HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/2006 e CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Noveri, 2808 TO: marks a Meyorantl City Council FROM: Alen Tandy, City Manager P 8U91ECT: Carl Information 1. During gores when there he" been 20r Car l Plan AmeMmeme, we have been 9 nng nxtu Council meetings with Only Me Current Cast and GaAs and Other business. We are sleNng to we a dsllne In the number of CPAs. Antidotally, was have some business Items, (heading Me Courthouse and poaslbly, Me Boron Pi Carron Building purchare, which may hot be she b watt past Me November 15th meeting date Much is also a CPA dale. We will monnor and sWdure the xrorkbed as N8t as we win bet Me courthouse, In panqulap has a deedirre. Our mnenl belief is that very few of the Oman will be controversial. 2. The Planning and Devxbpmet Committee will be meaning on the subgd Athe Ponce Petrel Conn Building on Tuesday, November 711b Could l requeat that any querrons you may have Mal require resource or mmmdee ra mmendapone acme odmmlneeeasquicky as Possible. W that Me Cum can be dorre m advance meaning pease. 3. CostOv 18tllp sIn wnsl do nameepnginb cur TRIPMnds, Allacred you vdll find Slater to kernel sMwing she need ro humm $10 million Into TRIP to corer the (Counters Faldex Interchange. Ilwesbelbved kohave beenlullyfunded Wt four years of Call delays In apex" have Changed that. Informal . 4. In IM Fammul tlme home, we surcharge brngirg before you for approval documents for the bond Issuer for lmpmvements M Wmle Water Treatment Plant for The bell Park Of Me pinapal amount would ce S200.000,POP Interest rates am very good st present - Me plant Improvements are easemal B you have '"rest in being beefed on Me bond issue sweure a, Pm¢ s, o related quessons in advance of me Mow. It a a remarks bond - repayable only from Me entrumme fund, as all Past mPmvenrenis have pear. It Is remit quite cartel other Man being a very b9 numbed M oarod„� MIP Panama pare 2 8. On top oeeeberr ls^ agenda. we will be regmsnne eaaiuonal funding ronM prole t at " Hall. The mdlal Overlap reaueri were based estimate of me costs, but es me project has prestressed, me connector and step an delerminW that cleamrg of me air ducts may take more time, because W the unconventional design of Pe wnem HVAC system. We woo also need b have addnienal air sampling services perbmrey. Sol the masect may take longer Man as originality thought, overall, lit Is proceeding vary smearly 9. In agordance AM the Cannot approval in September, He shakes Of Elm Street on to South side a 24” Shad Is sUedukd to take place next week. Par the ends eat memo from Public WAa o staff has received amour l fiche Call to pproprrate Manage and write tamer along Me South side of Melr dgM Of way at Elm Street. T. Business has vary goad d Me arena ark mnventlo r center badly. SMO means Mat Of four concede in four weeks, M were sold Out. In addNon, last weeks' fun of Disney on Ice Axis a record. Time Arab the tw y added o more events that are eryeded to sell Ore — Black Eyed Pass and High ScMrol Musicng. We early in true eHenn, Wt the mndms an mmenhly ranked Ke Of 28 ECHL fears In game danw. B. Attached Is a now 'Flood Emametlon Man Pampdet that has barn prepared by the Pollee Dep imment The pamplum vdll be would d to Me pudic at the City Clerk's Office and from the Pole Di medmem. The Irearnati n has also been Shared on Me Cl" waMlte. e. On a elated nets, we received Me enGOmd nssonse from Me Assistant Secretary Of the Army to the letter Art In September by COuncllmember Couch On mll of Me Water Boom regarded the City's concerns that the Imestigalve and pair Prolect at the Isabella Dam be dore $xamip'qusly, He assura us the Cand Mn wrNnae m move cracks and indicated he Plans M Perri massd the dam on his next visit W Cultural 10. From time to time coundImemben have asked about the status of approved PCO Pmg Mat have soh commrncad construction. The poached memo and maps n team a namal mi Mat Planning Dial Jim Makes ProvMad at the November on Planning Commli mssid, I. AnSodfmm Sold Waste oo to resufts M Me Keep Bakersfield Bearelnd 'Make a Difference Day held On October 28m Is enclosed. A alndn thanks is ¢paned to all who took the time t0 be IovoNed In creating Such a pedllve Oulwme. 12. A speGal ceremony tar the dedication aMe new Korean War Merni d Jastro Park was hod last Saturday. October 28'", wm Mayor Hall and Councllmember Benhem's Na ici eon. T eOAmPdgmmisadaMed. we Cry Comm FaPo a� 13. The Uri report for the pollee OepaBment $pedal EMOrremeM Unit on Gang Vii is erclowe. 14. Thin Stro ut Drylamna evoM SCheoole for the vreak M November B° le attached. is. 0.yponms to Counm raguesh are ammeter, as UNOM, coundimember Carson • Timellrz foramnImpmvemaMe on Silvia are More Way; Coun[ me mer Benham Beeponse m irmon laeaeon eeele"i Ca n= men,��y_ • Geri regarding Priuu ieaues - CaTrans ABED. MIebn'ev 46 funding Xagemen Roundi uotla on the TIF p;mo fA; • Ste rerommendabon regaMing options orimpmvanrente at the iMeromarn of Tmpun are CoRre. AT in Ogamnenl Mwe Genet lvkcaniry, Gry clan B A R E R S F I E L D PIIBGIC"A"DEgaid ffry'(' WASAUFFEM CA 93301 no 1 126 1"4 oRen thy loy hady m suem4dy, almlu%nMF I FMEeQryal jmna�n ingoxmmt P"mm lRlpl nmmemem menummy The Che gBaenM1ie re ftS the pllwmB m Nn b the So lly y^^M does �rtE/V�iChmimof$1.Pomeaped mnpN E,fg1.f;(Cwevuetionpuy44emrom125WO ND,3MSPo Itte�sms domeEand SSbul�E x .5�o0sNb.ind4i 9���(( un "IEOF Too 10 $2 ieeroldle�Ie� Ip bnoPowceed Vo^eeylgad0) xn bi to SSpF[iEPtukeat mmonfoons M offer far Fire Gryrompgln iexv closer of Arty FHWA Of ff al 76 �OA�n to Abdul If am W�t pleeu an ua xmw chat k added ^em w^uwp unre^pp^Imm g10emblmy I wn n. ahl NO hays are questies,artanding USA fee ihemaa foxes lmpmnmem rynm el Musryq g piu Annabenumebn.Oluxarfueti Weynq Very truly yours Refund arms pubic Cc can Tandy Can�MMr ode0 road. Soon Caw/ sppnnnmt 0 RECEIVED XOV - 3 t00fi 6 A K 6 F S F S In L O p iG[ CITY OEfiAKINDIUM LO M MEORgNOVM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager EROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works 