HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/14/2006 CITY MANAGER'$ OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 14. 2006 TO: Heatable Mayor and City Cooundl FROM: Allen TeMg Cily M1Ynager PT( � SUBJECT: General Informal I Endoeetl is a leryer east back W the GBA expensing our willingness to work with them on the Eownbwn message location. 2 Thanks to the Chamber of Commands Or glNng us the ogportunity to upords the communtry on Issues of sinuousness via the annual Stale of the Guy event easier this week. The cei about Ne Sryss Village ten be taken to service dubs, community mealinge, orwTerever you desire. Its a eeles piece, so we encourage you W use it! 3. On the Wpic of the Sports Mill we were regard to recrieve the enclosed nourtmoon farm the State Hall and Communty Develolxnem Dept gri the week that Barrel was sal6led bar an awand of Persuaded 40 1 funds W till¢LPounlles. Stall had subdued for aWa Broom Harming Rswmtl Gram, based on thin affordable units permill¢d during 2005. We are W preserve $590,125 for the 117 recal le units which wem forma and dung 2005. Within Me gram editorial we have seemed the grand funds W trust In funding Ilre deegn and engineering of the SpMS Village Pads. 4. The curing danced schedule for to Edge House Networks Amphghts" is entered. Ho1e1 Cultural uril — The Fair Tabour Used will perform next FNay, July 21`h al 0'.W p.m. Ticket price$ am $10 and can nd programs! un ugh Re ffalion ark Parks. 5. AmmtingdaleMwaleresuesr Podllybeenaegwilh Shaflerfor July Ple. We will let you know how n Was 5. In Wlbw up W a Counal metal we ere charged far funds from the ROee Foundation (money generated by $iarm Clutsmaeoper deals). We ere asking for money W earned diesel anginas at the wwd waste plant and Wr mplamnrent of added sweepers Irom die ll W Cral 1. The Farm Department PMP8W the attached report including cMfwn rWgistics be rea.Ight photo eMOrcemem ireelsei from 21M4 through 2005, W date. rhoombe all nn cM Ca l July 14 Po m n t B. The June grated ebtia4¢ repml farm he Police cepapmerd is saturated. Is The $Peaal Enhancement Gan YOknce Report for June is encomed 10. The June adlvit part hail Recreaion and Parks is encl0aed. 11, Atlachad is Me gmup photo homes taken with staff from the various agencies whorkln0 on TRIP, It demonstrates our mopeallve partnership to diligently lave the mad prOlencs bmaNl We are sending a copy to Congressman Thomas. 12. A recap or the High Five Awards; for March through June 18 e0cl0sed Congratulations so all the employees who were recognized. 13. Our new Risk Manager Ralph Komi is officially on bol Ha is iempararily hcaletl In Ire City Managers O01ce bribe time being. Atha w Ducal Heads p Pal u, n cup eery �_ B A K E R S F I E L D Allen Tands 4 (Iry Manager July 13, 2000 James J. Rene Director, Gan Francisco SeMCe Genter(gPF) Mdic Buikigs Ses"im V S. Gemnl Samicee Administration 450 Golden Gate Awesome San FrercBm, CelHopes 94103.3434 Deer Mr. Mass 1Tark you for your lager to Mayor HeMy Hall concerning me federal Most braiding in Bakerefil We am plaaeatl Mat GSA is willing W locale me faculty in our Girl Bualrms Game. MOMINUa W my stall will be Immil to members of yours seeking GBMicaton and rmr all We baW already Wailed a Marc for palmXal agar mat men your create. Tigre am many Issues to wask Mrougn, such as eMnomlq wastsm 9ubbnity. and others. This cro of Stakenr le will appeal all Issues In an eMM1nWaetk. concern somng way In an effort W bring day pmt to a padiwe Mnclueon. We mask bmeM W xOdang vim you Mr. Sol and ma Muria in that regent. City T9rNy� CM Malaga a. mrsmime ailed ray ww rtrm sawn, CQumM n oiex-csa Sema'UgssMraN , Earun OaMMG am NM, MeenMwS m4FwWa FrtiMCOwpw ow w Miss tlua, gs(a n Crewel Coy of Baker9lela • M Maassai agce • 1501 Trumn AiMme IuknYl ' WlbrnW , 933m (661) 33637511 111 3X-1850 DEPARTMENT OF NOOSING AND COMMONITY GEVELOPMENT ...w.e ONM� OF HOUSING m soIIGY WVELOPRM — we 11r Moral Juni 2006 Mr. Alen Tandy Oiry Manager City of Bakeleal 1501 TNrtun Avenue Bissouriel DOWN Dear Mr. Tandy: TM Departmental pleased W announce Me City m Bakersfield as o rmipimtl of a MoMb HOmiy RewaMPmram (WFHProgram) amM. FundinObrthe