HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/28/2006 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 2a, 2006 TO loco lB MM��Wj$rr ark Cny Council FROM: Alan TaMy,2`It)•Me�n9 SUBJECT: General IMarmatun 1 . 5131! boom MO City Managers OXke, Police, FIR, all Formatkn and Palls CBparN4nb amended a meering at Rem County Human Services on Thursday with Wudy staff to discuss enthral safety planning. Staffs M1om Rem County Human Scheer Mahal Hwllh. Parks all RecRffiJn, Emergency Metlical Service, Health Department, and others were In McManw. The promise tons of Me meeting was be amounted efforts to moves superheated o cooling comae all tranepodaton GRea w senmer antl others vitro may 5e et n4, such as Me coal or Isolated. ry stem Is summering in his eflon with to Counts and other agencies. A memo firm Me Police Doccom em detalls some of our educational enrols. A on of Coming Comers M also attached. TIRs open whM Me temperature Is ¢greeted In exceed 105 degrees. z The Clry Clark Office has been busy this week Arm Elemon Candidates. Currently, there IS One mNfied and one pmemlal candidate date for Wad 1, dur p rental candidates has Wad 3, one potential candidate for Ward 4, and two potential candidates her Wna T. Potential Candidates have until Aligner 11, 2000 he return Melr Nomination Papers kr ell Wards except Wartl 3. That deadline is eNendre b August 15, Woods 3. The E 5 Teen N19W at McMUrpey are goiN etlremHy well. We had over 200 teens at Me Am one, all we expect asset the same or more on Friday, Jury 20^. Kids pardoned In games Imo 6:00 m 800 p.ol. with music ad snacks aw ilade. Holy also receive passes to g3 next door to the tra $pods Center and skate until 11 W Iron, The note barrel Take Night k scheduled br Friday. August 11 a. This is a great way Her leers to Avid 00 "noticed In supeMSed activities, and haw fun dong N 4. This years National Night ON will 5e held On Tuesday, August he and is being planned atthe Pad at River Welk In consul will the Pollce and FIR departments, 5. TWA Fish and single OemeNnam has not yet AvMimrd the mountain lun sighing m the bike tail near the Park at River Welk. eiet g Mt and City cover P t 6. All seven pools add par epraypal have Open nova lire all summer, AHaManw at general wagon has bean lighter due In past years, but tie lessons and special puvams have been verywell attended. The 100 mile club at bicameral Purl rumored to M e huge Suae33. * The nevi Movie in thin Park - They SanObt - will be on Freday. August 4r, at Silver CRek Park, spring at dusk. 6. All employees Pet work rumors during this heal Spell are b be commended he their dilyenw In fortune peaks complste6 Supervicurs am baking sure they are well hydrated and Sake breaks fiom Pe heat of the street when n vel e. In lolbw-up to the letter tmm the Public WoMS Ciredor edged June 26, 2006, Or has attempted to contact Couriers for a status repM on the Issue of raising numuc es on Roeeduce highway. To dare, m respOnae has been revived SSaM will dropped their eflors to get the SYuelbn connected 10.The Strcots O'rviaien work schedule for the week of July ]t° through August 4u Is mUVed. 11 uncommon to Council requests are ordered, as folowS: Couxpmember Benham Maintenance of Veteans Memorial • Train whistle noise • SVpelavpine on 34s Street • Potholes on MSS Street • Sidewalk In front of Coy Health Fords Coundimember Cason • Fortune on Rumen Street • Pavement evaluation On Slockdale higneme at Real Read Cuunulmember Couch • Arendanw at Editorial Beet of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control of d Coundinrember Meomt • Road when on highway 178 near El W9JO Enales Ai BAtiERSFIELD POLICE MEMORikbl July 29, 2006 TO JOHN W. STINSON, ASSISTANT CItt MANAGER FROM: KAREN SENNETT. CRIME PREVENTION SUPERVISOR SUBJECT'. PREVENTON STRATEGIES - HEAT RELATED SAFETY In light Mthe recent pmbrged edRme heal wave, me Est a mad POIIre Depenmends Came Prevended colt has Ukan me paiahes to provide Mat relataa saran iMOmation to the Whit • On July 24, 2000, an said aatety message was sent out our small neMaM1. whkn lua an esOnialea amulanOn Of SW0 - 7000. Tie email