HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/2006 B A K CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM oMbor20, 2006 TO: Honoreme Mayor and ciy C/o�unal MOM: Nan Tandy, City Manager [_ SUBJECT: General Iner-raOOn "1 1. On a couple of Woo loll In the past I have mentioned that ne time Is coming up "an we should exercise our option m emend Me management agreement with $MG another over years. Welding out deUils has taken longer than exceclea Originally ad 0 has been aural bra while. We OinkwearemwrBady. Wewglelw be pmrysing Mal Me ticketing, pea lag and maMetlrg components for the amphltbeM be placed in that agreement as well, as we lawyers I world within mevents, better fAMemence he llckeirg, ant lager cmwas through Improved arketing. In any even, plaaw expect it on an agenda in the tint We distant lumre and gave me a call if you have auestmns or wncems. 2. In relationship b the wall recmument and suburban challenges was new Inote an ampm of "touter relevance to one of to key announcing In the City Managers ORire. We ere a full servile tlly, with a demallnd M 312,000, a $500 million budget and dose to 1,Sol emplOyee6 answers, with a prpull M 140,000, e budget less Man half our size, and 295 NIL4me employees, is also currently advertising our an assistant ciy Manager urns Of two) By prM2st, their salary range Is ready a% nighor than oars. There are several other smaller dues that bad ads for asastan ly appeal In Me same publication as ours, and they also had conalderaay higher pay levele Man we do. As l have Manganese prevmusly, M only s f may dilfak to match pmab ireduary in emerging gualifiaa employees, but we are also demanding wits Other real government agencies. 3. An uptlMe on vamps evenly and aelWles taking place the moMh Is enclosed MOM Recreation and Funds Bradures with information on to Haunted Trail at Yokota Pat am included. 4. The Stre Division work schedule for the week of October 2e is emmseb. Hi Mi m City acme Paid2 m 5. mandarins to COui AdMi is are enclosed as follows COUndirmanded Benham • Statue of repairs eeing done In Me viarshi Mim's Calf On Calibmie gvama, VINI'Manor Maggso • Implemeadandon of OsQulalY scOeEuleO message wiry the County regarding transportation glami lseum, COundiddernmerflarstan • Status repopon laMXape malMenance in the i Palnsm area. AT n owaNnenl Meafe mi Mi CIb CIek OCT 0200fi • B A K E R 5 F 1 E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Data: October 19, My To Alan Tandy, City Manager From; Dim"=r r Director of Recreation B PaM Subject burning We continue m have various apivitlea and events Ibmu phom the year The following will provide brief descriptions of Some onbaae items: 1. The Good Neighbor Festival cent W hold at Sharon LUmer King, Jr, Park on Saturday, October 316' from 10100 am to g:M on. Several churches will be In attendance to continue the Ant Sent Violence usage that Cmuncllmember Carton has been leading. Currently, there are Yg confirmed vandare with bought, a vadery f entertainment and a children's area This is the first year Mat She Recreation and Parts Oepadment has Organiytl this Farthest, and we have made notes W improve for next years event R. The final big name canoed at Me Bright House Networks Amphiheabe for the season he Keith Sweet on Saturday, OCbber3l STOOPS. Tickets sold bdata are already at 3,700, wiM more Wing arm each day. This will be our Wagner concert yet, and it is nice to end Ma season with such a large crowd. Thu will Formerly attract more mlarem for events neat year 3. The Kaiser War Veterans Memorial will be dedicated at Jambes Park on Saturday, October a at 11 DAM. The Mamarial Is In place now and looks gmatwhiledmtng on TUxwn Avenue. Counchmember . She Bonham has supported the Ahmed War Veteran and this Protect from the beginning. a The annual Flaunted Tell and asks Plana on Security. I toEar ze been 5:30 to 8:00pm at Tokub Park. There are we trait: StaryEook Land and the Flauned Tnll, and both am very popular each year. Each bail will coal only 52001peeon, and hundreds line up for each trial Theperna5on seen and palls maintenance put In long hours to make his a successful event that fur community enjoys each year, S. Progress is hems made on several aP projects Including playground remembers, Ns hockey facility. Beach Pad skatepork expansion and vtroom Improvements. c aen a o` k ,� sfo�raoo�r LAN s:aovM �o a,3ovA� x NA!