VFX Program is available pursuant to the Housing and EmergenW Shanar Trost Fund Art of 3003 (Progssion 4rij The goal of the WTH Program Is Wanderings new housing atlOMable to bwauiecome households and to re Mlwin governments for approving housing pmleds affordable to leader income households and the wmkkrce. The WFH Pmgpm estimates the Dearkw ment'a mmmltmenf to work in farmers with Ircell governments W Income Cal far ia'a critical housing and community development needs momangv an IivabbMCwothe stie�itel linkages between housing, lobs, and Me economy As you know, all focal gweral applicants who approved rower eRmdable housing units and arse In completes with Stab housing element law, are awarded MIT Program grant funs for use in local cal lmprovement projects. Your application indicated MM Me Cray of Bakersfield met the program repuimmenb and hark implemented the materials of the WITH Program by approving new housing aROrdal to lower income households. Tlis letter, therefore, constitutes a mnessnal crmmorm nt of grant funds In the amount of S598,136_ Oman California a ml housing shortage, the MH Program also rewards lose governments wM are on track to meet their Regional Housing Needs Alloratbn (Fort goals. The Department is pleased to amid the City of Bakersfield $39,209 in NINA acres; grant back Included In Me WWI commitment above bar Its SlgnMwm efforts to meH ifs overall housing Ands. Mc Alen Tandy Pool Staff III be wnhding you shorty to initiele the punches of prapanng the Standard Agreernentfor Nntldl¢Nbudon. Please note no funds may be expanded, no anyw¢h l unIll a wMnRls Nlly eucodat Al w]reWlBlipM for Shaddest the le pram guy Is of the WFH Pr[Anam. For follow lntemyAOn "earning Mie aSAM, Sol cull Ful Smdh at IOem6h @h be.tat or (816) "5 7412. Sincerely,tee Cal ell Deputy Director Coital SUJittIVIC alga I o[2 O bright house _.... -, P . I , wE . . wE Frof JUN ZI 2M JGRqN Vpcoming pertormances to be announced. bM//www 1/12R" (9 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM oete: Jug11. 2m6 Tv. Alan Tandy, city Manner From: W. R. Rel Chet Of Palms u+' Subject fled Ughd Enlargement 6dtitlics I have ordered CAetion dietetics for Red dill pnolo enbrrement Intersections during 2004. A05 and year W date far 2006. Please call a you he" a alleges. Aeevrment Yie]IiM Ruo EMasmem'MrM]NNOs WRRl BAKE POLICE MEMORANDUM TO: W. P, fleemn CAielWPolice FAOm: T. Teyly. Gpreln. OZrstbns oMUOn - Ei SUBJECT. Ideal Pnoro.FnlmWmem The Om of Bakndayho now has hunts Wonder moomeUeal m - nmrtW. The following represents eaMMlMee lnrereMlona and their canon lmeia for Januaw1BB000 through Decengtor t 203, January1. 20(<ithrougn tearer 2005andynrwnare 2W0. Inhrsssnon Januw l, 2m<- Janwrylaa0 JHr1uanl, - passenger 31, mass personal 31, A05 June WilgraB SKKWeINCLitomie FJB ¢ 1.136 403 felt Tom La rise Or Mernerd WB Tenn 1 ]3t 1,036 393 W XarnuA1B um 283 on SIB tan" ny ea are mnv 6"1 2412 694 bH I BO1 NO IN Valley Place EB Lanz Cofferayful BUS 092 515 155 Train Lam nmun &B Lenz 782 3441 ty nttrlGmdp WH NO 313 a carom BWas 3� Lon Turn Len" o Glirom A = 194 313 93 Lena W bawl la L33 151 Lana WIGsM1YTg 3S u in ,0. NE; am mna eW Mass 1 IT."I T malwuM &si4 9pN e.�naE.trnonm rs.n..me.awnaw.J..rsJ�. BAKERSFIELD POLICE iJ °b MEMORANDUM p W, July 10. 2006 To: Alen Tandy, Cary Manager From'. W. P. Ral Chat of ROOM SubpcY Gl rrdMPSWlishcs for June I have atoll Oe Gral Und reatitlice for are month of June. Please call 0 you have any q uestions. d m3 E � x 3 e 3 F S 3 i S�3 g 9 Sd fr y 'gS E E $ € pa BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Data July 13. tat TO: Alan Tandy, City Manger From: W. R. header, Cnpl of Posica SuMec[ Soat Enforcement Gang Vlnlencra ge[ml I pave enclosed the Soonest Enforcement Unit monthly ngarl for o1 2W6. rival 13111 you more any command WRgM1 m e asp Bakersfield Pouce wyarddrat Special Enhancement Unit Monply Report- June tMB The Mlowlnq is mmpila peumm ce oml le 6pmisl Enl Munn and 14 avpm =Ml"dUn6/ Venlpati son turd r Future Arens in - Guns sw w ss SuWlemanmi Re s M Mnneneanot Meetl k% Fry - Screw Offa se H Fun Warned Orders a Funny 1 Vemea Fapons MPSd of Worked Fropa4m and Panic S ea" Wamn§Areas reaches a In Terms 2364 He.Am Older a 3006 Shmtmga Geothermal s 201111� SM som�s yew to Guns Sau5ac5 Janhwry - June 2M s% Foody Areas L Guns search Nq rupplelnenlel Hepons 129 M1 MSMmeanw Am9e RI's YI GpanemlOwnae False Wamnt VehMe Rapers Amen it- Mneahmeane Wanam Paducah end Shiae sgah Warzms Xomsaln Terms So ruuef tinq Olha M Mnh Bahrain Depunmena U 106 sminga SecM1mx 3Wf ShroOnpa 18 3n035hoolinpa r L k reffland Brymm�And WIDIA and do, o;od SEU ACTIATTY c�9ro6maram. - 9 SEU eIfirerS anegUE lNebllowlnp .unpec6 M"F Bmwn Ell 36 rreg [mbtleb In the WO bled of XILK and lord In He In Oil of apgoa. 