HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/24/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August 24, 2007 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Any and all are invited to the ground breaking of the first TRIP Project — the interchange of highway 178 and Fairfax — September 14th at 2:30 pm! 2. Residential development has slowed but my office had meetings with five developers of commercial projects this week and that area is very active! 3. The General Plan amendments on next Wednesday night's agenda all have the new interim traffic impact fee mitigation added in as a condition of approval. Only one is objecting to the fee and that one is recommended for denial. Later, a formal adoption of the fee numbers will be in order but for now it's covered. 4. The revised contract with the CVB, which their Board has approved, is enclosed for your information. If you have questions or concerns please give me a call! 5. Bass Pro Shops has announced it will be opening a 150,000 square foot super outdoor store as an anchor to Bakersville Gateway located at the northeast corner of Hosking Avenue and SR 99. We are currently in the design phase for the Hosking Interchange under a phase 1 contract with the developer. A phase 2 contract with the developer to construct the Hosking Interchange is being negotiated and would be critical to this "announcement" becoming a reality. 6. The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program has received a $2,500 grant from Keep America Beautiful to participate in a test pilot of the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program this month at the Kern County Museum. 7. We received the enclosed letter from Senator Ashburn assuring us of his support for the continued funding of transit projects with the accelerated funding of Proposition 1 B monies. 8. The Recreation and Parks Department held the first 100 Mile Club Social on August 16th at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. The awards ceremony was held to recognize the 330 participants and celebrate their individual accomplishments, as well as their combined 14,627 miles. Special appearances were made by Mayor Harvey Hall and Olympic Medalist, Gabe Woodward. The 61 attendees thoroughly enjoyed the evening and are looking forward to next year's event. 9. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 27th is enclosed. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 24, 2007 Page 2 10. Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Carson • Staff investigation into the condition of the street fronting Wayside School; Councilmember Couch • Staff investigation of concerns on River Run Blvd; • Trash located at Rosedale Hwy & Coffee Road, adjacent to Old Kern Power Plant; and, Councilmember Sullivan • Review of placement and need for additional skateparks in new developments. AT:rs:rk cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk AGREEMENT NO. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a California charter city ("CITY"), and the GREATER BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, a California non-profit corporation ("CVB"). R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, CITY and CVB wish to publicize the benefits and advantages of CITY as a destination center for holding conventions; and WHEREAS, CITY owns Rabobank Arena, Theater, and Convention Center available for organizations and groups wishing to hold conventions; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2006, CITY and CVB entered into Agreement No. 06- 201 ("the Agreement") regarding the marketing of Bakersfield as a destination center for conventions, sporting and other events and individual/group travel and tourism; and WHEREAS, many of the duties performed by CVB to achieve that goal overlap or are closely related to duties performed by various CITY departments; and WHEREAS, CVB owns and operates out of a facility located at 515 Truxtun Avenue ("the Facility"); and WHEREAS, CITY donated the land for the Facility to CVB; and WHEREAS, CVB executed a note and deed of trust in order to construct the building and uses funds provided by CITY to repay the note; and WHEREAS, it would be financially prudent for CVB to pay off the note and have the deed of trust reconveyed and the Facility placed under the joint ownership of CVB and CITY; and WHEREAS, CVB currently has funds in reserve to pay off the note; and WHEREAS, CITY and CVB have a common goal to generate more sales tax and Transient Occupancy Tax; and Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:IARENNAgrs107-08 Agrs\GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.FnI.DOC - Page 1 of 8 Pages - WHEREAS, it would be advantageous for CVB and CITY to combine resources and personnel to avoid duplication of work and expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of CITY and CVB to have this Agreement supercede all previous agreements concerning the duties of the CVB, including Agreement No. 06- 201 and any amendments thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CVB mutually agree as follows: 1. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. 1.1 CITY shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of CVB. CITY shall provide all staff necessary to perform the goal of bringing conventions, events and tourists to Bakersfield. CITY shall create the necessary job descriptions and hire and manage all employees. All staff will report to a designee selected by the City Manager. 1.2 CITY shall establish a budget for CVB which will appropriate funds to pay all salaries and benefits of the employees, all costs necessary to accomplish the goal of CITY and CVB, as well as costs of operation, including insurance, maintenance and utilities for the Facility. 1.3 CITY shall present the budget to CVB's Board of Directors no later than the April meeting of the Board each year for the upcoming fiscal year. After Board approves the budget, it will be presented to the City Council for approval and adoption. As part of the maintenance of the Facility, CITY shall oversee any leases. 1.4 No sooner than January 1, 2008, of execution of this Amendment ("Transition Period"), CVB shall close out its books and transfer all funds remaining to CITY. At that time, CITY shall take over the duties hereunder. Pursuant to Paragraph 13 herein, CITY shall not be responsible for any obligations of CVB not specifically mentioned herein. 2. CVB'S RESPONSIBILITIES. 2.1 CVB's Board of Directors shall establish policies, direction and priorities for CITY staff to achieve CVB's goals. CVB's Board of Directors shall have oversight and review of CITY's management of the operation pursuant to California Corporations Code Section 7210. CVB's Board shall be responsible for review and approval of the budget prepared by CITY and all expenditures. Expenditures shall be presented to the Board at each meeting in the same manner as expenditures are presented to the City Council. Any expenditure exceeding FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($40,000.00) shall be presented to the Board for prior approval. As CITY and CVB's goals are the same, CVB's Board shall not unreasonably withhold any approval of necessary expenditures. Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:\ARENA\Agrs107-08 Agrs\GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 2 of 8 Pages - 2.2 CVB shall permit CITY employees to work out of the Facility at no charge and have use of all space, fixtures, furnishings and equipment within the Facility. CVB shall permit CITY to utilize any existing telephone lines, computer data lines, hardware, etc., and to connect such computers and telephone lines to CITY's network and telephone service. Upon execution of this Amendment, CVB's Board of Directors shall provide CITY keys to the Facility and any security codes required for entry. CVB shall provide CITY all documentation, computer codes, passwords, etc., to enable CITY to access all computer files of CVB. 2.3 CVB shall provide CITY with copies of all agreements currently in force, including, but not limited to, any leases of any portion of the Facility. 2.4 Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, CVB shall utilize CVB's reserve funds to pay off the promissory note on the Facility and convey title to the Facility to CVB and CITY equally as tenants in common. 3. CVB'S CURRENT EMPLOYEES. Currently, CVB employs four (4) persons. By January 1, 2008, CITY will create the job descriptions for the requisite staff. Current employees of CVB shall be free to apply to the CITY for those positions. Those employees will be required to meet the minimum requirements of the positions applied for and will undergo the same competitive process as any member of the public applying for the same position. There is no guarantee that any current employee of CVB will be hired by CITY. If current employees are covered by employment contracts and do not apply for or do not obtain employment with CITY, CVB, not CITY, shall be obligated to comply with severance terms contained in those agreements. If employees are not covered by employment contracts and do not apply for or do not obtain employment with CITY, CVB shall comply with California law regarding severance. 4. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS FOR CITY. City Manager and Representative of the Rabobank Arena, Theater, and Convention Center (appointed by City Manager) shall have individual memberships in the Convention and Visitors' Bureau at no cost to CITY. City Manager, City Finance Director and CITY Rabobank Arena, Theater, and Convention Center Representative shall be members of CVB's Board of Directors. 5. BYLAWS. CVB shall adopt bylaws approved in advance by the City Attorney and said bylaws shall incorporate therein, the pertinent terms of this Agreement. 