message Irulumal the advanced link "an County's WeOpage which hen inlomstion on local impingements The message also included a reminder lm family and bases to reguladycheck on seniorcid¢ere and these who may he vulnerable to the part heat. Ghme PreveMiOn slafl have provided a haeaul regarding coo ing cooler information at rerem came prevention mongrams conducted. • Pai Gas and Electric Company * een tualed to participate In the upcoming NeWnel Ni Out Agelnst Crime event which Will he held an August L [*a IM W 3100 hours at Riverwelk Par. PG&E will be meeting Idmrcation to The public on ¢rcat bamifms can W do theme an expeaerme 'mlMg electoral in this . Goan aNMer Out event vall be pmviaea hvanms prerenton aMrcat the National Nigh OUt event Eased on inbmmal provided at Me Heat Related Sakry Planning mismirg held IB vaPodNtlmant rather emp moderate Services will be s nt out as-soon-as I receive an update from of Tg a poulWe hotline number and any other heat related public sakry messages. ar LL Lyle Mahn Ciao Nevin Stokes Do You want o escape the heat? A Cool l no Center is where you can go In an effort to Provide locations for seniors and others to survive the extreme heat we sometimes experience In Kern County, designated Senior Centers, Community Centers, Recreation, and Vetemn's Buildings will be open as Coaling Centers on days when extreme heat is expected. A list of Cooling Centers is attached Hours of Operation are 8 AM to 8 PM. Centers will be open on weekends as well as weekdays. Parks Department staff will check the National Weather Service forecast daily and determine which centers will be open. Cooling centers in the Mountain areas including Tehachapi and Frazier Park will be open on those days when temperatures are expected to reach 95 degrees. Cooling Centers in Bakersfield and the valley floor Including Shafter, Wasco, Delano, Kern River Valley and Taft will be open in those areas where temperatures are expected to reach 105 tlegrees. Cooling Centers In the desert areas including Ridgecrest, Inyokern, Randsburg, Rosamond, and Mojave will be open when temperatures are expected to reach 108 degrees. Watch and listen for the "Cooling Center" openings on your Television and Radio. Checkout the Kern County Website at www c k DO YOU WANT TO ESCAPE ME HEAP 4 - A COOLING CENTER IS WHERE YOU GN GO' COTIME CMM MIT open W ON MUSIC horn SAM- SM In d1 Warreaa AMn Me IWn County Pone oepammenl mueE O ^Heal Winning ' W WM and When Me Hem Warnings on YaE W,, Romp, and Me Meal County wemM (many,gafticarn.Mom COOLING CENTERS ARE LOCATED IN GREATEN BAKM UPULTTA a [gyA FAST KERN AND MOUNTAIN ARE East NAa Sned. Semmum 29 BmMwy, MOMM aPoWan NOIKPoae, OGemlledX HAS Like LGOA ENJ Lace lmMlla An Audin Somm COON DAY GoOMMURN WOOD u Ny Bu P NO EMI CAMoma AM, NkOTATOM ANN NM SO I Rosmurond RON MARK Road, WEPANd IN ON F S..ielnnwN RGYmewseniorCava 125S W muf NJMMMm NORTH KERN OEM" RED am CaNAMaMwmN SAaeer DOME View BWlamB TO P°1 aAra, FmleRVx IUPS Gew" Mann Taft ViTemn s TAKEN 2107NMER TO 12m LONG MOODY,WARY ALL PIES 1 IN NO MEET MEN ADDITIONAL RED WOLAID KERN CWXIY PASS AND ECEUMC DEPA"ENTART L&e,)M1ESM5 wMAKeep CaoIILProbm ywNM When It MIT STREETS GNISION - WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF JULY 31 -AUGUST 0. 3006 ResuffwinglReconsbu ing shwfa In the following does: Area between ro nint Creek and Calkway, south of BrimM1ell Road Media Luna Avenue area, north of College Avenue Area won of Panama Lane, we6t of SOW 'M Street Area north of Stcckdak Highway east and west of Monklair Street Sealing $"OS (oilingl In the area south of Social Highway, between New Sane Road and Asks Roast Work On the soared of random Street north of Husking Roast Work on the SM1ellanaiger Road poled. Installing curb add gMers In the area east of Oak Street, drum Of California Avenue. AREA SWEEPING SCHEDULE Tuesday, AUdusf 1. . 200fi Area between California Avenue & Bondage Law tram Union Avenue o Oak Street Wednesday Ault. MOO Area between Panorama Di 8 Colul Stet form Rover BIM., to N. Columbus Street MlecNlaneOwe Sweeping: Area between TmDUn Avenue S Stocktlele Highway, east M Coffee Road Thursday. August 3. 