29 grams W narinena. He was a warded 101 HIS 113570 OS 113032 rormern Harvey BM 38 and Carol Npb BMA 34 were tmfagr54 boom a redeem seared Ad 3JN Loyalbn YC. Added, 30 9 rare" hands ones. end bagg�ea wreSeaW. Harvey and CUNT are Each side Crisis and uveamaNdlw MIS 35g, PC 182 and lm 22. 06113203 Jeae Sheave losers, 1500 dock Wall Show Nlep marrow i — 11. 11110196, 1525 Wag Sense Alley for pat lnmlcame and Ik{ 6L SEU opma arresW be lollowing gusp9ms. Sam Gemara BMA 19 was mreeled for PC 148 " HAS I"l after he ran nom SEU Slfim¢ mndeclls, a gobehad Awed a1131 P SL Gang)Me search a Nmaem War Alloy ewfw fork WHIGN pumellei wea by an PA m.Inale sw eager 100 from MaIYMa Seam WPA 26 rres been lnb 0www for VC 22108. 22450, Abed.2. VC10851 VC20W2 PC 4% and PC148. W 113807 from Niles/ dmser.many evading GUN SEREO: 0611@i4, 5KL: 7 1X05960.Brwnhng„3605emFa0emeNq from 13, PSr a ilg9lala _ SEU oXmem door the rely ing .susprd Well o 13W 1R GraW SI MM ell for a inglayol violation Wm Wry [ aealmg sBiA CS maus /O6l for promised 9 I of alwded handed pYagang llelNer !E M "uuez Web. 19, W Childhood /0G.for picAmsen all a lorded llmvm by a pang f ylner gWinn, 26, & Congress f Palmer.. fail command 0 afor llremm ll W Junparrairl pal graph Cempea, 99 E Colonel I gopnsm, for lmsesven W alw0e0 braam qa an lor ner sales age, Lady 37IW31rtE from 910 K 5100, for pas, manpana la ¢a les, rI manganese Em r,l usual Jr 1304122 Oral be wall of parole bkaoo Ynnn15, 336 himposey a OP b Ashanti rwnerns. 8 OUNSSENE0: 0611 St BBriM: At usua 12 rmi auto from WOV Columbus/O A 1 06115343, Strict : millrertleo R emin91on 12 goom pump NrmWM1lrare E. C4/ ROgmen "06 Samuel I]003]o0 900L] SEU OMImm a rooted to same ng supers. mai u4 HAS 3B M 14 n, 2300 peak Oean N3S 113]&& 113A. 45115535, IOrpou. ouldh una James SSal &N 0M B; 4400 out 6mlN, at BUglary Robed Smith OWO8l0, 422W as Sol br BUglary I James WW 05p21l qk Said iA Regime p i Ill 14, 11 A91, 5W X 51. be Anne Thar r —WM t& t Y]NB, BW Work R SI, for auto then {I �1M 16. S19119q 330 O SI for Auto True BIN SEU olllaen annual n e lollmmng supeme Kiuunre Johnson. 4 Al2W WS UnIm Al2 Of pomgssron porous hose Annual Manor, 26, All 400 Uk S. Carl for ryas. mad for sales Swee eCaeg3;62218.4W OIB S. Prone, for pons. nrelh Aar as leS � 17, IIABrB8, 1200 as E l Alp for or smnreann warrant. Jorge B Omme, ]1. &2g114, 13W bit E, I RP, for puo, moor for sales y r —. nnMNM, IBM be E IBm, for goes manner mlea Mlchml Webber, 30. vuli, WS wm Ave, wrrOI fthrom enlwa Camrz¢ wrllamzBB. I m7173. mm l P. mr bridge .ranee G leenn 5lepnemon, ea. 0125152, SOO Gmon Arens lame warrant Anthoury Moses,Q I VxOAD.from ME DARK Ave for padesed a dirk or dagger. FpM A SEU o ¢em arrested helollvMng smprom SON Ordered the NartWms Unit wadded erevurron drewral saamn warmnu. Mmutl GUM 18, TIMU Kern Ford. for pouemion of nasod¢ paraphemalM k Ease Wmy, 2B, &1 Kern grow. I[FSmdeneanorwrranl Mlguel8ab. 24,4f2 , S flWlnsonl Gmrill, m Mlond [ Denis CAP,31. a2074, Of Xeo-nwn l GANG.mr mspanded Armes ta¢ lad echo - 170 M Arcane aaesled the beaMng suni oe¢hms lnomW", Z8, 11rdoI was the emmungerI o a RMlne thin WAS slepced h $i us Of Wlpwue FpanmaMl 1 Zoe sued S. lhorrpmn was arrayed arm he was to a Rd m be in pocseuon of W unm lNered term handgun. e6-11GANG Remora MnelN'warm My wa so. edema . long E pins Fa. 5 grgm of aeNgmpOmarthrerr 6118742 ah °aea to nit hh posse ion of GUN SEIZED: [ M11BMS, GANG: ]15M8M, Bear Car, Bmm Boger SI "toptaroE IZW iqh 91 k HSI !E� -iI00603 SEU misers arrested the Mlmmng uAtut wait Area gv�9ma Memdms a=ide