6. CVB'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS. CVB'S Board of Directors shall be composed of members having the following characteristics: Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:IARENAIAgrs107-08 Agrs1GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 3 of 8 Pages - Board Board Member Members Qualifications How Selected 4 Hotel/Motel Industry Elected by Membership 4 Members at Large Elected by Membership 1 City Manager or Designee Appointed by CITY 1 City Finance Director Appointed by CITY 1 Rabobank Arena, Theater, and Convention Center Appointed by CITY 1 Bakersfield Visitors Industry Elected by BOARD 12 Total Board Members 6.1 CVB's Executive Board. 6.1.1 CVB shall require its Executive Board to schedule and conduct Quarterly Meetings with the City Manager at which time activity reports shall be reviewed. 6.1.2 CVB shall require the makeup of its Executive Board to include one of the three CITY appointment members within the Executive Board. 7. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CITY shall, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, keep and maintain accurate books and records in accounting for all its receipts and disbursements. CITY shall ensure that adequate internal controls are in place regarding the review and approval of all claims and disbursements. CITY's files associated with all receipts and disbursements shall be retained for a period of not less than five (5) years. CITY shall present a financial statement to the Board of Directors each year within 120 days of the end of CVB's fiscal year. CITY shall ensure all Internal Revenue Service and California Franchise Tax Board and other documents required to maintain CVB's non-profit status are timely filed. Those documents will be presented to the Board of Directors for review and approval when they are prepared and prior to filing. 8. ANNUAL REPORT. CITY shall cause an annual report to be sent to CVB within 120 days of the end of CVB's fiscal year. That report shall describe in appropriate detail, for the fiscal year, CVB's: • Assets and liabilities, including trust funds, as of the end of the fiscal year; • Principal changes in assets and liabilities, including trust funds; • Revenue or receipts (including those that are unrestricted as well as those restricted to particular purposes); Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:\ARENA\Agrs\07-08 Agrs\GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.FnI.DOC - Page 4 of 8 Pages - • Expenses or disbursements (for both general and restricted purposes); • Information required by CVB's bylaws. The annual report shall be prepared by CITY's Finance Department in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The report itself will be unaudited. However, as all operating revenue and expenses will run through the CITY's accounting system, they will be subjected to an annual independent audit. Any audit findings related to CVB's operations will be reported to the CVB in a timely manner. 9. CVB'S STATEMENTS OF POLICY. Unless expressly authorized by resolution or order of CITY's Council, CVB shall not express, publicize, or otherwise declare any matter of policy for or on CITY's behalf. 10. CVB'S OBLIGATIONS. CVB shall not pledge CITY's credit at any time, or for any purpose. CVB's obligations shall be the sole and separate obligations of CVB. CVB shall hold CITY free and harmless from CVB's obligations. CVB agrees and understands that CITY is not liable for any obligations incurred prior to the execution of this Amendment or during the Transition Period set forth in Paragraph 1 .4. CITY and CVB shall work closely to resolve any outstanding issues, but no funds belonging to CITY shall be utilized to resolve those prior issues, including but not limited to, employment-related matters. 11. INDEMNITY. CVB shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by CVB, CVB's employees, agents, independent contractors, companies or subcontractors in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. 12. INSURANCE. CITY shall procure and provide property insurance for the Facility. Upon request of Board members, CITY shall procure director's and officer's insurance coverage for all Board members. 13. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT. 13.1. CITY, at its option, may terminate this Agreement on thirty (30) days' written notice delivered personally to any corporate officer of CVB, or by certified mail, postpaid, return receipt requested, addressed to any corporate officer. 13.2. CVB, at its option, may terminate this Agreement on six (6) months' written notice delivered personally to any corporate officer of CITY, or by certified mail, postpaid, return receipt requested, addressed to CITY, which option, if exercised, will revert all assets of CVB including, but not limited to CVB's ownership portion of the Facility and fixtures, furnishings and equipment to CITY. Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:IARENA\Agrs107-08 Agrs1GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 5 of 8 Pages - 14. EFFECTIVE DATES. This Agreement shall be effective from date of execution of this Agreement, through June 30, 2017. This Agreement may be extended or modified by mutual agreement of the parties herein. CVB shall use its best efforts to give CITY as much advance notice as possible prior to the expiration date if requesting an extension. 