HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/11/2006 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Au9ua111, 2003 TO: Xmwable Mayor and CWturuunnl FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager rl/ /ry. /fir, SUBJECM General Integral 1. We nwelved game somand Managed more this way that will holster our IOUI rVeeb pmeclsl The State has resale same prior year mad randy they owed us, to PmposiAOn 42 tnMO congestion repel tuNing (geaollne sales tmq. Thcas are monies Into met go direr the gas me fund, es they are man0rod be mad repsirs and lmpmvements Wewararagidmonlesowed M1Om FY2003-04andF r0sl 05, btaling $1,950,000. $Inca we were unsure of State fundra duffing Our budget gomss, we did not budgetbrany FY200F07m enuefortMShem. ACmMlrg to tM Smte es5males, we will receive an additional $1950,000 dung me vuoent Moral year Tm payments are b be made on a guadedy basis. The additional $3.9 million wdl be appropriated for needed mad goiim s. 2, As rou are aware, the Direr end Symphony has been independently researching Me feasibility of wrabubing a meaning ads center. They initiated a site Wisdom carry and hove ideorne l the northeast center W TrosNn and 03treN as the area that wri Nw the most pomntlalbr their resign. The analysis on mod fawred sin is accused Their steering WmmlMe has Informed me Gry of their wine: we pace honb you as Information. 3. A summary from the City Clads Office is arcbaw with me list of candidates who have filed for use Councl seals as Of Nha decrease suggested Web 3, which has an additional week. 4. As manganese in laid weeka report, wM the departures Of Alan Chdctensen and Carroll Hayden we WII bsu shod sound in me Cry Managers Department ter at least three months, and probably longer. I WWII be assuming overght Of the Human Resouass and Information Technobgy Divisions and John their will wMinate all tire Council committees. My sUfl and I will do Our best to orep up With model importer and damaLS, but please be arvere met mere may be delays, due to the circumstances. ��,�are city� mll papl s. lire stale Separated of conversation bas hall us Ihet our annual gram of $15,000 John to beverage wmamer Eaym funs has been approved. Soria Wai uses the grant to more part of the Joel Mdse dropoff recydirg program. 6. As a reminder. I Wll be out of me Mike on moral not wreak. Alan ChdMansen will handle the Mother 161 Council meeting. My sell full be aide W ronlact me In the event of an emaigenry. 1. The Moody WAwm waM schedule for the week of Audi leis moral 8. The July atlrvlty report from Reveation and Put Is handed. All Cily pvlb. ¢epeng McMURey, will dose on Sunday. August 13n. MCMUNal will rumen openrorgenerelsomm Mrougb Mahar Oayvrekend. StaMwillprovideyouwlth an end of what summary man rrmN. 8. Neq week marks; not 10 anniversary as Can Manager of Bakersfied AT:rs 0. amm my clot CNAINueEVOUNGCRH �CONN ....STILES UA• uwmBwwnoa GREECE cAmIlawslow MILTON RE YOUNGER Loss A (NIGER MALI , . .. a (wgue14, 3006 FAMPLACYRILCHANS HUMNALKETING AM City MUUgc'f OMx 1501 T YORK Betvytld CA 91301 Be'. Bakes CdPi ingA sCemn Du. CiryMwea', ThePlene rm.be devebpmWofa�lBd PeRmming ANCent AREA kanpae 1i�q rapidly. Cur wnaultam/veldtM, Bpbm MCCOr, WE pnpenl a Site StlMion Saar which me 5b�W LO WE WhmbusefCA Stz CommiN[on A17 l4, ]W5. The Commits show Site Stleaon Sony f ur mf Peq. ISW laohle War. Ih.ve m[IOM .wpr orlh ynmoWaina MI the wmnu W'on of a Bakernsfield Palming Ms Colter, our ury and manly would no Ye OCCUPY aW of a mkwl backwaur to Los Mgelea. Ali a dianshumbel New wmld wvegfi] fivyam elms to the development of oafomuon WE GAWAw ueuSM1mn WE I has ptoweet aeveN reposing nWn et/ the mglWOlvry. A4 Not a WNingnmhma itm