0irector DATE: November 2, 300E BVFVECT: General lMemytion -Matlack AWym Project Uptlais This memo 's to art you that AMe read council meal (NOmmber Trip Public Works scl Protectat City Hall Amt Pena berall"Cocnelmeminreenrypabesros pLatemenl an the Emeramay ROSOIWOn to do the work bar this P we requeatN $175'000In estimate Dray. We will own to IncreasetMt eatmzle EBis rtther wall an polettcode to 4339,000. g1the NovemCa Jill meeting, we will also request Pet It n agrxmeMwilM1 me INMe [Cnbackrt (p S.L trial be amended to increase the ompan9anon. TM atlEMOnal $Be.0001a needed to ami the agreement wM A,0.1. to provl0e ouitiler n9, This beatbnek W t $50,HO InaddMon, Dresser0emb the CM's on.nu comu0am, MO cerPrm additional a0 sampling impose. Than e¢timvtud to wst $10,000. TMre is already an on-rall agreement in place br Dresser Berk $0 an amendment u noral for this agreement Tbi¢ a tM Pup luliweek MtM Bstlmpted B to 0 week aeanup IeL. AOM1OUgh the Project is Pryce IN smoothly, s]elllonal time may par required because of the u tone l design of the camort -VAC System. RECEIVED XOV -2 N06 / (C mnwuogEesomme > w e x s F e CITY OF BpN PUBLIC DEPARTMENT MEMO MXWY Hwember E. 2005 TO: Alm Taney, Can Manager FROM: Rideap, Public Worw Dreolor SUBJECT: CLOSURE OF ELM STREET On Me FAME peeng on September 13"', 2006, Me City Call appround IM oa dure M Elm Street on the soNb side oU 2d'" StresgSR1 TS). 1M6 detainment Law now received the Entombment Pound "in gRRANS Mat will alW us D ieall Oe lumber signage and concnM comedy along the south ade of CaPRANS Right-of Way ad Elm Street It a (nodded W cl¢e Elm SVM early not week. (V BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Care: November 1, zoos Tu: Amen Tandy, Cry Manager From: W, or Recto, Chief or Pol cticA Subject Flood E%wd; on Plan lave encWad ampy Wace BatasgeN Pafee ordainment'FIOM Evacuation' pamPbkikr your inkmatlon. Comas of the Ibctl Plan will be evaluated 10 the public at me Ciry toll GXlta and rMwob me flaxeageld Ponca Department nme Prevention Unit Additionally, the fleet Prsn can be viewed an Me Cry wabsile. Please Cell it you have any 0ueslions. WFMd � ! ! [ m ` \ nc e } ( / } 0 \ / } � r2 � z 0 c ° 0 z w p E ` R3 % _ q / q \ \ L Li m \ , ( ( RH © m ! [ ± o Z C S ENOS LN EN 3 IN d O O H ° O O' F N O cs _ a CD rD In (D S CL p C p ` SUPE OR RD UPERIOR R S ° ° O ° ID° S d S 10 F $y DR ER RD O (�D 3 d ° A (D ° C O N RD AVE O 'v O O i A) Dq _� O In d C N ° ID 0. IwAoA �7 (D rD < � EATH R a ti j/1' (D (<D Ln rb NAY &1 91 ° f 3 c D 7 "rte ° o o c W S ALLEN RD 5 ALLEN RD p p4 ° O Pr RENFRO RD 'd ;1 I1 C Ln Q ` O S o 0 n S O ��•• �i BUENA VI TA RD d ° C1 d -n ""� S ALLEN RI LEN RD_ D O O C a = !p (D 3 O OLD R R RD r�i `O JEWETTA E (D r) d <CL (D `/ by (D N O\ A C (D p Q. G SFORU RD " S N < 0 O C LLOWA OR Fm d D_ n O lD ° 3 S ASHE d a 0 rD "< O DOER C RD D COF EE RD y O V RD CO m ` 0 SH RD $ NE D A fRU ITVAt. AVE < 66 HWY DO O ° `O. OE13 I1S h13 S N O N A W•NNE D MDIIAL^i C d C).�Y O � a � WIBLE R rD ° Z S A� 6fl T fD 4 ac O ,`^,� (D I Z }...H SI ••iAfi A 0 N F ° 4M1t 'I If RD K8T... ST._ AIRPORT DR (D G N H ST N ---- — = a y T-- ry = T T 70 0 os —r —r---- T- -i--- R Z _2 W) ERD s O S 3 O '�^ 1"r Aue RD DR NWV O (D Q ° O 0 rCDL (b 66 0 S sT 66 sHST m f j m o a Da G RoyaH s ' - FF o oD ° fD _ o /^� 2 W R s u ION AV a��VSa�J O d -0 Cl H °, C N ie R6B _ ao AIRROnr DR a A a S c�nD H ^K CL p 1 `C ° k d C s sT f 8 u`, dY� T z O D'3Q O ° N op C TTONWOOO c 0 ` ,r�D, a I oas Ave Z AD09F PO o �e N ° n H r 'R O : Vp �� 0 1'r ww a _ I, - o ° W d (b ° ° c AF S a x (o � 0 3 _ at 3 A. IS FAIRFAX R ° = L _ - O O•q H O H N O - eARrA:R ��ya on � C) O m L PPTCH Hw' NING flRR O b MAINS WEED ATCH d ° p ° `"� z �" � O :- 3• O_ _ O H iv rw Q WEE MORNING R C. ° ` fD ° S- O m a 3 0 0 VINELAI D RD m Q --,0 3 INELAND RD O = C T DQ O N O 96 O .Z7 >.. 7 ° C ° SE ISON RD � a Q 3 k M > wNRD 1 R m (D r, C , O g z e m a g N rn (o L- � o °n �� ° 9 c °° a n d �MANDRe v o ° y _ m (D I _ rT" O ID O S O = fD fD (At�• 3 3 O Ci c? ( m O C su SS n i • • • • • • �• NO w c a P? + Jr if "o, c Tea O = C � O O G n p E $ p- n m S Lm� 3 (D w CD [D O O ry fD (1 b' a H H N (D N• n m H CD � H a o CD rn rn O r w c M ' u cm (D (D S n S w.j N S O n _ i s rb o (D o o c TJ < O rn �' a m a r) v o o o 6 w -0 -< o c o OFQ N f T p ° o a o CL A CD : k o rn o (D a ^ m _. _. o CD It i5. C '< o r+ W (p n m �* m '� a D a, m w s M O _ _ m T n' v+ S (D 0 S (D 1, lu rn n EA O r = O w 7 N w m 0 °—' 0 w ° N oa n S " N a n pi n It r+ 04 (D In n po (D _ `� o rn, s nom' D ?; x r' CD a 3 m 5. 0 CD m o w = rND w w' w 1/#Alk w n a < pq O C 7' d 7 a n O N a n v+ in m p -1 ((D f s w 3 a (D X n 11 a1 W a - I EL N O s w �. T 0, p a s �", S n a 0 m N N O m oa (D n L* (^ W N O pp• d 7• 0 7' n O 0 o M s a -9' n o v m 0 3 y' S w v o c w " -D y w D (D o v m 3 w �' n c 57-M a 3 N O Q a O +! f mo w — � - � T T Z o a o a d �•e f TO O ooO, W ND C a O N (D w O x C a O O, N '0 3 C vNyi Q. 7 w H 1 )�) T N d N �10�_ rl ll ao p S 3 o (D (� m m� N D i � a M w m k v = va M rj 47'N w w = (D N V D n 7C Q (D �^ n n 00 Co M O = �p S , Q E. o o N n m m � a m N m v w w = [ID I rt c y m ^ O y 7 T N O O= _., n �. m _` O O n O OQ O O O s Oq -I c 0=q � d w r a ter'! �fi,•� # # „ • ha m 0 W y 0 o a o o. CL y 3 S I w a a s c p < <_ H w O r .n' ('moo M , i O (� m S 3 cv 3 r. a a o ~ 0 Z m m M Z w OIQD w. N =b C j M n S p ,; O O o cv y _h p n a N I O 3 s ° o CL 77 n r rG w w dh f°• w W C / r •NO 'O Cam„ m W c a P p -.`,� .� t<D z X O a w r (D ^ j N m M (D m a m a a w o W c — <. 