15. ASSIGNMENT. Neither this Agreement, nor any interest in it, may be assigned or transferred by any party without the prior written consent of all the parties. Any such assignment will be subject to such terms and conditions as CITY may choose to impose. 16. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the Agreement and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 17. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. CVB shall, at CVB's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State and Federal authorities now in force or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations, and permitting requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force including, without limitation, obtaining a City of Bakersfield business tax certificate (Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 5.02) where required. 18. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of entities represents and warrants that they are, respectively, duly authorized to sign on behalf of the entities and to bind the entities fully to each and all of the obligations set forth in this Agreement. 19. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. 20. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Kern County, California. 21. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party shall execute and deliver such papers, documents and instruments, and perform such acts as are necessary or appropriate, to implement the terms of this Agreement and the intent of the parties to this Agreement. Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:\ARENA\Agrs\07-08 Agrs\GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 6 of 8 Pages - 22. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. All prior agreements between the parties are incorporated in this Agreement which constitutes the entire agreement. Its terms are intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included herein and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. The parties further intend this Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and no extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or arbitration proceeding involving this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the parties. 23. NO WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another party any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 24. NON-INTEREST. No officer or employee of CITY shall hold any interest in this Agreement (California Government Code section 1090). 25. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served or sent by certified or registered mail and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows or at any other address designated by notice: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 CVB: BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 515 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 325-5051 26. PARAGRAPH TITLES. The "headings" or "titles" of various paragraphs in this Agreement are for convenience only. They shall not be employed in construing or interpreting this Agreement. 27. AGREEMENT IS NEGOTIATED. This Agreement is the product of negotiation is shall not be construed against either party. Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:IARENAIAgrs107-08 Agrs\GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 7 of 8 Pages - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY" "CVB" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GREATER BAKERSFIELD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU HARVEY L. HALL DOUG HEATON Mayor Chairman APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER i i By: AN TANDY CITY Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO —� City Attorney By: =J VIRGINIA GENNARO CITY Attorney f' COUNTERSIGNED: By: NELSON SMITH Finance Director Agreement Between City of Bakersfield and GBCVB S:\ARENA\Agrs\07-08 Agrs1GBCVB.Agr.07-30-07.Fnl.DOC - Page 8 of 8 Pages - Bass Pro Shops: News Releases: Bass Pro Shops Announces Plans to Open 4th California Store In Bake... Page lof2 count ite Map Gift Cards Clearance Product Search keyword oritom # (:Wrder by Catalog item; wvAKIJ,S1L U0A6 x1 111,11YERot WAIR %tm//11),om*o1_41t Catalog fluick Order A kA k A LA 1A &A kA kA kA Gift Freshwater Fy Saltwater HunUnQ Camping K8er|ne& Apparel Footwear Hom` Fishing Fishing Fishing & Auto Electronics =' 8Go|f Bass Pro Shops GearXVishUst @e CE News Release Return 10 News Feleasi Freshwater Fishing Bass Pro Shxx s@) Nem«s Releases Fly Fishing FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saltwater Fishing Bass Pro Shops Announces Plans to Open 4th California Store|nBakersfield Hunting August 10,2007 Camping/Auto Marine/Electronics Bakersfield, {�A'/\uguo�Q 2007--Bass America's continues /�q�u�l ' ' ' ' itore��i| gnowthvviththeannounnementitvvi|| opena160.0O0uquavohootouperoutdoora8onnin