Elk¢s11414 E5CRIIs Side Slaug Cold amr whe a enM forta bad one vok5on deaause hewas assrcaWg woh m gr gangs "m & e8-11e, mm Pxmn OS JU Omannmp NC q�5i pupa YmrMy,135ialq ma MlacpE Edfiff B^I ECelllom SEUOXmn Innp thatCefl y one on Or and NSngn amnW i5 pill lumb an EcnaSypilL Oemnnyumsarresre for H65T3)). W119M W anBwary Zg, N,W GMd RUbenaMWrm,31, 910Mx maN duNla acane STOP and Oud"O in ma OMW mbn inpo55e nl . Wn v ande MAddo^i0 owe and awnowa area�sreDlor PC ls3mlWl lm rr.npnBlre.0e ilBaW U idSMOMz, 4 , 10R91, 3laria ekyA Mrnbdnradest Aaron Ford, 31, 51 hill Uteri So OWRIonywaranl. — 17, 31&N. B01ECaI4omla, for Pr dNg false entrance viol. RUben Malana, 31, 81t 20ONk)bmrs, I&iebirypo55 Sa Fap CV vigXl, 15, 1211 I411 E. California Ave, lot UTII CN3 I Manuel lnzmza. 3y NN1. 11W tl¢M NIIn S,iw p055. mHn M¢alei. glBtl be s ms �a SEU Orders arrested Tire lclloxing 5mpacb: I Return Aguilar, 27, IV03 IS 13Mtlk Also SI, MPOes. n h Uamlan Lewis, 25, L1N; Sol WO MapMm Ave. Ire pwsem PUP 1 Jaamina Simms, 24, 12if 500 US P A. Its press. cocain SIMS Chi 37, 3 ", 13W tlk d roma he blmy renal. AMbMro Balg 25. 11411.W1 E OaYlama AW he CCW IF fabn Raymond Mile, 30, mon3, Mnw s. Ciranar. for For cocaine for Sae, are Rene Manmez, 38. )M; S UnIm I Cb Yep Rp. for Pon. cocaine or MM OUR SEIZED: MIZWRg, Shad: P12b , High PWtp Bmm SmNWO,ON E. Cylbrnia I &11 d0 u4 Or arroused Neloll¢nna au¢pecTS: k SEL ¢pmT Wn of thePaIrt securing WN alne¢an locations related 10 Ad Wa 00 Perk lW7 C A�,. , M M yes l I �l rnlMaa Loin ly. Star 1601 Pandring, lu misdmddvm weuam. W12 SEll qrw¢ arrested the blloMnO suapards OMm Suebv w. IMreSnza i Sy for Many aananr. . Flays wlularm. µ 1212W 1022 Onion And, nit pouewlon W maM am national pnapmmone. said mawcsbn AQOMJna0oa¢e for sales, end mauls WOlaliM.G rams rSn mad air {e, peb In ammo Nael ailing . �WOiq gen1g. rei rtr C0C6WW,ggang M aryAre ulMlvlorred t ery d samceabd 9uM1loede0 lirearm wenrle Mr weatm. and pammpala in a Planned M en sans. Franlem Amaaryu Ip 1MW 9e Cam.o atl lnd GTP tx i �nr�adM ganel. agwneea amm, i added p and eredm ma a. GUN SEIZED: OHZI%y 111 Mill Maouda, andm aamFaAS piano 2W Mk 5eouI A" t2 Two a ex u SEU added Mason Me lollwtng amMUS Npra KaNlm 1111154010 by POdmac Pay nothe and found to be mpcawsson q ,5 gnmq ¢tre bew. EEU alretllc amp 9-12986 to �Som SAY - 17100411300 r Ei Sol KNET n a narwlra rthromi lw and The eaea(M Of a Manor 1 Arafflant wa uF o � SE sn f mced awpMM: SElls mpmdlo MMOq K"In Lampkimrp2 gat3MBe aXOn. UMUnsed and later danger to Ilwring nmvgirk Wb,to guars dH ning Mm. Abin tla coalm MMar la • 1M000abdyand Neadddlonolthkarynaol POfa&al(1)d i5 "roaddW 06124aso alusam bn d erlder £[ F i_ Ieama�rm . gd�ammanM1addna _ . _ . _ =sae21 2e.Yk a. m. taduu. .aswneda ranarrgaemru smpnpammaart uWRl rw.any roundmmin mic!All Bravo Jr., 26171 we,. tantia e9 a Conig2rsYwamxexnaraa CIOun vrO mIn owumOmee atle0 cuanyavallli AOpan0mane totem posseaslmou be Key 11378, 11379 10 Efavoermarree aZbr NA51a1P0, 113$ F for arressed PC 182 e105,22. 6 VC 11801.I M12490 LOmdom El llM1r Clyde at (in poneavon P of mmb for sales) Far COMMea.W.but fears I Crude IM posseulon of earth the ealee, felon Inpwwwor d amrm.Mediclallon poaasslo r Manor,farm in j reaseas dalires end tarry a mnmled Weapon m t Iwl1yal; 54911 O2, I ran Toms i Clyde,lot lawn In howeve not ermn, fifil Of Fordifir for sales, r somewhat wifinge armed, felmrn Poaeamn of a firearm. and carry a mrraealad pon, GUNSMZM FmMM1 Canmq OS, 1Y20T, 1mm2311 COnmumd,lor Wblic inlouralion. 061350065UFIW. G ]e, MnpkIM& AIIM. ]3aYlber PewlverlromiezrrClyaa Wilms satumey - 1900.5300 CEC raiders anaslaa the s hol answers rlen ar 22,219 n4. from agog elm PMOnee for allempl robbery, compnaay, wad all Shal was member In fivassesson of a firearm among a klony.Jobs Possess a real carry a kd lrvi pa aorl final arrays Sans.Bang mMl your conoaalad Ream, end carry a noo legal IM1emm. Emmanwl CabLbs, 19, N 231, hum 2525 POTOWC Prt.for obaauNOn. O lnaaao b425, M fir t9mIm 21 bl¢k washol. re g bar Wrrears rN rroin b t with regular m tI arsenal possession of a fineafffim.CGW,and sang Member CCW {k Viral lmafi. 