who R mused IT Bekerenaa nw it in lams eonI diaioguiabm BMemoela vditm, has ALI ae ow wwWUnt rm for pt/Yes TO ahnf M W 1I ONE held with rcgMARI of the Comry ofliew, City of eM, CSI BC leul wMol diet/W t and a number of Elected of fit a AS levels. MW of Nee n5w mineei Niter YOw alention b We Site Sdechan Study and ywr Pudeiptlon in the aevelapman of the Bekenfield Pefomerg Ann Cann. City Menter106a PW2 Mmbm a the Srxnre Commina en a hill ru Milt YCury>. Cie iem¢n p0brr MC , Cwulhcf John FUrcr, Conductor aBSO Jahn Swebbq Peai$pl ofBw Daram KUn , C" Development Or Sue Hercule City Occult Ice Mecllvunq Prta. PUemoum Fume Pulp Bentlry, pm.-MI Dick ucC fflre prca. Colombocuit CO. ) PtuveF PKK . of OOwmocyl Culture Jim Bell. MM. orl Gunnel CeACal4 PamerofCmpl CNe 1 WaAC membaeoftbemmmiX¢ yultl be FUppy wtceywequvmreeawmmmp. +nbk you for rut en erecer varrmly MaA nTONM. YONVG CyLmenSteerng Ocmmic¢ !(651) 33"She ti(6M)33"M M Ajc rc R McCay G[luwn GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER7. 2006 CANDIDATES FOR CITY COUNCIL WARDS 1, a, A T WARD IRMA CARSON 4300 Gamuy Avenue Bakersfield CA 93309 ERNESTV. MORSE 22 Candy Street Bakamford, CA 93309 WARO4 DAVID COUCH 12007 Nbemmnt Park Or BakersFieM, CA 93312 WARDT ZACK SCRIVNER 2811 Granite RNOe Plane Bakersfield CA 93313 SHERR MITCHELL 3502 Calico Fork Court Bakersfield CA 93313 G G G G G G G , G , G , G , ip%oTM.eata0So s�meMom 50A!iM�utuaIT4 V'm TJ W.MtlMrv.NR .xta. Too W Wrs „wMta ppsxpaapp,o _ aaa_ M G m, side; Rroe wnIe Rival i Mail a_al Miumanm mrs Ramona all caaxnn9 tough to was stich has me sassashod Ora Mam points a G nice waser n a_a=oi an sop aorv�..*m .ue to cM a xfu aoues al � G Coat oo.oiopoMll e.w_ o Mai a.a Mail w eMpneiM tacos;ranu.M m G Wal RMi G , C , � Hama orrerema Man poll G .e i.. in._nioapoo. Mm G Col Ran W i G rea to Oyar ree. G 9ree re,ar� o.o,a aM G w.. rpu.poan Eeamane.a easasm_t. Ina aw. c I so falls a r G G G f iffy , C S i .•I i� is Oil ]] Comparative Analysis of hn"rldb,ld WIfunnuo Aru the Potential Sites J mu...c.fe. (."an,,,". [Cohrwuedl 7 7 7 CdnwarNenaNao z. J Met] dSoll 6.59a NE CL"nal dTNadn Md 'a Mrow,appoaMaddy 3 eliV neved g am maaaarm III, 'a I aaded) r .Ire 'a pal Mm W✓wd Of Na NW wey end" rani Gh r l Church J sit III naelaaie In an", eay ggapn. )LNWAI MIN Chat ,anr Nmwn to nu and a hevadm m me J evil elzana No oxiong ryaw- my mMar mMpar. Pval the eM IS ap XIMa@ly]eva¢ In Me, e 'J a emkn m denbp two primarlNmline myt in we and to it el canal Matthew, gereal uwrmae of to B"MS¢new hay BM F W eta " J wu Oe GM. ulil arav J n advi AR elaearal request J J recwwdwam..ei, ley reritw J Mew xr deiaaanmew.fep. f a. ev � .w, aenmsay,.rrwam. y z oanwymm.Mreo, nmal a it dal,Mrem mod me old CnaMan = Y — di Chi Mre.m ra,d.nd y ' , . she M.reewdMtna,.dfa� � �!f:' Im �A k s o 4 �� IF .. Max Page 1 of z PU6uC WORKS STREETS DIVISION -WORK SCHEDULE W EER OF AUGUST 14- AUGUST 19, ID05 ResuHaclnyReconsWping srrte4ln the IWIowInS areas: Area north of College Avenue in the Media Luna neigbWrlrep Area north of SO. haurelgbn UoulevaN, eallid EI Portal Dnve. PnpaUng (gi ndingl SVMe fordesorfachng In the 1WTaping are": Arm thermal Wllwn Road A Plan or Roa4 Go. 'H StreNb Leurel Dnrg. Area adult of River Boulevard, north of Columbus Stoodt. Area ionic of Plar¢ Read east of Stine Road. Other S4esta lament profae4: Sealing stree6 (oiling) In the area added of Ming Avenue between Neve Stine Road and Ashe Roatl. Working on the widening M MonMr Street, north M Hosping Road Working on the Shellabarger Road project Jonathan curb and gukrs In Me ar" "si of Oak Street, "uth of California Avenue. Demolition and dean-up pmjed on the propeM at 1QUg ' Street. Page 2 of 2 STREET 9WEEPNG SCHEOULE Monciav Auouat 10 2006 Area Lawyer WJSOn Road & Paruma Lane from So. 