Footwear 8akerafie|d, California. The store will be on anchor to Bokenovi||e Gotewoy, a planned 800.000 Gift/Home/Golf square foot mixed-use retail development at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hoskins Clearance Avenue and State Route gQ. Gift Cards Bass Pro Shops stores are a combination ofmueeum art aquarium, outdooreduootion ]la�xs�]oa1s ' ' ' ' oonaen��|onendentertoinmenLEaohuhoreiouniqua|ythomodtothevegioninwhichtheyane Customer Service located so that no two stores are alike. Find Answers or The Bakersfield store will offer outdoor enthusiasts 3 1/2 football fields of shopping excitement with Contact Us the area's largest selection of equipment and clothing for hunting, fiuhing, hihing, biking, buokpacking, wildlife viewing, oamping, outdoor cooking and more. A gift and nature center will a|s( International Orders oenxy upa wide variety ofoutdoor-related items from lamps and dishes to bird feeders and furniture. An expansive boat showroom will feature Tracker, Nitro, Mako and SeaCraft boats built by Tracker E-mail Newsletter Marine Gruup—the world's largest manufacturer of fishing boats. Enter Emai|Add/ A boat service center will also be available. Your Account UniqueexteriorandinteriormotifohovebrondedBaauPnoGhop000vioua||yappea|ing. highqua|it` ZaULFD[unls outdoor stores. The outdoors is brought indoors with massive log and rock work, large aquariums Outdoor Library and water features stocked with native fish species, along with an extensive collection of museum quality fish and wildlife exhibits. Historic phntou, artifontu, and memorabilia will pay tribute to From Bass Pm California's great outdoors heritage. News Releases Award-winning in their concept and design, Bass Pro Shops retail stores are rated aa top tourist Rewards Points destinations. Almost SO million people visit their stores annually. Widely recognized for their efforts Corporate Incentives in conservation and outdoor education, Bass Pro Shops stores also offer Outdoor Skills Workshop� Career Opportunities for adults, kids and families. Bass Pro Shops Bass Pro Shops, known for hiring associates that have a passion for the outdoors, is expected to Outdoor World TV employ approximately 300 people, many of whom will come from the local region. Licenses "We are excited about bringing our fourth Bass Pro Shope store tn the great state ofCalifornia. Bakersfield is one of the faotest'growing. large-population cities in the United 8ta1eo.^ said Bass Become an Affiliate Pro Shops President Jim Hugo|e. "This utore, will be dedicated to the families and visitors who enjoy the many outdoor traditions this area has too#er.^ Big Cedar Lodge The Bakersville Gateway development will provide a wide variety of new shopping and employmen opportunities to serve the explosive residential growth occurring in the southern section of Wonders of Wildlife Bakersfield. The development will feature |if8Sh/|8 208Diti9S including 8ceDtr8/ gathering area for Gaylord Hotels various family-oriented activities, upscale |und soaping, fountainu, and park benches. hnn:Hwvvvv.haaapro.cno/webupn/wny/storoa/acrv}ct/CFPuguoutorcld=I0l5l&oo1a}ngId=}00Ol&loogld=-... 8/24/2007 Bass Pro Shops: News Releases: Bass Pro Shops Announces Plans to Open 4th California Store In Bake... Page 2 of 2 Outdoor Wilderness "We are confident this project will be a huge success due in part to the incredible draw of Bass Pro Adventures P 1 Vacation Ownership Shops who is widely known as a destination location for outdoor enthusiasts and others who come At Big Cedar to shop their unique stores. In addition, a major medical campus is planned by Kaiser Permanente for the land adjacent to this development," said Stephen Coslik with the Woodmont Company. "We are so impressed with the area; we are working on three other developments in the San Joaquin Valley." "The City of Bakersfield has committed $3 million for funding of the engineering drawings necessary for the interchange at Hoskins Avenue and State Road 99. When completed, this interchange will allow full and complete access to the new development. This is the first step of the public/private partnership, in a two step process, of the planned construction at the intersection. The commitment of Bass Pro Shops is not only a tremendous addition to our conditioned growth, but they are also known as a great corporate citizen who gets involved in the community," said Zack Scrivner, City Council Member, Ward Seven. About Bass Pro Shops Headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, Bass Pro Shops, also an international catalog and internet retailer, currently has 43 retail locations in 24 states and Canada. In addition, Bass Pro Shops, alsc provides products and services for thousands of independent dealers world wide through its subsidiary company, American Rod &Gun. Prices shown are in U.S.funds Freshwater Fishing Fly Fishing Saltwater Fishing Hunting Camping/Auto I Marine/Electronics- � Apparel I Footwear I Gift/Home/_Gold Privacy Policy Contact Us Site Map I Career Opportunities I Our Commitment I Press Kit I Vendor Relations I Sizing Information Government Program I Dealer Program I Conservation Orgs I Recall Information I Rebate Information �Mtr+rur' 4�oriS�q� PROGRacr Ucurad MEA PY1 All pages Copyright 2006-2007 Bass Pro Outdoors Online LLC http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPage?storeld=10151&catalogld=10001&langld=-... 