14 a1N;lrom Fea blak 0a Bar ledI an gangs CCWery Wm lhe counsel ravy. poaswslm . or a d e�M1 ed Blamed brrad" i vehicle lM1ecommladondettlmy.CCW � Ilrmnn, end all 0reamrin 4 Omer k aez, 2s, areNW0, had 150 bber pegm, be Many varredgm l PeMM Bi me 01 Ml from 150 gone bell St,for prox mot death, pmaesvon or na IC Mammal and raise lD. is volaJOHIMN g3J m :dM: — aide In papa xan.:. m, 19m3. fmm wl wale or, Apr apemJJlommmaora pe,al. �. Bober Smim, 36, 711167, e Id4W block union Ave. or poni pvnkvmmnon. es Of ni Viewlessly A na,curio px,egrema¢. false lo. and Quel too nosswna&a X14, 61692.Irani 2600111 PObnec,lo, Waste ng an f In a idwon Gun Seknd: M-1 MU, SnILQ4101M xeMrymn 6 xlpglaeoq Ito analogy spal 2660 Pobmrt 6l SYfl�6e -11 09430 wag mapettv: Naa6�Ervaq SO, IDa 3N IGH(Oblrcan. umon Pdve Mosen inn base. peld_ German pnaplle GIGu li nma over, And dump apt Pan wNm, 26,a gmm, wm Plawen Haley, Apr possession nl men, pmmeeionm aphernalia an open¢ pale lamp reaul,ej. passed mem,a, ST6q IW S. Orere,for an w6landlug Many xenant t June June Cmvgnti 36, UWWRI, IImm Epull pampa l Madism, for base Go Am! no imwme Val lllama, 1q 1 V2NB Imm INS Pammo Rd e6pw ssnlalpa4m lne r martLerCl eng,epan r algon GCW Mi IdeleY mdav, gang f pull ontlrmr cane blrmka,y la �eemon 01 a Me od Gaged by gang murder�mnor0ssessm N a trial l Minor anneal annual add Call aloadig non.eglelaed dreadd. f GUN SE¢EO: 4 Cop 6eNL A2412,Clerta, .32 pull FMIV r.land 105 P¢aew Rd 6B B BB B6 MOnQ1Y _. B»DB�P9]YB V vo coa arrested me ye day, suspu la; Lnbb Mendae,20, 1Imm I6@ Union Pve #218, for posed on N Apollo ver sale end malnfaln u mmdapi lw middle Ad Guy. Brappidend Newman, 36, 11/1098, Imm 1821 unbn AVER Rl 9.lop Gonadal M n amouc Paraphernalia y tr`F W nr Os-i.Jn mmnn eNOrc _ ..- - Pepe e.: Rick Si 28,1 WE I rmm 1622 Union Ave #219 la teeny average i Leo Johnson, 28, Vi ii learn Sm Mort Casino 6r. Iw r9i drying. HISSIA f Oglars AMcers, and expired manager Mo Aiai 16, llfiA&ham Lake Ad Mper 5,her ehicle Stanley, owing burglary, Islreal gang, coispirady, leaseesim of erden propew analesign aneti ma I-moreardly Chavez, 12,11 Ali team Lake S l I9for worse euroebry, pmsession of near propeM� Partiapdon In a act axed gang, mpl begrary, conspiracy and rgssence snail, Joe"WWIa , 21, 12ABT lead el] Casing he Men In poesgrtion M A everel gang menOZr PoSSees a 4earre promdparon In a bee nil di Rang, bon prei ammo and re-arrest for segment. I GUM SEIZED: 064ID9, 6entl: got Rand bm9, n5 Warner semi-seW plemk 817 Circles ' Graslighl • - 113011-2399, 11711040300 GAUL Ahead aresfed the ell wringsuyab: Jose MOraea n, N1399 par 2bd Learned AVe mr b6n Info to an older xmry Kee n, lR Leitc h, from 1622 Loan Ave, lot possessor to heroin li r - 1300.2300 1100LM0 1SI Omfllra es1e00e lolloveng suspstle: ��BMl 17 was Arrested fora pe4Mlon vltlmbn warrant age PC M Firestone has been idonemd by Wt ehermlev AS love eaecem In me PC 21 V sn to 7M AS of Sit. 06866550eikM1ng Area l leln personapnN CMnon RUXIn MIA n was arrested for a ready worm. RMi n is kl So a pmaide Process W the hommde at W aysloa lark 6gl C lignof Ave 1i WIIne Jackson, 19, 21 bmm lea aort Chosen Avg. lax resist t delay^nicvre. W mmn R uXlry 39, 79M,f mm 1019 E. Plana Rd. In Ieony wvraM, addressing, 18. GANG, Imm 1100doq Niles ELforessiill Abandon onwerir. z.n. xnee.ra, lR. 3aa95. Irom nob dfoix rvibe st. brrvee/ebanea(li.. o.rrell ona0mr. 0,Seats,from 3926 nom 51 he heady Proven. Fra w Martin pand d« —-order mer ne Mmm:a.Y,anSrex from 1800 tram.Gragon S.mr poss. pnagiann end false into to am datum,- alra, Usiin Gaze.23, Bull from 16W W¢a Grtgon prat Moll NOlaWO. Imo' lW ilmors,20, El from Role bl«N organ fa Ira teem agreed :gschool 5 Aifi0i300 WU Di arrested the olowag awwb. SEU eJ Drt Mmryln adding and amount Grog Wine'on BlM for Child abill �r ll 512299, 13W 31 M CCW JanProw x pon and curlew rasp Nubbam. za, Nixgrel.lrom00oaoa W"s fmafamynarlanl JIMMY Parks, 04 ll from 5W big G@,lot large Into 10 gra Omer CaNy Robinwn, O, 510159, 10088N 51, for I ny"tram. {{{ �. 