2006 Area beNreen E TnMUn Avenue & Brundage Lane, from Union Avenue to Wilson; Street Area east of Alta Vista Once gam Niles StoetMantwky SheN to the mnh City Limit Miscellaneous Swaeolm: 1 . Area between Mall Way S Camino Media, west of Coffee Road 2. Area between Old Elver Road 8 Progress Road, north of Panama Lane Ftldas Auousl<. 2008 Area between Morning Drive 6 Columbus Street train Peladlm Drive to Around Street and area wMOf 178 highway, wort and east of Fairfax Roast to Collars Avenue M%cellanwm sweeo'nw Area between Ming Avanw 8 White Lane train ON River Road to S0. Allen Road, and area between Pensinger Roast If Panama Lane, sat of Buena Vegas Road. B A K E R S F I•E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM July za. zaps TO: Alan Tandy City Manager /� ,, FROM: Alan CMitlemms. Assigned Cly Menage /W'. 9U&IELT: MalMadaMa 0 YBNnm Memorial / ' Coundl Relemal%1550 CounulmemM Banned maueak0 solo RN meegonaenm wm cubmM ranawdbn remanding maintenance or the vebana Memonal ana repo, naIX ro Crunch. A m rams yeas nele an Jury 30, 2006 beMmn the cly and Kern veMmna What Founmern to mswee the issues. As a rear,, the Issues eere reeoMa. and an agreement headed due pal Is being Jerebpe,. This agreement uTI be on the Aul 16, Hqb stands far Council apgmval. -- MEMORANDUM July 25, 2006 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATTORNEl SUBJECT: TRAIN WHISTLE NOISE COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 1566 ilmember Benham annua IeE WAR prepare a Reporter to GUlttrc: request for Yormation regarding man wh'rcHe noise. The attached IeMr and materials have been provMetl in response to me above referral VGlao .aw,.Or Ara .. ' swonn ai CIW OF BA RSFIEM July 25. 21p8 Lamar Roney 2801 Tvnmlam Street Bakem Od. Ca. Werml Re: Term Nate Gear Mr. tysbn: TMe Near is in MaNS In your wmspdmlarm b Councilmemoer Sue Benham regarding train rom rom" For your names. I lave endorsed two Clty Braes mildews b Countllmemben regeNire tram roll all also IMIX don ow haw sent to ornars in the community. In worried, " nave been mlemrg decide to me teEeml Internet site of vwxha rN OOVN✓anei for fuller information street tM rimv "In more rule. I Makii the oludronryto rlscrom this subject matter all you Mader an pease feel free to wnmnt now amen you are owners /7 acMj ln " 0 RGI O NARO Atmmey VG do AXB[bme ft ¢. Cluncilmembo Sere Benham r/o «. r� S A K E R B F I E L D - "- OFFICE OF THE CRY ATTORNEY - - - MEMORANDUM August 26, 2005 TO: Ali TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM VIRGINIAGENNARO, CT' ATIORN \`v� SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERML NO. 121E - TRAIN HORN NOISE EXEMPTION The Final Rub on Use of Locamotion Hom$ at HigbwaNRSit Grade Cro+sirq+, (commonly reb The to as he Tell H I went into Wed on JUrw 24, 2003. The Intent of mM was to eccOmplah Me following: • Maintain a high level of mfa : end • Respond to the worked concerns of many appea lges Nat have sought relief lmm wanted mm mine: em • Take into consideration the imemsts of bn110es with twoung wblsta bane Before The Than Horn Rule vrem Into effect, elate laws and %drops added operating rules gova the use of thin homy al higMVa 111 grade crossings. Now under the Train Hom Rule. all tram¢ mud fellow Me proNsbn+ of his was under Me auspices of Me Faaeral Respect administration. Under the Tram Horn Role. an hairs ere required to arum moo- home I5-20 econds polar to normal at a cral tamer than R mile (as previously required by most appNrable Slate taw%) regaMless IN Speed This r¢sults N Mms muming over shi be less make. mem/aceunne. TMrelore. manwranresmlle eppWaedm be le. In addir the Train Horn Rule prnNdes andeptions to that communities can melnleincrealabllshquldvnnas. The Clry Anomeys OR bmtawareofanyexisting quiet Wne+. Ther e, in Order to take advantage of this new I the Liywould have to establish new quiet zone+. New quiet zones can only be created it as public criddi gs along the designated rail line are equipped wit conventional flashing Ilghtt am gales and either'. • After SeluffiIng for increased its resulting from Me +ilencing of the train from the average risk is less than The mondial average: or • Safety Improvements are made that real the risk to either the deal Significant Risk Threshold or a level this compensates for loss of Me train hpm as a waming device. Aug= Refeml -Trein Fk Voin Exgnipyon ]6. 