8/24/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Manager DATE: August 16, 2007 SUBJECT: Cigarette Litter Prevention Program Grant The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Program has received a $2,500 grant from Keep America Beautiful to participate in a local test pilot of the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program. Locations targeted for the pilot includes parks, Caltrans rest areas, CA Welcome Centers, recreation area/venues and beaches. The location selected for the local pilot was the Kern County Museum as it is a controlled area and Museum staff volunteered to assist. The pilot will run from August 1, 2007 through August 31, 2007. In addition to setting out ash containers throughout the Museum, pocket ashtrays will be distributed to smokers entering the Museum and an advertising campaign will be undertaken to educate and inform people that cigarette butts are litter too. KB/mm S:AFILING\100 ADMIN\Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee\KBB-Community RelationsTorms\Blue Memo CLPP.doc This is NOT Your butt belongs where your butt goes! AM* Cigarette butts are litter, too! 'N Anything discarded in a public place that is not placed in a trash can is litter, period. , Cigarette butts are not biodegradable. They're also smelly, toxic and unsightly. 4 Wildlife frequently mistake cigarette butts for food. The 165 chemicals found in cigarettes may cause animals; including pets, to choke, have digestive problems and even die. Cigarette butts that aren't fully extinguished can - and do -spark wildfires. Be a part of the solution and not the problem. ✓ Make sure you fully extinguish your cigarettes and place the butts in a proper receptacle. ✓ Use a personal ashtray made of metal or fire-resistant plastic for those times when there are no public receptacles for cigarettes. y/ifg# � This you message brought to b 9 9 Y Y ,. , ., .. AFf(11ATf Keep America Beautiful, Keep California Beautiful KeepBakersfieldBeautiful KEEP & Keep Bakersfield Beautiful /AMERICA BEAUTIFUL COMMITTEES: CAPITOL OFFICE STATE CAPITOL RULES SACRAMENTO,CA 95814 VICE CHAIR TEL(916)651-4018 FAX(916)322-3304 �! PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT �N r+ r r` 'F rgistatur� AND RETIREMENT DISTRICT OFFICE �`LJ ,IL?L 1T "� VICE CHAIR 5001 CALIFORNIA AVE.,ROOM 105 BAKERSFIELD,CA 93309 APPROPRIATIONS TEL(661)323-0443 FAX(661)323-0446 TRANSPORTATION&HOUSING SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON DEFENSE&AEROSPACE INDUSTRY CHAIR SENATOR ROY ASHBURN EIGHTEENTH SENATE DISTRICT August 6, 2007 Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr andy, Ala4,t Thank you for your letter outlining your concerns on the funding scheme for Proposition 42. It is always helpful to hear directly from the city of Bakersfield regarding the states budget priorities. As you know, 2007 is a"gap" year in the financial outlays for California cities using Proposition 42 transit bond funds. To insure the continued funding of city and county transit projects accelerated allocation of Proposition 1 B monies was proposed in the Governor's May Budget Revise. As of this writing the final form of the budget has yet to be determined. Rest assured that I support the accelerated funding for Proposition 1 B monies and that I will keep your concerns in mind in the ongoing budget negotiations. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me again on any issue of--oncern. Best regards, Roy Ashburn Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF AUGUST 27 — AUGUST 31, 2007 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Continue working on the street reconstruction project in the area between So. "H" Street and Monitor Street, Pacheco Road and Fairview Road. Resurfacing streets in the area between Chester Avenue and Golden State Avenue, 24th Street an 30th Street. Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Working on the storm line installation project on Benton Street, between Wilson Road and Belvedere Avenue. Installing curb and gutters in the area between California Avenue and 4th Street, "P" Street and Union Avenue. Installing curb, gutter and sidewalk on the south side of Casa Loma Drive, west of Lotus Lane. Installing Curb and Gutters in the area between Alta Vista Drive & Kern Street, 178 Highway & Flower Street (CDBG FUNDED) CADOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Week of August 27,2007.Work Schedule.doc Page 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, August 27, 2007 City streets in the area between Allen Road and Jasmine Parker Drive, from Palm Avenue north to the canal. City streets in the area between Allen