HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/09/2006 S A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council June 9, 2006 FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager �T SUBJECT: General Information 1. To pursue the Sports Village at Taft Highway between Gosford and Ash, a General Plan Amendment, EIR, and zone change is needed. The property is currently zoned agricultural and, as a sports village, it should be open space for the park and commercial on the two corners. Unless there is concern or questions from councilmembers, staff will initiate those processes. 2. Officials from the Army Corps of Engineers will hold a series of briefings on the Isabella Dan issues next week, starting Monday with the Kern County Water Resources Committee; staff will attend. On Tuesday, they will brief the Board of Supervisors and then speak with the media. Councilmember Couch and staff will attend a session at the Kern County Water Agency, also on Tuesday. The Corps plans to hold similar meetings in upcoming weeks with the Chamber and other local organizations. 3. A meeting was held this week to discuss the possibility of a joint City/County grant from the San Joaquin Valley Air District for the development of a metropolitan refuse transfer station. An initial plan of action is outlined in the attached report from Public Works. 4. The Recreation and Parks activity report for May is enclosed. 5. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of June 14th is attached. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmembers Benham and Hanson • Review of the taxi cab ermittin time frame; p g process, per a constituent concern regarding the Councilmember Couch • Feasibility of installing bike lanes instead of sidewalks in new developments; • Feasibility of changing the signal timing at Ming and Grand Lakes so Ming is green and only triggered by Grand Lakes traffic; Councilmember Hanson • Update on issues with URS related to engineering services for the White Lane/State Route 99 widening and interchange project. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Page 1 of Rhonda Smiley - Army Corps Media Availability From: "Hawk, Jeffrey S SPK" <Jeffrey.S.Hawk@spkOl.usace.army.mil> To: <paogaspk.usace.army.mil> Date: 6/9/2006 9:57 AM Subject: Army Corps Media Availability MEDIA AVAILABILITY Corps Officials Available for Interviews following June 13 Kern County Board of Supervisors Presentation WHO: Officials from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento, will be available for media interviews following a presentation to the Kern County Board of Supervisors. WHEN: 9 a.m., Tuesday, June 13, Board of Supervisors presentation; media availability immediately follows in building's Rotunda area. WHAT: The Corps will be briefing the Board on dam safety, operations and water management issues relating to Lake Isabella Dam. The Corps of Engineers implemented a pool restriction on Lake Isabella in light of seepage concerns at the Auxiliary Dam discovered during an ongoing seismic investigation. WHERE: Kern County Government Administrative Center, 1115 Truxtun Ave, 1 st Floor, Bakersfield, California CONTACT: Jeff Hawk, Public Affairs, Corps of Engineers, 916-557-5102. WEBCAST: Kern County streams a live broadcast of the Board of Supervisors meeting via its Website: http://www.co.kem.ca.us/gsd/kgov/internettv.asp file://C:ADocuments and Settings\rsmiley\Local Settings\Temp\GW100001.HTM 6/9/2001 RECEIVED 5 2006 B A K E R S F I E D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: June 5, 2006 SUBJECT: Refuse Transfer Station — Possible Air District Grant Staff attended a workgroup meeting today to discuss the possibility of a joint City and County grant from the San Joaquin Valley Air District for development of a metropolitan refuse transfer station. The meeting, led by County Supervisor Michael Rubio, included City Council Member David Couch, Air District Director Seyed Sadredin, Air District Program Manager Jeff Findley, and County Waste Management Director Daphne Harley. The consensus was that two things should be done in parallel, as soon as possible. First, the calculations of reduced mileage and air emissions from our recent CMAQ grant application need to be reviewed and reworked into a different format for the Air District programs. City staff will do this with Air District staff by July 5th. This is a necessary step to see if the reductions are ample for further consideration for grant(s). A limited first look, subject to change, is that the reductions may warrant funding from the new Indirect Source Review Program, which uses fees from new developments to fund pollution reduction projects. Mileage for the Mt. Vernon Avenue Facility location will be used as an example, since the mileage and