HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/08/2006 E � o CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Segembei 2006 TO: Wrwnble Mayer and Clry Counul FROM: Ago Taney, Clay Manager ji Wo SUBJECT: Games lrrtinnown 1. ewes July 211r v%en we net win She r, mayaeiM it wau;e he also weeks, An so, berore May wooly module bear water suppy lnrotmauon. we qm he mi brava ni 3. we are awme that arms mntmMm ark developed; ate fiusltatee x regard he g ingmspen;onswlentleyw mem nlsamntlnuingcbralletgermus, aswe face a backlog Of work and remnay rew Was inspectors who look employment In the private motor. immune Auld Is working evened hours, ark we do have an marade cianl eng'19 aemg firm slamming inspection atM. However, we also bran to ge M vary the More number of cepial Improvement poleas being onAmued. as Wed we as looking M ways miweer our mmraAS win ouide engineering staff rm mspecrem work, but many superman arms are also whorl This suction Is another eura ve or Me broader Oganhatloral ;sum WO am "in aye anoriage and rebnton 1 am Werand With Me department heads on some w attract l t arm fobAscharttered AndWeek, a rePod win be rOurecons, In Me near%lure . 3. A mean from Dianne Human is attached Win the (col cognomen statistics far the 411115 summer season. The numbers reties about a 13% decrease In actual Ienl avendance, some or which we squid AMhum On the PoWIes, 0( Me f negXWrMgd spay parka. 4. Arai tram Chief Rector are the GreMO t athei and Srepal Enumemenl Gang Vmknce Repod for August. 5. The 51reers 0amon wok schedule Mr he week Or September t i n is succeed. 6. Responses to Clunci mgas am reduced, as bulbous: COUDGMArniver Sumpin Send IMOtmatgn nowidina the vesa;b0;ty Of crewing record quiet �mbe 0em ,y� zl Nge, N • Feaeibili"f Eeagnen a enbile borne eaK as a hialonn preaerustion Me. CNuncllmemberSullivan • ONimu mgulelingfe ingtWMmelessln Cirygarpisentloxa. nT.rs ec oowmmwxm Rms MCCamy, CTyCIo* 6 p K E R 9 F 1 E L O Uepad mentof Recreation and Parka Dams: Schlemmer e. 2000 To: Alan Tandy From: Dianne ROever Subject: Pool Atlentlanu /or 2006 Overall pool atendance duffing MO summer of 2006 was Oown compared to 2005. Each one M qa Paola show" a decrease in recreation swim In alers"Rlglrya0his could be duo to no abundance of water available In Me Korn year as wall as other par" In PB area with wet Al the beginning M the season we made Jesbo Pow available for swim lessons including ptlMe and seml-private lessons This became a popular po01 Mr prynmml n0. and we did not try to open far recreation swim, We had several Incidences all summer at OaRM POOI where we had to lose concentrations,to concentrations, The contaminations ware dealt with Immediately and according to heave code whndaNe The closings due to contaminations range Tom am hour to m much as As noun. Each Pool in he con experienced some woaurds with mcmudray having them meet oMn mcMUN y Mae he" the advamage of Wing able to now both pools: when a cpmammwbn eases one pool to ln open. $0, M. idler can remain PmwO see the attached report for final attendance numbers as compared to zoos. _ ° . . . . . . . , M M : . , l , . , , , l , ! ! • ! )- | ) ! , ° ! : . , 1 , , . ! | � , p . , . . ! ; ! ; § ! ; ° , . OOO , , , . , . , = ! . . . \ , ! . " MAN " q q { E ® + q mqu m } Eg | ! ! ! ! { ! rli • ! l : ; • ; : ! ! ! ! . ! . ° . . � . l . ; . . . , 1 . . r . , , ( � . , . , , . . . r , . . , ; ! w ;' | | - ! ; ! . ! | ; . ; . , . : _ . ! , ( § ) \ ! , . : , 1 , . . ! ! , il , ) � ± m BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Dare: segterr6, 4006 To Alan Tansy, She Manager From'. W. R. Rector, GM1IN M PoIrw Subject'. GHOST 'Graffiti- Grateril Or August I bare attached the GmTb One statistics for the morns of August. Phase cs ll ll Wo Faye say 0ueetbrls. � � � � c � � � � 6 p p m g Y � s 3 3 3` �� � � � � � � �� �� a � � �� s (U 9F , BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Date: Sonsomber 6, 2006 TO Alan Tandy, City Manager � �../ From W. R. Rector, CMel N Polde W" Subject SPOdal Enbrmrtgnl Gang Vldence Report I lgee encbaed lire Sodom Edaxmend Units monthly repmlM August N 2". Ploaae call ll you haw any questions. VVIl Bakersfield Police Department SPeclal Enforcement Unit Monthly RePOM — August 2008 The Iollovenp IS a mmpllalion Of Pe narlormal 0 Me Suall Enforcement Unit and Sgmm nl rodents 1romadl9alions for August 2W6. 9e Felony Arraers 1) Guns Saved TZ103mactrays; Sopgemenbl Fepnb ee Mademeanor Amal !0.5 FI's Genanl Manse Felony Wanes flee 18 ArreM Y Chalicns Vellkb flepork fy Mindsmornor WamM PrOdual and Paolo Arens n0 Sawed SSBrch Warraf Hre, AsslarinO Mar 20Mannua nBs e Hours In Training Ye Dapammso 2W5 SneMpt6s Sectors 2CM Snootlnea Year to Date Statistics January - August 2008 108 Felrny ArreMa N Guns Seem f:2 9uppbmenrel flepolns i88 Mismmeenor Amore a1R FI'a General OHenae 188 Felony Warned flacons Mresw 211 Cilaliene Von flacons 308 MisouresnorWarraM 9488 Profession and Parole Aneata Seasonal Search Warrants Hm Ara ling Mar 2OW SMUsino MO Have In rreinina zaees Department snommes seniana a snopnnpa 3 Short nya ini GGILYACTVITY G SEU O ioen insisted the felawinp suapetls: Anthony Rene Espinma, 21, 011 from E 30 I Union Ave, for a lelmry warrant Robert Eugene Davis Jr, 38. 