 3000 block of Chester Ave, for possession of meth and possession of paraphernalia. James Glass, 22, 4/12/85, from Watts Dr/ Lotus Ln, for a misdemeanor warrant. Maurice Avery, 26, 5/2/81, from Pine Castle / Stine, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/28/07 - Saturday - 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Garnett Coulborne, 26, 5/20/81, from 4608 Planz Rd #C, for a felony warrant. Josue Bonilla, 20, 9/19/86, from Panama / Wible, for public intoxication. Byron Grimes, 28, 11/25/78, from De Wolfe / MLK, for a misdemeanor warrant. Garry Guillory, 28, 5/28/79, from the 900 block of Cottonwood, for possession of marijuana for sale, transport marijuana, conspiracy and participation in a criminal street gang. Lee Estrada, 22, 4/10/85, from Cottonwood / E. Belle Terrace, for possession of marijuana for sale, transport marijuana, conspiracy, false personation, false ID and participation in a criminal street gang. Daniel Chavez, 20, 8/1/86, from Cottonwood / E. Belle Terrace, for possession of marijuana for sale, transport marijuana, conspiracy and participation in a criminal street gang. Jessica Mendoza, 22, 8/3/84, from 5401 Lennox #40A, for a felony warrant. Rigoberto Cervantes, 24, 8/7/87, from 2016 Oregon St, for possession of meth for sales, conspiracy and possession of paraphernalia. Andrew Perez, 18, 6/4/89, from 2016 Oregon St, for possession of meth for sales, conspiracy and possession of paraphernalia. Ramiro Valdovinos, 26, 10/24/80, from 2016 Oregon St, for possession of meth for sales, conspiracy and false info to an officer. Justin Davis, 21, 2/10/86, from 20th / K St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Justin Turner, 27, 4/15/80, from Wible / Pacheco, for a suspended license and no front plate. (Cited) 7/29/07 — Sunday — 0800-1800 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Anibal Oregon, 18, 1/5/89, from the 1900 block of Quincy St, for a misdemeanor warrant. 7/30/07 — Monday — 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Isabel Martinez, 24, 8/3/84, from 2016 Oregon St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Marvin Adams, 46, 12/1/60, from the 1600 block of Potomac Ave, for possession of cocaine base. Wattoddy Collins, 18, 11/28/88, from the 1200 block of 38th St, for possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana. (Cited) Mario Gomez, 24, 12/16/82, from Niles / Robinson, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) Damion Butler, 33, 4/19/74, from the 1400 block of E. 18th St, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) David Ruiz, 28, 12/13/78, from E. 3rd / Hayes, for a misdemeanor warrant. (Cited) 7/31/07 — Tuesday — 1700-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Jaime Gonzalez, 20, 1/10/87, from the 100 block of Kincaid St, for a suspended license. Daniel Rivera, 18, 9/7/88, from 1350 Easton, for possession of meth and possession of paraphernalia. Donna Gonzales, 19, 5/13/88, from 1350 Easton, for UTI meth. Willie Roberts, 24, 10/17/82, from E. 3rd / Daniels, for a suspended license, no insurance and 2 plates required. Raul Garza, 18, 1/8/89, from the 200 block of Bliss, for public intoxication, bringing narcotics into jail and resisting arrest. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF AUGUST 6 — AUGUST 10, 2007 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Reconstructing streets in the area between So. "H" Street and Monitor Street, Pacheco Road and Fairview Road. Resurfacing streets in the area between So. Chester Avenue and Union Avenue. North of Planz Road (CDBG FUNDED). Resurfacing streets in the area between Chester Avenue and Union Avenue, Espee Street and 34th Street. (CDBG FUNDED). Reconstructing Monitor Street between Merrimac Avenue and White Lane (CDBG FUNDED). Preparing streets for resurfacing in the area between McDonald Way and No. Stine Road, north of Stockdale Highway. (area where sewer line was installed). Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Continue installing curb and gutters in the southeast redevelopment area between Union Avenue and "P" Street, California Avenue to 4th Street. Continue working on the curb and gutter installation project in the area between Alta Vista Drive and Baker Street, Flower Street and 178 Highway (CDBG FUNDED). Continue working on the Benton Street storm line installation project. Continue working on the installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the south side of Casa Loma Drive, west of Madison Street. C:\DOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Week of August 6,2007_Work Schedule.doc Page 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, August 6, 2007 Between 16" Street and Golden State Avenue, Oak Street and "F" Street. Between Bernard / 34t" Street and Espee Street, Chester Avenue and Alta Vista Drive. Between Rosedale Highway and Palm Avenue, Jenkins Road and Allen Road. Between Brimhall Road and Rowland Avenue, Rugger Street and Jenkins Road, Between Allen Road and Jenkins Road from Stockdale Highway, north to the canal. Tuesday, August 7, 2007 Between California Avenue and Brundage Lane, Oak Street and Union Avenue. Wednesday, August 8, 2007 Between Stine Road and So. "H" Street, Pacheco Road to Panama Lane. Between 99 Highway and So. Union Avenue, Panama Lane to Berkshire Road. Thursday, August 9, 2007 Between Ashe Road and New Stine/California Extension, Ming Avenue to Cochran Drive. Between California Avenue extension and Stockdale Highway, New Stine Road to 99 Highway. Between Wible Road and Stine Road, Hosking Road to McKee Road. Friday, August 10, 2007 City residential streets in the area between Belle Terrace and Adidas Avenue, Stine Road and 99 Highway. Between Watts Drive and Brook Street, Madison Street and Hale Street. C:\DOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Week of August 6,2007-Work Schedule.doc CU0A " BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM ` �l JURY Ii.� A • q1-IF OR�� TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: W. R. RECTOR, CHIEF OF POLICE 'ol' DATE: JULY 25, 2007 SUBJECT: PARKING SIGNAGE BETWEEN CHESTER AND EYE COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. (WARD 2) Council Member Benham requested Public Works staff coordinate with the Police Department to respond to a request from Golden Empire Historical society to amend the "No parking" signage in the block alley between Chester and Eye Street, north of 19`" Street. Lt. Jay Borton spoke with the constituent about the issues outlined in the letter to Council Member Benham. Additionally, he contacted Public Works/Traffic Engineering staff and approved a change in the signage wording to help resolve parking enforcement issues during the weekends. Public Works staff will change the signage.