13. flumu .from 5801 Ream Wg for pde0m vglatim. Y 113W,2300, 170040500 EEU OMmrs armned llle rlll suepOM, 3EU optimal waRereJ John"Word, 10h , Into th all M Crom Ward "e Iiwsaestloa of vmaiva base and zxallowM ll as edwamnR Mm. UUnnga { ordedinrwe.Wamadmill«lodeslmyiy ¢ danw. Wamvmdraadmrnas f{ 11350 and PC 135. it Right (pmi crcamm basal JIMMY 9Metl Jr., 19,iWNx C do GoWmn, lop shawl aM Mftell Lomi 19, fall and gal arm Of nw0r doa al Wee and Lotus Mere sEU mr«n g a4erved lbem involved in me Bales m narmim. slenan. 0n on and Leraord lam PCI�zzandBlez 061299621poa. «oame false lot gale) v351 s, k lMAn AH "G1vx1Czirom E3ror CVdo6l,oImaginativeness Nenndt Rgge ,Y, Iilan mMOM4MM. Iae Mony"rranl Raxd Ban ma, l9, rnwm. Nom500bIFns, rreandaNam. �� uvz+rtt fmms UkHM.rrramadaa [p Wines i� G more old M n. 11 15, for V91. Iram SW GIs H SL M vommiam Ir€ SEV slivers arroped the lWlwng AmoMs'. Jamie Calaemn Wi tram IN sk Cara Loma he mrryma mound urwrm In IE pages — Valli dam SW Isk Car Lnme mr gang namAS Oanylwded f firearm Jeae Guzman 061422, from 2215 Trader Ave,on carrying lwded ,Iremm In veNtle. Marro Megi110]AYT,Irom hiller 511 BeInarO. lorlelonywarrant L @F Teener Shropshire 0N}i2. la Palo I Lmm,IM galas el prase. Chad" Pettus CrodMi9,lmm 209 MILK Blvd, NmsdemeenM renanl. Elleen 6mienoa M-M79, Pmedam Xrry I Colli Rd. M possession N mrsh Some South 32, , 9A0. mor Hacim&I Canomr m],lot does. aaaire Paris. Romm Popz, 40. 1e99.from trod mF Morgan G. for daNatllon 0 nldeneg. k Josue Zones, 21. 1ii3all .0cm 2148umi Ave, Iw gang nrmMr polls per Mcesses Sales,19, 11:19152, BW N E him, In possession of heroin for sale. •Mm OMC 39, 6¢4TQ fiem Rreadele Xwy/GOXee P6lor poswa¢IOn W nMM1 Guns 5elw6 0413MW. Songs: Una, spread, 9mm s m4amamilifrom BW Cosa Lemc Vel3iSi J7e2Ma, Mosses , l2 goi possum good a9 mentor,from 214 { Burchi 9rz -09r.- 13o9-23ttg 17304309 SEU Imsamme the lmlowln95uspen Rml Munea 23 12922 from Ner for properties Iwdaiw EAUWO Sepun 22 N2T/M man 103 daemon.lot Ran s ", _fl page 1 saroWO,]alameme, v. vIDb.form 21W Wnlce Or.for MiSd m anm rarrom. 911 mXO F dpl 90, 9 r1 W85. loom 518 aided.ad Bang nos W r Mfi a firearm. Admen Genzale , 2414 rt9 fmm516 mimakfiral m rWh a firearm Gun SgdeO: g613II9; Serial: unreadable, WVtl W&Mrnlleld ID gauge sM1Olgung 516 Pear S1 }l2U Menaaa - 1399,23 1]9°a3M SET Adders arrested Ne lollhart Suspects Jor Appear. 25, V13MI, from 17M box Flwer Sx far false impreonalw all teepeeil nfDrrwlo that a baonbidwary Irn ).zg.en was nenx mealnn em ..ereap� anemegnE» re. �•nn Fwm9rlm.5, le. search ZrnObed a possible mores anzl e. added ro "ueegru goys e aaiw Foal wllgoal ieem. r n old4 n nowt afI , Geer, penmetl and Ponlonm the'murrdew. an I DOMESnc )ENFGFIST from Femanl Pargua Gang. poses tea W27100 rU"OY - 170"300 SET OXrwrs ect barrel 41Lert Vapuer 3r5 TWO, 36W beach San puree 9, for lebny warrant Jorr" Mrnlz. 3z, 19n'Nl, form 3 WJ bfal San Dins SI la Mdemea nor wnam m1 from TO] ]roxa. MlNOnYmnanl. � %m IO Vme0u, 19, L52L Imm age m /T 51, W possession 0a dangerous weap . eo ralto th a hour gacy of a minor and pamoipallon In ammnl Stuart gang. Wrvin IrogodgunMnwn]ydoMVnbn PVglw loon ingossea W ode r. m, ammaloa0etl� In PUdr, P¢Sesson la e gun fNa an9rrenbw.qdm nalo�and annoy had under 18 reIN ry, 9b a oldi gamey e �rrl nry, essrgeemm 5130 balance car""n etl arm going memceYro a mmn ddfim po �lof afiaeasI o rro mnI ba"l on rigs rresl. {aa Alan pre =m. a pa - paler aenrarvnW street Ong r . Gap SOaed MlUSN, sualel: Y73M2og Nahanni"labor Plalol from 1513 CMnt Y doc Face 1 612M96 Wednesday- SFV oXiwr¢ asked ran lollmXng suspects f Jove Real 91. final from F 9N l Before, for pnwaglon or moor Fuel Va n, 10, Mi agar 3510 knees, for felony wartanl. Found Jones, %, N]/9, led 5. PO01mmn/ Falslon lw Irony aarral dnma n SEV drove arrested as loll ve rs; auepom Lavers eann, 2; &0me0.1mm the Saw Grove m foreign.lot ml W a for Warchat Moore Fora, 50,1 0121 Aom 3412 Loyenon In happy oerrzm. Range Bravo, 23, B14113,from0e 1300ber 0 Car formsmrnamorwananL Jemmy Baneres2o, L8]24hmm 10 13w Muck of Show, Is Glad ffirel warrant. Jones F 123, &3082. Irom Is l>30 pack ed Wlcrea, par parole oblation, Lute l.Mmenegro, 2S29.01, Imm Gar plod of Groper ld ranks pole. — t0, 1120189, Iron all SV Gage Sr. for rnaMrreenor wanent FmpnmlLinvo , et, 5I9.eSImarlorh HIN forproparoaualon Fewve Belpre, 