0611 VO. Iran 2W IN N Tulent St far polls. mean Jahn MAX Williams. L, 09-24)1, and 200 Nk N Tula St for pas radinuane, for sales Bebirw &laeen III, 35, 100470, h 1 NO his Flavor St, Air DUI Jesus Garcia Sanchez, 28, 889930, from Rover Vliglnia, pass. ise 1 m manluene Richard Ray Feltz, 30, OSOi from Flower) Virginia, far (uss. dangaus weapon The Following were ailed / renews Anthony Dabm, 18, DsOSEB, from OwensI E CeliMmia. im unownsed driver. —b. t], )9149, from Oregon / Haley, for unfemuM driver Owens Longmlre II, 26, S28dq from Mentor I Depend. Ones. more than 1 m nluana Jms Flares Nal 55, 4LSes, from Potomac I S Owen, far ys. les 1 at meriluana —is, 111788, Iran Vin mla / MILK, KK pass, less 1 to standard SEU Officers handled a nomnryry shm6ng which repmbNy occured in the area of Northrup and Wilkins. The viNM. ( bb Chris repoMd he was driving In Offs as and Of about 0215 houm, a newer, blue, lavrywd Chwrolet, extended cab pick up with chrome rims pmesd him by. The rear occupants of the truck fired armed at Chris occupied veall shooting out the rear window. The suspect vehicle description fOBBro driver. No Old, lme summa light helbound. Chrria cleimsd the auepema abouted -SONV," prior to the showing. (88159281) Blues - SEU paper CA P with k caring and anesting a connate super at the Royal Oak Inn 889 Oak SI. Shamans Hill, 26, 10/11/19]8, from 900 S. Williams St. for suspended hcenas (rated Thames Avila, l3, 8I212R from 8 Williams; I Potomaq far misdemeanor warrant. ON) M3gg AIM- SEU oXirere areas theforso ing summer ; Ismael Chow", 25, to Man Milts I Oregon, aria = lee during a treryic Stop en found to he m possession of rotations ly 12 oz. M mMaMOMemme. Be was arrested for H&S 113]8 and 1 SiB4O6-t Wlp (pose. math for sale) Toolumno Assumed, 18, 1ffilil , Imm Flowed Virginia, was conto during a traffic stop. Curing a mnseM nap search a & amount ofr thamphM ine was seized, 06. 160480 C" Msrtlnerc no 11Mical, Amount Tonal 3i, N5218 Ere Latlxma, T3, 1 WIS 2, were arrestM for 17. 1W. and 18622. (Wcumenled SouNSke Bikers criminal street pang) 06-1606] rendish a firearm) Ran SUeI8e, no 1L1In from Juhan /S M, for felony watrem Martin Lopez, 24, 1127'92, from Barad Sl /Ape Vy19, tit press false Info. ill " - Frltlav - SEU Offal anesletl Me b4barng waiters; Mc nCampos, III, e/28IM, av mmacled In the 1500 WE o1 Haley and taken into cu9"formsss"p Nmethamphmemins. Uvlelg 0 Melvin Johmon, 50, 111 was arrested In Me 1500 Me of E. 110 for delay armed, Jammern is a tl;orial East Side Cle pOR 161075 in a criminal Meot gang. RMmN Rushing, 23, 1W M, from Counter 29m, Sir WMia museum Juan Ramlmz, 30, LO10 from 11M bit Ingo St, Be missmeanor wanaM, SEU responded tit Me 500 elk of 28M wMrea smpst had barricaded h'mrseH maker his residenca. Aparinrehr or Me vessel was established whir OR Sharman negotiated with the ocal until SWAT anivee, 05161322 el6/p5 rGer- l3 BEU Mcors arrested the Missing wmacl&: Ruben Trac, 23, 08.Mon, from 1400 at Jefferson, la Pennzoil W meth. Shamir Lx Miq no 101243, 1 Rcl I Wilkins, ror poSSse es ey, hiss personal and public all Enrique Omen , no 021 them While on I WIISOn Rd, M Der Ung offices and pumps imoagtion. Joy Gue M BE, 501!8, men 1403 Gomel for asauu on a passe officer umlcnwd eerep resist I mswd, and gang Wrtinipetn¢ Michael MareM, 24, 40342, tram White Lon l Wrhm Rod, Mr pi stmingu Gregory vwnauNe Jr, 30, 3Ahri from Wnfte 1n I Whom He, for CCW near dagger Cray Tyrant BMley, 25, 10620-81), farm 1 O dk MILK, for felon p revem f rearm, CCW, felon posaeca ammp, bang member CCW. sm Baileyxnfrom SEUOXicers Pelrantl Akek. I disc OafimarmandsurreM red. ne s loo ted on Me nor of a careful Oy SEU Writer Ctaey and Officer Arms Deal Julio Avenue 26, 7"1 from 1800 OUlnq St, for answession of nqM. Damon Hall, 32, 060240, from aired I E Brundage, Mrielmry wenem. Fort gunge 611ven 23. Ill Mm 1800 Dual for possession M had. Juan Omkez Silva, 36, 30140, Imm 1" Wing for public intrticre(ron. Cited and Released Jame Fad Hands Jr, 24, 1-2M2, from Baker I ITrukun for unliceread driver Gun Signal 00162328, 1 Oblibnbd, UM make, YJ giber aemWUbmal tram 1" blk MLK &BIOS - Sunday - 0806030O SEU Officers arrested the following monsoon: fir. 17, O7-14,17, from 129 GMOry for GTA, fell evading, and Possession of down prrnR/ Art Rea le. 25, 4lian 129 CliM1m, for delay I obstruct aglaB -16, 61691 from Fiilmre ITate, for pr2»ason of co uses and destruction of evownre RlcMMJlmenez Jr,29, 607-7]. Mmb Tetgfor CCW - gun, CCW loadedpun, gang member CGW, elc. The consul homers were contracted by SEU OXlwrs Wbimnnum and We during e trade al The Momertwere found In derive baled handgun and owed emoum of cpume Mae In Me vablde. Good Sell MlcbYl Lap AW1rr% 21, 7-0380. from older St I Oui ul St, for coueee burglary fares, probeHOn vlaatim, posmssian M Paraphernalia DUI Cital — 17, a-07d8, HS 11 Moro PC 115 and MC 9.04.010 Gun Salad: 06182741, Serial: 1854232, groan Arml cellMr p1tlq, hem seed Tate 6t B Oe _ M sEU Offers arrester the Warning surprome Jaime Pi MMlnea, 24, Wil from E Gh I Rodman, to Polynesian of stolen auto, possession of mem. pass. drug Nr Omella, and m license Gerardo J. unfair 18, 1-21.87, from E alh I Rodman for com eblen property, po sMim M Moftmphalemine, and pceSas namonto paraphema0a. Ralr Compson, 35, 11-01 from 1415 Twoun, for Dominican Ma controlled substance. Manuel of metric controlled suN nc ,, Possession of license for morery and insufficient Wnrs ¢x0108 - TUeaWr - SEO ollrors arrested the Iolloyan0 summers, John Angel Esqulvel AIG Johnny Caron, aq 07-lai morn Duinry I Miller, for CCW - knile. faceinto and poascoul of her communion Oarn11 Carders, N, 141-58, from 3219 Gut to R15, for ADW, for coastal erred Poweasion of a controlled spacial pOGa [m of narcotic paraphernalia and maroon drug residence. When SEU Officers entered Camera a residence to serve an arrest warrant and to condu d a peck search, Carers allowed his 80 this Pit WII t0 Mi at officers. 