HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/01/2006 �_ eA K E Beh CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sepromber 1, Pp08 To: Honorable Meer and Cir, Wuncu FROM: Alan Tandy, City MCNger (r,r � SUBJECT: Gene211nformatlon I. We are very pleased Mal the final vaBion of AB 1858, MIkb µfill turn ownwsMp of RRROSmale Highway over Me Clly was approved Wtree Assemdy matter his wook We again thankSenaWr MCCali for sponsomg the asselation. 2. As an update to our spi of CalTreres. Me contractor vearklrg for PeCifc Deal has am had raising Me manhole wven on RpiMale Highway, weal of Chose Read, 3. As the County approved Melt annual budget eadler Mis week, wa freard meidehat lndiwMMeyarealso encoureMring Me "iIssues Me Cry fates with h ri to aleeg Open poailons Them was clap a related newspaper surge asset Be of genneo. This is two for us at a vanery M representing leveh - hem laborers and equipment oparalore to professional plenrrers and en8irsom It is, In pad, e by, Product ofhaNnea "rich emnomy. The abinry of publk agencies to compared war Me private sector continues M be a cheuerge, as they aan Ohio higher askinea, 9ccruMrent Mouses. and other Inremives. In addition we compate against 0mmmam hipla a in other commonmes that potomial employees beforderM he more desirable bcabons to lire. This was a subject disWaecd in great derail at our annual strategic planning session last weak. While we are taMng a comprehensive Wk at Amm to graph and retain ordered employee. here are W easy on quick aolWons. We will he mmirg bm2N with a sides of recommenced ways M deal with B in the near few wooks. 0. The Army Cc" N Destroy is moving ahead on their studies N Me yeadage We prention use If not years, blseloo. fury annh through Con further it trier qua µill Corers-semen Thomas . cold allow the Corys to start 1M worlr This mo tn.slat!end the omrt Rem RNer Imaresm Nut bosom monarch who MM Congressmen Thomas and Coale to eW s Me M for deal resdullon of this Isabela Dam problem. Namable Mayr and Cp Cennul Pepeemw t. fat 5. At1 W you will lord but Public Well the list of stmats vre hope Io rewdecelreonslmct Wth our Pmpasitin ab bailee. 8. Bakersfield Is prOmine ey havered In 1M September/Odoner Issue Of Me ApA commanys Mageorm Trere b a never sbry on most to do for a day trip hare. as well as an educational amide on the loot hanspodatun rrmsure, which has the affect Of MA. A one( mention M the Highway gB car show ands also Included On thebxkoaaer. Both Mature aimed are emlosN. ], Ter national State Hormslme Pitchers annual championship tournament returns the weekend to the Kem County FaigmuMS. Secured by the CVB, the even was held here lest year and was wdl secured by be parbcipaMS. Continuing on lad Wals au0.la, Me CVB meemly Orion the bid b berg tt beck to Bakersfi ld in 2008 eM 2010. 8. 1 Wil be old of the ofice M1Om WedneMay aXemNn through Fhday to attend the League of CalROmle Sides Annual Conference. John Stinson will be in dmrge dump my absence. g. Recreatlon and Parks Fall 2008 pmgnm brochure is enWSed. 