3 ^ d. p -i � -p m (o 7r . S o o s as f _ I SU o �, m e M m O S �. _ 0 0 O a 0 m 3 0 w - _ _ — ID M 0 14 H m cv ID W C cn M m � O a (o w a m m_ o p< =4 w N , d O < pq � n w ° �> c o O o w a ^ o 3 O D Ln n o n' S m 's S ^ O p c p H d f' •' -,,..,. O O CA (D N °4} -_ _ o 0 pl OQ o m s ID M DQ 3 Qj O y o x° _ M a oa o a r M �, �,A' S w 3 a Y � ` m O O = w _.. f:P 12T -0 ` �(y M N O :� l :�4� a "v,\ �. vii ,O r+ !D a 3 (D O w < m DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY i "^ f f '1 ,-�- OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY " '... CIVIL WORKS 111�i a 108 ARMY PENTAGON 111: OCT 3 Q 2W 4 WASHJNGTON DC 20300-0008 0 LOBB CITY OF 6qr\LHSFIELD WATER HFSOURCES Mr. David R. Couch Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, California 93311 Dear Mr. Couch: This is in response to your letter dated September 18, 2006, informing me about the concern that the City of Bakersfield has with public safety and water supply at the Isabella Dam and Lake project. I share your concerns and assure you that this project is receiving priority attention. On September 21, 2006, 1 met with various Members of Congress, Kern River interests and Mr. Florn Core, the Manager of the Bakersfield Water Resources Department, in the Washington, D.C. office of Congressman Bill Thomas. The meeting provided everyone with a common understanding of the complex issues involved and the challenges that lie ahead in dealing with them. The Army Corps of Engineers is investigating three dam safety problems at the Isabella project -- spillway capacity, seismic stability, and seepage. We understand and share your desire to move forward as quickly as possible with the investigations so restrictions on the pool may be lifted. The current restrictions are based on an in-depth seepage study that was independently reviewed and verified by State of California dam safety officials and other technical experts outside the Corps of Engineers. The reviewing parties unanimously recommended a reservoir restriction to lower the risk due to seepage. The initial risk assessment screening that was conducted in 2005 identified Isabella Dam among the highest at-risk dams in the Corps portfolio due to the spillway, seismic and seepage concerns, combined with the large downstream population. This assessment provides priority consideration for funding the extensive investigations that need to be done to determine the best course of action. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2006, the Corps Sacramento District spent approximately $952,000 conducting investigations. In FY 2007, the President's budget includes $2 million to continue those investigations. Isabella Dam will continue to receive every consideration in developing budgets in FY 2008 and future years in support of completing the investigations and analyses in the most expeditious manner possible. Pril A a 9 F:_-Ycl "_ -z- We understand and are very sensitive to the regional impacts of a reduced operating pool. The Sacramento District will continue to work closely with local water management agencies to minimize impacts to water resources while maintaining public safety. After the Corps has collected the necessary data on both the seismic and seepage issues, it will be able to determine if the problems should be addressed separately or together. The Corps will carefully consider all the factors and interests that will be affected by its decisions, recognizing that public safety and flood protection must remain foremost in its deliberations. I suggest that you continue to work closely with the Kern River Watermaster and Colonel Ronald Light, the Sacramento District Engineer. Colonel Light and his staff are fully engaged in working to resolve the dam safety issues at Isabella Lake. We will move forward as quickly as possible to determine the extent of the problems, and execute appropriate remedial measures to restore authorized project purposes. On my next visit to California, I look forward to personally inspecting Isabella Dam, so that I have first hand knowledge and understanding of the situation. Very truly yours, John Paul Woodley, Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) B A K E R S F I E E D MEMORANDUM November 2, 2006 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stanley Grady, Development Services Director SUBJECT: PCD Status Report Background This status report was provided to the Planning Commission by Jim Movius, Planning Director as an informational update regarding the progress of approved PCD development projects. City Ordinance requires the applicant to commence construction no later than 3 years form the effective date of the zone change. The Planning Director is required to notify the Planning Commission, if within such 3 year period, the construction specified in the approved development plan has not commenced. The Commission is required to consider whether to grant additional time or rescind the PCD zone due to changed circumstances. In all cases the applicants are working toward completion of the projects and, therefore, staff recommended that the Planning Commission take no action. Approve Planned Commercial Development Projects Applicant: Coleman Homes, Inc. Case: Zone Change No. P99-0919 (Map 122-1) On March 29, 2000, a zone change from C-2 (Regional Commercial) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development) was approved on 13.65 acres to allow development of a 102,222 square foot mixed use commercial shopping center located at the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road. Status Report: The preliminary development plans depict one 59,780 square foot building with six additional pads for retail and restaurant type uses. No building permits have been received or issued, but staff has been in contact with representatives of the property concerning permit requirements, fees, and review times. A recent site visit has revealed construction of this project has not occurred. The site is vacant and it appears only minor grading has occurred. 