HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/2006 �� CI MANAGER'S OFFICE ar T Y MEMORANDUM Scatter 6. 2006 TO: Forma le Mayor and Clty Council FROM: Alan TaMg Clty Manager )r7- MORJECT: General lnermali0n 1. Wwa has begun at City Mall of remove Me defeat t candeni Hi system Tha attached m emalled rupees nd malarial in Cry W "Plan Me Wnnrucgon prWd s that win W takPo� roe an city near Iew months. wM the vma Wing done m phase+. wa aa�q IMre wk the sc mil disruption for our emdoreea and Me Public drunk Me conewckir 2_ An update Mom Public WoMe on the 'cWn ail' Pmj R 001 tram diesel to search Powder at Me redecorate facility is encbm id. 6. We ace doing cone wnM in Me oeinity of Me old Iandril ads roe r o/ panorama Odre near Columbus Skeet W moral Some i up gas vrelle in pmWmtoc be commuckrom Of War o areahakenh t0 Update Main of Me praldcl year Spur each MB seeking 4. The September reared, fees Me Police Dependence on gang seemed eedarcgmeed and Pram" unit chimera are mnr9ed. s. lure S4 ye olvl&on Walk scheduM for the smak or Cracker Re is enciescm 6. Re wWs to Cirnol reruesls are maosed. as senors: rend • Caaienation or an i S ffinember of Me Homeless Collaborate and factions to pauper di tee mganlusurn • Update on adi taken by our Cry and CountyW address cumulative impacts by the same " area: • fbpod on Me Wl COmmunialions Flag Pmgmm. Tn Conterminous Pamtla MrP.a11ry, Cry CIek B A/47777 E L D CITY MANAGEW80FFICE MEMO"NDNM OCWWr5, 2hkx5 TO: NI City EMOO"es FROM: Nan Tandy CMWa gar Rini , SUBJECT: Ramnrel Of Asbestos Cpntaii Wa2y4 aI Chy Half ahem you br your amperathn wain repab 0 p a yQ2c bound 0 Why Hall bl far any lnwnylenW that may mre We q o, Yaebraey wa We aereemin the sn a pmlo['I b MmmM as o¢ mmablw mnemr that war mwWly e almandCiewmllw nn Phase Zen q mOwl an lY cornslruclhron reetail r began ye¢bNayalCCbber 4th In pmaeaeppoleEbraFe appmxlme4lyB bBweakc Tweak �I be three dock on i b bu6on. The Wetlrg and air mndmnling syuem has been turned oil but wYl be WmeG WcM on In phases ar wvM u wmpieled FMunUWW wIer the Charter of seamn¢, We HVWC When ma in gm YOU May'urn�tceayers Should obMlnme¢of(m omfortable ease niIMW be Cmkrin Na mornings, Wdr lady on W�r alter the bupbma has Wen Go¢ed all we ne,bth The Oral pheve of mveucki WiIr 4Fe pare in Me Weemene mMan✓ ll room bubo Wlw Me Cry Chad:a and Lary¢oRimg OEM of Wn Ttivp� YMbem in the bwmee eaflow pryp bt wat Ed¢ in Nabeadvade Theucmb Mse Mil rni wank on pe HVAC sN4m Met urncea Human RUOumom Walk In lmwna wXl again WE rnpoamr aCleI b WOM OIF b N bmporaely clmM. The rsabmmE Byer oulrib Ina Coun[i ChemW should be nwilebb thmuphM free earn pa Ed an¢IruMn. The thIN phew will Mould wyer on IM HVAC syabm Nat aer M Flrenw. It and Who OEM In tlp hallway of theUnit floor a me nntlqut cnear of holy Han in me Wandy of oWre WbuM IWwe will MdUee wdF m rdv C sm Het $rcu Legal and P gmmagmw Work all tan har Mi A�_� mwne Ma. mine N. ekgln. erectly Whose me wom that WE Mena"Is l solfin. aWM l�tlu as mN 41 requ them met B WA IM IN and We Risk Ch R 0: W M. Empbper should WMIn merre:lmarenti an tna°titmnwrUwhtaaeau.canal Chambers. We also eaeal 'he rmawm¢ an M flat M meal b HUM" Remotes b be aoWne by Wlbme. �nknro foluny rebbeamau, PMm awdecl Ctn Ww Sery at Eemon anal, about wurpatlaim WM [Wpemton dump this lime. B A K E R 5 P y B L O CITY OF BAKERSF1ELD PUBLIC WORK" DEppRTMENT memcdo KOUM TO: Alan Tandy. City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, PuCIIC Works Director DATE: Omoker3. 30116 SUBJECT: Gmmill FeGMy EkclrMCatko _ proard Uyyes Our cle6n air pear M mlweR Man Maul to Hednc paver W Me gennwasle faulty is being ears e21e1 Ara Qxnl awnNe] by Me Rose FouMaEan kr sir PoIW6an ntJUgim, Tlie wmer"m will w mmak own 19 Mars INNq aM Over 3.306PoUndsaIPM10eiramiavoWWyear. TM pmpgvnll uppmya N.n Wages.. grew 6ommm xreera, and tan any mmresur yeelems. An added WAGOd A that the newmnvayw eyskms Wl greatly A di handling ri aM Gust jimealM. The spars is Wing DaGellY loads] by M.0N gram Imm Me Rose that D% Mfor tanW Me wet MndWe, Mr. r"uip @Me aaW tN moat MMa Maielws[ Tnese MuWh: mgukr eguipruimm(Jaaareny sale a 3o%ss air nniCrndi Those . mewls mom sbringah $2 Milaskm e9uPP air�et don Dan rnase4) Art irwarwso6ngmems arst By MAN ad war 0 ind year m $704) Art kr Me d ofi tameryrie6 NM. By rCg areal re ace yearegan arclea unload of ussuri he another Ma Foundation gran reduce eirmllmkn more guiMlywltik ulilialrq Me ROSe way Poaneamn gram. ]U 52006 L - - 1 ao,ov rmi.