011im B. Pair caught the animal On the fly wah a hoer ran and slopped Me animal forest Injury M officers and with a great deal W shock W re animal. Animal control Washe re animal for Man removal. 06164289 Wg" SEO officers arrested re blrwing snipe=. Jamih ROSS o, 51, 121211 was conceded of Jeterson Park (1900 hlk Kin Sth, and 'Dune to W in possession of a loaded aynnge containing meMemphMamme. Will David Conley, 31, marring from IWO bilk King St.. cited for misdemeanor wm mt. ad SEU QfMl an dma foibwmg summit AMede Pi 19, 2/10111 hwn 700 Mock E. California Arm, HAS 1137 comaseion ma CNwe laced who PCP) 06-lGM00 Luis Rice, 19, 19100 from 701 E C Iftni; for driver with men container - liter Danielle Coach, 241212, from 701 E. Chadminla Ave, for paommger wth an open container- cited David Agull112L 4/24185, from 1123 MOO St, for misdemeanor wart &NMB - R SEU Al erreste ! the (allowing suspects: Anthony Ibby, 27, 1(1700, hpn Flovrer 19esb, was con ill during a traffic slop and found W be In possession 0 approximately b Orome of cocame base. During a name eamh of his resicerce at 3200 Edmonton MA, a loaded 30 caliber omblne was located. 06 Ifel 65 (lebn ink sebn of a firearm) SEU spell Sevarel hours conlectlnp sugecta an MLh Pea. One cltedon eras issued for HAS 1135M Gun Sehism- 06-166 9 6 5, Serial: 418094, Universe, .30 caliber uanuit rift, =0 Edmonon tlA 811 VMS - Saturday 400 SEU officers arrested the buowirg suspects: fins a HUlehlnean, 33, gift; hoof l NT elh a far Obstruct/ romel orybers, PC 1411 oeontray Miller, 20, 712"1 VOm 10076N At for violation of pal PC 30:30 — 17, 1ON99, from 100791h St, for oW0uc11 raslA PC 148 and 1203.2a NoMM oayba, 30, 11-13-70 from 919Cau Grande, for mialsling amesl. LeapWde Barrios, 2y, 1I301130, hpn Virginia/ Kmral4 for pass, da ebrous weeryn Mal CHAVRelease0 Sel to YaMma, 21. Mal"S, from 931 E. California An pose. of gas than 1111 madluana. H511357b BliL - BU 300 SEU chase anented Me tollovnng numerous, Leeara Belamo hin 21, 1.1010 from 1301 cotomaz St, fir M controlled sudswnce Jemall Dupree Thompson, 14. 61"2. form 210 bK Heyes St for felony warrant. Luis Fernando Tcht 28, 3-27-08, from =1 MIN AK fer false Into. PC 149.9 Joseph John Macias, 27, 11-29gq fmm 200 bk Unfair Ave for a felony Warrant 8/t SEU above arrested Vielrlkywing reveal SEU olfern Taunserm and Mara wnlal (2) ped ons standing in the madwey, 900 Mock of Bemeta and found one of Nam m be in posseason of a gadad .40 cal. Semi auto handgun. Louie &e N32, 11 was ermeled for numerous gun changes (CCW- landed firearm) all his power Russell Allen Wells, 2A 0.147 was Preslea for eels.. me handgun was aces ro a Coe onlaer cabs aevlsm If had been rincess flow, big no armed. Gw'd fob by 1M1ese M sincere, me was gun on the serials. Gun Solved: 06-188978, Serial: DLNaRTUB, Gil MI caliber aemLeubmeec, from 800 blk Bernerea 8ngeof t....+ _ SEU shows affmard Me following surfaces: Antlwny Cates, 181 SMIµ, fal 2N toll Hall SL forestry Wdtl grserm, CCW W gang member, gang member carry ygoed firearm, every looked! firearm In public probetloner we aNearm and evideffi In a criminal alreel gang. 06.16)661 William Santiago, 28, 511 718, from 393 bock S. Brown, for establish of peak, Job in Walkaq 33, 11/151 from KMG for vlohlor M parow Alvaro Gulrnaro, 32, 5I28OI, from SW S, &cam, far Al lm CM CCW . fiearm, Carne f oarm in vehicle driver allow gun in vebkle, fear agen ammo, possenswn of non gistered (roarm fare info, and suapenON license. MucO Msaa, 2% &21181, from 500 L SI, for possaes'rm of main and Uod abuse. Jens Frul 27, 12151 from MLK /Houser. N whole fa lelon faaaersflrearm and violation C CCW wr3ltmNaom MLK l Hauser, for minor become former, CCW, aubsWCa, perms, mmw pones¢sane and Wr Ss conboped Guns 3eizM: 06169661, Serial: 60 19545, Suger ,22 caliber ravaber mom 200 be Northrop 06-16907, Serial: TD57181, 3m in and Wasson, 9mm, novel how few S. Brown (1St all Serlel: fell unk model 1DOdnger1. .22 caliber plebe, from MILK I Houser Oil 808 - SEU officer; arraMed uelolB gsuspeces: Cagey Bumall, 28, 511718), from 1916 HaeperAw, Mfelon petm. ammo and vblalpn of paole Eugene porn son, 4T, 3 "4, from WE Union Ave, for gcneeysn of known papeM an pagan of lase prop Timothy Bamatl 40, &15lµ. from E 18M1 Sonora, for violation s1 parole. Jesse Manger AA 11M, from E. Collards I C ins, for pW9es[un of heads, pNde version, and possession W paraphernalia. Remora Moth 42, 911401111, from 1500 ak E. Celllomia for pamM violation, driving on suspended license and expired regional Edo Wright, 41, 10118454, from MILK I Hauser, cited far pass. Mae 1 uz mariluene. Il SEV oBecers arrested the happening suspect: lawrtnce Joseph America, a6 618d0 from Cregm I W Verson, for percussion of moth HE 11377; 11384 06191304 CM1tlabpnv Michael Flannigan, 33, 7-24]3. M1am 1818 Eya St, br Present