1 Applicant: Goldman Enterprises, L.P. Case: Zone Change No. P01-0599 (Map 123-2) On November 14, 2001, a zone change from PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone to a revised PCD (Planned Commercial Development) was approved on 4.96 acres to allow development of a 120 foot tall wireless communications tower located at the southeast corner Stockdale Highway and Village Lane. Status Report: The approved lattice tower has been constructed in the rear parking lot of the Stockdale Fashion Plaza. Staff contacted the operators of Stockdale Fashion Plaza who confirmed the cell tower is in operation with one carrier(Sprint). The cell tower presently contains one antenna but has capacity for co-location of other cellular providers. Records indicate the applicant submitted the required documentation which describes the antenna capacity of the cellular tower. This PCD has been completed and may be closed. Applicant: Castle & Cooke Commercial Case: Zone Change No. 02-0030 (Map 123-20) On February 12, 2003, a zone change from M-2 (General Manufacturing)to PCD (Planned Commercial Development) was approved to allow the development of various retail commercial and service uses, anchored by several major"big-box" retail tenants located on the west side of Gosford Road, between Pacheco Road and Harris Road. The major anchor buildings comprise a total of approximately 634,000 square feet. Several smaller pads for retail businesses comprise a total of approximately 53,000 square feet. Additionally, several small pads for fast- food businesses are proposed, comprising a total of approximately 12,500 square feet. Status Report: Six building permits have been issued and received a certificate of occupancy. These include Kohls, Sam's Club, Petco, Walgreens, Del Taco, and a pad site containing a fast food restaurant and Starbucks Coffee Shop. The parking lot is complete and landscaping has been installed. The project's EIR is currently in litigation and all other building permits are on hold pending preparation of a new EIR and final legal determination. Applicant: Edward Gene Patterson Case: Zone Change No. 02-0540 (Map 123-23) On February 20, 2001, a zone change from A (Agriculture) to PCD was approved to allow an RV park consisting of 246 spaces; 2,400 square foot manager's quarters; 3,900 square foot two story building housing restrooms, laundry, and store; 17 parking spaces; a swimming pool; and landscaping on 16.32 acres. The adjacent 1.8 acres located on the corner of Pacheco Road and Wible Road was not included in this request. 2 Status Report: On October 2, 2002 a revision of the previously approved RV park and related uses was approved. The number of spaces was reduced to 190; a main building consisting of an office, store, banquet room, cocktail lounge, fitness center, laundry room, and manager's residence was revised to 15,604 square feet; and other revisions related to the pool, playground, and maintenance building. A reduction in parking to 71 spaces was approved along with approval of a valet parking for known times or events where additional parking would be required. Building permit 04-11064 was issued by the Building Department to collect sewer and transportation impact fees. Final permitting nd inspections are 9 p being conducted by the California Department of Housing and Community Development as the project is under their jurisdiction as a recreational vehicle park. A site inspection was conducted by Staff on July 7, 2006. Several buildings are near completion, the RV pads are poured, and some of the landscaping is installed. Applicant: Calloway Capital Associates Case: Zone Change No. 03-1361 (Map 102-19) The Darrel's Mini Storage was originally approved on May 21, 1997, PCD ZC/GPA P97-0052 (Ordinance #3770) which consisted of a 218,800 square foot mini storage facility. The site has been the subject of several expansions including expanding the RV storage area and warehouse expansion. The most recent request was approved on June 16, 2006, to allow the expansion area to be used as a temporary RV storage area which was found to be consistent with the approved PCD 03-1361 conditions of approval. Status Report: As of this writing, no building permits have been applied for the expansion. A recent site visit revealed the approved expansion has not been constructed, and discussion with on site personnel indicated it was unknown when the construction of the expansion would occur. Darrel's Mini Storage currently has many projects underway in the metropolitan area, which may be the reason the project has not commenced. Exhibits: (Attached) A. Location Maps. 3 EJCHIBi�"A" ZONE CHANGE P99-0919 C-2 R1 R P.C.D. A R-1 / R, / i FP—S — — SAL � / � - - - - - - / FP—P FP—S-. 4} C-2 R-1 .C. . R-3 A-20A R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 PROPOSED R-1 R-1 SCHOOL SITE R-1 / R-1 R-2 r m R-1 R I C-2 R-1 _ K 1 6 MING AVENUE 12 7 TA T30S, R26E R27E R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 o eoo SCALE IN FEET 49901 • • I_ �� I rgl t •' K N �o 0 0 LO • W Z O a 7 oo J cN5 rc Z � � 0 N � a g � 6 CE / h Q W 69 o u a O � t a � M ; W a CD i z S� o • 1 NU w a z c 3 0 J 1 i d a a • � 'a 3 a e Lj _ � J W F 57A� H�GFMIAY go LO J 3 3 1 O _ ."- N W •Z VOV a _ _ L U a a a Z - l_ a — —^— 1 ovoid 3 a �y Alou vzv to Nivri co NL N N � K C C G Q co r s M W o v z3ARd0 AVMOI�IVJ Q � < a W � a Z N L it E ALNI= uj d � N a H W W p� • � � r O 10 RECEIVED B A K E R S F I E L D NOV -3 2005 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C7Y MANAGER'S OFFICE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: November 2, 2006 SUBJECT: MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY 2006 Keep Bakersfield Beautiful - 2nd Annual Make A Difference Day was held on October 28, 2006. It was a tremendous success. Approximately 1,500 volunteers participated in various clean ups and plantings throughout Bakersfield. Over 41 tons of trash were removed from the Carnation Tract, South Brown and South Williams Streets and around the Amtrak Station. Over 3,000 bulbs and flowers and 50 trees were planted at various locations including the Bakersfield Senior Center, Bakersfield Homeless Center, Highway 99 and several school sites. In addition, grant funding was secured to provide energy efficient light bulbs to residents of the Carnation Tract so they can leave their porch lights on at night to improve the safety of their neighborhood. The Environmental/Health Fair at Lassens, as part of Make A Difference Day, had an estimated attendance of 1,200 people. Helpful information was provided to the public including how to recycle used motor oil and how groups or individuals can adopt a street or area, among other things. The City's Greenwaste Facility provided samples of compost that were given out to the public along with seed packets, flower bulbs and various other samples were distributed by the many booths at the event. In addition, Mayor Hall addressed attendees at the event and proclaimed October 28, 2006 as Make A Difference Day. KB/mm G:\GROUPDAT1Solid Waste\2006\make a diff memo to raul 11-02-06.doc ♦ ® � • . y � _ \ © //% { /}k a �/ t « c > - ) } } \ \\} / ) \\\ƒ} } \ � t ) ® ! 