10. The Strauss (Ni wnM Auden le for the week Of September 5th is atllOed. 11. Responses he Council requests are emloaed as blbvn: Ccunell�mber�� • RepOd on pel" resm0aeb noise Wmpleln$fmm KKalion on lotus Lanel COuradinagenther Benham • Should lO SUdnit d retain n meal repesentdlre for III m evaluate quint minesi Coda enformmam actions regarding issues In the alley W of the San Emidle Street areei • Repot on Wnedeandence between shot and yellow cab Company defending the leal.cab Perm" Pmmu: Y - • Abll"y Witter out assured fire hydyms on Meming LOW M PaMdtno; • Questl0n on whether Me Facility Reserve should be used bNnd fire datads; Coundlmember thandurn • Mreesed pdml on Mtge, due to vandalism; • Repot on Me pmaeMionlaemences of(Omitted gotta vandals: • Ddate on condoms regading long term house constmceon perfect on Landfair CA n0. a • �.11i . ] B A K E R S F I F L D Illl Public Works Department Memorandum DATE: August e, gar; TO: Alan Tandy, CITY Manager FROM: Raul M. RmWr Public Works pncbr SUWECT: Candidate Sbaab M' pmpo¢Itlan N FUON l rm has PrWWyJ for a plan for are contractor TO construct pnmon Of IN Pmpwngn a] funds The propwme Segment& are as Icahn gnwl PenebllllNlnn GotlaNRCad, Npnrt¢ nwp [wndlma Panama Lane to Railroad RewmDUtl Gwkrd Reed, court MUntl NUmperl lure Nlr Of Hams RewnTrutl Karl 8 Hourelg lenloS Hallmoon Rcco l p m¢ 0. R Eat or 6iunt to As" Road Recurraze Calleal RROed fern k Hwy to Meacham Rd Resonance 6. WaIRwd Elco Orb StOokele Hot Resudap Our winter¢for As acres pavement purred ¢ $3.05.003. If the is en medics b plan. we can Alin IN Ali Air inu project now. Construction convact could Y issued to IN Clry Counnl M Swam In Moral M07 Ann consumption To Wind In late March or early AVnI, an sr IN nraOer is warm and may enough. c Jack Laflacke ss Am Old Ramming Nick Fldar s �v�um NI Procreation material Dar-Tripping +._ ... i �} Bakersfic ld rcm,2�r.o or c —. o . a � !uk¢nav ZY Legislative Update Keeping Kem County Moving A local transportation salestaa measure and Propositions IF and I would help improve local and statewide transportation systems Iho ,for COMIC13 nodded I CE Imbed hill sur an liq �L� Fred morel IK Rude,farm MAY dandes war Ann man no o ff')M about 16 tip: ���dA and ii IF VX�LF Of the i Wiffad %I an near ad For Muni liFYM.IW Ifflel lam MOFMVCT,be I would M ow"offerej and plan I N end whol Canada Wit IF buy, sal el oreo,. OW warearm head I HS Kcrin County room had tac an County P"Frally be, IF only . wrj added would ON hill on i Will 14�Al oupery Jazy SNI I loan Marri needs worth will ad wd v.pr*d mi rAy. find arl and in star,knews to 58 mod eardowl,fed I Cal&Ford ME f i I Chun Mon.add[mind mind Rem n ,w,do ,o,�,. .,,i hi In at e s m, p , nd o. i.,k of amwent i41aim s o. dow cau.ER BAKEERSFIEL0 o CONVENTION b VISITOR$ BUREAU FORIMA¢DIA ERECEASE: Wvvl MalµJun U'melmof3el[emMMmFelivg (E61) L)ig) dmauedn®pekeeSfieWVVbmg VitlW6 Ml way In BE BSYenijil Rlke Wd, Cali[ —Tw bwdrtd lmme[Me PiW n Wm erowdyp slam