with GBI any RCW Pandslhetl PO oMid and PC 24Ee1 081]1321 BMen Mundane Villareal, N, 50282, from Put Under Ave, Mfail b raglsbr as a sax oMnder any permit violation PC 290 Will any 3050 W171163 4N808 - Fri - 1] SEV officers aaested the muowina ea ddenc s. 9elvatlor Johnson, 23, 4-28-0 3, hen 19N l Union, for pass. man)uana far stle Casey Ludwln, 37, 12-211-611, from 2020 Union Ave, for de0x. Jermalne Alex Jamison, 23, 11-20-80, from 8004N St, for ryte. Mss 1 oz matlWma (cite) Vincent Tnyvan Williams, 23, Wist from Beale I Flower for Mlad. Bench Warrant (cal) Howard Edward Barker, 28, 2-03-29, from TOO Terrace. Mind. Bench Warrant 2 Ici 811 SEU oKrors arrested the following sump ct: Abet9abAuero, 2g10.17-82, fromfWhlk KSt, forte. ma e . HS1137], and 11354 Dominic Arrraz 0atoney, 27, 2-1a70, from 100080 St. fora Misdememor wamm. Raymond Pori 45, 24448, from 300 F WrW for realating anesl. 3053 PAL, Fall Warrant 148 and numerous VC "call Eldah Green 3Mwar 2], 11031 from S. P St l Tenon Way for (2) mind. Warrants Viabr Wks McI"M 32, 411-7{ form 930 Jeffrey SL for Felony Wwrant Charles Owens Parker, 33, 546 nd from Hughes / Plain for pubic mock. PC GOT, OevOM Lemlle Jennings, 33, SP9], Imm Hughes I Plan; for delay olhmra PC 148 Chriempher Saary4ta, 7-18.88, froM2140E. Bruntlegebrtlabx. PCSOT A homhide And (3) attempt homicides occurred in Me 2300 black Of South Beal Road The suspect vehicle was described as a red gran em. This vehicle was located and 6bpped by Lincoln Unit 3 HeynealOSlbn. The suspect Was arrested and the firearm Was recovered. See Sip. Kruger s email forllher details. Good teamwork by all involved. 8l2 _ nav_ 1200-0]00 GEU Officers arrested the knowing Outcrop'. Jevbr Jimi 19, Td&BT, from 988 his Felix for Gang memder in Poss¢seied of a chosen firearm._ GaMWharf for MJl Whisenhun Hemendex Booked for handsome guNgang charges Terry eOwsn, 27, &IN70. hom 21M blk Odom fa Gan member arrested br Murdoch Mablest fimem. MOtM Bode arrest by HakRlek rs. Backed for numerous gunlgarg Marys Leonard Klllebrsw, R, 124661, Imm 824 P BL far a Mind warned bir Divers, 25, &12410, Irani 824 P a, br FC 12316 yV in possamion of amm Laura Gvda, 27, 34439, from 003 bid Pacific for HS 11378; 186,22, 2800.2, 148 end JOGS. Garcia Iletl hom MOM tenD end Meek. After a brief rehide pursi he tool armed having his vid cl¢ railing. The wwAka slopped when it struck tree and Me untied stopped when Me 0411 oennmk him in his rekdenp back yard. He was In correlation of ellek Me arses}Garcia was treassiddrmmed at KMC and Rv iieas. brwto Sales, fabre cracking) ideas. meM for Ascension Guzman, 25, 2/1Osi from SM dk E Tmtlun, for Asian. ccnlmWd substance 6Nnuel Flos i- Eebna, 24, 4I271 lmm 803 Ask E Theron, far DUI, mIlttnne Gans Basest 06173688, Serial: 157427, Davis Industries, DsMnge4 32 caliber Mom 800 FORD 06-17372a, Serial: 130468, Cleared 1nc. .3B caliber MAUL hom Oriole l Parker 06-17:M6b, Sets: 99191885, McKS. .22 caiber Rifle, from 824 P SL 0121 day - 080"3W SEU oll'wars protocol me Icllowing subpri Ronald Affirms Alexander Jr., 0, 33243, loam 1510 Te St M Possession of nemm for sale Phillip Henry Gaausoulsnd, 55, 104641, farm 1510 Teas St for M1brry wertanl. Vivian lumpy Pope, 40, S3V86, from 1510 Toxas BI, for a Eelorly Parole Warrant Job" Henry Smith, 0, 1230.60, from 2900 S M SI, tar si m im Noe6 paraphernalia Juan RrROnlo Oniz, M, 1M30. from 3100 AZM Rd br lebny Parole Warren SEU OXIwrs arreste0 Me blips gsuspects: X15, &19N1. From Mine McNew for proNtion Visual Berme Ramirez Lopse. Jr.. 19. 11.4-08, faom Grincy I Milkp Im coval moth B panp enscho . Dean Davis, 33, 8-18-73. him 3911 Sillect he finny puss fire iM and ammo Tcomes Shropshire, 20, 615181 M1om M ossI Wesmir for VC valmon , PC 996, numerous firearm valetions end 1816.22 ShrgwM1im sea wnccesMO during a tray aloe oy SEU GRaz a Hermrdez I Vlhisenhum. (Nmwuffo nl his ro en A5 handgun Would not he found, has launched to a w ah when Offers m nWW thry could smell Me hear 0 bum marijuana emitting lmm his Mhide. He mount mull an the thoroughness of Mean aX'mrt and is new In cusiMy where he hebn39. Bass Job Guysl (WW member COW loaded) Mail Joseph Olsen, 20. 62242. Iron fitful Mot my for fial civi ing, suspended license Gun Seized: 06 175002. N919299, Sprinpliold Arms. AS Callh ra "m Mm MinWWeatholme 012WM - Wedneadav - 08000300 SEU oflire¢ arrested Me following suspects: David Oim, 30, 71/!6, was corstaded during a traffic slop M21M Kentucky. He mutely provided false information, but it wait evenaalry datermire] that he was a al ahscrnder. Adam BustemaN, A, 3/2973,was associated In Me north all 1300 his of Karl end found to be In pmseason V signs rem normal PCP. IPOw. PCP) Mmimlllia as Guerrero, 33. UVI from IWO Kentraky St, Air xime marcotat paraphernalia Saud lua Bm , SH 1MU2, hcm 50.5 Unpn AGO, br M1biry "Kant (PAW Joseph Sol 37, 101p from 200 LOWS Ln, for dealmyee%em-e and Igter for nard ice. FrWpick PlBCemlo, 3B, W131GO, ham 130) IS Nibs, for pass, own SEU Ifi s aced We bllowing suapeMS' ohm 1ne mIem� Faindew Ad (oarn sea found Win a small amount Victor Grporlo, l8, Btl8r8Z "a coMachan In We 83301k of P m. and bound b de In paesaasion M mamampA mine. 661)6)53 SEU Oltbem responaed to a Galt W a n Ms at 3021 L Sr. Shi Gameln, ad. Sr2912, was Olken idam cuakay aver he threatened an elaeriy Nnlm win a rock and awn another with a Loam. 06.1)639) taaeaun wish a dangeraua wea om Carlos Muller, 31, 5851)3, sea rcntacled a1 Brown and Pacific HOW sii in his Whfor. Muller was bond b he M possession of a smell amount of marl uana and Mro garellas. 