44 ( « _ « $ 4 \ - w � & 4 # & § a \( ® ; ° � ze _ w , � 4 ® « ® zZ -t � ~ ` 2 / l � ; / 7 _ { } z \ � ) \ R \ \ \ \ \ \ \ % R \ 7 w ( } as \ } \ $ r $ « } { \ } $ z $ « ■ \ ( ® 9 ® e $ \ ) Zt fit ° -R \� \ ®/ \ / } < y ( \ r § \ } \ I \ \ ) RECEIVED NOV - 2 906 BAKE( ' BAKER FIEL6 POLIO--- ' *914 ° MEMORANDUM LIF OR��� Date: November 1 , 2006 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police (4rt— Subject: Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for October of 2006. Please call if you have any questions. W R R/vrf Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report — October 2006 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents / investigations for October 2006. 99 Felony Arrests 14 Guns Seized 50 Supplemental Reports 102 Misdemeanor Arrests 409 FI's 159 General Offense Felony Warrant Reports 30 Arrests 118 Citations 58 Vehicle Reports 41 Misdemeanor Warrant 370 Probation and Parole Arrests Searches 12 Search Warrants Hrs. Assisting Other 5 2006 Shootings 26 Hours In Training E50 Department 16 2005 Shootings Sections 1 2004 Shootings 4 2003Shootings Year to Date Statistics January — October 2006 905 Felony Arrests 115 Guns Seized 488 Supplemental Report s 562 Misdemeanor Arrests 4020 FI's 1057 General Offense Felony Warrant Reports 212 Arrests 370 Citations 271 Vehicle Reports 277 Misdemeanor Warrant Probation and Parole Arrests 2958 Searches 43 Search Warrants Hrs. Assisting Other 51 2006 Shootings 884 Hours In Training 3212.5 Department 75 2005 Shootings Sections 44 2004 Shootings 39 2003 Shootings SEU DAILY ACTIVITY 10/1/06— Sunday— 1200-0300 SEU arrested the following suspects: Lorenzo Tefolla, 24, 8/28/06, was contacted in the 1500 block of Williams and found to be in possession of a small amount of methamphetamine. 06-205876 Jaffee Ward, 28, 2/10/78, from 1620 Orange St, for resist / delay and false info Robert Moore, 27, 12/2/78, from Geneva / S. Chester, for misdemeanor warrant. Jesse Longoria, 39, 1/6/67, from Geneva / S. Chester, for suspended license Ramon Lasalde, 23, 8/21/83, from 1300 blk Bernard St, for misdemeanor warrant. Mark Cerda, 19, 6/22/87, from Baker / E. Truxtun, for obstruct officers and public intox. 10/2/06— Monday— 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Darrin Williams, 34, 1/21/72, from 1400 blk Flower St, for felony warrant. dirk / dagger K, � 17, 1/17/89, from 1000 blk S. Union Ave, for poss. deadly weapon - 17, 9/15/89, from 1000 block S. Union Ave, for curfew violation and poss. tobacco products Nathaniel Phillips, 29, 9/19/72, from 1200 blk 40th St, for felon in possession of a firearm, carry a concealed firearm, gang member in possession of a concealed firearm, carry loaded firearm in public, possession of a loaded firearm by a gang member, participation in a criminal street gang, resist / delay arrest, and carry a non-registered firearm. Gun Seized: 06-206525, Serial: W4799, H&R, .22 revolver, from 1200 block 4th St. 10/3/06 — Tuesday — 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Sophia Montez, 35, 7/14/71, from 1714 Lincoln St, for a felony warrant. Efrain Vargas, 30, 4/5/76, from 1714 Lincoln St, for possession of meth for sales, possession of narcotic paraphernalia, and false info to a peace officer. Juventino Avila, 19, 6/7/87, from 1714 Lincoln St, for possession of narcotic paraphernalia and false info to an officer. Gregory Row, 52, 11/13/53, from 1501 Pearl St, for possession of marijuana for sale, cultivation of marijuana, felon in possession of a firearm, possession of meth, felon in possession of ammo, and possession of more than 28.5 grams of marijuana Joanna Rayburn, 30, 2/18/76, from 1501 Peal St, for possession of stolen property / vehicle, auto theft, and possession of meth. 10/4/06 - Wednesday- 0800-0300 SEU Teams arrested the following suspects: SEU assisted CAP with the homicide investigation in the 3600 blk. of Madison. Tyroby Lindsey, 21, 10/3/85, from 100 S. Owens, from public intoxication. Antonio Lopez, 28, 10/20/77, from 3800 White Ln #B, for a felony warrant. 10/5/06 - Thursday - 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Dale Christopher, 39, 1/23/67, from 901 Union #29, was arrested for H&S 11351.5 Jose Cervantes, 30, 6/26/76, from 400 Union Ave, for resisting arrest, and public intox. Jesus Duarte, 21, 2/7/85, from 400 Union Ave, for resisting arrest and DUI Chris Hawkins, 20, 2/20/86, from MLK Park, for a misdemeanor warrant. 15, 6/19/91, from 1425 E. 91h #A, for Homicide, participation in a criminal street gang and conspiracy -, 16, 9/30/90, from 1425 E. 9th #A, for Homicide, participation in a criminal street gang and conspiracy. ANNOMM 17, 11/30/88, 128 S. Owens, for Homicide, participation in a criminal street gang and conspiracy. 10/6/06 - Friday- 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Robert Alcala, 18, 4/19/88, from 1500 block Lake St, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and possession of burglary tools (H&S 11377 & PC466) Lester Longmire, 51, 5/30/55, from 1414 E. California, for public intoxication. Shaun Cherry, 19, 8/18/87, from 1910 Eye St, for public intoxication. Steven Alvarez, 24, 4/2/82, from Oregon / Miller, for misdemeanor warrant. Jason Curry, 32, 2/10/74, from Jefferson / Haley, for public intoxication. 