pollution reductions would only be greater if a site further west is found. Second, an actual site needs to be determined since the final grant calculations hinge on mileage from the site to the landfill. There has not yet been a siting study for the transfer station, so a list of sites should be compiled and studied. The group consensus was that, in the meantime, because the Mt. Vernon Facility is a likely location unless a better site can be found further west, and because CEQA work will have to be completed for a project in order to receive grants, it may be expeditious to proceed with CEQA work on the Mt. Vernon Avenue site as a starting point. It is likely that Supervisor Rubio and Council Member Couch will make referrals to do so. A next step, in addition to the above, is for the County to convene the ad hoc transfer station committee to bring them in the loop. G"GROUPDAT\Solid Waste\20061Transfer Station Grant Workgroup 6-2-06.doc June 5,2006 4 JUN 7 2006 /0 ..,■,,,,�� CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: June 2, 2006 To: Alan Tandy From: Dianne Hoover Subject: May Monthly Report ADMINISTRATION ® Park security continues to be a high priority for our department, and staff works closely with BPD. In addition, we have hired Kern Security to do nightly patrols at The Park at River Walk, Deer Peak, Windsor, Windemere, River Oaks, Stonecreek, Silver Creek, Grissom and Siemon parks. We have cameras installed at the Park at River Walk, and at Silver Creek. In the future, we will have portable cameras at Stonecreek, MLK, Seimon and Deer Peak Parks. e The number of trash bags picked up over the three day weekend in our major parks was incredibly high. At The Park at River Walk on Monday alone, we emptied a total of 194 bags of trash. Envision six backyard pools full of trash, and you would have one days' worth of trash from one park. Total for the weekend from The Park at River Walk was 421 bags. No other park came close to that number: Beach and Yokuts at about 40 bags each day; Patriots averaged 34 bags each day, Planz 27, Jastro 25 and Jefferson at 23. Staff also kept up with restroom cleaning as best they could so the public could enjoy clean parks for their family picnics. 6 The Recreation and Parks Department was awarded $20,000 from First Five Kern under the Child Safety and Unintentional Injury Prevention for playground surfacing serving 2-5 year olds. We plan to install the surfacing at Yokuts, University, Quailwood and Campus Park North. • We have accepted 2.03 acres of street maintenance which includes 150 trees, 926 shrubs, groundcover and turf. We entered into a one year maintenance agreement for 2.75 more acres which includes 223 trees and 2,787 shrubs. PARK MAINTENANCE DIVISION • A video security system was installed at the Park at River Walk and we have begun monitoring it. • Staff began the conversion of Jefferson Wet playground from re- circulating system into a direct loss system, but the water would not drain properly. Public Works needs to determine the cause and assist in resolving it. • Attached to this report is the contracted tree locations for pruning. • Staff pruned 207 trees, and 429 were pruned by contract. • Staff are putting the final touches on the Memorial Grove which will be dedicated on Wednesday, June 14 at 7:00 AM. • Routine maintenance, graffiti removal and keeping up with the heavy volume of trash and regular restroom maintenance continues in all parks and landscaped areas. • The west wall landscaping at Stonecreek Park is completed. AQUATICS • May attendance increased by 3,544 over May, 2005, for a total attendance of 6611. The continued success of the 100 mile club, two new swim lessons and water aerobics has helped attendance stay steady. • End of school pool parties were also popular, and now all pool rentals for the remainder of the season are booked. • The Bakersfield Swim club used McMurtrey through May, as well as the high school swim and dive teams. The high school teams used Silver Creek and Jefferson, too. • Training continues for lifeguards, coaches and aquatic coordinators. We are still recruiting for summer pool staff. SPORTS PROGRAMMING • Over 90 softball games had to be rescheduled due to wet weather, ending the season two weeks later than planned. • Summer softball starts the first week in June. • T-ball is popular this year with 91 participants to date. Pee Wee programs and sports camps start in June. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. • Total attendance for May programs was 4,032, including increased basketball offerings. • Final preparations for Camp King are being made. • Movies in the park started in May with about 150 in attendance at each one. • New programs in June will include Belly Dancing, after camp reading program hosted by Adult Literacy and Real Men program co- sponsored by Ebony Counseling Center. • The center was rented three times in May. SILVER CREEK CENTER • The After School program ended with a big party; average daily attendance was 30. • Ten different schools held their end-of-school parties at Silver Creek and staff made sure they all had a good time. • A neighborhood watch program meting was hosted at Silver Creek, with over 50 people attending. The Police Department staff ran the meeting, and encouraged neighbors to get involved in the neighborhood watch program and to assist in Sliver Creek, too. • The security system was finally installed at the center and will be working in early June. • The LiveScan machine for fingerprinting new employees was installed at the main office with recreation and park employees administering the fingerprints. • The shade structures have been delivered and will be installed at McMurtrey, Planz, MLK, and Silver Creek. They were the result of a grant from the Recycling program for advertising. • Total attendance at Silver Creek was 7,139. Contract locations A) Jastro Park 4 - American Elms Structural prune and deadwood B) Grissom Park 7 — Canary Island Pine @ sump facing White Ln. Structural prune and deadwood C) Patriots Park 7 — Canary Island Pine @ sump facing Fjord St. Structural prune and deadwood D) Panama Ln. Median Island between Windrift Wy. & Akers Rd. 4 — Chinese Elm Structural prune, Street Clearance and deadwood E) Gosford Rd. West wall between White Ln. & District Blvd. 18 Canary Island Pine Structural prune and deadwood F) Coffee Rd. Median Island between Rosedale Hwy. & Downing 16-Chinese Elms Structural prune, Street Clearance and deadwood G) Coffee Rd. East fence between Rosedale Hwy. & Granite Falls Dr. 11 —Aleppo Pines 1- Chinese Elm Structural prune and deadwood H) Brimhall Rd. Median Island between Allen Rd. & Jewetta 34- Pear 45- Chinese Elm Structural prune, Street Clearance and deadwood I) Brimhall Rd. North wall between Allen Rd. & Jewetta 33-Chinese Elms 69- Pears 10-Oak 8- Birtch Structural prune, Street Clearance and deadwood PUBLIC WORKS STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF JUNE 12 —JUNE 16, 2006 Resurfacing streets in the following areas North of University Avenue, west of West Panorama Drive. South of University Avenue east of Maywood Drive. North of University Avenue, east of River Boulevard. Sealing streets (oiling) in the area south of Ming Avenue from Gosford Road to Ashe Road. Installing retaining wall at the northwest corner of Ming Avenue and Stine Road. Installing curb and gutters in the area east of Oak Street, south of California Avenue. Repairing Masterson Street, north of 178 Highway AREA SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, June 12 2006 Area between Ming Avenue & Wilson Road from Hughes Lane to South "H" Street. Wednesday, June 14 2006 Area between Sundale Avenue & Ming Avenue from New Stine Road to Ashe Road. Thursday, June 15, 2006 Area between California Avenue & Brundage Lane from Oak Street to "H" Street Friday, June 16 2006 Area between Coffee Road & Patton Way from Hageman Road to the north City Limit. Tuesday, June 13, Sweeper Operators are on their regular sweeping routes. C:\DOCUME-1\rsmiley\LOCALS-1\Temp\Work Schedule-Week of June 12 2006.doc BAKL[�, O�`FOORPOR �, S? AT c BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM LIF 0R1 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER .� . 4 k FROM: W. R. RECTOR, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: June 6, 2006 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Taxi Cab Permitting Process Council Referral No. 001507 Councilmember Hanson and Benham requested staff review the concerns addressed in a letter from Mr. Stuart regarding the length of time for the taxi driver permitting process. All applicants must have a criminal history check through the California Department of Justice. Because of laws and regulation changes stemming from terrorist attacks in this country, many more employment processes require such criminal history checks, which in turn create a backlog of work at the Department of Justice (DOJ). The Bakersfield Police Department has absolutely no control or influence of this criminal history check process. The Bakersfield Municipal Code provides the regulations for the permitting process. The following are sections from the Municipal Code which specify the portion of the investigation process to be conducted into the applicant's background. 