06-1)6)12 KCSO deWtl ns Baked far Baslatanu in anemptln0 to locate gamete NewaeM Jr, eS" 1W suspect SEU and the Lincoln units without with a Aman Ar»vOk at 2625 Bernice where Naveretto WHO located and take ins cuebdy. A firearm WHO Seized during the orryt 9 3U1o8 SEU Offours arrested me loloaina auepam Madow Maize, 31, Tl"5 wumG ddudngatrafficsbpwt1660Wiben Adand found to Ou in possession Of maduana for dales. Maze b also a dccumeobd East Side Cdp06-1))231 Nervey Nery, 2), 1011 M, from Ming /Sunshine was arrecle br dHOng wMle under cool°lluenre N PCP. During an ImeMary searM WIN veMde a hand rai clgarella reining PCP was bound 065Ta)8 Manuel gomem, 28, &13182, ISm Plane I Ruder, W fHOny warrant. BY - SEU orc�arn arrested the folnceing suspects:cooled a The andala barthanforceedinanemMsIOMMtgl1015 peer an women,, resu Betfiretddafro We the hour; to awio attempted d Toobed me beer btla nym beer. When he refused me SHOW time, mei Stabbed bed (3) sh W lakeld t beer by dgeme, A large brawl ensued and me auapetta stabbed (3) vmhmawim ma Ila1 edge ma fire non. Teri vicbma recemed minor In)uMe and the I slowed moderate anger Alf (4) busp ware apprehended. (06 178622) Rkardo Rui 22, 11-2381, 1015112 E 180 St. All (4) ware chaged Win Po 212.5 (Robbery), 245 (ADM, 182 and than Cal Uill 19, %q H], 101512 E 10N St All (4) ware dinged wM PC 212 5 (precisely). M QUAR), 102 and 108.22 Avid M1 rro, 19, CM"7, 1015112 E lath SL All (4) ware Mmged with PC 2126 (RObbery), 246 (AOWy102aM100R2 — lA 011-00,02. 10115 112 E lath 9, Ad (4) ware charged with PC 2125 (Robb"), 245 (ADM, 182 and 108.22 Sterling Chames En Il2a, 161 Sea, from 2311 Cobanwmd he humid held and public Intoxication NManiel Johnson, b, 0}2)455, ham E 11th I Fego for pass. aware 1rsE —Jr., 15, OS1]-91, from Hughes I Hicden for pone. moten pmpeTy I v hole Juan A9uilem 25, a l"l and Guillermo Genzabs, 18, 122101 fmm Cororrvroad I Feltz for numerous weapons pwmwlcn vkle8ons, canepiraryand pamphetnal'u, in possession M an Monaco SKS 7.82mm RMa (08-initia 1 this firearm was aizel by SEU Offimrs Jones I Kauf w wtren May contacted Agullem ter dluarding a mM PEW. He was found to be In potassium of ammo Or Me weapon. A moors compri Og p VERY N CE SEIZUREillle aMlled, Guillermo Semi 18, IEZEW from CoMnwoM I Fell; for CCW Miguel Angel Meryue; 21, OS18-0 5, AAm 1200 bIk FBIIZIw misdemeanor warnings govern Sarram, Jr., 22, 11-19-H, from Pokmacl Collins, for goes meth for mlea HS 113]5 Gun ME 059)8462, Semi: 1MI. NdrinC4 7.62 Will rifle, imm Fells I Gatmrr W R 7MG - SEU cffimrs agwed Me relcwirre swpeda: Jimmy Lee Baker, 20, a 2u; SEU Gn'wrs Whiwnhwt and Hemendez Strike again. They anOCled Baker during a vends amp at S H and Whim to and arrested him for being in poamssnn of a marled 9mm area auto handgun. He was bcoked Per VC and (I rearms vlemfidne. 06 178930 (CM - loaded by a ME mem[ea Kenneth Itsel , 28. N&e0, Wass Me goner M MS rehick stopped by the above orwim He waz tenet Or alk'ng an unlicensed driver and allowing Modern consisted in the yhiclu SEU OIM1mr Lank prepared a search warrant when was servai by SEU OHlmm at IW7 0 &"t During the search, GIAwr Whisenwm located a .3W cal. saint @we handgun.Nexe mar in a I-shin eM ¢nmeI in the flunk of a Pee located on Me r yard OUTSTAN0ING e617MI7 Ira MoMrice Jones, 21,041345, form 100I6IM1 St, the "condemnor beMetl forging I (rearms violations. IOarg n mNr pcaHass (rearml A parnee soilm, base Suisse Smith, 28, 05-01-T, hen 1007 Gh St, was broke or a III Warrant. Ryan Madd, 1% 12121 from 1023 Water St Vi bra misdemeanor warrant. Guns 3NZed: C 178=, Syria(: 303-53920, Roger, 9 mm mmdoHHMwc, from S H SL/ WhIM Ln C 17N17, Sai 81 Bryc% -380 nlfbersemLautomatic, horn 100) MM1 St L2BI06 - SEU oryicros arrested m Anew MB following eYSpxrs; Search Whom GarreaN'. James Xenry Gamer, 49, 5-15-5], Imm 020 S. Brown, lorpcas coylne ease Edward Valentino Bapepg y, 746di from 520 & Brown for Pon. cocaine base Will Is ony ea &25;8, from 8205. &own for gay memMr In warosslon of a firearm during klonp a firearm`—adu�ln -y 9YP.t49, from 82) S. Brown to gang member In Moroccan of ny flrearm�ony7-0ftgi man 820 S. Brown for gang member in p Moran of Phillip Cpew; 2; M17/K form SOD E 4th BL for Mled Wermnte Andres ROPP9 Romero, 36, el Will 801 Wells, W Was nmmpc 0aramemalla Kenneth Raphael Collins, 18, "MO, from 720 Toronto Wy, for a Meet. Warrant CiledlROleaaed: Erick Semow Least, 24, 4l9/0; HIM 100 his Clytls for posy his$ lot manluena Guns Selz": N 179679, Sstlal: CEBSI Clock, .357 caliber semiuu s, form 820 S. Brown 0&17807& Si p05817, Norencq J80 caliber eemlauto, from 820 S. Brown BrzB SE 0 . SEU oflmers arrested the following susl>aow- Michael Roosevelt Herring, 0 8.28 01, form 205 Clyde St for toflsoealon Mmc ogre and for poHSesaiOn Of pmaphemalia. Michael Jerrold Edwards, 25, &25-80, from III S. Williams tar public iMxiwpon, PC San SEU conducted take petrol in the old O 91 area and choose (2) deft. (1) for Wlea' and (1) for connection, of wUlme seas. SEU process seemed the following suapena: Mary Hast 20, east and Bryon rachal 39, y30/OB, areas coMegel in had W 126 CIIMn. Bodh are documented Bart Side Coca and also on scare panda. Exause W Moir parole coMltbns not allowing Nom to eaeadate went gang choose tnry ware both taken into comedy for eglnm of pa hle. lLL1615 h Wllmr Jmw, aq 11MG, from MI-K I N Write, nor felony warnM. 