10/7/06 - Saturday - 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Laverne Taylor, 23, 9/26/83, from 1918 Filson St, for destruction of evidence. Juan Rodriguez, 29, 4/27/77, from 1000 block E. California, for possession of meth. David Rodriguez, 39, 4/21/67, from 1714 Lincoln St #4, arrested for H&S 11350 and 11364 (possession of Heroin and possession of paraphernalia). Belen Rodriguez, 47, 4/10/59, from 1714 Lincoln St #4, for a felony warrant. , 16, 8/20/90, from 1414 E. California, for false info and curfew. Kerry Hasting, 20, 3/5/86, from 1414 E. California, arrested for PC 3056 Charles Wooten, 30, 10/21/75 and Maurice Spellman, 26, 4/29/80, were arrested from 1007 6th St for PC 3056. Both are documented West Side Crip and were in contact with other gang members which is a violation of their parole. Ruben Tafoya, 27, 4/2/79, from 1411 Miller St #B, arrested for PC 273A, 243b, 148, and H&S 11364 (Battery on an officer, child endangerment, etc) Victor Welch, 24, 12/21/81 & Billy Tilford, 20, 4/24/86 arrested from 801 E. California for PC 3056. Welch and Tilford are documented East Side Crips and were contacted at the Cali Market where they were in contact with numerous other gang members, a violation of their parole. Aden Velasquez, 26, 5/26/80, from 1622 Union Ave, for public intoxication. Aldo Jauraguy, 21, 6/7/85, from 1622 Union Ave, for public intoxication. Antoinette Mitchell, 36, 7/10/70, from E 9th and S Robinson, for resist / delay an officer Tyroby Lindsey, 21, 10/3/85, from 1200 block E 9th St, for detox. Johnny Hernandez, 25, 4/16/81, from 400 Monterey St, for misdemeanor warrant. Kenneth Chatman, 28, 9/17/78, from 19th / H St, for resisting arrest and public intox. 10/8/06 - Sunday- 1200-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Frank Altamirano, 24, 11/6/81, from N Baker / Knotts, for possess a dangerous weapon Anthony Perez, 34, 4/14/72, from 1714 Lincoln St #3, for a felony warrant. Denise Calvillo, 36, 11/25/69, from 1714 Lincoln St #4, for accessory and false info. Brain Prince, 26, 10/23/79, from 2700 block Virginia Ave, for a felony warrant. Eddie Ginn, 59, 7/29/47, from 2000 block Wingstone Dr, for false personation, unlicensed driver, no proof on insurance and tinted windows. Richard Vestal, 35, 9/26/71, from 1200 S. Union Ave, for possession of meth and violation of parole. Kevin Murphy, 28, 3/31/78, from 300 block Quantico Ave, for possession of paraphernalia Peter Anderson, 41, 12/7/64, from 100 block S. Union, for possession of cocaine for sale and transport cocaine. Jason Alderman, 21, 10/12/85, from 100 block of E Belle Terrace, for possession of meth. 10/9/06 - Monday- 0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Simon Jones, 34, 1-12-72, was arrested for PC 3056 after he was found associating with other East Side Gang members at E 10th St / Clyde St. 06-211907 Rocky Hernandez, 30, 4/7/76, from 1000 S. Union Ave, was arrested for PC 3056 after he was found to be in possession of a knife Clifton Clark, 48, 8/11/58, from 910 Baker St, for resisting / obstructing an officer Claude Washington, 50, 2/14/56, from E California / S Kern, for a felony warrant. Scott Thompson, 38, 3/4/68, from 900 S. Union Ave, for possession of meth and possession of narcotic paraphernalia Aaron Siffing, 19, 12/05/86, from 900 S. Union Ave, for a misdemeanor warrant. Latorrance Hodges, 29, 11/4/76, from 420 S. Robinson St, for a misdemeanor warrant. 10/10/06 - Tuesday - 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Ahmed Parker, 23, 6/2/83, from Potomac / MLK was arrested for H&S 11350 (poss. narcotics) Kameshia Burleson, 22, 10/12/83, from Pacheco / Hughes, for was arrested for PC 529(3) (false personation of another) Craig Scott, 34, 9/24/72, from Pacheco / Hughes, for a misdemeanor warrant. Robbie McCormick, 41, 2/17/65, from 8612 White Rock Dr, was arrested for PC 646.9 and 3056 (stalking) Harvey Henry, 27, 10/13/78, from 2100 block S. Union Ave, for a felony warrant. Lester Alexander, 56, 8/10/50, from 1000 block S Union Ave, for a felony warrant. 10/11/06 - Wednesday - 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Rigoberto Cervantes, 24, 8-7-82, from 1524 Palm Dr. was arrested for H&S 11350. (Poss. of cocaine base) 06-213582 Pedro Gutierrez, 25, 7/17/81, from 900 S. Union Ave, for a felony warrant. Arlene Hunter, 38, 6/30/68, from 500 block Union Ave, for a felony warrant. 10/12/06 - Thursday - 0800-0300 SEU provided a gang presentation for the employees of State Farm Insurance. Charles Clayborn, 19, 10-31-86 and Peter Isaac, 18, 8-8-86 were contacted during a traffic stop at Pacheco / Monitor and found to be in possession of a small amount of marijuana and brass knuckles. They were arrested for H&S 11357B and PC 12020. 06-214201 (poss. dangerous weapon) Gabriel Subia, 41, 5/29/65, from 600 block Panama, for a misdemeanor warrant. Guns Seized: 06-213763, Serial: 121-86525, Ruger, .22 caliber rifle, from 5716 Midas 06 - 213763, Serial: Unk, Russian Myli, 7.62x54 caliber rifle, from 5716 Midas 10/13/06 - Friday - 1700-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Robert Smith, 19, 5/2/87, from 1200 38th St #62, for PC 69, 243b, 186.22 (assault on an officer with injury) 06- 214780 Shennewa Dean, 34, 8/19/72, from 1200 38th St #62, for obstructing. Michael Williams, 19, 1/3/87, from 1200 38th St #62, for delay investigation. Donyell Hawthorne, 21, 4/24/85, from 100 bilk Union Ave, for H&S 11377 (poss. meth) 06-215259 Marvin Bonilla, 18, 10/6/88, from 800 California, for lane straddling and unlicensed driver. Trinidad Ayala, 25, 6/3/81, from 200 block Rodman, for possession of a controlled substance and transportation of a controlled substance. Tommy Moten, 19, 9/28/87, from 1400 block Flower St, for a felony warrant. .10/14/06 - aturday - 1700 0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: SEU assisted the Lincoln Units and the CHP with a directed policing program on both 10- 13-06 and 10-14-06. Destiny Burton, 19, 4/27/87, from 800 block S. Robinson, was arrested for PC 529(3) False Impersonation 06-216116 Julian Nunez-Diaz, 31, from 10 block Kincaid, was arrested for poss. meth 06-216003 McKinley Norwood, 48, 5/2/58, from 1600 Reese Ave, was arrested for H&S 11350 and VC 23152(a) (poss. cocaine base and transportation of cocaine base) 06-215841 Bryant Williams, 36, 10/14/70, from 800 blk Baker St, was arrested for PC 3056 06-215896 Mark Scrape, 39, 5/4/67, from 1000 block S. Union Ave, for a felony warrant. 