will mm{mm io llanfiield lEis vckeW&one We Cel l Wmie$ae Hmaboe Pimbm A. M!Url 2W69We Ckmpwabip mum,UsM Sep sw 1.3, 20%nl pc KVn Cowry PREMu dl. Opnb theµblie viM fenstlmixwn IFn IMayy vurAgedtiov will mndpb re]0 iMOV Cleymvm. in FVrgenwldbui.Mpg p3. NCmvM1rc Pl�hV isa�n yall4omd dill lereb wlhwwwvml rJSSte of mmpedpov sUVRs 5 mils rvne yeau w slier 70 ream. TN[yen, IFeyouvgcd pinhir win be 6 yeam old mi Ne OUR wmVcmn ME N OWT V xl duce m psnicipna mu wivnamml. AcmAW'ng w dm pmryive tamemem w6di a tmnNim on Aiday4 3:30 p.m Woogb 9P.m.;dRR RS ill dqv SMOdi 7a.m. Wovpb 9P,m. uiM m o Essd ss o R1Pm. and wnelnder nn Umdsy 00 p,m. wiN an awWa Cnmony. Putioiwu uill kwmNwR (y prize moor ml a Hme Cbwpion wo N CmwlN in the Mm, Women, SmiOS E A )OFR 8Rs and su im GUIs divisions. Till 2006 wumnml mH mark line sc nd rune Ne mn R RURsm is Feld in sislmmnBmin I BJM Bu xknmm BWenfitla, ih wunwovn it AmM Mme SOWUn cy�fwae llamM1rc P�rhm Ameutiun (SCHV4)nrvla�nvtd %IM1e BeYnaBeN COnemNOn ma V195on Bmnu. me Bekmfieltl CVB ramrlY won.Matyl Midge 015 erml m B.bffrcW evED even nuuaa Year Ouougb 2010 Fm masu inlmrupup vn y p E` MeugM1OnM ol-]4).269)10 1110 0 wOM1 sh SCHPA W 7E %J[ PW L r , ' if i ;i a , : r F 1 O • � `� ab, ak�rs send I of 2 PUBLIC WORKS STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 4 — SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 Resuncsi Area mM of So, Laumign n Bousaverd east M El Ponal Cave. Area beMreen 211' Slreer 82e Street east oP0' Saear OM Soaking streets (allies) In Ue area between Wide usual & Akers Road norm of Panama Continue esteems cum and gulMe In Pa area east of Oak Street, pals of Casilan is Avenue Comma insUlfrvd cam, gadded; and reaelarat sltlewalk between California Avenue 9 Bruntlege Lamfmm GB er Avon ¢ w Persbirg Street CDRSpUNpSppisWECT, _ NIXp STREET SWEEPINGSCHEDULE Tuesday, S4MW Area beMren California Avenue & BrunEa3s Lane Oak Seat b Oman Avenue. Wadnesd Area baboden Pawnees Deus & Columbus Street, MI. Vernon Avenueio Gvlumbus street. BaMeen Unlverairy& Columbus Street Mt. Vernon Avenue M Haley Street. Pearson Haky Stand& River Boulevard, Panorama Dina In Columbus Stretl. Between Panorama Cave & Bemand Streeti Steed, San Dlme$ Street b Loma Linda DeveRlrelms Area beMreen Thurman Avenue & SWitale Highway, CNIM ROW b Hewle t Street. miumal s Area between Tel Avenue & 'Marriage Lane Union Avenue b Williams Street. Between Berri Street & Nlles Street, Alm Vlse Drive W Owens Street. City S1reeR In the area between Flower Small & war way Sued. Omens meant M Williams Strcet. Between Old River ROad & Pmgress Road, Panama Lane to Rachel Rowe. Feria Semanymber 8, Mike City Monte within Me area between Bells ranacs & White lane, New stme Road to Highway w. Area between Wall ( Me & Sh SIMat Madison Street M Hole Sircet pbp - BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM T0: ALAN TANGY, CITY MANAGER FROM W. R. RECTOR. CHIEF OF POLICE ii DATE: Aul23. coal SUBJECT: pdice cal on Lack lane Council Remrral No 1576 Byrd l) Coundl MVnpae Careen rtyueemtl Roll immediate W mdt W Kim M{mM m no" mmpldrem roil SVW UU lyg CwncX Member Cantu a requeq arson ryyrgp b ft Opr94me D vmlon for Mbmup. LtnG a Mmn mMrclnpga career M mmplelnn for 3aO Urm l om arq muM a Irpory d3 ee: Glralon Header Yl, Y0p5', a ECmeTlc (hm 3 peel 0icurMrvx ql JeruBry l3. 