11101W, WIDIM, tram Ind black Smi h $t MyryrNing and no license. Jerry Richmond, SO, 7116552, from 600 S. Hale ra for a Many warrant. 9(31NS - Manometer - SEU Offil arrested the fdlowing soaps=: VIcMr(1Onzalaz, 31, Ill mon 1114 Tukre, far poaaessim W heroin Tarry Brawn, L, lM VH, from 1 Wo Mxk E 1014, for redatlrg / oESYruding oMwrs, drrvmg ono susperaded llwnR„ end loathing in a handicap zone, ShawmWle Roes, 25, tKOW, from Ming Aw /Weethome BIM, for posts Information, 1t, 01151sq hom 1001) plod Miller Sir for GTA, Poecesslan of a stolen veMCle, ddrivi ng warrant a frene. PUBLIC WORKS STREETS DIVISION -WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 11 - SEPTEMBER 15. 1005 Ruur/aclnNRammt4ucYm awasts b the blbwbo ama' Comnue In area "i of So. laurelpY n massive rd, east of El Portal Di Will nnlsh he area beMpen n° Street& 24s Sense east of O' Stnel PuNs irp stnab in him mom bemeen Pereme Lam am Mandiss Avenue, weft Of 5o. 'H' Shoat mnan wear l;fffi armaam' Feeling mrema (oihmo in be eree beNwen W;bm Road is Akem Rom north of Feneme Lane. Rea king Curs & Gunar In the area bestrewn laurel Dhva& So, 'H' Street, Wilson Flood W Plana Roo]. Working on the installation of a ebrm one at M1bnnor Sol am Booking Road, Gvnllnue Inablling curs am gWBR in the area east of Oak Street soul of AIffai Avenue Coni installing am, guldw am repalMg albeurelk between C Iftmia Avenue & BrenLye Lane few ChestarArsnue to Fereb;ng Street CORG FUNDED PRW Ett Mqp STREET Mandalay, lt 2006 Aunt between Mandan Road & Paname area $O. 'H' StmM0 So. Union Avenue, Nvtlav September 13 30M Stmena within the City Ind easement So. -W Stood & Union Avenue, firuMege Lane b Ming Avenue. Area between Ming Avenue 8 Whites Lane, Wd¢ Road W So. M $"at, BeMeen White Lana& Pachave ROW. Hughes tene to Se -H' Sheet WWnutlay, 4eIXwnber 11 t098 Pads= R to Ranema Lane between New Mine Road W WIGe Road, Between So. 'H' Sheet & $o. Union Avenue Panraam Lane to Bersdure Road. Thursday. Scavenger 113x99 Salaven CalBOmle Avenue & Stockade Highway, New State Road to 99 highway. Residential agenda In the area beM9en Can Street & New Mine Road gleanings Highway In Cochran Di Between New $tine Read & Ashe Road. Shownele Highway Men Avenue Making Road to Makes ROM. beMpen Wibis ROed & New Sane ROM. Ready, S"Rm� 144 104106 Arse between Stockdala Hlphway& Ming Avenue, ad River R as So, Alan Road. BeMeen Ming Avenue and White Lane, Did River Road to Goabrd Road. Ares between oewen PnA Due & unionists Lane, Oewa9 Strenm Leads Street. Sig swithinure Cay Dmit BeMeen Bmndetetare & E. Belbtenece. Union Avenue he C¢Mmwob Road Between Case Loma Drive & Wave Wee, Union Avenue to CoMnwcn Road. JJ � yEPB7yoae B A K E R S F I E L 4" -- - OFFICE OF THE CITYATTORMEY MEMORANDUM September 8, 2006 TO: HONORABLE IMYOR AND CRY COUNEIIL)) FROM: VIRGINb1GENNAR10, CRYATTORN9 eta~ J SUBJECT: QUIETZ M— FOLLOW.UPTOREFVERRALMO1501 The Is a blowup response W COUnciln ember Benhamm s relmnl repaNmg Met Zones. Ciry sUff met ¢llh Dean Gardner and Chal Hagood (RSpion T Manager, It S. 006 ent OfsTantexpOlea. pleceal Railroad Adminiebalion)he Thursday, suggest 31,Quiet present was COUnnumembe s Carson aM Benhere. As a result of the more %, NNE Wool qWM has Seen directed M Obtain a coat ee0mate for dingrwstl0 tal whkh is the fir& step In dermminin0 the Maslbl @y M impkme0ting a Quiet ZOre. In [be meamlme, add for your review, the Cry Attorneys OMw prepared the atlacbed memorandum MINES presents a MiM arNU4he look into the meunea of a Duiet Zone seeming to mbnnatmn Obuined moire atthe Ferb2l Raise Adnanwtrefipnweb page. VG do cc: her a.,,a.�iePoetict�o..s .ate bl bb MEMORANDUM nORINEY August 30, zoos TO: VIRGINIA GENNARD, CrtY ATTORNEY FROM: MICHAEL RICHARDS, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORN,Y,0 SUBJECT: ESTA9lISHMENT OF RAILROAD QUIET ZONES The Federal ReIImeO Adminb Mlan pFRAg Issued Foal rubs m use of home rat Hg"ayFail Grade Crossings we Jg CFR Pads 222 and 229. Hopes must Le used unless a quiet roe Is established Cram can execute quiet zones in mufteme ways. They ran do eo unilBlenllY an na exposed to the FR A, in dominated tied a nilrou d agency I will discuss mawrcmenLL and Issues relMed to all quiet zones, before deemng with more as ndards Me requirements for the council methods. NI quiet zones Require barren minimal 'mfesWciure IN every crossing. The pubic agency truing the mine Audi responsibility for maintaining the iMnstrYure r Me nine. Liability for desg ating a and malnrmlng a spairmlry not d'aws In the regulation As added In SBGtlon 3 a tax supplementary ekrmapon. Roger b is left for ImI and state law to determine I uvula net fir California come few 00 litigation againet a local government smoking a Mi cane. The apmast Argy d to the lack of tunes in California and the pleasant recant pushed of ue e ngulaced Hcwxver, h does appear Nat a Public agerry exposes VAN t0 liability Eseeking trams upon Me de&gdspon W a ratio. CurrentN they are nM exposed. Further, re Calrmia Public Utility Carefui0n pP.U.Ct Mains junrietion and any prouduree and perm ly that they