06-215807 Juan Lopez, 24, 10/5/82, from 1000 block S. Union, for unlicensed driver, amplified music and no front plate. 06-215893 Tanya Caples, 32, 12/11/73, was arrested from 1000 S. Union Ave for PC 529(3) (false impersonation) 06-215767 Thomas Avila, 18, 3/21/88, from 200 block 8th St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Michael Arnison, 29, 7/29/77, from E 9th / S Robinson, for poss. controlled substance and possession of marijuana. 06-216116 Harold Payne, 23, 2/8/83, from 1721 19th St, for public intox. 06-216139 Azteca Nutt, 29, 11/2/76, from 1721 19th St, for public intox. 06-216139 Cristoval Crosthwaite, 19, 6/29/87, from 23010 Valencia Dr, for a felony warrant. Adam Johnson, 27, 1/5/79, from 800 block Baker, for possession of paraphernalia. Jakeob Dennis, 21, 8/1/85, from 400 block Monterey, for a misdemeanor warrant. 10/15/06 - Sunday - 1200-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Daniel Reyes, 26, 5/25/80, from Flower / Virginia, was arrested for H&S 11377 (poss. meth) 06-216541 �, 13, 5/13/93, from 304 S. King St, was arrested for VC 10851, PC 496, 466, & 186.22 after he ran from a stolen vehicle. Gomez is an admitted Loma Baker. 06-216605 Oscar Ramos, 42, 3/25/64, was contacted during a traffic stop at 3200 blk Panama Ln, and during a consent search of his vehicle a sawed off shotgun was found. Ramos was arrested for PC 12021 (a)(1), (felon poss. firearm), 12316(b)(1), and 12025(a)(2) 06- 216608 Thomas Mosley, 37, 12/21/69, from 100 E. California, for poss. stolen property, forgery, elder abuse, possesses paraphernalia. Phillip Micheau, 54, 11/27/51, from 100 E. California, for violation of parole Gun Seized: 06-216608, Serial: J484818, Mossberg, .20 gauge, shotgun, from 3200 block Panama (under the rear seat) 10/16/06 — Monday —0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Rodger Thomas, 47, 8/17/59, from 1622 Union Ave #108, for parole hold. Joseph Jones, 20, 6/24/86, from 900 S Union Ave, for possession of cocaine base. Kenneth Wright, 46, 10/18/60, from 800 blk Melwood St, for possession of cocaine, possession of narcotic paraphernalia, and resist / delay officers. 10/17/06 — Tuesday — 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Demetrius Winston, 22, 10/2/84, from 1000 S. Union, for a felony warrant. Henry Norris, 44, 1/14/62, from 100 block Clifton St, for a felony warrant. Brandon Kellybrew, 18, 7/26/88, from 1800 block Haley St, for possession of stolen property and driving without a CDL Antonio Martinez, 24, 9/27/82, from 4th St / L St, for a felony warrant. John Dokter, 45, 7/18/61, from 200 block Curnow, for possession of meth, UTI of meth, transportation of meth, unsafe speed, and obstructed plates. Guns Seized: 06-217908 Serial: 94B, Springfield J. Stevenson, 12 gauge shotgun, from 6220 Santo Domingo Serial: 23-003938, Ruger, .22 caliber rifle, from 6220 Santo Domingo 10/18/06 - Wednesday - 0800-0300 SEU oiiiceri arrested the following suspects: SEU responded to the area of 1304 Emery where it was being reported there was four victims of gunshots. Off. Blackburn located a vehicle belonging to one of the victim's at Planz Park. The vehicle had been taken by the suspects after the shooting. SEU and K9 officers located both suspects in the 3600 block of Balboa. John Thomas, 18, 8/28/88, and Johnte Allen, 18, 6/23/88, were arrested for PC 187, 245, & 186.22. Both suspects are documented Westside Crips. 06-218906 Isabel Martinez, 22, 8/3/84, from 1714 Lincoln St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Brennan Wisham, 21, 12/21/84, from Flower / Virginia, for a felony warrant. 10/19/06 - Thursday- 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Adrian Guzman, 20, 10/17/86, from 1600 block Flower St was arrested for PC 12020(a) (possession of a dangerous concealed weapon) 06-219668 10/20/06 - Friday - 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Harold Lawley, 26, 1-15-80, from 1511 Orange Dr for gang reg. violation P.C. 186.33 David Gage, 20, 4-13-86 from 1117 E. 9th, for gang reg. violation P.C.186.33 Angel Cardenas, 19, 9-22-87, from 900 block Terrace, for poss. of a Billy club P.C. 12020 Jose Fnelardes, 19, 1-02-87, from 900 block Terrace, for poss. of a Billy club P.C. 12020 Timothy Beltran, 44, 4-24-62, from A St / California, for DUI - Meth Christopher Hawkins, 20, 2/20/86, from 1411 E. California, for gang reg. violation. 10/21/06 - Saturday - 17M 0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Treye Scott, 31, 10-19-75, from 1500 block E. California, for poss. cocaine, etc. Boyd Sims, 40, 12/18/66, from 1700 block Niles St, for poss. marijuana for sales, etc. Roy Nelson, 27, 8-03-79, from Niles / West, for poss. marijuana for sales, etc. James Knox, 34, 1-26-72, from 1700 Filson St, for detox. James Deloney, 31, 1-04-75, from 6th St / N St, for public intox. Gun Seized: 06-220827, Serial: Unknown, Mossberg, 12 gauge, from River / Bernard. 10/22/06 - Sunday - 1200-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Devon Harris, 21, 12/17/85, from Niles / Virginia, for GTA & poss. stolen vehicle. Jose Rosales, 48, 7/15/58, from 1200 Ming Ave, for DUI Kevin Gray, 38, 12/31/67, from 1200 Ming Ave, for a felony warrant. Larry Bailey, 25, 6/23/81, from 330 8th St, for felon in possession of a firearm, etc. Gun Seized: 06-221856, Serial: 12027355, Ruger, .22 caliber 10-22, from 330 8th St. 10/23/06 - Monday -0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Keith Price, 26, 8/28/80, from 900 block Geneva Ave, for poss. controlled substance. Eric Darwin, 20, 10/1/86, from 300 block L St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Terrance Addison, 36, 10/3/70, from S. Williams / Potomac, for possession of cocaine base, possession of paraphernalia, destruction of evidence, etc. Robert Hodges, 40, 2/11/66, from 804 S. Williams St, for possession of narcotic paraphernalia and loitering for narcotic purpose. Zellastine Carr, 51, 2/24/55, from 804 S. Williams St, for possession of cocaine for sales, and maintain a residence where narcotics are sold. Aaron Guthrie, 23, 9/16/83, from E 4th / Melba, for evading, reckless driving, etc. Kenneth Ramirez, 37, 6/14/69, from Benton / Bradley, for parole violation. Frankie Gomez, 20, 7/3/86, from E. 41h / Melba, for a misdemeanor warrant. Eulogio Govea, 46, 1/21/60, from 4216 Margalo, for poss. controlled substance, possesses drug paraphernalia and false info. Floyd Roberts, 54, 12/6/52, from 2612 Lee Dr, for parole violation. 