�mm.mw-er.=w.m /J -5 YOOfi B AI/K CR R 6 � CITY OF BAKERBFIELO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul arms, Public Works Director ^t_ DATE: October i. goal SUBJECT: Landfill Clesure Recant Upon, In preparation for construction of Me landfill soil Phase in 2007, we are iadding a Iew backup ges arells alwg Me bluff area in October 20.8, Tfie gas symene b ranking well, Me addilionel wells Will be marked when aeme OMe current ones re taken reins during franc canorme on. An dome leftr (aryacl,el) has been seen Me nearby re Macs M Men lMwmalion, ¢. WRIVrefli ciygtbmey B A K E R 5 F 1 E L O PUBLIC WORKS OE opricENT r Ockill 2008 wznwx Dear Resident:: Thin is b almata you on the city's vmd peing awe on Me of lanen8 node Of Panorama prim near Columbus street I:o unOnonlrernalamloorerlabeiTPlanre for2CO7. ITh plan la w Include wi and (yelrw trnue thmu h me auk north and east once Pem.4a POVaereBOO cn.olpue[tloB nhs Cdy wmlemelwaeulnenwI] mMainen , moot 6e 11 does now,with narvewgmetic rxe the surrrrouundinghliarM nreawnla and In a wing be plan yg re" meet III you to revlcw n and answer any 9�ehOns he Prim Be the tWo Oe bluff In Sol Cover The ga'lloe 'msinteri extra aids wntrol Welk pamems. Thew wens art being aenw ro enaep maemaBeo em is womng wan wine no aconstruction m 2007 who mmooan Wive v well because son rover aa to de wmrORI alum Con ry , Some Of me Old well. The will"its Oil snow vreoe, we With also be m atu war truction with no lnterrnpnws. m aeemonro Ne new Catch rain wffirandh ngn wncmm drain gutter along the by a m@ blur Thlmte The water eirecl�edni on w.mr t prevent erosion COM Occurring on lop of be Der, pes down this dopes to Me north side of,Me landrn. During Bell wnabucfen wi dwt will M cononged by waist epmYSana Iarys phacee on tMfence line nlmimr to housing haawna0ugmn methods. t Mrhe and Cant Phaved n will el to from T30 NM md:00 PM Mwdeythmu]e Eriee2, pqy neveaenmwe will be Centel rO ens2e minimal tlslubenre, If you lieve any weral Means fee free m cell m M (801) 928J' 11 d, 5inc un ly, Car orbSO.n aimed Kevin Bann Sold Waste manager (s BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM 40 are: GGmdm a. zog6 i0: Alen randy. Clty Manage From: W R, pttYOS chw M Pdke1M` _ ---- Subject SPedal Emmmmant Gang VioHnme RsFd - " — " I pave ¢nosed me Sneciel Entmemem WMa monWy remit br SeplemM of 2006. Pmaee Gall g you haw any Ouea6ora WRMA DBU DN Y ACn.. W 9/ SE re e rollowing Megacie: Sbewn Can, 25, II I81, "a Me now of a mmithe dom nd In Me 6a0 blk of Watts. The whole was a GTP and Can waa ems id for VC 10851. 061829M Carlos Gellerds, her &31IN, Union Ave/ Irene. for WSlrutl / most, rornmaw/ which Ra sft Chased A 31173, from 33210 St for a fit" wmmal. BI smrrEa _ 1]00-0300 SEE officers arrestor]! kneed; euepecb: Anthony Entlsley, 20, "Wri8, from 200 Nays P St for of&orw wanaM (PC 3055) )8, 10/21/93. from 8011 bIaok Flower St,, for mttew wola%on. Jesus Torrta, 18, 'W"I ifrom &U bkxk fbwerforimgemonalan of a Monson mtlew viael n. residing arrest and Parts ifWmalism. 9420 - U _ 1meU300 SEU o%imrs Wanted Me follcving su8peaem', SEU O%Uds Eddy and PaM arrealed Me following (a) suspecm he boalimt and ammilelizing alamer waness atone testimony nodded In Me COnvlton of a Nnfirmed west add gang MIMMOr. Jerald Terry PlunbX, 18, 3 0488. PC 245;2QW46ob: 145. 2b1;f ao and 162a1, Shannon Smith, 1B, 419d], Seine charger; SammCryayno IV, 18. SYf TISama Morgan qbn Jermalm Bmo Z), N2999, Se 1CFarges and PC 422 Rwo other auspeds ware klentifgQ MrouOh aM1e vrass ged" Goods of these aMCae. PC m aransl wean and he Mi ¢re anoo notice. Join wall done by iM NO tennis' (axand nd Wmad Wrlo SING, 0, 21 from " WN St lw pons MI HS 113]] and VC vida0one Kevin "Mr LempMM 42, 2L from 1603 blk Clarendon, for imcereonaton of parson lodeff3onds - 10060300 SEU officers arrested the lalmvmg suagacm: Julia Vlllpaq 34, ardi MOM M NorMmp S, Or Possession an cannot rdk Soots Smith, 39, 1HI8; from 7818 Morning Cow Wy, for misdemeenw werram. Geshonhq Wade, 33, 1dYL)2, from 100 block Cryrg St, far Montag, road I obtvcl GUN SEIZED: 06185180, Serial: 25271, Nodnw, ]-02, SKS A it BIM, from 34 Northrup "- TU@Sdm - gglma SEU amcere managed me following suBceeN: SEU onlgmsrespondedo 325 Moebiver Steel p�C w�herre 1nry iocaw and arreested�. _st n coa ae] During searmot government fire of¢ersllwe a serdmaee emi-auto handgun. distal) clause chiral W this and wad also Conrad for nnmerws owner and pang related violations. Team work again peer om (Probationer Poee, m arm) Edward Leach, 22, 12-1 Cr I from IWO Valhalla kr ROW, Bali with GBI , liYB/Bg, eIe somm ao=whic outstanding uravnesase nvsigat� by park and Andrew Jeaoes Ilt 49, 12tlO58, hae 1LN' Irk E fpm a for pose, heroin ter sMes oloWINM 17, NN9, hen 914 N St#B, for a felony warrant. GUN SEIZED: 0&185911, $Oml: l W141InduerM Argentim .380 sem"ub pINM, hem 325 Mammy 8/8/08 - WadnaaJay=pe01"M SEU oMrers arrested meblkwing summers. Ralph Bermudez, M. diti l was contacted by orykgrs w me vres mm W Union hmam was here he Compared to "Wines an unknown amour of heroin. l5 grams of Madinat aid respmmil 06189358 (pow, heron for semi _ 17, 63lag, from 300 block Mon ray St, for ono, marijuanaM sold OMMONOMM 13, Oil"2p ham 11 W Wk Inyn far Nse minimum for sole SEU assimed past for approximately 2 hours due W a game amount 01 calk far moves , BE U assisted Sgt EMenend ve fla & unit wtm a tape estrum N melhemmetamine. Rehr W 9Vi - Thumyay _typ SEU Onlsora wreaker the Minding ausaetls'. Five SEU officers am me FBI wife their lbmeland Sevow mvenryatbn at 4817 Panorama. Sgt Jef along with Oelecli V Wl"Pre and Of cans Hansen and Mara responded to tea JMmpvlle to reveal eveningM September i w Than peal was accomplished Ramon Paltlne, 30, 10/2317% Was able chnlaclee Curing a 121rc enlomeMYm srop m she 16M 0/k Noes Sr, and found W be In ampeasm W usable amonm mmemam eDmins. 06181491 block E I MM stand muunne'10 ee in�S sbon m e amain amount of nn am�ooa mlM and bemm. 06.181414 Mindy 8121, y{ry5, from 505 On Ion Ave, bran oWraMlng warrant JwM1Ua -omwnaµ 28, 11iBYb was c tae d during a made enbrcement seep at Orange I Flower and found W be In pmue asom of R syringe containing meMamphelerise 061810.54 Davbd Ml U. te2B178, from the 10 block of S, Wasmr,gloa, Me a fil warrant. SEUOMl moonz edseveralsubjectsatMe Nim'a Res1525Unim. AppraxbmaMlyfo grams M cocaine base and $2,000. Was selhed. Tie ldloxing Suspects were Small: Tommy Thom . 23, 9l&32, hem 525 Unpn Ave, for reasfing anneal, same. cocaine for Sale etc. Robed Jamae, 2A 21211182, from 525 Ul A", far resbsbng erreel, pros. corer for Sale, Mc. Tamara Brown, 20, 12@LB; Imm 525 Union Anne mr pneaesaldn M e conlmlled Ate Substance, smmWIes ontneeyrramplme , OII,1ndlabe to andfa 9I3131 _ Frbdav _ 11aD03go SEU Officers erremed Me blMVing ausp , SEU ese nsEd a smamM1 war2ma114e When Rest 50.5 Union eve. The Mlowing subjects were arreeard. Calvin Hollomen, 53, 11121 for pared, meN (R US 113111 Denxa JoM1mon, 44, 3262 for PoSS cocaine pass (HgS 11350 and 11304) Hatton Suarez, 50, L Ill for a felony e2mnt Brian Williams, 32, 1211473, Mr less maim bap (IRS 11350 and PC 3056) Toni Abbot a; III for pma drug pmp"mMla (HIS I ltha) Richard Monbp, 39, 2ndi for a mRdemeanor werAm Donate Cl 24114721. Or biter for neroogc So ly (Has 1131) 9/906- Ulum.e - 17M0300 SEV off cars arrested me jolmwmg suspeclr Marc Beendre Young, 24, 9rz2IO2, Iron 200() as CMger Ave for normal for sales, panmiismon In acomma; sheet gang, false ID. throw vicia nand nansllonar Bemlen Criminal We M, 27, VV]9. Inm 209 Ok Chl for tar. merljuana I ales, trarepan maduana and Muncipal in a criminal street gang_ Raymond Vernon Page Jr., 31, ?it WIS. pars, 20M hit Cn wr A" MWas. menjuane for seas, Monsoon comments and pancipetian In a (carbon Mre gang. Anil Eugane Fa , 2], ]ISMB, man 2000 blk Chevron Ave for bass. marijuana for sales, trenstarh marijuana and rermomaron in e criminal Mreer had Coll Eddy and Snen concurred a Vol atop and contacted mesa above Bad, dmumerded blood areer gang members. White cancucdry a duiffent search W me venial me Cif era 1=C several Individual caries of marijuana in me trunk and final has mtanme. They also sexed about a thousand lovers uS. wrrency and nail phones. Although the la ore Mann fir oK an amw un0. a III be flnd...Hlre stop guyel gone Romero Cardenas Jr, an 9N], Man 203 blk S. Smnn S{ for Pose. Paraphernalia Kean Darnall Bolden, 20, S 62, Man 1007 Bm Sr, far loryxfor nervviin. HIS 11632 16, 101969, from 1 ON Br, M biter for narmdp HIS 11352 Clear WAWick Jr., 19, 91]16], from 1007 in St, for over for criminal and pi lase than 1 w of marijuana. AnboneM Rene Man, 95, all3/61, pawn 12M blk Person urea far arming the whom; way Terry Donnel l Turner. 25, T/3161, Man E. Call IS. Kong far PC 30.26 Cary Fear Pumps, 2A, 1/11A ,from Ba1 EGNpms ICgerole v hWn —Jr., 16, locial pawn I" blk Simmons, for a mud. Juvenile Warrant _ 16. 91L90, Man pavans 1 oias, for unicameral driver Donnell Aklll Peban. 