requpe must be saoarm. All image have the following reamrarenu. Every zone mind be at east one-hap naiemlang0. N9CFR § 225.35(a)l1ll sear, ndl di eMbro aroamuatbe given to mllmeds that oprtffi In the zone. H@CFR §222,I3Rp1j) Clearly, earlyln Nx proccul the MlMary In Me zone should Ire Coma In an attempt to secure then cooperation. That every pubic, private and pdbriad at grade crossing and only grade-sepma ed creasing were Me mine must be appeared by their Us DOT Creasing Inventory number add ehbat stems, That intomtfm than mat be submited via a Grade Coming Inventory Form to the FRA (49 CFR §22431 contain Mode amlM Mee :palminimum serards Every public crossing within the zone must have active wanting devwith bah gate:, warning lights site power out mdlecaro9 and, 0 Will 'constant weaning fi very'. a9 CPR §222.35M) PHe ams'mgs mast have °wee-bucks' and 'STOP' signs on both approaches. (49 OFF ggzzz 25(b7 and (c)) Each street apermuch to every wsxmg must haw an edvanud wamirg sign that may WacRg srrads. (49 CPR Virginia Gennam, Cry Atromey For Eelablishr t of Rilound Quiet Zara August 3p, 2000 Pace 2 44lsN? 625 Ht), 2295(c)(1) and (2)) FinaAy, earn po]eettlan (cmapp must be revlaual by a dompostie Win and the P U C. MM M green opporWnM (o pang ipate In the vrc endmeteamsmmmmeMatidnsmugbekimad. (40CFR §§2222]) If all M the above Mainstream am niet. a Public agency may unilabrally tleagnam a quiet mine once It manta me notice requirermang This would imlude almost Mom of the Intent to Crewe a quiet ame being seat "a bromfied mall M all railroads operytog in Me mine l the State All resryr¢IMB for highway sad mad wMty: and the State agency responsible for grade w9eing aaiday In addition a unilateral quiet ZOM must mretat gas OM Of trgblbvmg four wMAOns: 1) Org or mom FRA aoP'orad wpplammRary Angry measures (5ithul are pmsen at each public GomMg in the mne. (49 CPR § '21239(9)(1)) SSMS are liskd In an ApmMM A of the regulations am all things like gates on Wm si of the mad and Agent meblans in Me mad way b pmrent drying amuM gee homers. They are dgailed, speafic, mMly and may or not be tecnnlcsuyfeagme at apeocc marts. 2) COmplc W calouktions am amounted N dM9rmine what the risk would or Rthe mine is ntamlNed deal SSW, or the (Al Zbne Rlmk Index ('QZRP). The OZRI mud be once man the average danger µrsuan to me Flat determinM n of the Nabonwwe Slgnifimn Rbk Threshold ('1hi (" CM§222.Hait QQ ) 3) Install wrm SSMe m that the 02Nl is rat or mil Me NSRT. (49 CPR 522231a ip) 4) Mall wi SSMe w NM tat QZRI is reduced b Wi to risk b l mg amid be 98woiated MM moons at Macy mom or Me gush Index Arm Forms. (49 CPR §222.291 Again, mmplicMM calculations would ha ranging Arguably, establishment of SSW at only warrat cmaAingm in a mine would se the danger in the other crossings In that mine due to the lack of forms. Thernore, these comings could become more dangerous and Memby ircmase too esfamme a liability at those speci0c consulate. Fuller the entire gmRm of Material and Me implementation of the mine would be subf idt b aleck by exmn witnesses. Them are also ongoirg repoding requirements b the FRA and m guarantee Mat the Mom is not der �1Pdby iharenm duo mds an t eng my or the lowering of the NSRT. equipm t In Me aouiee. rams y signMaem, assOCialea vnM Me Anematiuely the city could apply t0 Me FRA Mat in mniimclkn with the appmpdge rental wmoem, It the railroad does Mt mopnale then a wall mud ho Vil Gennero, City AMmey Re: EStabllshmenr of ReYmaJ Oust Zones Argue 30, 2006 Pace 3 obdme04om McFM. Thismulewoul benereesaryv enthe SSMs Ecnodmnfom, W the epecr ed mouth standards or often tllerni safely measures ('ASMs') are uses to lower the mk in th mne. ASM un m el0erengineanng ASMs per Appendix B or nomengin¢¢nng ASMs I as law whadeemeM odors, ramose, aM public eduaton. Nonangirsommq A5M5 anal partial morning. Again, than am rymtlrs manifest reaWmmeMC on applirttion must be submlped mnsoning Me "B l iMOrmatlon that b mQuimd mr all zones and more d&mleb Information The applkelion mollr¢mems am (Intel and hamical. oeaignation of a mine so an eppfn'etnn reopen thin name mncema expressed banner regaNlog moment season. Clardy, Show Reps and Me pmaess as a whole would require ervigmsrota hop expertly and MereMre commitag mmpenlas am oRebg p In cmatlon of a mne. In heiewing mores Cellfomb munkipal wabsity and spites Missing quiet me vary nine fen bass established new sued s, as oness d Is gmndenhemg In old sa, However, some Croy am in the midst of the somas, Most notably San Death Rkhmand ma established a smell auim mine but is mmplamire that the unmoperadw mono Is not renogn¢ing R EnfOrc MeM la haMled by the FRA is a slow antl initially mfamal emcee, Thereat RlchmoM has ssbblished a often mmpard pmmss b faalitme enhancement by Me FRA. In remember, the City of BaMeNiOld tares nave the fill aWMMy to veers a post mne. paM nthearallonandalnaerNnyc(thaaonaa'ng, noMYMbndirg pa68ible a cc: Janoe Scanlan, Personal CM AMmbly • RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L SEP O ] ZigB Economic aM Commands Development Capturee MEMORANDUM geothermal 6, 2006 TO: Nan Tandy, City Manager FROM: George Grournallealvernunder Development CmMlneW SUBJECT'. Mobilebons Sibs and Historical Value Council Referral No RBN01502 Vlm Meyry MeggaN requested sbRRnew Vq maleral submitted by Or Reef, mnbG Mm aM haw the Historic Presery60on Coinsurance eaplom Me b9adlityof ImJiemerNig Mid p owss fm mobllename pars and repent be*W Cool Enhanced and Commonly Devebpmenr staff reNSwed the pride by Ted Levan, derecated Prefer. 