3005 Page 3 The WMM line Is cshot cIa ¢ i ll e refusal y to wa4 e wlM In iligIM veri bellpaka, end, sough mpo gipMe am tic, liability aewtialel with a quiet gore. As a ads note, in show to aboXy lieh the mtaditltment of a new quiet gone, comprMenyva attain must be schooled to the Fetlenl Govamment and It will take a elpnmwnt Md tlomme(anywnerefrom0-eyeamI Inwhlchyntabnehagmnmro. u Count Is InGinno to establish such acres, the sal should be refemd of the Publk Works Decontro nl for funnier study and reterppn ofthe necnaarywnsuXanta In order to Mal with all of the goaorieted Fadenl reputations Finally, es the Inbtmation on this new ha l repuleflon Is volumimue, the public should be encouraged to game www.paAetgov for additional InlmmNOn about the Ttaln Horn Rule. MEMORANDUM C ATIOR SOIRCE October P, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CT'COU L FROM: VIRGINIAGENNARO. CITYATIORN 1'J \ SUBJECT: TRAIN HORN NOISE COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. IM COUNOILMEMBER SUE BENHAM REQUESTED STAFF REVISIT THE ISSUE OF TRAIN HORN NOISE; REPORT ON WEBSITE REGARDING THE ISSUE; DEVELOP A CONSICE, TWO PARAGRAPH INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION UPON INQUIRY; AND CONTACT JERRY BECKWITH REGARDING HIS CONCERN ABOUT THE TRAIN NOISE. As background, the basic pmmue of the 4ain Kom we is W neume Mine to sound their mocmotlm hams at pubc gmEe crossings. Smal lly, Me new rule rciulres awn homes W be wuMed at every public creeping not Braaten that% mile brand Me creasing end el lease 15 econds bW m more Nat 20 seconds prior W the tam wall the aouing. Since the prevbus has allowed home W be munEe! at Past asks M1Om Me crooning and longerthan 20 aecu M; tM mw rule some designed to mtluce the amount M unwanted noise within unity. Having mid Nis,the new Me my,, regrehebly,have mutt In name tmly In Bakersfield and Kam Cpunry u llvng their Tom when mahma May did not realize they were Imally .well W ba no bebm implementation of the new rule. Al Me League of Cities Comments easier the month In San Pawnshop, 1 Asked at the Pouetl of Councamemben Benham, the RCL (Railma0 Controls Limited) booth. This company Is hauled In Tom$ and aaNM clues with signal and communication soMroe, paNUdmly Involving; rallmeds. They ere also trampler with the new Man ham rule and the a opnwa a�2neme W creep Interested m reducing main name mine. Attached to this rreebrml 'a a two page sheet puW¢had by RCLlbat outlines some cock laces about the new train nom mis,wayside home, and quint zone. AnrwugmhiainangerlNn MO pem9npha, It Is this incantation that was propose be Available to me public on me COY'web page slow it does a good job of snowball some frequently asked questions. For Councirsmnvenbnw. we have eummadaed information about the wayside nom and quiet zones below: HONORABLE "YOR AND CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL REFERRAL TRAIN N01SEp 12M OMpar27. 2005 Pape 2 Wayside Wma. Aw McMmisaelat"e hemsyelemreunWattlwpofalnpmtner Man on Me lomretive (see pkWre on w RCL antlosurd. It Is eNVateE by the Metal gratle abroad aim causes;enaWIble mmin0 W me ftt and patlestrans 15 emntls prior to tM belnb emval el Oe crosslryl. The waWlda hom is s subsWUte brtne loin hom and itcan beusetlwnninorau deaquielmne. Howide Mewaneshom<maangmmt be eglnooed Min Wrtamtypeeadlulpment Me it must adopt an pperetinp Nle or spacal iMruabn about tha wayside nom, it mud%pride a minimum sound loved of a Certain dedbel rally and Me we system MUM S W ad at a minimum Of 15 seeOMS prior to MatrelnsaMValannecmalnp, his to Olys respar llry kzmamurrgwayvide hems at grade mossNpa. the Clye resperi lllty to member, and the Gph responsibility from e IlabllWitandpoint, snouMa"i go Mengatwalys Mthme de forms. QYIptFyg. AquletzOneuase bnotemillineatwhkhebmmmlon Mmbmtmutinely sounded! at a getting lighpublic d gates