40, 21166. trom2lWetxkof Oe nSLf& Iamyxanaa. &n 3B0oaook Madison. for call m.m and sera paenpalon m a mmnnl2ereset gang. geMm Guaenv;409/1x80,Iran 1302 Fnk CC for possessor of near Paraphernalia 10 ringlo nerve¢senator and nosing arteA. CMlpppper Crider, 21, 10¢3AG,and t9m 51 I In BL he pul nntloNm. JuaMdMm. le, &2LlO. Imm1302 Farz P,lor re¢MI WSlmtl edam, Forecast olnercm¢ parapAearmou andlmenngarna oicaNv4y. made F riday 11804309 9EV OMwrs arrefloJ Pabllowlnp ampegs .. ,e,SM3 lrom ,zw ema oeeeo s,w UmKe„we aa,er. no �..er..ea. a.e renle.. erromp. ' I V k I ff B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parka Date: July 11, Mae TO Alan Tandy a anndy From. DiPn ow SublecC June Monody Report TM Oepamnent Of Formation and Peaks monrly report for June. 2006 is handled. R includes attachments from Me various pools and Me attendance for June. I have else included the survey neuar from Me Beale Band conssM. R CRJLATION AND PAM OPRARTMI]Sf MVF, 3006 IsenOly Report ADMIMSTRATION • The Park at River Walk mnlinuas be an a lopulat indiwlion fm summa n. Wanton Offing vbAkt consortium on May Outstations abelurs. An of 30. Jere ware 363 re mods, soon of them mryomm gleNei • Tlvce roils an one 9n8M1t House Narrows Abnormal took place in lure;one by An imroiellm, and two by a courch. TWO ronttK were held rat the at aR'. loMny Riven and xennnn's I'EMU, Mrh wort well reeved by tinsr at¢Ming. and Pont because of Hcmm a Ia out cl aord a dung to wort lY for 9a4enRem. In addrion we send a 'Itharc aM Moi sesin watch aRetN Cuban opinion pound with Item MMa. Ouc to low appearance.we Pill ml moon this program. • iwomaremveve heingp000W nowirclWe "LegeMSaf MOmw('crisis ISnnd "Hold Ceifomia'on IWy31. • PWning mi COrswman tlivivonmtaed info¢ oneyarmeimcrercepenW cor295amnofad Miniapewh 378 un:luee 161 ttzs wMl l50 includes We ramped, aflv Ow inrlectiea le xrta otsVtt6cye whim memeea Is6tnes oM 2,021 xluubs. Smff• 5X110 n meedtlgwitbmomuniry mcobsinpmke in N¢ rsw mllvbttkeY tirettobchupliMo Satimaders crimPark. guff wmed wit local omw 11 be rob vi @0 • flowpopnree spares villages July be prcxmpe mJe SflW olJte err adetvente the CbemMrof on July ll. AOUATICS • IdeMWl attendance in June 3006 inercaxL by a WWI of G,WO own June 3005. barren mnoi W Ling m ran cross imluM more lap s rtomeR nrn partners such as Deep Water Inrervil onin ad Arun C0Mirii me forced swim reason McMUMY IS atm ORnmg Tern or Peppy rvghu very probes from6or 9 Pm. neh soak the a cndan an Pore Ne pmvlena week eM inchadea opposite and PennalmoumW tower r�wies or pan. Llr��nand aanapn Wmnts Ommml Jwaal ne month, wihrfagwd u being onvin8 capenene. All seven poor urban by midJUce. Jibe your month a shoune dowers are inexped AIRLE Adl Wonder wflbnll has a role ofW Wmi which 4m5hlum Over 2,8W • eland and Sex B on u weekly MSia. • JUM me l W peNeipame in the T Nil league Alhleaw reef mMUapa 3 Parent mtttingv, a volw4'M euwbes meeting aM aclinie for the kids. All participants wiB receive t-shm,new pactusew mW a pedal awing the pdgt • you Was T-bull i5 for Wines ages J w S. aM we No 24 participants We• x ofmne golfleswns in coodommon want boom River Col f Course and Nm arc 13 cludrtn ant 9 adults enrol ed • The aWlNC amf alw mop s lie Beale Bmtl conam each SUMar In lww. Over 300 people attended each am, vq the survey twl6 of Ois sMMyA W emend is anecbm. • Future pmgrzms include a Foment Cuban with Ne Blitz, a Youth Wrestling Casno and a barer Comp MARTINLIaggib tryC JR(RNTFR • TOW microwave Y Me center was 2,836. This indude5 compwa dus&W brown, g+meW weliht moms. autl baskergall. • Over N kids me =1 IN in Me Carry King program wi lit the cmphasls on plysinl ones arm radiative an active t earylo. • Five lurch program is ofsid aW l y by the public schools with an average daily lenownce of l 50. • Gym ro mh for Vol layout and baron"l canonical in Jwe. • MLK NW hose the summer whi in lie Pmk ¢Hes, Two movies wart SMwn in lwe Siemon Pick bed elpd 20)in auenaan[e ard Window PM had about 025. LWR CREEK Clipffit Tic SilveKrtekve sued five in June ou gylummm party, two • baby houses, a company pnum and a crunch for o"and l MW meMancc n 950. • The mumfien convert Sparuarbl