'There Gore the Negnbomood. ' sent to the Clry by Or Reed. The made peeviral the dlagammem of microphone park reamer by dewwpers Alto are buying me land and "Ong; park redden for new deralopmem. Stan wneral Dr. Reed same suggested the CilydesMnate the Rose l Palms Manufactured R}m Community as hamnduAWral monument such as the m¢ Angeles nN donned s de¢9naton of Monterey Tral Park. Staff Indicated W Or Read that the Clry MBakersOem Mrs cultural reewrce and humid moth desimabon process that can designate lmpovemente, buidings. siNS, aWqure¢, oblems places,etc. However. all appliugoce must ad ¢gned by the papeMownemrNe City Commit be only wM the Invent to purchase Me resource staff am Or Reed a entry of RMC 15 72 Hi¢Mlral Pressinn n that dexrltne the process for deslgromen Drained former indicated that he was ml the pmpson mares and he we doe lthe wmer would want to name Me desgnmlen process. 5 real Mc,vndl d" RECEIVED SEP 05 1[06 MEMNORANDUM CATINVINEY Srplamher 1. ;K06 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COYCdIN FROM VIRGINIA GENNA0.G, CITY RTIORH 11aa6 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE REGUTATING FEEDING OF HOMELESS IN CITY PARKS COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 1587 CoumiMemher Sullivan requested sl apiece per wriN a oppy M the entrance resistant Al ipg hotel¢Y in CM/ Raft Rakersi Munitlpal Code setlbn 1258050 porerns unlawful atllvito In parks; SueaeNOn (p) a sale sane es makers It ukgm re 'e ier'ale a motl rosier Heller agency as rental In Sell I7.M.285" in any dly park. Sedlen 1700.285 defines a IcW agency as any pwnyovemmenbl business which prorkb bM helm ant Wo or more ones per week. TMrelors. it s unMwrm for a toaster 10 offer need, baker ant, In any or our City parka hero or morsdayiaerweek meaar wdea nsamaMOodrrrel0 VGmo ei 1256050 RaNTilal sate in parka. Beye l oft Yerafield Mumnryl Code up prostolas Nee moo TMO 12 Seed,CMa 12 6p n AND PI E rost st °rtn Penn No For rings 1 wPmnld acts an yb Win the lum IY Of nny prk, a ISmai lfmmyP M mM moo a MyswhortrW lily enpmyee in too pnOn of bar On but duty.to Many of JS fribri rig'. Play of Mamma VIr as uonery. Mmamrtbiv" mode aiivJt orslaw a Pao,SM t, Mmmn, Mameruyl, mu MMeow pmjwi l C. By vgdrnrvy, Inj= mutilne,pluck.ME uv m Mae any may.plot romp bl"vn or nmvee an to uC btohitydm Moo,d;mrb or Mao"aq ME ME,app ",rtrwe reeepmon, eW;pms ,!mere m m m3E OF to mutt pim.vdk or pwr uPon May building, mo"w"s fam'q bump ammme w mM pmvmy: o y wusd off, Pas eLL took.um or �vel,Or day Wen or Enron in nay mmner my ri®t,pion om.ME or a4enising MY Lee tltmw My x ey he SN or miaikv or ED ling.MMM,Men mow Mm .VE ranks"missiles a shutsµ of molntm 41 ME P My way soy MM'mbird: m to gaMay MY lrwn m®ea plw wbee pmlvblNd by a Manor mm 4g;bm dr C Mnkey Iran,kindle or mi;nmin any HC,mlm soon! is formal rand mu;wiro in a Pet pt or w. or DuM1 ME PO . "Mao or Int nrlb any wu or gas and orulaWol nmlm, by tan k ",, WE mgi otMyWrooke„nn;.px,mvo. May,proms.mom"other arrdanvma wn 6 Me rnmpmaa pa.,dm forams: wmx, Mayor,reds or pope My mma vs cle,blydo, mdnrele, tmaa, Cate.,an MY nm"ammat Br to bring or p"p a"mlmal omcmrn u Mmatu M; r. ravu",Mgem wnn.mema.lmd, IaEmmmmd, reaeaaniEmaerwn;nn marts a f5 lgdoig tut a dp tw6,anannw �. e mMa¢rmreEamnw"vr,m airs""a;wanaE: empr m wr"I�eMm mM me aaolanynnlr. ,,nge, eawwvmmn.ppat,m. ama, .uurdr naea, e.Emmma�tMpaal. m, nanataeEVm rmmn"pmmnanM" ME ma mhe'MmEmnfmm ME MMIW fmuoa Mari"" uMc n.amwn in mtr mammr aEy viaMr, matins, arE.;a ammE, m War. am;aEy, a EE ntlwtnm;,,y: I nc,rtlem POMel any sMwba or softy ME in ME WIDE may bo madifnally Ompe ane�s'!ors ME K ramble.WI ME w MEDUm game in my rvaR puugewry Of In MY Omer place m apart for the NVel of in or Enough any Pink or to oaeapy mr rem.ao mat n«paaage or de,wmmf M paaoa praver awl On toa"""d m my mammy AVON the By in or again My Ark beta mE the Mm a mn P.in and five a m., v"q Pis pa iUp ¢ m cit, daywifiefirst c% u.for which the paNb;rd Aar Wn M twelve mi mry tin stho campm Or M lW ug ovmiglu may hr petmictm whin ruts ampinf mladgain is van Of an mMa wMyu Meu ildlyM t of for 6wion of tmmwn and Moo of dm ury vawam to a g=m thlnlm by me City mmagm m daigrE Van rpphMIM ME M dE if ME ow�s finite or be nrlpPiamdeoJwManA YenficWMew.pEP'�mMNtl2 56.13 M MOdfrmnex n 9/IRM6 12.Moi Probbilai azb in pvb. Page 2 of in M w me no:nx o!u M r pa the annual Public, M. boo in aoammWV nonnbiaW pMMF to Faim 1256.l OF OaCn M Mr m4io. We plera, Yp�wmaa,m'mtl playW¢In4ion.mmpn Nxpmym or aW V eimilunmW mnipal OF Mai park Or in my�g am try Pont, a sub volwrc a p is the Mae term wM III Nervy e • o,III av^^B am way finr rat non OF mei We:pow.w%��, record ever. mpi ata plrya mmM1V awiim wnd qunedeal. in e.a eeauwatemnr Puma mae pmw�tt tnsatmm 1zs61roatz s6.no. mmane aar RICOOIDILC xem�tgmlmn.a.mxm.Iamna arlam.mmy nmetmaa NN1rym u an III wan wamnmi an tlw,to M In My POOL OF rvinmep.xa wwp: M Pr Wes`auoeamm.uelm.prcraeebwi in cation 17NM5. IQa. JPM t I, ["e(Fd 11259 IW). 1998) M¢p/gmamn l�mAOkmflplNviampM1POnp�wl2-12 5612 56 050@ftnomm n 91 M11pt:l/9mae.ns/Wabe4mfielNeiex.pM1p?Npir12-17 N17 M 2g5Afirrom n III2 6