w"One time"ins ee Nonachcu" Le matened at each public creasing wlNm the quiet zone. Owe an crasslnw wwm Me quiet zem have been orated as such, the means sounding a "in hams may be eliminated Baseduponmymnv mtbmwMtMemeMat RCL. ItlsmyuntlarsMndlO that In order M eaomplbh a Montle l quiet zone, as implk wssongs wiNln me City a Sakerybld mu4he Commitment a quatzone In ONMb show mat me tlsk associated MNa quiet Zone falls below what the evemge has per public crossing. Similar to saved holm, the City of Damask must bear the was asmciated with the creation of quiet IDnea, ImWdng Intonation of edam equipment m each amemg. the Cost maintenance, and any lability rime d Mm to madefied cmamg. In Conclusion. R City Council Is lMemsad In eitheird the above options,fulmar Cast analysis wash C done.X is Carl legal "Ong perspective ayside items andmr cri quiet mines will increase our discussions war4dBsince n lbol area vfiere, to date w have Mahaw no m lCanitroad csays The City Attorneys aM[e Is more Man wllllrq to Carl beds b reduce train M1om holds. However, meissue is cgmblowlad byte fiva tat" am MUM hyfuderal regulations whlCM1 are very ceatyto implement not require US W assume additional flaphly. VG do al ® RCL " What is a Quiet Zone"' Rome b. Quiet e? wcessis umOaf.wlmeuwemam.®.amm.va®w»uauum uwunm.m..M1w WEy hes We FM Ixuetl We Train unm Fwr Typnal QeM9aua Rude? pwsq'ui)uva violation w w.,z ono law�o.e�®�Rl.�.moe w.linmrre.,�mmerom:iw .r: Quiet set MOT l�uia�nm,m FMfln.l Rule Ni N hall wiRLne�YUi EO eoiywllN.e Wimvulnm aave6Mpf Pnazaw -. negfresheners mhmuv6tlmwmmm.vmn MwQulmxmn: m ompM1mm What ask 'n mw®ml �.ma a'wuo.wi.mmemaoma..mmm.mar Muvm ulsmLmmsn er uvxo[ M1ounvOPom.uq Chhaopn in Ttlx MOM RR UiM Som-SOpom lS.fely Menu.e. Restairess The whandring of research�Mae mesoon wmku (Mr Mae fu.y wOm -The Torcher mis:me.,bu wum.s.v .ysOmwxm umn emiemM unit mi uM ®v®cM WuYPtlexOM ntlmwr my a Roa Rhode Me he Moral a a Wes Can WWIhh . Quiet bM? mmenM mi accamort on common p�wweem MYemtlwrn vu�Pn�2w imluMmx own mm as nf.OQZ vusunit MOM mad rMee Mass he Mo we in ) tose m man"sons ' taken in Affir a (R wie rush My c sentencellmssnOVe of CnN htlsnf for me Of WrOW Harm HOW I" Quiet TOen en.eeep? elegancy his emumm blm WO unii hB.e recons work Mwime .not mmirc OF he mm,sie MM1lb ne-Case Of frequent Mot Sees,cal i lack Of im here not Use posic a f lmle gonso nu.smer such a 35Me Or wrypM ARM —AllemeHve Safely Menum NetlomnEe 9&nlflnnl RYkihmholtl MSR1y Phow rtmm vg pa a uv rhiom l �V It left CT av m�L beat not tmmr vue imm ccvc mesa am uuuiam a YOw m-dervemable Curb hi n,the nn m w $ Mour5 n AaddrwY w � mdomuumema W�WIC PrgnHn for Quiet ZeAU more do mgpm, p &up ee 0 v _e yeµ IM Wm. M nsom m �mhm Othadrin di miG slog ryCevuluy Om Wed, R4M W1h Ca4(O •Rohms,oft OFT r+gvl mom be h lira i thu YI eppomNy !m Einstein lw blamed w is lvb. mi Wee+wmt cash arempos Or Curb asumme nep me voaa Q' 2but Wait lmtler hji oewwmei." hadmmee�ut .erh match TaminoloQy Qwn zmm W and induced ve Safely Meumaf�M� mme�niuvw M , a deal: and ASln. s moxaxe. u ssM •'h`Qeelune m OAm 4 Py'6b1 R6g letln FIRM Hame(PIWIQ"Funts and which offor by the of IF Tem � a nice do Me ands nw MUe vnce� m mm I mutieeu Lf PWln mormance go On dermucce 6�u� or Nil Mtt rm�vAVml mmlur�i yRRm EH Y. $u Pememmry"am MITI ISSCH ChauneHxeHOO OMa rom Ernst MITI A Form 5e ton eyum� made "' �arta M s wnflnvdwl ahuwiima oI vmhm pua� At bra hitM1w, mna New4iommua or be ml wunem MtiMoy I mel Frmdmm�"RIn OWor bFa thi m p evAn p Jon nmh SSMV n� CrwJ�mg Corridor Wr4 lntlea (CCIG iemlys ClqureF cry mrm.l"r ammo of Ill m u: mmm„. Desk In g`.e �.I Qnm mam mw�a me almw�public a Cable tram. eme, m,,;ay, mF n. hump "loc h•," nlnm"1 (iGp7am)e nl"a"m°`dew ruduw e..