30, 1/23/]e, pars, 710 Brundage for arm for VC volavons (unreg;alma salary) and a sepamte misdemeanor warrant Joshua David Dispersion, 20, 6/1u64 from Panama I Ant clad for unsafe Reno, em 911O/DS-Sunew SEU plfirers arrested the IdlwmB euepeck'. Guillermo C. Ganeelm, 19, 1g25Z from Ming Ave l S. Chester for sass. meth and IS 11377 &11364 Jose Grillo Jr., 10, 10dCr 1mm Cara Lame I LOWS for sup Uttered VC Mane Cal film, 30, (Carl from Cam Loma I real for a Moi Warrant Btae Henry Garei; 03, firl from GY Lor I Laws, for a Mud. Weal Joshua Baluar, 19. ]1102]. Mom 3M blk S. H SL Mr pae. decal washers I Billie club Jmy LUIS Salami 20, MOM. train M dk S. lifeless damprous weapon I Blips club, throwing knife 91111115-Wndsv-0900-0300 SEU Micros arrested the fdloviin0 Anibal 15, T-1480, frowns E Planz I Cerebral far possession M coi Casa or es entl conspirsry. Ms 1135158 PC 1 MH Derck Pufua, 19, LI25R], Mom E Plow I Comonwmq for koterin9 M missend edN6y and vmmhiraay, Or 11532 5 PC 182) Dann Lemons Holm 36, MIRT0, from 17M blk %ale SL for AM - ore Lon, spousal abuse and parole vgYfvl, (PC 245 S 93.5) Cudla Lm &bore Jr., 29, 4i11-77, from BW blk S. Haut' SI, fa Al controlled nbelence whlhsul a Perelman and pool Ms 1 oz of merman (EP 40608 H51135]b) John Michael SahIg2B, VaMe1, Mom 22W all Richer BIi for from "a , hme. dden vefiide Destructor of evidence (PC 4964 HIS 113115 PC 135) Pwl McPormil A L3123, M1cm 22N bhk Rhar BIM. for GTA, pose. stolen carbon, commission of mercNlc Amendment and unhimmed driver. NC 1W51 , PC49608HS 8112Ne -Tumdev-Be00.W 00 SEU oXlrere arrested Me folloMng suegds. Anibal Vassal W, 415d; from 13M bhk FlgVer Sl for poss main and ohslrucll resist. - 1412-091 from 11101n a r poaswarren rods ane)ovenik Felwv Vlckle A lea Shack, N, 3.2650, from 820 S. Brown SL for Posa. maelne base ads wradh make. Larry Lee Currie, 44 6-194 1. from 820 S. Brown S1 Mr rtes, main¢ brae (HS 11354) MQNOi EcI everrla. l9, 10-02-00, from 3W Kinciame tar GTA, was maker promry, and saverel VC violations _17. 114639, Imm 303 Klncatla, IN Mire. Warrant Wayne West Jr, for 9p0.R, fi30g Harder St, Cike and reserved on (4) xi Warrants Hobart Frani Colton, 38, 3-2W8, from 1000 Texas St Cited ark released on (2) Miss. Warrants Kevin Meryufa Heads, 2B, 3-11.79, from BUSS Hammond Wy for(pes. mani for e, panicipmlan In a criminal abeai pang. (HS 11359 and IRA 22) Elena R IZ, 32, 608 74, from 1703 dk Quiray, Iw fxas. roads, add pons, drug GabriMaAl 8, 27, "-0 78. hwn17Wbik Guingforaas. me (HS11377) Eam Hukings III, 22, 0-1614, Imm800bik Ban)o CL Cited kr nopm( Inaurarce, no seaffienit, expired mpiabarlan MlMael Howard Magaby, 50, 12-2950, from Virginia I Ampule tar fail to repialer as e sex offender and orivicg on a surpeneed license David Micl lCbme, 54, S24 from 3406 Harvard Or for a lelany wands warrant W13I00_Wadneadav_ pa0p.p3g0 sEU OMmrs aneatae me fmmwirp sorptne: Alexander, mA1 . n oofasmleneholo in Me2loota itswac 16OB82 arrN be PC OBB end 1P922 - OY Country Donnie Hpward, 51, W7155, from 240 5, M Sr, for Public succeeded. Jimmy bunror, 20, W30181, arm 6017 H Jua, for febny normal Clifford McLucea, 49, Milit57, area 8317 Hal for sonars, abuse. Adam Arredondo, 22, 11 Imm I" Irk Wafer St for m,atlsvraacor wel 1. Sb xunil m, 4411% man womn 10 St far Away wnnant. An"a - Thursday- 0800.0300 SEU nnren Arrested Me following awpecf¢ cemy Speed, 33, MW4,, was wmacled m Me Sm and of Union ova. and found to pcaeeearon of a Moore amoumW morhampraYMne. SEU rea0on0.tl and assisted with the 245 Investigators at 131 V to refer to Si AMeya e mall W192935 &1588- Ftldav - 1300-0300 SEU crfrwnam ed Me IolloMrq suspects: SEU executed a saarch warrant at 928 P A AA and wined appmaimatery B grams M ne bete end Si In Jones, C3, 114813 antl Ne k length 81, MW" AM are barn ducumanled Ww1 Side Crrw wme arrested for X8S 11.351.5. 113M PC 11121e1(1), antl IIII W193583 (flws. co ine for owes) Ap "- 8aturdar _ 1800.0300 SEU Of alawl th blbMn9 sarmars, "MU Mina Amw, 31,12 41.15,M1gn SW S town SL lu Kash was 1 or marijuana Darin Ghr, AM 31" tram 500& Brown St for MMr wl open wnnoner and other VC charges ArMOny Angel RaEdpuw, 2% "1 ham 100 do N S{ Ip Wssas acradled Aware DTA, was diem word. E¢. EIIUMtr SanWah a, N24as from t AM Peed St for of mats and pmphemala Jesse Jefferson tae Jr., 3{ 12a&72. ran AM As LNpn for house half . Pc 30:8 Brain Jun lot Vessel 23,3-10.39, from 1 w3 AS Pod for q , mein, paraphernalia and es rang Melvi n Terry tc0Owd. 33, 60633, tram 1115 Random An we pvpfh bow and PCP for owes Toone Davidson. 