5.50.290 Driver's permit—Application—Fee—Age restrictions—Expiration—Renewal—Change of carrier—Duplicates. A. It is unlawful for any person to drive, operate or be in charge of, any taxicab governed or affected by this chapter, without having first obtained a driver's permit, issued pursuant to this chapter to do so. B. The applicant for such permit shall appear personally and file with the chief of police an application in writing, upon a form furnished by the chief of police, containing such information as the chief of police may require. Such application shall be accompanied by a service fee pursuant to Chapter 3.70 of this code. Such fee shall not be refunded for any reason. In addition to his application, the applicant shall furnish to the police department at the time he submits his application three passport-size recent photographs of acceptable quality and shall be further required to furnish new photographs upon request of the police department when the original photographs are no longer suitable. C. Upon the receipt of such application accompanied by the required fee and deposit as provided in subsection B of this section, the chief of police shall, subject to the conditions contained in subsection D of this section, issue to such applicant a driver's permit. Such permit shall state the name of the carrier by whom the holder thereof is to be employed and shall authorize the applicant to Council Referral#001507 Taxi Cab Permitting Process Page 2 of 4 drive, operate or be in charge of any vehicle operated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter only by the carrier named in the permit; provided, however, that the permit holder may change his employer and drive, operate or be in charge of vehicles operated pursuant to this chapter by another carrier after securing from the chief of police an endorsement on his driver's permit of a change of carrier as provided in this chapter. D. No driver's permit shall be issued to any such applicant who is under the ape of eighteen Years or who is not the holder of a valid unrevoked and unsuspended class C license issued by the state A prior conviction of any of the offenses mentioned in subsection A of Section 5.50.300 shall be a good cause for denial of the driver's permit provided the chief of police shall deem the applicant unfit to be the holder of such permit by reason of such conviction The chief of police shall consult such records and consider evidence as is available to him at the time of acting on the application to determine the fitness of the applicant In addition all applicants shall take and pass with negative results a controlled substance and alcohol test in accordance with California Government Code Section 53075.5 as it may be amended or renumbered. Such test shall be taken no more than thirty days proceeding the date the application is filed for a new permit or renewal of an expired permit and the negative results must be received by the chief of police no later than thirty days after the date the application is filed Failure to meet these deadlines shall result in the invalidation of the permit process. The test shall be taken in a certified National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) laboratory, and certified documentation of the results shall be submitted to the chief of police in the time frames outlined herein along with sufficient identifying factors to match the test results with the permittee E. As soon as possible after the issuance of a driver's permit, the chief of police shall make such further investigation of the character and fitness of the applicant as he deems necessary. After the completion of such further investigation, if he is satisfied that the operation by the applicant of a vehicle authorized to be operated under the terms of this chapter will be detrimental to the public health, peace, safety or welfare, or that the holder of such driver's permit is unfit to hold the same, he shall revoke such driver's permit as provided in Section 5.50.300. F. The chief of police shall keep a copy of such driver's permit on file in his office. Such driver's permit shall constitute evidence of compliance with the terms of this chapter. Such driver's permit shall be effective until the expiration date printed thereon pursuant to subsection G of this section, or until suspended or revoked as provided in Section 5.50.300. G. All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire on the three hundred sixty-fifth day following the date of its issuance, unless suspended or revoked as provided herein. H. A renewal driver's permit shall be issued by the chief of police to any permittee who has paid a renewal fee pursuant to Chapter 3.70 herein and completed all of the requirements, including but not limited to the controlled substance and alcohol test as indicated in subsection D of this section. 