'H' Srreer to Union Avenue. Tuescav Auauat 15 2006 Area between Goafal Road &Anne Read horn Olstricf Boulevard to Panama Lars, Area between saw Road & New Stow Read tram Hama Road to Panama late Area howean Wllwn Road & wer Stine Road Man of Vernon lane to Context i CM1enyvmod. Area belwKn Stockdals Highway & BOIIe Ter2ce tram New Store b Momclan Street. AreabeN en Chumh Street & Chns sTree Lane, ML Vernon Avenueho Emn SpeeL, Angela Way, Manley Coud, Ors Cord Steven Can& and Cris Coun. Wednesday, August 16 2006 Area between Buena Vista Rosy & Sol Road White Lane to Pacho Road. Area between Buena Vida ROW & Old Poor ROW. PadmW Read to Harris Road Area baMrean Buena Vista Road & Mountain Vista, Hems Road He Panama Lane. Area beNreen College Avenue &Wiirs Avenue, PaM1 Drive b Morning Dow Thursday, AUOUSt i] 2006 Area between Stockdale Highway & Ming Avenue, GoekN Road b Aehe Road. Area between Ming Avenue &White Lana, Gosord Road In Anomalous Onverr ibon Road. Fddev Auauat 10 9106 Ama between SWCkdale natively Ming Avenue, Old River Road to SO. Allen Road. Area butweon Ming Avenue & White Lane, Gashed Road In Old Rival Road. Area harvest Union Avenue & COtl0nxcM ROeQ Brundage Lane to 58 Highway Between UnJon Avenue & CoXmm'aod Road Casa loans Dana to Walla DMa. Between Brundage Law & Ca Il Park Crl Orwell Street an Leem Wrest. Between Brundage Lane Is Zol Lane, Orwell Street he Calls Dal SOI. B A K E R 5 F 1 E L D Department Of Recreation and Perlis Date August L, 2006 To: Alan Tandy From manna Hoover Subject: July Monthly Repo" ADMINISTRATIDN Two concerns were hold attire Bright House AmphiMUtre in July: Mco wn and Hotel California. • Two promotion have booked Me facility ter late summer, ea rly fall: bnestar on August 10, Los Lobos on October 14 and MB BakereROltl Symphony possibly on September 10. National Night Out allainat crime was successful with over 1500 people in MS park. . Over 281 tees and 706 shrubs were accepted are part of maintenance agreements totaling 2.66 acts throughout the city. Entering into MO SU" of a one year maintenance period were ID Mae$ and JIM admits. . I ambeg nnmg to comp" key businesses regarding Me Spots village sponeomblwneming rights. Reorganization of Me Recreation Division was discussed and new asignmeMe will ba implemented In September. Total Revenue have classes, pools and Reservations was 559,063. PARKS DIVISION Shelf has been able te roYb vadaus employees to CrOO tr in them for possible probations In Me luW m. It has worketl well this summer for both Me tee section and Mt craftwortar acaon. • The Permanent ounce next W Me ampmtbeabe is now complete, making it mom secure when no one is them. • way shade structures were installed at four pooh: Plana, MILK, Silver Cork and McMurbey. Theater strucWM wan made posaihM through Me Recycling grant program. Cemollgon of Me fire damaged playground at MILK is compMb, and mplawments should be Installed In August . Removal M ahalpn In Central Park has started. r The CreflwoMr section closed out 324 "Nice Mends In July, • Over 567 Vaaa ware pmmd: 388 of Mom by contract A WWI Of 23 es had to be removed. • The bee inventory continues with More temporary employees using GPS units to track Special, size and location of bees. • Regular park and abaN maintenance condnuad through Me July hutwave Am graKb removal and mrai e W Sprinkling, restro ems, playgrounds and lights in various pares. • Major vandalism occurred at Plant Park and the vandaw ware caught by the Bakersfield Police Department RECREATION DIVISION AQUATICS: Attendants records for all pMle are attached, r Lowor ganenl swim numbers Mrs year may Ce