21, "1 son 1115 Fashion, for was, dog pmt. proud Iwo 1 os mart Angel Chard: Alnorra Jr., 0, Sung,fo nthi NM ppw for pews mein wlen Ramon eM Butat, 32, 619-34, from 0th I Union for who Pre Pre spar unliwnod door to drive Theodore Nshawn wllllamth 18, 2.1 N,from 100 dM1 Ofd 31, for Warsaw from Jose win Blda Jr, 41, 111 hors 401 B WM , for a how stressed Junes Bmeey Webster 33. 512-03, PC 3058 Claim IA�Med Raises Shelly Ashamed; IS 7-1089, at 21M Creff far businesses of OrvO Pu hemWia. Jame Juntas LOMM, 25. 11RHL from 21M orpm, far pose slip pya{Mmala. Larry PMM, ]], 11-18-19, horn p3 Union Any.Far e Mid. Woman Sof ""hems MemIA V, 2.IPFm M1um 200 nos Bmndaam W a MIM. Warrant Joseph Avon babes, 9e, ages", W 1600 WPabmecbr eMU6 Warrant Jose Fabian Si 2; " A, tmm our I V. for no Imm Four I no summers Ronnie Nre; W, Si barm 280 V 5l, W Unions ypd mal When VC elwpec Plagued MMenn, 28, $264a,from I W Uk V 9y unison spat and Other VC NarLgn ease MVln, 21, In Sea, from 10 eM V St,W emus peed m , When VC tlgpY 9117/08-3 _ M SEU Oryermy Seemed the fdioving sumpai Roger Remy, 31, 11/101 Was erimmed M VC tri 2900.1, 2315261, PC IQ, and H&S 11550. Remy drum eppro imaWy l mile fnlliiq W yey W efry»fs lights eM skens. Remy and him bummin0er Jorge]Sdi 33, 11116122 ¢gre kund s be un"ride Influence M PCP. 05-195)8] From S Union Are /Whi Ln 11 ZIM and Ashley Adds Nzagu1rod 1B. 3gi from Lauren / in e9a, rreand for VC10P51 after lousing oryimn on m appror ime62 mile pursuit in sbgn TOyow Carl 08.1 g<Bi5 Joel Fr eftk 33, 1LN;from trust Union Ave for Ones. cocene Case andrevstinp i". 185331 Joan Lape , 38, goo from 200 Union And #242, far ass. cogi. base Wig 85169 Ceram. Center edvisatl of a mWir "I ice SIB from Union end gold scup ml by a 9MA in poe"scion of a finnm. SEU Oryirers 110ppel a slhrer Trend at Union and Iam Kevin WTib SO p M Iulfii a dmumenssi Blood gang member, Was liken Into comedy Baer a 22 telimar handgun vas kc din lM Whyk. Rnotersinit SuregMy, B; )I1ha1, from 1800 blk punq, for pubaf nay, m irgI g Teddy Hemandea, Al, M Ii from 20 farm Arms Qd2 fora misdemeanor Warrant Jerome Webster, 33, y1 N$ horn 300 T St. kr p evk alts Faris Loran, 32, Lnna, from 303 Mk T M. for misdemeanor warrant. Erick SO X m, 21, 311"1 hand Men /Tulare, card for mieEem9emr warrant Josbua Baker, 21, 9/18105, Imm S Wilhama I CeWgM, for miaCememor warrant Jorge PodriBun-Alonso, X3tl5/!0, hum 23W book Me lre All". for possession of meth. calculated tal and uneek mm. Gun al lxed; 06195355, Send; A40354 Sterling. .22 caliber, se"ImAO, ham 16M / Union ill - 0800 0300 SEU Officers arrested th following surface: After the shooting at 301 V at SEU nu been counting now need In Me ma gmeamM1CN Wit Union rvc Bru mage. Mel Weather, 0, 319/68, hum S CMrbr/Tender, for Permanent. Bandy Coame, 55, 1111IIW,, from 13 00 or L St. tar drainage to Iipht, read, lnlox. K hall Ish Mahar, 29, M1 2p3, hOm 320 Water Or gA for a Mkiny warrant. CITED: Honeld Buser, 59, 1W11147 from 1 W E 9th, for nosa tlm0 ram iderma;ia. Kimberly Winston, sa, tO1 2S/i from 1500 E 9th, tor misdemeanor warrant Mal Garcia, 24, 2/L62, from IWO E 9th, for a motions nm wean. Wl% -TUB v_0800-0300 SEU cMOrs anerted the falowine msfece: Andrew Continued, n, Saudi from 400 Pock far a. for Parer ncf msame beu. Jay Reeder, 15, 10180900. aced Mt. Vernon I outagm. i« downward 0 mntalled anbmance, andoession d Preolcd Warrants GreafM1eedPe. Castine Portugal 34, Ml tri from Ml. Verde 1 COORM, for Annual of e conboued rubmnes 912oro6_We1nMdd@ 8gG;W0 EEll olfears anerhad! metdWWmg auafece: SEU poviced Brea Mel throughout the avanirq in Me old mended ha l WIC Union Ave. 3EU Amounts s a Search warrant at 112 Donna. Eaep Woman File Al, a eowmem ad West Side crlp, was named come woman warrant WOhnerwae not home, however appmmirami 135 grams Mconairre page was sassed from his Man. �1 WJ]3 The following were arrested at 112 Doom; Albert Williams, Ask &24121 W forwar0 nor human mi H8SIIW2 Korean I'munagn. As, &26IW, for loileMB for namotk atlWy X8511532 Savannah Tamer, 20. 811)22 for put br recent ecgey H8511532 their Davis, 27, &28/79, fw biter for narmt'm adiviy and posy. garepnemelia HIS 11532, 11380 John ROnenon. 