1. An endorsement of a change of carrier by whom a permit holder may be employed shall be made on a permit by the chief of police whenever the holder thereof makes application therefore and pays a transfer fee pursuant to Chapter 3.70 of this code. J. A fee pursuant to Chapter 3.70 of this code shall be collected for the issuance of each duplicate driver's permit. K. In the event that a driver holding a valid permit issued by the county requests a transfer to a company operating within the city, the chief of police may accept the results of the investigation Council Referral#001507 Taxi Cab Permitting Process Page 3 of 4 made by the county and issue a city permit to such driver or may require an investigation similar to that required for a new permit; however, in either case, a transfer fee pursuant to Chapter 3.70 of this code is required. L. If a driver works for a company which is located outside the corporate limits of the city, but licensed to operate both in the city and county, such driver will be required to obtain a permit from the chief of police without regard to any other permit he may have or be required to have by any other agency. M. Not withstanding subsection G of this section, permits issued in 1996, pursuant to this chapter, shall expire on March 31, 1997. N. 1. An employer shall notify the chief of police, in writing, of the termination of employment of any taxi driver, and driver shall return his/her permit to city. 2. Upon termination of employment, a driver's permit shall become void. (Ord. 3862 § 1 (part), 1998: Ord. 3744 § 1, 1997: Ord. 3725 §§ 1, 2, 1996: Ord. 3189 § 4, 1988; prior code § 7.52.270) 5.50.300 Driver's permit—Revocation or suspension—Appeal—Hearing. A. 1. The Chief of Police may summarily revoke or suspend any driver's permit issued under the provisions of this chapter-provided that the chief has knowledge that the holder thereof, either before or after issuance of the driver's ermit made misre resentations on the application has been convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or the applicant has been convicted of a crime substantiallZ related to the qualifications, functions or duties of the business for which the application is made including, but not limited to a violation of the Controlled Substance Act or of assault battery, anderin rostitution gjMing, theft driving a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics reckless driving, or a violation of any law involving moral turpitude. 2. It is unlawful for any person to drive, operate or be in charge of any vehicle governed or affected by this chapter during the time that the driver's permit has been suspended or after the same has been revoked. B. Any driver who may be aggrieved by the action of the chief of police in suspending or revoking the driver's permit or temporary driver's permit, or any applicant who may be aggrieved by the permit denial by the chief of police, may within ten days from such denial, suspension or revocation, make written objection to the city manager stating the grounds for grievance, whereupon the city manager shall fix a date for hearing such objections, giving written notice thereof to such applicant, and upon such hearing may sustain, suspend or overrule the decision of the chief of police, which decision of the city manager shall be final and conclusive. Such order of suspension or revocation by the chief of police shall remain in full force and effect unless and until acted upon and reversed or modified by the city manager. (Ord. 4093 § 1, 2002: Ord. 3862 § 1 (part), 1998: prior code § 7.52.280) Adherence to this procedure would include a check of the applicant through the Department of Justice. This is necessary because a local criminal history check would not reveal any arrests outside of Kern County. There are other avenues available to check a person's criminal history; however law prohibits the use of such for purposes of employment. Council Referral#001507 Taxi Cab Permitting Process Page 4 of 4 When an applicant turns in all of the required paperwork for a taxi driver permit (see attached), the permit is processed at the Bakersfield Police Department. Upon receipt of the criminal history from DOJ, the application is given to me for review. If everything is in order, the permit is signed and dated and the applicant is contacted by records personnel to retrieve their paperwork. It takes approximately 10 minutes for me to read an application and make a determination as to whether or not to approve it. I spoke with Charmaine Gonzales, a clerk in the Records Section of the Bakersfield Police Department who handles the application paperwork. Ms. Gonzales told me she would estimate the average time for a permit approval is approximately three weeks. She said there have been instances in which the process took longer than that and that some applications have taken only a week to process. Mr. Stuart has contacted me several times about this situation. Each time I have explained this