'NN: G an do ihb burglary alarm he JUne 13, YWS, Bemuse this a not ornament wM Her Informetlmmnhlnetl in the Menel, Lt Mode ebo ran ermM deck)of ails M serve in Me area Them xae,uvaml Uem occurrences In The arp, luyyr none Compiler. doing 3 W E Ldua lap a r k¢rally as lire nnaNng address or vulalor motrem on icily noke It would M ¢Nall fil0 do posting pMV on Has relend ceIIM Op Them Caramel,Wine Conference a 3 M8 m dbimar me eilumTm, w that Of Roll could Earn a plan W wrice m Wow eN Wh¢npmnamor' eancIlg Pallmp pemew pleincllmav mdrmgire np oOxgmg owmem wnlaua m.e.pace neeomgdm. N 6yr MEMORANDUM OWATTORNEY Augus128, 105 TO: HONORABLE WYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 'A\ FROM VIRGINM GENPMRO, CIry ATTCRNEV .//l Lsi SUBJECT: RAILROAD QUIET ZONES COUNCIL REFERR N0. URI COUNCRMEMSER BENHAM REQUESTED STAFF REVIEW qN0 EVpWATE THE WTERIALS SUBMITTED By MR GARDNER, ON INrtWTINO QUIET ZONES AND PREPARE A RESPONSE. The CM A neYS olrq has ulwtlued a lawalmll mi Mr. Gardner, 11re R �sPr�enla5ae M BSNF and Ry staff W dini quad zoraw Our O� will Pri Ciry COundl with an a iaas soon as Ps iOk. VGMO BA K E p g p , E L D TO: ALAN TANDY, CIiY MPNAGEB FROi STANLEY G0.ADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DiRECTCq DATE: August 25, 2" SUWECT Code Enluwmend Complaint Stan EmiEio area aeurs' "whi NO PN=1571 (Wall 2) L�mrcllmema psnAan regieAedsld ldresa US mrgnnd LU 9 tat yp me pa NryMewil A On August 9 dead, sa lMeets form on Bakereggd Pralm Department and (Oda Enbtcament ceNnn arced a)i amMrnetl vale Wnrivndrrnood clean up Prgetlmtna OleaodetArea. The Fluted area wad WrderN ev Caiimrnia Avenue on Me neram. Boni Lane on Me south, H Street on the esa and Oak Surest on the weal. The project was very suOW fal and revelled in Me issuance of 23 72hour wamrngs for vMitles paned on the street, 25 paMJno cretlov, 36 notion Mvireausns for prcpems eiMenance VioletlOns, the impend M IB veMdee and Me armrval Of ruo ffianMned shopong Ends, On August 25, 2006, ax Code Enforceme d Orion concluded another seaemate sweep of Me area to address Me Negrem's comp pint and attempted to locate additional vrsatans of the City of Bakernm MMUniamer CWe. The semnd sweep sanded in the issuance of Mo 72hour wrmingn for vehkks paned Ch Me strem, one parking partner 15 notices of Nr1aWC y Factory ttaintenance vita e, and Me impound of ma vehak, Ms regrew was comlaped at her Understood op Code Enforcement (all Adman Garet. She was ltofOrmed 0 the protean and thanked him for their eryom. Pmpenps "Me do not comply with the n0tms will be eased through the me of the Ciurs admimsereve pmE s. 9 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM TO µON TANDY, CITY MANAGER �/� MOM: W, N. RECTOR, CHIEF OF ROUGE A DATE: /aWwt OG, Am SUBJECT: TanLeb pem+IpracBN CounNReb" No 1574 NW2) Coundl MemGar BanlI mnol ahfl rea 1t wrngwncenna Mm Luw p, Swan re4uaetinOtlarlRalnn mperad.I'et pxmAprosea B9Xla lmi4az wiw Mr. Inuan'a OynoWnS i eon UJay Bohn has grayerµal wla gnomman aawral Ymea aE W Hna Oreceea. In oNflan, Cannon Taylor eem a Arian ryrynee m Mr. Moan on Aqua ia^ pleax rear In He all Mlrer for Geras WflNM aNcpmew CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT ChOMw Re,laml FAX r69,1 663z,& Augw 1(3W6 youst Yelbv CVp COmprryur Be4enfreW B6 rm n addms rm]le. anmmesnos ze. Camil ROfmypplfOlM1gW o(6yY U.�'A6 Dd,MC Sun', add Rd as Awmxl courcrl d(snal wlrhlryiwurtmn�O woe vanveier Hansu Cover, In wily mom rt.aruTdl@Cnmmxee.. 4IJay BI has pxmn.nnN4el to YOU 031 mnl "I bwrer r'Asmov'year tune time home n YkeeN c.Irmm u R re,l.d amumz NJ We Depnmmmennd on mml. °epPliumx. TherA 2 movies wh At os BheMIII me To gum muse Wixelnk,puoxp ion we muxriade 16 drwem im4 movie fimm Piece W1L6 pmeod Uan rmm b miW a dJ(dns nme Wi dmam Am Be4 IMZKenC A PYee. which r ns Jay may ineemmlted cnI nUnlY. eASk Jei,Mgdpind May �Age way we un room°oer p¢no green to Public lee eM1 Joe CIA derma Department or bole°. llnf nuelY.mmpmry�eAdmin ewalum Arc ua x opine. l PU6li�a dhry M1OWtEpddn. was"mphM mtl will mmnm,o do my in M rdunad�We epOmgizy omnd ontgmrvedicmnde me wultl rrorR And ing rnu u copy Or oe eouzil re2ntaall which is newch, menem:ummm JAXAM e. smear, e Raw ChieroyPolva By p mr, An Ikduom Div dr Gq IMiI UMMAV NUE P .O. WVU 0 BAxEREFELLICIA & pe ww.e iumModPO.uc „ BAKERBFl POLICE MEMORANDUM TO MAN TPNOY, CRY Nkabui Fes W. 0. RECTOR. CXIEF OF POLICE MTE: June fi. Farb lit” CT TMn Cab Fe ft, Rama COUMIIRM INO. d iSpT cwnnsdmbrXa ran MEp hem mount nearmyw IM Iearen M1Om MS Bman np iM We lento of time lit Me Nod er Mn" KMIS • PonnXbq eu. as sppllu me must As"a almmal Nee Cato Mnmh Was C2fernI1 al,NS 6[^ruee blame and npulsp-n abvryp nemm1wh nnminaNtlun WS ma mwY mm oOYmrn pmmases rtyuln s Wminvl army mega at m mm arch a b wOl north Mummem Or Jasumcop TAe86au veldoawmmem ASSICWO bnOreed Oe ounti N Ws rlmMors"' p cbd peen. di Be Mail WOM We CWe pmNOee Ma ryulalithe mega 0W41 MA pmmes. iAebllwAnp am erOOne M1Om qe Munitipal LWe xfitll m=IHtb FONan W wld..laatim pnm. m Or mnW,Wed Imo M. .mummS b.mamam O.eo.pap om.r. pnlnh-.pppnnpen—F..yp. n.eknon.--E.pinaon—.R.,.vnl..Ln.nea r e.,n.—papnnw. A. um nnalfor any moon to Who, (Form Or ales buyer of any b lmb Mar a or axpao of rata meger, Amcor Amnp flesh agelnal a enure MMa.. InaM wnaam to this aNWer to do m. yMlutlal In wno apNvym rw such pa rl when sppur presently and pm wM the do, or woman mH W m� me^p, rest a mite NMaba b/Me NlN of major aMabtirq su Ir IMOhmebn n Ib Mumb "om Gapler3.]Ilpgl wb, 6u Ji ryOanaA std Oelmm�benmp nlb R a mrvlu lee Fortune to tw,a,totian Me appyom eNll lumbh W Me poled 0.panmmt at the pee he submits his bananbn p1ol Ponapehpm�p WWN"I'm at aaCegsOb many sM Mall be NMar red ulmn m NMN Menna. cpnpAS aWi'h pyq