0, 11MAN, for Waring for narrvic admily HgS 11532 Terry W111ia %4 &2lM2. im laterinBbrnwwlowi®r ly H8511fi32 Debm Lucem, 441111/SglwbpempfwnercWCa&IVIy HBS11532 Tema Patella, 31 Thai for loiledng for namri ani X8511532 Jamepeml& 35, &wlantl Johnny Ate 31, &2105, Nlbs1ash, wenbunsto go In Possession W a cigarette laced with PCP. Roan were arrested for HAS 11377 06191 (pass. PCP) WilliM Former, Y, 121088, from 10 Wk Lggetl, lw expired ring and unllrensed dmair ArmaMC 0128, 1/feT, from Virginia I S. ovens. for pass Mien 8ropedy &21108_11rr v_ 0800-0� SEU OMCa2 am ted Me folhmare, g,mM ; John Kell", 32, 122/A, from SM Union Ave X103, br oaesawM Of meOamphWemine and possession of narmf4 parapnermigh Diane Whlb, 3q V1727, Imm 505 Union Ave #118. at a fekny wamnt. Grams Maynor, 15, "hunk from 505 Union Ave, forpcaeession INnerconc paraphernalia. Casmue Whimmad, 38, "1 from 2809 Mm1ene Q for vlolag n m paole. Jessie Johnson, 39, 712&89, Imm 2903 Morgan a br aftefm W parole. Charles Richards, 2& 11113/)7, was arrested in me 31 W bla W Cmaormand after he wasbunstobeanpcaeessbnmeL iamaumotecataay. 05.197991 Guns Smaed: OF1ell Serial: unknown, SMA and Wesson„d0"fiber revolver, from mat; Madene 92206- Friday- 1700-0300 SEU learned z namm" mearch waMMt M I [6 sM nawaver, no w¢uree now mace. Jimmy Flasher BMA 36 wu W ms d dump the search warrant and tuna IC be Isotsesson of a knHe. He was stream fora parole eastern SEU measured HCSO with a hpsidde Inw:atzptr n tW mat rnid In Me came alley 3W bik Of BOM3M. Two Of the Surinm ; were earn /rte Cue y at act I Columbus after a Shed fom pursuit lry SEU aM lnwoin UniR f Ill Rerrold EMaq SB, 10I1 V50, hom iM Clk PotomaC, W Mmrywanant Manua W011am B 22, WiM, Imm Salta 10, for comeaabn of an solo Mile. 9/2108 - &WWAv - 1100O300 SEU eimultsreouary enhanced with sea" warrants at 1425 E. Be epenmem's #A and XB. A Small armunl d cocaine raise was seven in Mmr nest #A. The summer In #0 wu able 6"to it tMhathrwmandg laflush lna offiRmmmmakirgem iM Memsa me. 1], 3rzL69 was am led for H&S 11351.5 octal school date for stab) Tammle Abuhwaidi, 36, 11$90, wit aneafed for H85113T8 ( i S. meM) and 113% Gary Redrearn, 34, 1012/81, was arraaled for PC 12316(8)111 Milm in pcaseaebn of ammo) Both were contacted during a paroq Search at MI Sparling. Nwarld Gonzalez, 23, %1113, hpn 701 Scaling Ana, for loltmq wM /Manned Isrcdc sakes adage- suMay - 0600-0300 SEU ofform arreeled Me felbMng aupech'. NeonM Mlthell, 38, 1/2120, tram 1601 Jeftmaw s1 Yq for memo vldmim Antonio bpaz, 25, 1117181, from MonM1reyI Persons. for pose. meth and paraphamal'a. 91 - Monday_O80pp300 SEU received Information Mat Kerry HWin9 BMA 20 (parolee) was mahaid in Me homicide on Faroew. Hastin0 was later Iemt d doing a all Honda SUV. His vehkt War Similar In desvlpton TO one d Me vehicles soon leaving the area M the homiade. Burin a ran t march at his nomi residence approamatily 3 as of metal wait Seized. Hastings vehadle was brought to the Station for pmmsaing and /Jet Mosley eapaeded tlnearm" Haazi Toddy Hernandez, 42, 41123, from 200 Union Ave #242 was armatd during a Wobalion Search for H8S 11351 and 11364. 06201140 6128' -Tuft de08069]00 3EU ommrB arramad me following suepeala: Jeff Ammal38, 1y12/88,fund 1100 ak Tares, It arlrbg on a suspended roared and no insurance. 17. 4,131e, from 181h I Union, for%We info W an d ical Victor Castro, 21, 0421/68, from E 18b I Union, for laded toed, unllmved drier, ro insurance and hide Imo to an officer. 6127I06- Wednesday_6ppi sEU o0irers endued me tsmang au seas Ainima re Arraola, 23, sGif Imm Funkier MmiW for a hbrry aament Rolando Garda. 20. )2182, ndn 1 O Wk FaiMew Fq fora funny warrant. Adeca Nuq 30, 111206, from BM bilk Bernard, fora misdemeanor sarrenl. "i - inured..-o80g-03M 3EU on ress aneded Ibe tilamng soaps=: End Dxnq A; W1 SWISS, Was 16110 ad Ceram Of "a arrested for VC 28002, PC USa M(g)R1 (felony soddng) 06 203092 Mc"hew MrrN , 10, 1I13I6AfmM3 bgk Wyalbn, forpcss. mariryireforales. Fred Pout', 21511412, from 2300 Unit Assets, for loss. burglary tmk, recelree /me, defer postal and WI 8L2Sol F"ry- 13Mp3M SEU Monte indeed Me Massing someone: B " C ,16PC, nd ??12021 s1 Condemned (a)(2 Rene Johnson, 23, 1.11.83, from 1400 E. Cameros for fake into P C. 1g8.B Robert Williams, 42, 4.23-64, from 1633 E. 11 In fa middemmmr warrants. lCilad and m moem Gun sel:ed: 06-204484, Serial: unk, Q unbar Lordn Eng. Semi auto, from 3302 Cottonwood 92WO6- SWrdR - 1)00-0300 3E11 officers anesfia tM following suspects: Robed amlm, 19, 5.2.81, From 900 s. P St, far Rover, afro Pc I22. 