process to him. Mr. Stuart has asked for temporary operating permits for drivers in order for them to drive a taxi until the DOJ criminal history check has been completed. I have told him I would not issue such a permit. It seems irresponsible for me as a police officer, an agent of the City of Bakersfield, and as concerned citizen to allow a person to drive a taxi, which would transport children, the elderly, and the infirmed, without the benefit of a complete criminal history check. In the past I have denied permits for histories of sex crimes, crimes involving narcotics and certain crimes involving assaults. While certainly not every applicant would have such a criminal history, we owe the citizens of Bakersfield and those who visit this city a complete and thorough background check of a person who will be transporting them around Bakersfield any time of the day or night. B A K E R S F I E L D I JUN 9 2006 ; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: June 02, 2006 SUBJECT: SIDEWALKS & BIKE PATH LANE Referral No. 1515 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED STAFF CONTACT HIM TO DISCUSS SIDEWALKS & BIKE PATH LANES IN NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND WHETHER IT IS FEASIBLE TO PUT IN BIKE LANES INSTEAD OF SIDEWALKS. Sidewalks are for the exclusive use Of pedestrians. Bike Paths are for non-motorized bicycles, separated from a roadway and not meant to be a substitution for a public sidewalk; however, pedestrians are permitted on a Bike Path. Bike Lanes are an exclusive lane, on each side of a public roadway, for bicycles going with the directional flow of traffic on the road. Multi-purpose trails are sometimes used in place of a sidewalk and are located adjacent to the roadway. They are primarily for the use of pedestrians, but bicycles are allowed. They do not take the place of Bike Lanes on a roadway. Public Works staff will set up a meeting with Councilmember Couch to discuss the various bicycle and pedestrian options available for new developments. G:\GROUPDAT\Referrals\2006\06-07\Ref#1515 Sidewalks and Bike Lanes.doc RECENED JUN 9 2006 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER'S o�FOCe MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: June 02, 2006 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ MING AND GRAND LAKES Referral No. 1514 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED STAFF CHECK TO SEE IF FEASIBLE TO CHANGE SIGNAL TIMING AT MING AND GRAND LAKES SO THAT MING IS GREEN AND ONLY TRIGGERED BY TRAFFIC ON GRAND LAKES. The Traffic Signal at Ming Avenue and Grand Lakes was completed and operational on June 6, 2006. The normal operation is to have Ming Avenue, the Arterial road, in priority with the side road, Grand Lakes, a Collector, in a secondary position. This would mean that Ming Avenue is normally a "green" indication on the traffic signal until there is a traffic demand on the side street, Grand Lakes. At this time, the traffic signal is undergoing a "shakedown" test period to confirm that the signal is operating as designed without any electrical or mechanical malfunctions. Once it passes this test period, it will be placed in normal operation mode and later fit in with the coordination of other signals along the Ming Avenue corridor. G:\GROUPDAT\Refenals\2006\06-07\Ref#1514 Ming-Grand Lakes.doe �� BAK [ � ftPORq O'Cs� U r d 11P OF, MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY June 6, 2006 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATTORNEY rJ SUBJECT: UPDATE ON URS MATTER COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 1506 COUNCILMEMBER HANSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON THE URS MATTER. As Council recalls, the City Attorney was directed to pursue design defect damages from URS arising out of their engineering services for the widening and interchange improvement at White Lane and State Route 99. On June 22, 2005, the City officially retained the legal services of Clifford & Brown (Jim Brown) on a contingency fee basis to represent the City. On October 31, 2005, Mr. Brown, along with key City personnel from Public Works met with URS representatives. Subsequent to the meeting, URS requested additional documents from the City in order to evaluate the various issues. The documents were voluminous and it took City staff a couple of months to compile, review, copy and produce. It then took URS staff time to review. Clifford & Brown is now in the process of scheduling the agreed upon follow-up meeting between City staff and URS representatives. It is anticipated that such meeting will take place within the next 30 days. As this matter continues to evolve, the City Attorney will update City Council in closed session. VG:do S:\C0UNCIL\Referra1s\05-06 Referrals\Hanson-URS update.doc