by Came and Coke wave Total"us year with tl@Mmre ovem®ng Wand 20o per carer. Lam toms play an Twooday rMIN tetra Me community eenrer, urd fmni act firm .at ut pane of me community ahead yCampstxmon June 5 with 50m 60cmrpee5eaen weak networking different come and may include an scier". anrm, Tommy and mome. wal need nips tmlWe WMuMp. now ling. spay parks, SWeland, and muxwm. TOW apnldmea i a Jane was Kis" PAPCMA NTFNANCP. e Th! Nonmusical lCOmmmmretiveJ Grove at the Motor co eParl am voce dedimmed ways a nice break( Ian mom la, 2M The breakfast coot accustomed by IM Pry I Posy Club a06 NC blame and vice Mayes amended. alone ways remeasherturves mom me Kent River Yalkwey Faccoul aM last Tree Fowdalion of Kem. TM Those consists of l W r¢wtrm, come eaiemi; frees and a mrauWering III of over 2,600 feel. The pmiHl was coo.IrzckM and Psimenly Involved city sa f horn Wely Resource, Public Woks and cmeetion Will Forks, • Thu fork a Rive Weak cautious to cog mom milcom menu cock as adding re mdmool: anal b huvJy wonted comes,adding su crtle to stlbi lass memo buldem eM Wdin6 pe^^aucol county b Ne Peek of me unpnilheeuc. • SmnrerwucMUU/sloeagc faeilby now bce wau chaste, Ihmus to accomeou by vmious public woks and Peaks muff working with Col wfler. • WaySideeck o'it playgmntd will h mnvenN to a drtm away sy.stem .bast fall. Timmer, lot wuv Casemate wore vaMW , mW to cost to repair them will esaW E6.gp. 11RRAN FORESTRY r eg most come placed strong Sbadoc Highway at the PM at Rivu Walk. • Thc Tom lnvmbry is baiot completed, using summer tempmuy employes am GPS wW supplied by tAe Htleparunent. • Trues plmtM: 95 • Trtespruoal: 145 k3l • (kcros ves5ulcmnovel:07Imai ot memo MmMmory Yembance 3006 and 2005 oveMl pool usend w2 va. 2005 Peale Rand Coleco Fvtluyimm Beale Band Concert 2006 Evaluations Excellent Good Fair Poor Unmarked Goal of Conn Coalomar generalMp W xped Orval experience nce Comments From Patllde rltc 10 Pwarprints did On want me emor as hear to arrommer�tion 6 trallisparms or like mentioned oncer want to the I the turret& mission is Pardenter wound Irks l epanxwrom l�COA d Wall eg ��per. Drat mew to as tlW beatewwee another that has no elwle dad saw ¢gamlmaAln Nem more operate James oomuo Flan Walk Keep up nom I was ml W N Ileaa amvena w muM. IDb le o great emand lwation and may parking samand map lMmt4�Mll tlllion. W lWasithe other insmt mHw elm mraloN 1pn9xaY lolMU tsa W AeeWsser PWWytaAe us Peaks don t take War orsom from the center city, moser Park mnaE6 are a Well an more tradition dos Ol offill quo= bar annual to veram summer seeks ack room mtotem 0eetl poor lawn I Who mote a os Was x PyenlleM Cher am mother I cont is moves musical a soms Make a say canning to per,and 119 nmom to our Means from pets perk, The tmeaeuemm park ackwary In a Paul park The Is a I a Montreal to Carol e ask Cell b adead gma lam p x onmued � ■III II II 11 1 ■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �z ,�a�� IIIII IIIII 111110 ®I III III IIII III -°® II 1111111011111111111111 .-M�°®I IIII IIII IIII II I o� �ll IIII IIII IIII II I ■II IIIII 11 11 111 ��■III IIIIII 111111111111111111 I �Ilu uw ' � IIC�I ESE g gap g - , . . . . . . . . : : z ) / , © .Aga NL 00 NA \ z AIN a $ } , ci 556 S2 � ? 55 � 35a 5. 6. 5 35a " " g a :° cd all a °s Gam ' 9 5 "c 3a ` ° o ® B5 6d5 ° � Wq 6 yFg v v $ E $ @5 N _ WAI OHM $ o k t c a W t al B A K E R S F ICE L D OFFICE OF THE CRY MANAGER MEMORANDUM July 14, INKS TO H�mcrxflle Mayor and ugly Council r�// FROM VCDwr Smll AdnrmsMgJr Employee Incidence Commerce SUBJECT: EmpbyaelncerNVBpmgrem The Employee plasmas Cornmeal Is happy to pmvlde me list M High Five Award RGipienls for he somi quarter N Age The arguers of the 2ndom dranig are round in fluid. All W these individuals erishe recogi by their p9 sucen' sm, or m uni of Me pubin for exceptional aoMandercslomer service. Each rBCiprent in automatically Indulded Into Me 'High Five Cut- for the fiscal year and Is also recognized monNly on each departments commu icatem users and on the City$ interel page. We applaud these individuals far a on well dome' Alfichments 4 -- --- -- -- -- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IMMUNE