1W.zz Mario Babbler 21, 1-1)i5, 500 blk SOnom, for ADW, carry loade0 forum, ek P C.20.5 (a) 0, 1 M, 12031 Marla CerMnu, 29, LMI, Imm 386 bk toll( far miscomeamr warrants OMndo be9en, 21, 10-11.54, hwn 121p bk 1944 SI, for annealing arrest. W. PG w8 148 Mbbwl Orton, µ 11 Ill Irom 1" blk Cuing for pass, arsine be», elc.A9S 11351. 135, — 18, 8140,Pan WO Uk E. Balls Traduce for pass. did /Jagger, etc. PC. 12024186.22. X8911361 Wlvin Warren, 41, 1t1b5, Sam 500 blk MontkMlo, for assume and offer, ek. CVC23152, P.C.148 arc. LaWba Williams, 34, 12-11-12, trpn 1500 Wk Murdock for mieJemavmr wmanls David Rover, 1% 4141, from COwml Vnism, krgang mar CCW - fisca elc. P.C.186.22. 12025. 12(31, 12021 Ellke OOmklee, l9, 6-10;1, fwn FI r/Virginia, t ,n0mem[er CCW - fimam, alc. PC.186.22, 12025, 12031, 13121 Ifi lAgulm, 24, WIM fmm 201fi/ L. for public inloxlcaton. Guns Sell 08305224, Serial: 085844, 3undance, .25 caliber, aemHNO, INm Virginia/ FIOMr 06-205281, Serial: 283163, Tltan, .30 plAOl, ham SM blk Sonora Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly po September Mg The following is a Or ilarbn Of performance of son Spedal Enbrouri Unitane sIgmflGnl modems r m Lgaaom for 3eplemeer 2". O Febnygrte6h $SF�l Guns Samoa "Opperemel epoN Mimemeanor Ani 1g3 Generel "bansa FaMY Warrant lia Artesia CM1arimo sei geporlc Ateeanor Warnm PEaon and Parob reW rol Warrants Hours In Trinl nAsalaring Other ro s r9 OeWbs a 2WC SIroti g H tans q a zaasnoo3r,gs Year to Date Statistics January — September MG ge! FebMAnests W Guns se¢M tla Supgkmanrel geporb NO Mbdamearn peregtl ae11 FIS ggg Garrerel Olfenge 131 FManY Warner gepods Arrive 351 CiM s fta VeM1lde gemng yM Misdemeanor Wemnf SSN PmWsn and Palle Arras SeaMas a1 SearCll Weranf6 SY hours In Training Him Missonp Other 'N� SM1OOliog9 ^g 3733.5 DBpemment 53 200.53rmlirps Sections Sa 2WaSllaotingc ]5 2W9 SMOtlngs - BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Date: octobera, moe TO Alen Tandy. city, Meneper From: W. R. Romer, Deal of PolicePE" Subject 01A 'Gre1fM 5btmtico for September - --- ' I here Wall Me GaHiT Led eratk0a for Me month of September. Pal p114 you have any Queetgna. q � 9 d s a 3 6 i 3 3 a � Ea DEC I Of PUBLIC WORKS SPREETS DIVISION— WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9— OCTOBER 13, 201111 shoundea in the hadhadne,areas: ConlmucaoewlYGn&bnwmn Stc & Sir Cbala Avenue, Wlwn Per3& PW ROW Continue financing betweel SockdaC Highway& Ia Mirada Bnrt, ww ofadomadair SOCU. (whimund frow AkonMad—Parent Fire to HwHng Road While Lane— Metlism Stead to CannnwcM RreA. (IMOr SMet DiAgm produce: 9eafxgnmcte (or li ng) 1 the wt yrvth of word Of Sbek&Ie HipJmag rmt of Wilde Road Continue raprimtg Cub & purer in the area hpwam L Din ve& So. "H" Select,Wilson Road to Plea Road! Continuum:working on theietalUnon of a stmt 11110 at MOMUm Snen andHodunS Road Continue inrnlling curb wal gullet in the nm ead of Ate SVM, mwb of California Avenue. ContinueialellinS Offh guars ward repanng sidewalk beMeen California Avenue & EllndeF lane hon Charter Avenue W Perfang Seen. Cla GFlTUDED PRfI Continue wKET19 On the Britball RUW@ Callowry Curve widening pmnan Page 3 of STREET SWEEPING WHEDULE tivndav Oneher9 ]1006 Mwan Wilsm RaW & VNSd:LVU, Su"H"Shtttte SO. Chvto Avenue. Bmem Whi¢ laoc& Pnnutne Lme, Sa IT SUmtOSO. Unity Avmuc. Tuesday. CitvaUCCdwithin6em Mm BmMage LUrt& Ming Avenue. WibIc Roed & So"H" Street, Between WLle ROed & SO. "H" StrM, Mnq Avedww W Wte la w Between Whiblene & Pubn R ,HuOm Lercta SO. °WSo-m. WetloeWav M06 Butwem New Stine dined & Wide Sued, Puh= Rah to Penitent Lane. Between 99 Highway& so N, Sven P.Nm nwtl to so. "H—Same Between MINN) Reld &BVkadirc RwA, So. "H"SVm to So. Union Avenv % ThnnUrv, Otlahe Belwem Cmhrm Road &MIn6 Avenue, Aahc Rm✓Cm Seat do New Stime Rae6. Between New Stine Said & 99 Hi Rai Calilmmie Avenue m SbakEele Righway Bete em Wide Nandi at New Stine RM, HwMt IMI0 McKew Road FYIE October Between Mile T=ee & Ming Avmuc, New Stine Reed to OW Stine Read, Mween Ming Avenue & Wltik Law, New Stine Retl b Wine Road BeNecm Wale Onve & Brook SVCq MVIimn SVM to Me SVm. 7Eo • -- gIDq aft B A K E R S F I E L D - - EWMTb and Cm Moody Gsvbrop Deemumenl MEMORANDUM 58p1emM292006 TO I Man Tently, Cite Manager mom George GM3ales, COmmunty Coed many COONinator SUBJECT: Homelf"s CatabmtlW Conned Releral No Rai COUntilmember Benham MaleabG Nat staff Me designated to the Homeless CdlBWre4va allidmalathiW051000Undl and WBO WentlythenvOycan M EWnomk and Cdnmumily UeaebpneM SUff MBmber bas been a repossentzowe on Me Hi Mess Collabo211ve ones its incepllon In June 2002. The Enowmis and CpnmumN oe"10pment Department