d"p nt "" Me ohpinn hw p tynpAe vnmlargr F�ndm In Mmecan p of g6 $xon 11e gltl of pans, somign waded m has mprybns ages M euM000n O W rates m, [me m euoAegalumaEnm(s pamhry, BuN pmhit NNleW the name Mqe uMe! byhMgn Me MIbr111eIgIN to b "Mb and Shag iNhaits Me applymm nm mamr3m mail we RmmAm aware, ntla be Me muMy and issue a My p 4p such EMar or m% span an Inveellpalion i to tier ulM for a Ibw prmlk M1oMwr, in Ntlw may a 4a Mar he puMaM to Chamber 3.70 W Me pN noene.a ml If 9tlmmr art to a m ,amoral le mmNE mmke un meNown sury of me My Me ale/b potlm�aMOUI NmeaneMfnu,l{y, eW Enryr WII w RryIM m mean a worm"/" yenry rpaN to any oyw POI M may pie or W rpulrM to ham by any mlMr mM1ager NLI uplm mnaM4N 31u)g/7 mabmismgpn' P.mY1s IfywEin1p6P, Pureurm la N. 1, Mempbyn MMl noy)tie Nyl b pay. M mililp, M me emliletlpla emgl%mml of NY and Emnr, amid yrvx eW I Asom bee,peme W My. 2, UPon Mminaew CyOM*YMM a Umwa ry May NCmy Mi (CT1. 4I7,U 270PN), 1GB0: oN. na 41, 197: QG. n25441, 21ap3: ON ]1805 4, 1409: pmy" 11.150.300 Ministry mlmXJirveanon or 4"sWgID"Pmal "ring. is I= T! —mrssum offfity My A. 1. m. fM1b]b NYVa 5 1 _ si- 9Afu2t pwamm or aX2awa h the Manner any ouch.ue an xmr.w nn..awn.u:mN o, Mier me Mme ny peen human. mMe. MYamnruOr may Nawnavep name ymllan of the Mler 0 poem in .uePenemp or e mmmw l4 �MW n"IM embassy inunnaaOr any app calmalow.omawpo yeah mymmum alXryna onmme cry manner mill Me III for pmvmm. wnenupmn mpwanunaaa for wi such mpleNmns, chump amount nonce manb m such "Which normal .M water worm Marlrp Marian.mlry .m.mne or nwrryl. me aetl.pn bYy aiiptor mliu. "cement mM1 Meru m1 me Ny manner Nell M final and monausNe. Such OMr or a uamnelon or "idre by Me aMLO�M" Null rem an to Our form amid aunt unless and com aCy own and med wfluill py Me My manner. ICrd. 409351, 2N2 ON, 396251 III a 1999', piernd 6742290) uallm. Trial necessary term anl owl NmaMa history mien ymultl nmtM1mye a0.My vnmebmuYiM ( Ifmn the ut Then an omerannuea avulleW to NMa 1pramnb fnmlNl M1MOry; M1mgyylw; PmM1ipXa me use b euN M Nor s" for anplaymenl. looff RECEIVED B A K E R S R I E L D ILC 2811Bi PIKE DEPARTMENT MtYMmur+n's ma¢ M F MO P AN D UM TO NAN TMDY, CITY MANAGER FROM. RON FRII£, FIRE CHIEF OATS AUGUST M. 2005 $U9JEC FIRE HYOIUM$ ON MORNING DIRVE AT PAIPOINJ nemail Rakrral W. REWIRE MeN ]I Ym-Nmr "Ohn debt p head rylgnpb 00mm W Na water In the fua hydrants pampbrre aabWMamXgply [eMeal AueumaMPalatim. FlrebreaPonpptlp sekry4aw olllrewekr Mlrp Mmapofl. aMbraapwgmlM1e mn[ems Mlhal wakr Iial^i used if rcvden6anptnepasaldedep'atim 1m Fn Depanmanl aw In the am d MomlW Onw aM Pakdino, a taw hems porlthe Raw 04mir inland pvun tyre nytan4 pmmranpallsm, Vannalawmlptumont M1Yplantl in ftwe"Media B the NAM end wane leave hale mrank Ommng. The when was ge ran in nprzMSa emaMMwiln a Wlleramll�^s NetpMxl Nalaree ryew Ran nmifiaM Ile rre nvm wyrnmntrp the IVORY nam fine r n yaarereomW a,Opl n be he amreh d 4the MlyareMSn. 