Road and Rider Street, from Johnson Road north to the canal. Tuesday, August 28, 2007 City streets in the area between Olive Drive and Meany Street, Coffee Road to Knudsen Drive Bewteen Columbus Street and 34th Street, Chester Avenue to San Dimas Street. Wednesday, August 29, 2007 Sweeping areas that are not on the scheduled sweeping program. Thursday, August 30, 2007 Sweeping areas that are not on the scheduled sweeping program. Friday, August 31, 2007 Sweeping areas that are not on the scheduled sweeping program. C:\DOCUME-1\RKIRKW-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Week of August 27,2007.Work Schedule.doc B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: August 22, 2007 SUBJECT: STREET REPAIRS AT WAYSIDE SCHOOL Referral No. 1799 COUNCILMEMBER CARSON REQUESTED STAFF INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION OF THE STREET FRONTING WAYSIDE SCHOOL. SHOULD THE STREET NOT BE IN THE CITY, SEND A LETTER TO THE COUNTY ADVISING OF THE CITIZEN COMPLAINT. "P" Street on the east side of the school is City only in front of the school and only up too center line. The east half adjacent to the Fair Grounds is County and the rest of"P" Street to Belle Terrace is County. "P" Street is in good condition. Ming Avenue in front of Wayside School is City from "P" Street west. Resurfacing of Ming Avenue from So. "P" Street to Hughes has been requested for a future Capital Improvement Project, when funds become available. In the meantime, all the potholes have been patched and within the next two weeks the Streets Division will oilsand seal Ming Avenue between So. "P" Street and Chester Avenue. G:\GROUPDA-RReferrals\2007\08-15\Ref#1799 Wayside School.doc AUG 2 Z007 B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 20, 2007 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: DiannP� over, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: River Run Boulevard Aesthetics Concerns Referral # 001802—Ward 4 Councilmember Couch requested staff address concerns on River Run Blvd. Walls on River Run Blvd. need attention, discoloration is occurring (possibly from water). Brick work has a white color which needs removal (possibly from water). At Ming and River Run, the "Celebrations" sign needs to be replaced. At least one green cable box needs to be re-secured. Some plants are distressed or dying and at least one tree needs replacing (call Councilman Couch if you need it to be identified. Parks and Public Works staff reviewed the wall discoloration concern, and found the majority of the staining and stucco deterioration is occurring due to watering practices from the residential side of the wall leaching through to the public side. The damage appears to be aesthetic only at this time. The brick pilasters that are stained with alkali is also mostly due to water leaching from the residential side of the wall but in at least one location is coming from the public irrigation system being out of adjustment. The public irrigation will be adjusted and the brick will be power washed to remove staining. The vacant property northeast of the missing "Celebrations" sign recently changed ownership. Staff is researching with developers to see if they are removing/changing the sign or if it was an act of vandalism. In either event, the sign will be replaced. Public Works is contacting the cable company to re-secure the cable box. Most of the plants that are distressed or dying are the day lilies that suffered from last winters had freeze and some have been damaged from chemical eradication of nut grass infestation. All damaged plants are in the process of being replaced. The dead tree will be removed and replaced by the tree section this fall when the temperatures are cooler. i AUG 2 2007 • ^9T Y' B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 20, 2007 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: Trash at Rosedale Hwy & Coffee Road Referral # 001803 —Ward 4 Councilmember Couch requested staff pick up trash located at Rosedale Hwy & Coffee Road, adjacent to the Old Kern Power Plant. 1) It appears trash is being dumped at this site regularly. Trash also blows in from the nearby businesses, thereby collecting along the fence line. 2) Staff collected and cleared trash on the south side of Rosedale Highway from Coffee Road to the westerly property line of the Kern Power Plant. Trash was then cleaned from the west side of Coffee Road from Rosedale Highway south to the Coffee Road overpass. 3) Staff will continue to monitor the area as part of their daily assignment. 2 : 2007 • B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 23, 2007 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: r Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: Skateparks Referral # 001798—Ward 6 Councilmember Sullivan requested the community services committee review the placement of skateparks and the need for additional skateparks in new developments. An update will be provided to the Community Services Committee at the meeting scheduled on October 3, 2007.