�`oe`OF S Train FdgmMT mmb. m"Mn6 Wa ' S art matt a"mw d,ride MOen Cur p Peeutady IF v IlT u"s n oath w�wnwlnp wOF lar • pram Free m in 10t "°°nm of nv cbmagur Fourr Atlas mCtle$pa Foe MOre lnlornal On Qulel Zong SraA season Of geNmlmiN me vgq ID monce clothes robot mmmi ye mg7)Bab ag o ve lmvmad hum /� r ®RCL Quiet Zones What Solution is Right for you? Zone da tie A Z aae by e? pme ka¢pwnala Mil Hum wheat which lr assumed one aamember of warrants Wblkl.iyrxryo,l cormards a NJN Imvtire Mmr x xl mmmeh mM,a. Wayside Horns and Supplemental Safety Measures Wryddellomr Sunni hum morrim tlythe not nor wharrom forces, measures at thm morwarras, order lose on i wammem mom, and audi�ors; �:K. � ..e�e •Oncemormse reforms for the man w not he •did he whoul within or same of a mean road Won aat'm seameemma:ard shared Wpad one Camara do i Tons a ex at Iredane aI � 2 Ille mothers must Tons an sooner In remdyno %mot. heads Food 5 The hum s)&test muse m a,t em tae • m�mmmre m.mle.mrmaeeAl w�itm re,�.mm lm emem u.amnircwpe ohamv ,�,lonewiari. a.�we 6 The MimdoII am a m, � ingtIa Consideration or we of Wrytlee Hems Tomperran, Studied is nor similar is :maysC treasure,c assessment We nor • sr rvxryn is pelimi v :nea: ve rNmmmay IuYlnea Wayside Home Oonlde of a Quiet ease A ordered an from burry iwles•war dot ban u 9 waded rmuiq Imml awtlh a seem ms Ail I prwihe mmmun !a lowW pniee a apmXng over the gem wlplwy nII peM am name of insulation w me matter or craffic fourth metals Or so summers bases formal on a formu truffic in had commints me State more furthermore 6, made amulry firfulthe tivtem sutn3emt U%,IVnh tl�xan r�b 1pwaY aryk te b llo Ith ry Uthan , rehlp el H e Vy bawryd�tPuYW I GuI4Mrye.CW hlss tmng e Thas Mod arms full am W summit the lMmluW arpu ryilull paviEe nmif"malMeapvmiaul Four-Quadnnt Gah $yaRm h n �benlumH iml .Y mmr ,wn .ea Or vle.rnem udW Uleen nea. Four _quirembersom con,anh.ro Whist decomorm 82 My anmm m`W.� nrt Ounce ' abn w rm Witmuf am bvF it con Wyur Four qui me such bill omform W i I Ihv6 � or fin s nm mentioned a ill? Mln'Ctimduchmi m mrm y®ots a°°m* �c l IJ NAY Lawe4 .eJ m Ivm on bn edz of be plpnx.y.ny emJry mart% One quq�x [umm TmmrtW%MPow VUilmvt. permit a lordiffil o,vh. MiM 4n J Po WTPmm and son W®.m bxmy mult form mot home to w milin one but of she hicholus, or Gn4a With Methane OF CM1ennelivdan Devieen mmu m.d m or i µ.wm rtam vv much nIH..v .ww. nm lu a o�nr a en.er , mre Vim or`rnwi a aemsniw � a=µa� a nm .mew u o oft Ro J eimu � sciences 1,41, M mm: comes, 75 j wok me brown on come Nib, Must Plet oalewaleeeincruom.liomm®m m.contrl er on ft bu rce Ounce dirmach or Of them Is On momentum without (0) em of the Role.most_ e^ ^^ mnPo for rm„ m. —... a. rl� emlwa eatust u °a^ x.e,m,ms, e Colslco : In Ask tiler. that .. s m unr . l .ousin x shem me and me e m ..Wmmours o, m .games end nn„e mm.emno,de,ce,mum be mm,mJ>mcrumma,ma crime mothers comet. Temporary Closurts Count Po aw.Mmmn: L The wneee ent roue umpMH I aPwn miss o 11 _ must lean roue rmii4 2 no mvrt rymm must mmpieq gmk .Tjvm Ladaneo Irs 4 feet Arco Imes shelf Gument W us Act commuch so the MILJGOD menonsiWILOymthopethicaulhonty 7 Th"ImPorm hunts man he amipptl wimst. manllonN his �ngceusMgM sMg M =r W i llimom.m vnme r th Permanent Clmure of a Public Highway- Rail Grade Craning bar house CuWemlPo those Armunn.mwm mess mu4 amigo. j. m..wme .rvm�mollen'muwwvwel m�u.nio� i b One Way Street wild Gable) Effinfer,runt 82 ReqUireentramst I Gott Anne on he mernmeh A&of the a.o-ra mmlann.ua mn mnuwwxniv use..r lea. mewM1l ® y�.11wo-,n..;%.n.e„pm,.nelo<ba. pu orww amd . im m M xnew n=c.as w n It TIM crap; orA ce.en ..mnm ug. POwerlyloduccoSplvaM OnAMB RM1O�n Quiet Zone SOlutions Work Sheet strait tram Dora: AN opmeh, nallrvaau i. 19 Do whoseog No" NA nga.Now? OEM ONO 4aeawrN W+M1RwinewrlGem:n w,mlo.Jn MgbwWiM:ew,Jf m yna:,n:A.aa,a,:o..u.vamn.�l.n.a ova oNn ^°.nma"Whanv Wallft Woman will b,.aweu:ne„mi,n.aeeuaathat u have ab.w,m. Fal lble Solutlooa O Tn O NO peemuumt Cheuee CM the emuybtmwub avaat OVe ONO TCMPom7cWum Owuv W EwEl U OVU C I OW P.M. -t,,W n ul+ o re ONO me Way Street aEDwO.:aa...0esiav No m..,:ta:o a ae-Ney n,ee:• o vu O NO MWWU Harder 15 01M OhWENTe.:w„m nua.:ae.muu ep arne.hwb croome v.N, nwu"aa�mm "Eau,la. u...N:Nb..ia.avam.m..�umm Ofae M.uw:an.::ei. ia orueaw,ne s.asaaN. loaw.esp,«�nrtr„a..,;n,,. WOOD monb.tr.eaw.:wu�::aea.amn.a:emera.NNea:. o Yes O NO puur Quadrant ue$ a o m o w w.an.ny...wee Haring aea,�r�alvnb,lon,m:b�niw.mare.er4, AM Dow AN rn.eei aH,n.aaonsaib;N,len,to the u,:nhloa of WaOm Hone= aW.