6 n.cada,aly RFIm aaneuw�vmmnmdr^wwa mna mew : wmr of &%mwL4i5 , ,Ai,.M JR6wA 6 , ar . ovi E R S i 1 E L D OFFICE OF THE CITT MANAGER MEMORANDUM Augut31. MCA TO: Honorable Mayor and City COU 11 FROM Alan Tandy City Mandel 7 J SUBJECT Council Raymond an Use of FxllMy RNam Coundlrrember Maggard askee sued b reamJM to a handled W MIMI¢r Me Facility Replacement Reserve should a Ired M And new The stations. Our reepanse Is as follows BJF around Stations 12 and 14. New Fire Stations have Iradltbnafly been funded by acting aside money preen the OepXel Carl Ford incrementally over several years. We anently have $2.5 mlllgn reservM for Station 12 (Northeast), and $19 million Tee Statlon 14 (Southeast That totals G.3 million of an estimated need M 364 million. A model amh2e aural design that would W applicable to bath of pass Stations a to as don19[led Sir Poe fiscal year, and will take Me full year to complete, World des lly done by the Fire OeparMlaM and Planning angry that the serves area of Station141648% nulXout Theren16% buiidouHOrtaia iR In addition, to devebpma l M the si immediately around Station 12 B going very slowly. The iMmsOUgyre — heads never, water— tat Wind need to be in place for a potion to Nndon, have not yet been contrast by to phvate Manor derebper. It Is pill open War , The FubIw Works Oefamnml model that If this City Ware to YmM" theae cast ahead of development. Me pmjeal wnup cop $90 million. Moreimpodanlly, horvrwn. Me low hall is signifipM, It wil be soma area bome the station is needed. µo� Cal pal The tmallonal aware Of bring Fire Station. by annually usual aside anefime aria from the CiP. all monde frequent Taney for forming cmatni Or these Sc oons when Ilteg bullacul Juan their construl The border with opening Fire Statirns Is not finding Me money n Wua J. n is turner arguing sense of many b pay for shafting. TOO Facility lieserv¢ is a ore4me morgy eourne MGillMr Ranch This Station will he built by the thmebper as a condition of their development aareemenl. Z= These are at expected to have development aamend res ads a me that pays be Stator conawnlan In addmon. C nslaeAton state be given by the Cry (mi to all the fee anted in aavelopmentagreements for Fire Stations ari Public Sahara eguromeni to a C"de a � sls. so, aovelopmant that forms without a development agmenenl pays their bar share of neead public Sarery hormonal costs. Trento.Stearn twsa'b' lI Station ss has had annexehbna retch in the meprty Of the "hadion ari land wea being in the era. We are imat arng be sake it over n wa are successful In Mesa diseusslona, the Morey to replace that station should come form me Fre Fri money CorInered n the came" be taken on, It should be noted Mal the County Fire Chief has begun to publicly Teri this tmn f r. Therefore can only nke place between lvillini panes. Fa Thus has traaNOnally been used for more major lnAlkawas such 85 the ARea, air wrbtbner Slogan art. Ore to amen onerac l apace needs in the Cry, staff would recommend that It be held for Met Wrpose. Separate communications On that took will Palms. BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Tp: NANTANpY. CITYMgNMEP RbM: W. R RECTOR, CHU OF FCLICE KrL pRTE: Npu& 35, 2p]B SUBJECT: PoIICe Pavolm maraud; Counnl PehrMryc, 19S ryVUtl9 cwu lMemOa Wneon rryuoaW IncraeaN Pebol on rile 10M dW(N Mlrepa due Vermeer, tn BOVIUl UNUGkJOST and Copora Ion Yard to clwn up. OIgRra wIip dr � �IIntlW� PrwFbmehalf In t vµ y RECEIVED 94➢b nWrvn; M6 MEMORANDUM try Cr mAT ORMY lwguat 29, 206 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU FROM: VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATIORMET l?it SUBJECT: GRAFFITI VANDALISM SENTENCES IJJJ COUNCILREFERRAL NO. $M Cw( dlmember Hanson commi stall packets Informaton re nevorg Me proeecWOnhaMence3 of the "S grai vandals and retract boa ro fgorcil. their tends b he peryemand by fuver makes and all Searle criminal makers are handled eavusivaly by the District Attorney a Pass Therefore, it % net supli Met our Community ups cc have not receluad any gM andaimm rases. Unlike adult gratgti Juvenilenem juvenile pmbabonen are monitored by the County Peet Department. probation Officers carry an everNlecaselpd M 166 woes. Tnerekre, In order to issuance to MIS re al, wr office wnferred with Me Juvemie Probation Department we were Informed Ina mWen rvvaniks am 'conviri W graRrs oXenaes, the standard sentence for a msdemea rre ]me m probation (or unfit age fa wbmbaver is longer suspen con IA orgwrvR re yaec 64 100 boors a Juvenile Park proton s66 to Me stale reanw(n NM. reatnution W or actual term, a Fourth Amendment waiver to allawswrtNOlperion mi rest aelc. anthe ayare reNUire1 to attend school if they are unwl age. R"e nMamoneMa fineempovdunlew Meluv lWb NeabJlrytopay. Even Moulin most Statute Say the parents or guaMian are loble for this line, there will be no Tine posed unless the Juvenile Memw Ives, have the laity to trey Q.e., a pb or othor source of m ms) MEMORANDUM Clry An NEY Auguel]B, 3008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI/r� .fI FROM: VIRGINIA GENHARO, CITY ATTORNEY /h lto SUBJECT: HOUSE CONSTRUCTION ON LANOFAIII OORryE COUNCIL REFERRAL HO. 1880 CmmllmemWr Henan requested sluff provjEe an upJela regerylna a novae al 8100 rancher Orrvy eficM1 Is MR sly uMer wnAr.don. R Mo welding won to Col Ent��Masashi sur Nis another Hope Mr Men broignr ecenlion last ropor TICre Mass peen Nro code enM meM Manngs on M¢ prepay Bole amen that MOODY owner hailed W epeM. OurO mjuA ncp prry nnga Requestbra FIX EM ImpeO Warrant, I! Me warrant I¢ IYUed Me a local judge �e enhancement OKmra can enter Me name end inspect hetenawrnnwork. This npgg4onx5ndeturnme Van pan 0ugpnwho Band ompleted or au mml be demollsned boosted p has be If Me (scr trees mamelennlnatgn la made, etaff will prepare a cunt ebamale our the work If Me clothe Dadeenmrc ntabwel. andmr N¢ pmcemownermfusentoputtee, 'whatever repalrNdemollupn as nerednarv, the aN Anomeys omW will request council npdriM to ek dcrvu¢rewlaerenlo aNOO lnpecourteppdmNarecevec Nercerverwd r ulpe ¢guy ollM pom wi spandril get Me requjren �sl Os n/demMlilon