/NfEO fiPA/L f;oovM so 9•ooi�a i vM &Af! POO /YA/L Pahe hot PUBLIC WORKS STREETS DIVISION -WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF OCTOBER 0 - OCTOBER 27, 2006 Resur(acinuiRemnatruchno s4eas in Use following areas Condone resur oong project In the area reasons So/W Street& Chester Avenue, Wilson Road & Plau Road. CorNnue reWnsh irg streets In the area North of Planr Road, west of Slane Road Mls"Han hour Stmis Division Projects Continue IM Manor Street & Hosting Road Morn line installation orders. Continue the Short Road and toilsome Drive sidenlng pgjed. Concrete repairs, rush and gutter Installation In the area tatown Pershing Street & Chester Avenue, California Avenue Standards Lane COBO FUNDED PROJECT. Cashel MpIX Pass zo)3 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE MOnday. October 35 3006 Cry area beMreen Allen Road 8 Jasmine Parker Uses (mm Palm Avenue moth to the canal. City area between Allen Road & Climate Autumn Chou inun Johnson Road south W the canal. Tuesday analytic City area beNR¢n Olive Unw & Meany Street, Coffee Read b Knudsen Days Area beMreen Columbus Strobe 634M Sliest, Chester Avenue He San Dimas Steel. Wednaedav October 36 M06 Clly area baMeen Allan Road 6 January Avenue, Srnw Reed M ReJemed Road. Ares b¢Nreen Nllss Street & Jackson Sheet, Union Avenue b Beale Avenue. identical Sumner Street& Tolson Avenue, Basle Avenue b East Tmpun Avenue. Recall Consumer 36 3006 Area Cowered Snow Road 8 Hageman Road, tweeds Avenue to Calaway GMs. Sort So. "H" Street & Union Avenue, Berkshire Road to Aster Avenue. FHtlav Ooobir 37 300 Ant between Hageman Read & Memoriam Head, ad Farm Read to Callaway Drive Between Calaway Lave & Codes Rued. Nosh Road to aides Fans Down. Allred Harrell Highway-freer 178 highway to the NO City Limit. Lake Ming Road - NIRd Harrell Highway to the east City Lima Neighborhood mrM of 178 Highway, esN of Valley Street. Mlramonle Days. south M 178 Highway NeghMrhrcd ended W 184 Hgnvay, over of Chase Street LE WEEK OF Drell� NEB OCT 202005 P CITY OF IKS DEPARTMENT PIIBIIC W MORAN PARTMEXT D MEMORANDUM TO: plan TanEy, City Minister FROM: Raul Rojas, Public War" Oiescer t� DATE: OtloEer lB, 2008 SUBJECT: STREET RE PAIRS IX FRONT OF MIMI'SCURE RaHmI No. IM COUNCILMEMBERBENHMI REQUESTEDSTAFFPROVIDEANUPDATEONTHE PROBLEM WITH THE CURB, GUTTER AND STREET IN FRONT OF MIM S CAFE ON CgLIFORNIggVENHE. BTAFFHASPRWODALY BEEN PROVIDED THE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION. The Smem; Ohiepn b curerNY campatirq a prBwvustr eCIMWrm o>rcreTe hump protect. The mlcreN n:relm at NS Ew stop on Celtlomb Avenue, W MImYa Cat, is sdbmandM Wain the smak of October 30. 40to. There are Not diNeways iMD the business paAlna lot from CelXpmia Avenue that will one merely mmnugbn at We plenbtlo Me pgetl In Ma phexe so lnat one EXwway can remain open et all llmea. �_ A O CITY OF 04KERSFIEW pCT 2F 1006 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEI? MEMOMNDUM TO: Man Tandy, CIH Manager FROM Raul NOTES, PUNK WoMe Dinotor DATE: Oclolaar 18, MEN t � SUBJECT: TRANSPoRTATRNI PLANNING MEETINGS Rekml No. 1514 VICE-MgYOR MgGGARD REOUE5TFD STAFF MEET WTH CRAIG POPE OF THE COUNTY REGgRDING THE FEASIBILITY OF A REGU4A INTERFACE WITH BOTH AGENCIES qND REPORT ROCK TO COUNCIL. SW Ma 00nD(o l IM Pace Mw egxaw] his wlllingreae w Wao an a myuW MYc awnppmmaur>wxmmnwe�anrvwmm W�. on 19 Z006 B A K E R S F J E L D Brunei of Ranaoun and PoN Date: OatoGr n, 200 To: Man Tandy, City operator Frame Manne Rmrepmreaor of Resrea^an a sake subi upkeep shrubs, OUri palm haw and Breen for bs Palmas Cevelopmmt m?Jm"d a4016H —typed 5 Ceuncllmember Hanson lateral steff perkm, wOM In Me tees Palmas area by cleaning up Me shrubs, bushes, palm trees, ek. This Is MeaMing to the compensate by Karen A. puce eds Sap4mNr 39, 200 mbp the IaMc&a malntnwnca me me eatnorof Las Palm as Developmentf may"a eradicated qe ewds and ohanal lly treated the sulphur aurae as oppose will MBme bra purled of time. They hen War trimmed all sbrvM In the planter amp and along sh anallu. The Pam them will bemmmed and Crashed up early next wk Ceiim. 5epfe r29, 2Mh W ikrolm W. Hfirmn "Id Bannock. CA, wT Crmh4. roort,„ P6: uPLeeP Vr servhv, Bush".PJm Tmw,gva cn.e y.1.g9 egLMag DEVELOeMENT Le ebPmm PenhaJ Wt v4unu.eommw mn vPLxPb h dummy proly m gomu,rhm.hoeYm O O6e m:Wkfmhr%:deumoere MM e wd oLog nPl vy Mvv°eaev atamm m n.m M may hCno v her urrY .rnesa r' towns mow Then mm Wvnee.IMwJ4 have hmomeeo Lree W.nery .n. pnephh M.m.M nme 1A Ind sold hem am ummP.mhgedmpem For Our numeration mvohN Directory. wm ioe. e ourowl mebPµOhV o MhUOa WVpmh pmym nNelime ewll safe m new e c we to our.elghhu.hvp u AN phhn leapvm it data oIXhmoto mnPOwermtivuw 9m Memo easy The ^wnmw.aaN City mekheneemP Weevtlrt Ov Yoo veNnp a hem m Come ova early up The ouh.Wm of the Las PJmve he mWame� soon eymeRafMU YVVtl EIPapympMm Manvlegvva y mud as"pvdhmmwbeld verearh • tivehlhY VyXeCwnula ThveYYOUMatlevm MYO:v hJPl Thn4ywfoeyeveeenlnb We Ciou.nomork, hadmen myel in PI CI4e YouneRra flaky yiya ofnud on love ry omr�no)MICvee Lm del &e Mod )PSS moPA%661-]9&py Jl: vLUeyalvMM4n.evm