�.,Weavlau�a�,hNOM.:Eh,, rom ®RCL B A K E R 5 F •E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM JOY 27, 2000 TO: Nan Tandy, CanMaM,arraper FROM: John W. 50naon;P sfianl Ciry Manager SUBJECT: SbMacapin0 on ]t^ Sexy Council Fa 1p001550 Councilmamber Benham houesletl &BR pNNde an usage an the atreatecaping Ot you Sherat Nlechei is a samy com Public Wall danglin0 the orceO and its im�Vemenla4an plan. Alessi • Ifewail B A K E R S F I E L D Public Works Department Memorandum DATE: July 27, Dan TO: John Stirem. AmidYM City Manager FROM Arnold Mammhp, civil Pheromone— Derson Operating A-FQ- SUBJECT 34 a aY Up Proican W^ StlaMG Che rAaenueanEUnwn Aw ee The GP Budget lw Fel Year 21InGtlr Shea in Community even Grant lending for Rw design of a ¢ireeaape preeno on was Sleet adverse Chrbr Favors aN Union Avenue. The prove will be declined in commicern van life boundaries along Ran paper prepare Memruel trivial Mttr the promlrer/ bridge same M¢ been mmpletee, n X will prerere an estimate of the comWelmn dead for the pmletl. Funds sill then need an be appropeiebd b roan first construction warned The ahead will be da¢Igned and emsWCted Ia two peace. The hot phase all be from O Street to Union Avenue, The second phase T be from Cteebr Awards to O ever The wasion frmm Chnttr Amnue b O over included one black haven Awmuab O overp where MlpmMena emg amiM fee that needs erand� median ther rend senors an I this blood develop connote poavmeM. 9aRrah Ime Is work mpenY oxnrrs In rota blind m develop than alttmare prowitime for pvuce he ue tlw on street °oll can be t under fa The Ch Ma thin orr to the move opera he the end or la ponlon from thmbr meat m to O street his er M the axahe, ar xtprow hick omfeh Tlr in her re aymrM hosear Robin uhFm bl ch firstobese, hwarn pub Rearnerm major Mee Ime. mlg pfu¢Ihy elan Favors wife Memaeel he Cry a copper arr a melor ramoMl of theh cactye. IMtly of lee l year sell for also sea he Gryb d dget cars forrivalruGnnotlheprged mxa mugemflwlapped With and coned Ira air BuJae In Fb The ]WBDT, poletlr ere now Muq argred to la pond mmulrahls air dean errisaa. Ti M exghW py steR In tlp Cual in regulaerinp Dlsssbn of theblur Wona Ceryhmpai dbR hell were al i Memm¢I an aplal m aspect fee P of the Mm bee loutiweee¢tndsby the headff Ind pWngbh aver IMt Nmcep'tla ttprour sad drops anal therme the landscaping the tendered iw b°ormtt ux on fide days en.,®pr cure. N women of crunch will Include IaMapped owner Islands The O Sben b Union Cash seppere Ma preeady also In ium tress alone me shill on It Glare of 36^ s.nnr.chief mshw•ahasew..nM.nw..bass we Treat Mall will evaluate the sual beMreen the curb and Mehl ohsy 61m m aNelmlos if game mil MMet pmmkdp wlu bngtl sda llks The k4 lnllelagment ladwW a merchant room avrimenl env ®Tatpp buoNnga that am immemleNlr adjudent m th street !{m W form Ime. which the many the graduate due m a coa ly ¢mall al¢wm Mn the curb To tl'e yM of way one. Main will evaluate is issue dorgo the decimal drgn a Me ¢pmnl and powers alawalk army where proved She will Mmum me lonoon a those Me¢ with this property and becomes n that there new trees do nW adversely back bad of X advice to the WUneeam along the Deaver The OR full able board 0 matebllala m] Iw WN pron of aq prgere Work nllwl frallMllM doncovoumntlywlN Me merge clubs profs]. Thai r Raul Rofay Jack Lgirmhelle Imc^ Reammlrg DrewMonday om¢vry 4n Hall Reading Flow a hexadecimal On"sh A L C"OPBNO FIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: � �p Nan Tandy, City Manager FROM: 4NAanl Rojas. PuCIIc Worb Director DATE: 'W JUN Zs., zme SUBJECT: POTHOIESON NILES STREET Re No. 1551 C NCILMEMBER BENHAM REQUESTED STAFF NEPAIR POTXOLES IN THE PAVEMENT ON NILES STREET BET TEEN AT VE= ANO BEALE AVE. During Me weak d July St, RWR a Main Melnlerenw u vnll be assignetl to Odd gWJpb on Nles SITM M1pm Bass Avenue A Me east ClyfmR wt Ii iIs Wllfame S 11. Jul ZAP FiFeFFF z L fgge A CMOPB RSFlELO L PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Alan Tandy, Clay Manger FROM: j�/Reut Rojas, Public Works Direction DATE, vJuly pa, 20M SUBJECT: SIBMALK IN FRONT OF CAY HEALTH FOODS