Suffered to Me availability of water in Me Mom River at Search and yours, as wall as Mesa choosing W use The Park at River Walk. • Summer resole rill close on Sunday, August 13 due W school slarrying Me following Week. McMuNey will remain open for programs and on x ands for general SWIM through IJbor Day. • MtMUMy hosted the City Swim meet on July 22"e With a total of S33 perenb, swimmers antl Mende, • Friday nights at MCMuNey hosted either Family Fun nights or Town nights, altemafng beMaen Me two throughout Me summer. They bcame popular evens for Moea aMndmg, and Next summer should be even butler. • Lifeguard Olympus wan also hold at McMuua , with Me venous pasta competing against each other. The lifeguard esN received ^Exceeds" in all wugorles hOm our managing agency, Ellie and Associates. • Ellis and Associates swathed Juan Urrea Of Martin LuMer King. Jr. PoOI Me "Golden Guard" award. This IS an honor baabwwd on the beat of the best and it rs Me for time BakvafiaM has aver received this honor. Congratulations W Juan. Martin Luther King, Jr. Center • Es4mated monthly attendance In man In programs was M94, plus Me summer lunch program added 1gW mom. • Movip in the Park program continusil at Pin Oak Park and Onxam Parr. One movie was added at Me rear t of Commimembaf Canon at Wayside Par. Each movie had 175 W 90 swimming attendances. The last movie In Me paps is scheduled for River gab Paps on august 18. Camp King ended on July 9 MM a Sold dip to Mid Water Advantages in Fresno. Thanks b donations by Irma Carron, Me kids team able to attend at no additional charge. • The and of Camp Kin Talent Show was a Mt Has year with fabulous entertainment horn PAL, Boys and Girls club and Camp King. Silva Creek Community Center r Total attendance at Me center and WM programs was SVC. This includes day camp, continuing cheeses, pn was sees programs, Me BIMa football camp, re rtahe and drop In play at Me pavllbn area We have had some success with Me video remarks. Two la year aid giN were Identified as being responsible far some of Me gumti In Me park at about g:COAM. • Various camp taemn Included Native Amencan Fun, music, theme and even self defense. Field trips included a Irvin due W Waeco. swimming at McMurray, skating at the Iw center, movies, and spray parks, • Chases at other locations even continued throughout July. We even program Me lunchroom at Me Corp Yard with Cara.rtafion.I Spanish, Gumm. and Kip Hop dance! MMedcs Summer aohball had 99 aeam; with approximately 11,300 players and spacpbn attending games on a monthly basis. • Beale Band consumer ended on JUry 9w with the biggest crowd of ter 500 people listening W "Mobs songs and participating in a moving For prim. They were very MankNl to have this congnuMg haMgon at guhe Park. The TNII league Kid 100 kids, and all had run and learned about baseball. • Pro We. Spore camp aM Pee W« BaskeMan were far children agu 9S and held at Silver Cmk on SaW rdaye. • Golf larval wen hold at Kern River Golf Course with 19 children and 9 adults invest through the; fiat dine program. The Fall Summer was completed and will be mailed in mid August E 5 i � !� ! @� lF� ! tI IP p # 9a � 1 r id . tq d 4 F 1 il . Fav lii g� FFz F ! F Ei iEliii x - - v ! Ee 8 ®➢ 3 ! 3C : 'v 1Eeili 7i ➢ . . . 5 @ . � p # R � 7 a3 Fis" . • , izdiii fei . . . @Eer RR 3 � Hm a ➢ iF i . r tli ➢ i ° • riE . a ; . � 99 jz9 6 is F ! ➢ ' F - IseE - ' • " aF E : 1 ➢ 9 E . e ! � a kdd kkikkd kdik � S kk13 a iv il56tl6 6eei . i BxEi } i iE1 ! 466Ai6 6ES6 6 Aa6l MIC a31 AE ! ! ie EP- ley Fit 010 � Ai i ? Sl66 il6 l 's ! 5si go 6 e8E in i6i 65i e : lEsS Se a gCa e goo i S6i ! v "s bas in6 9e ! 'S 6 ! 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