b in the process of an internal reggam een and Ilre Mdng0M new Dewbpmenl RSa teheltl s. In Nein @dm, Ms. Mardsi Reyna, Development 0.votiah has Won reguesletl to Winllnue staining the Collaboallve mentrop as the Cahn repmeenb(rie. Sold Wit provide m Gammilmembaa, through General Islamists, a Widely stood on Na wooden of the Collaborative beginning January ol2WT, B A K E R S F I E L D Deuelepmem Wervlres Deoammem Islas C. Cams uma, M E M O R A N D U M TO: NqN TPNOY CT'MANAGER FROM: GTMYEY C. annual DEVELOPMEM SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: Ovoreal PHONE SUBIECT: CGMNATIVE IMPACT NgLYSIS PROCEDURES Council RN "al RoAf4 Cavicilmemex COUM repiyglea en yMeb 'M gng Centel Pm ms tx handi eumuMNe Imwel Analrel+ +name 4vlMUily q me Gly xngamenuna the Scene gxpf. After recent sees re mMirya e+r een ml and mumy Waft it wen wreea that certain area vitae eeveMPmenr relalea enSmlme lIOccurs won Id be aaareae+a in the Counts n.re.esee m add^..am"tinn"ie ftumi Ian and Turneco„mefin and Impa in ma same manner as a Pena yesuon cmreasreeumna EIR�e. comiculwrcl Impact Anall+la Mnlgaxnn will IM lee on umm am n9tW+ MMi satin Wfo^B IeuM9 era'dyl us 0eIlMaae a The am,all recorded m°wo rewm include e I pall+ne: This IS MM &m0the wmirsam arty hpnrooflanxe is Me pasty ich have Pin, Ixmumous me Gan ieaeum°velpy. w:emeawresnaeam Praq r I �pa�mvwsamon,.lvalon vnu .upwnmtsme+sare.erwmnaver rend aereeaeo ewmnela is on the Permit Ohio a neveopinemismeon g n spMam mental wsua or smlewlee lmpm nM'nw`%mting'Y aPoOmvwoInsia n�.xe av a fine tees or aolI ler on me less a apaWIkUI laaaMwMINMke onell`"vWMare„ muna we:�ufails IwliM aqua wxx Should the m mmeverx Traffic l mpacl Analysis Analyses for the full build as Mlhe Sphere Or lnnuenre area Including the mnsWmionof all the panned card (Ia ingrreemys( 5hovm on the dmulallon Alumina All Ce rvetl and Wl in seer Silly real Mader. The reMnlrel appeMh (haflm) All Mcuar a 20 page study dell assumptions related to the ally our wneru. Current small lone pia the build out or tlq MHrepplryan ma at said yes the WM outmi din MOW there is command lnXlc coneetlon but A is nol a Also pleas hiss l Ur CE hkwhich uses s may 0lnk. per latlusQV scandal for Tepid a anly bad y allow horizon Trans aling the rya by Aate mu ter time and lH:} By Bmthecominu , wn le ioion atthem Public a ComanMhee Poutioleot the rwde and Mariana Malmtyl ern Rehearsed area IeWmhatemly Tribunal cones old eetlrreh about 2065. Thle iuue wee M h recently and Sims your the appova or lure ne w� y Mfign mater Zt9n:operiW:eue wh be d ms in me public Sachs with the general plan uq:le In 2(Ht7- 6 2 • ICI B A K E R S F I E L D L art.l- Erman" anti Cwnmuniry CSaelcpnent Deartment MEMORANDUM / y OcrcCer 3, 21%18 TO Nan Tandy, City Mano}r(/��M',, ✓4 FROM Donna L Kunz, EwMonte OerebpmerilUOFecmr SUBJECT: Fin Program Coral Rare"[ No, M4001617 Wundknember Court repueand SUIT Icak inb Me CGI Communlpt'ms Flag Program art regMEecR. CGI Communicadmns, Inc. (CGI) offers municipalkes aaw Me nmlm the Communlry Shose a Pm mm µfilch inclWes a banding p gram b design am M fa Cannel to er war a meammg vbeo pregmm acted on Me chars webaite. formal designs can nwrponal on existing theme or community No an as customi»d TM Camnem became a marketing bnl for this id" URL addmW. The aly a wool is anted an Me bannere. The vireos acted an Me "balm am produced as pad Of Program. CGI offers III businesses Me Opportunity to adlaate in Me program will spunwrsnip of Me banners. CGI 'a solely reaansiice for Me sansorslip campaign. The lwdom of each anneuis allocated for spo.c ship. e e Ing Ircal mercencla wah remgnlfwn br a r POnsomlip "icy and woM1S vnM each community to ensure appmpiate sponsors. The program is pmNeed at an m9 In the city Program acbviues are Ti Cased on the sacaoMipss d. CGI plots the locations of suitable poles, bounce all aspece MMlea, prNudon, prlmmg, hardware and msallmon. CGI maimama Me eannersaM bardvare and mpbae Me bar once a year dudnq the three year contrail. The number of banner Produced and Insleneb is eased on the number sole. Fudbo rmseambwouMberequiredtomwefanvard i thispmemm. The Cmuclumem Moral does hor allow businesses ro advertise In Me Public right of way. 11 the Con is interested In lamming more about gas pogram. Inc CGI repmsentadve suggested viewing a 20 minute on line demonstrated of the program. Inbrmatbn about Other communities currently pamiupatin0ln the pugam an be assured by accessing', MMOI V TV on me inflation