Rarynll No. 1553 FNCILMEMBER BENI REQUESTED STAFF PLIXiE STHE AOOITC CONCERNS OF CRREN REGARDING THE SIDEWKN IN FROM OF CM( HEALTH FOODS ON EIGHTEENTH STREET. WRITTEN MATERIAL PROVIDED. The CNys Sheet Maintenance Senu mn uses Me sure pmcWUn as cood California Cited in coaling wIM mal hazandoua aaea'alke. The slEev2lks are pairmed wnn aaplan. as a Iempotan fu until pannanam Recall can be more SEeaalk is the ManuelNllty Of moral ovmes N minor However, much bWgat year the Streets Dermon bulgeu al funds (approximately $Ea WDI for rep ning aleawets. The suderearke amended In hunt of Car HealM Foods and several bcabns on Jul Sued harm been added to the Stme Desire'a mrCMe mashTIM. However there is WckFp of mnvete repairs and at this time Mart cannot caSmMe when the concrete repaint on 18a 5Hret vall be educated. Staff F ll review the concrete reper list and upea @you ache vhan the concrete names on 1e Street will he padomiaJ, /I ' A L CT' OF BAKERSFIELD PUBM WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ) Man Tandy, City Manager FROM: �,/�f`eO'�Real Rojas, Public Works Director DATE. Play 343006 SUBJECT: POTHOLE ON RODMAN STREET R mi No. 1566 COUNCILMEMBER CARBON REQUESTEDSTAFF REPAIRA VERY LARGE POTIKKE ON ROOMAN STREET AT VIRGIR, A The Fuji on Nylnia (E40) as Forman Street Mll ix� PecFetllM ever of Juy 31. 30.11. Mai, tire Pothole at E. 0 Street eN base Lane well b i puncher. A L CITY OF BMIKERSFIEM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ^y Nan Tanny, Cut Manager FROM: `I' rReal Rojas, Public Worts Director DATE: � Julyy, ]pgfi SUBJECT: PAVEMENT EVALUATION Rahml NO. 1557 COUNCIIMEWER CARSON REQUESTED STAFF EVALUATE ONE CONDITION OF THE PAVEMEM ON STOCKDALE HWY. AT REAL ROAD S114Cale HbIdway between Oak Street ant New SIMe Read KxleEUletl for RwNamtg In the aunmer of 2007. The Ramberg amass stinker;the intersegM of Seat Hightower and Rawl Feet In Ne annual", abM will patch the rough areas in the l ntemetllon. /I A L CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBIJC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ��Raul Ragas. Public WoMS Director DATE: July 212005 SUBJECT: ATTENDANCE AT EDITORIAL BOARD RaM1mI N0. 15M COUNCIWEMBER COUCH REQUESTED RAUL ROJAS AND KEVIN BARNES ATTTEND A MEETING OF THE EDRORIL& BOARD OF THE SAN JOAQUIN VP13EY AIR Fg1UTON CCNTRCI DISTRICT ON AUGUST 1. 2008 AT 100 F M. TO DISCUSSTRANSFERSITNGSTATCN. ADDITIONALLY. CONTACT THE ROSE FWNDATION REGARDING LANDING FOR THE STATON, SIaaMll atleM lire maeling aRoAr Foundation lnd. Blafl l¢5 tle Administrator. Due to the Man ng c u and the II nDishthe Row Fnt fundli grant iatlministrabc Due to IMg2M reciprocates ateIM llmybeIze of firm as the Rose Foundation ii5 fime, contain NMing la Me rot i.a Cdydi help Me firm she Roseonrgmpmgutmtlra of NMer. Hodetstat CbytliE applyb Ne Rose Fountlagon fp� gmM (untling br Mn other pmkcn that better St me cMem. cwwwE-�wun.arcyymenwgv�wp n.wl emeu meea p CITYOFSAKERSFIEID L PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: � p��Alan Tandy, City Manger FROM: pyryaul Rohm, Public Money Director DATE. Y// b".1y M. N00 SUBJECT: ROAOWIOTNON1Te NEAREL0OMDOESTATES Raymond No to15 COUNCIIMEMBER BARGAIN) REOVESTEO STAFF CONTACT MR. MIKE THOMFSON REGARDING HIS CONCERNS WITH TURNING ONTO 178 NEAR EL DORADO ESTATES. ADDRESS THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD NEAR THAT LOCIUMON AMID ALSO THE INABILITY TO MAKE A U-TURN AT COMMANCHE DUE TO SIGNAGE RESTRICTION. Staff has mnyolW Mr. Miles Thompson reaerElrg his mrcena vtM SR 178 near El Oomdo ESyms. Mr. Th mnhMmnw sMbtWOouMw'w npgryed Cammrn de currently corroborating in 1119 arm: tramway beat (1)adeanay pawmem the pri at the SRnIVCo nmanche Road Inlanstion b allow U-tums(aM mbseyuem removal of Me 'Na V.Turl sign at this location). and Met (3)a paTOn m SRI 78 near ners Road Mat mmentN has J wide slwWdem we wMened to the N' wide shoulder C Ibr ns ds consu llrg aMg Me wA of the marlway. At Thompson s mnmrm word passed along to Cannery Mein the TIMmaa Roads Impmusment Program office. wM Indii they wdll mother Mr. TMmpmn and then todbw up on 06M Issues wen the applopnate Caltmenes H