10/24/06 - Tuesday - 0800-0300 Stu officers arrested the following suspects: 16, 11/21/89, from 1100 blk Matthew Henson St, was arrested for PC 182 & 417.4 ( brandishing a replica firearm) 06-223013 Ronnie Yocum, 40, 6/12/66, was contacted during a traffic stop at 7th Standard / Golden State Hwy and found to be in possession of approximately 1/4 lb. of methamphetamine. He was arrested for H&S 11378, 11379, & 11364. 06-223186 (poss. meth for sales) Deandre Mcthrow, 21, 10/5/85, who is an East Side Crip, was arrested for PC 3056 when he was contacted with another documented gang member at Virginia / Flower. Raymond Chavaria, 37, 8/14/69, from 128 White Ln #4, for resisting / obstructing and parole hold. 06-222974 Rodolfo Pinon, 29, 1/30/77, from E 3rd / S. King, for a felony warrant. 10/25/06— Wednesday — 1100-2100 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Elgin White, 39, 6/20/67, from 2000 block Pacific St, for a felony warrant. Robert Garza, 33, 10/14/73, from 316 1/2 Holtby Rd, for a misdemeanor warrant. Santos Cruz, 33, 2/5/73, from 224 Augusta St #A, for a misdemeanor warrant. Anthony Marmalego, 37, 9/26/69, from 1129 Pacific St, for a felony warrant. 10/26/06 —Thursday— 0800-0300 SEU assisted HIDTA with a narcotics investigation. Refer Sgt. Chase's e-mail. SEU received information that on Thursday night several West Side Crips were going to drive a vehicle through the front doors of the pawn shop at 6th and Chester to access the firearms inside the business. We adjusted our hours and maintained a stakeout on the business throughout the night. SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Guadalupe Ayon, 34, 2/13/72, from 300 block of Hayes St. for driving unlicensed, no Proof of insurance and expired registration. Bobby Smith, 39, 7/13/67, from 200 Union Ave, for poss. of narcotic paraphernalia. 10/27/06 — Friday — 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Edwin Smith, 39, 4/23/67, is a documented East Side Crip. He was contacted in the 500 blk. of MLK with other gang members, a violation of his parole. Smith was arrested for PC 3056. 06-225918 Tonriko Shropshire, 20, 4/15/86, was contacted in Dept. 1 Superior Court at 1415 Truxtun Ave, SEU officers recognized him from a wanted notice where he was wanted for PC 212.5 (Robbery) Anthony Hernandez, 20, 12/6/85, from 1800 block of Union Ave, was arrested for H&S 11377 (poss. meth) 06-225886 Juan Garcia, 26, 3/30/80, from 1800 block of Union Ave, was arrested for PC 3056 Ignacio Reyes, 32, 7/20/74, from 4400 Old Castle Ave, for detox Jermaine Keeton, 18, 5/1/88, from 1400 Cheatham, for a misdemeanor warrant. 10/28/06 - Saturday - 1200-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Joshua Reeves, 25, 6-12-81, from 3543 Balboa Dr, for resisting arrest and P.C. 3056 Jerry Gray, 28, 10-30-78, from 1500 block E 11th St, for delay / obstruct, P.C. 148 Antonio Calderon, 23, 3/15/83, from 700 block Union Ave, for poss. controlled substance. Larry Taylor, 36, 3-28-70, from 805 S. Haley St, for loitering for narcotics H&S 11352 Tekeya Scott, 24, 12-27-82, from 805 S. Haley St, for marijuana for sales, marijuana for cultivation, maintaining residence for sales, and destruction of evidence. 10/29/06 - Sunday - 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: 17, 5/13/89, from 1108 S. Union Ave, for H&S 11359 and PC 308 (b) 06- 227205 (poss. marijuana for sale) Toscano Rodriguez, 26, 6/2/80, from 1108 S. Union, for false info Jermaine Keeton, 18, 5/1/88, Johnny Ward, 18, 4/3/88 and Meisha Porter, 13, 5/23/93 were arrested from 320 Madison for VC 10851, PC 496, and PC 186.22 (GTA) Enrique Barrosa, 43, 7/20/63, from 700 Chester Ave, for suspended license. Jimmy Stewart, 54, 12/27/51, was arrested from 700 block H St, for H&S 11350 and 11364 06-227475 (poss. heroin) Jose Cruz, 20, 8/1/85, was arrested from E California / Gage St for PC 529(3) (False Impersonation) 06-227325 Olivia Flores, 40, 2/11/66, from 940 S. Union for a felony warrant. Tremaine Wilburn, for a misdemeanor warrant. Carlos Estevez, 28, 8/6/78, from 2nd / N St, for no license, no insurance, and having an unregistered vehicle. Guns Seized: 06-227313, Serial: L801788, Remington, 30.06 Rifle, from 2nd / M 06-227313, Serial: UNK, Mossberg, .410 Shotgun, from 2nd / M 06-227313, Serial: LINK, Mohawk, .410 Shotgun, from 2nd / M 10/30/06 — Monday —0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Ignacio Salcedo, 23, 8/13/83, from California / H St, for a felony warrant. Joel Tapia, 32, 1/28/74, from Haley/ Oregon, for a felony warrant. Manuel Knight, 21, 4/18/85, from 4701 Beechwood, for resisting officers and possession of less than 1 oz of marijuana. 10/31/06 —Tuesday — 0800-0100 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Willie Rufus, 49, 1/6/97, from 300 S. Williams St, for a felony warrant. Javier Olmedo, 42, 7/14/64, from 800 Collins, for possession of meth, possession of heroin and possession of narcotic paraphernalia. Tony Henry, 47, 11/11/59, from 1009 33rd St, for resisting arrest, trespassing and drive on a suspended license. Dyeion Ross, 36, 1/22/70, from Hwy 99 / Houghton, for possession of cocaine base for sales, conspiracy, participation in a criminal street gang, and transportation. Daryl Jenkins, 36, 9/1/70, from Hwy 99 / Houghton, for possession of cocaine base for sales, conspiracy, participation in a criminal street gang, and transportation. Manuel Valdovinos, 24, 5/4/82, from 400 S. Robinson, for possession of meth, Possession of narcotic paraphernalia, and resist / delay officers. Daniel Velasquez, 41, 4/24/65, from 1417 Owens St, for a felony warrant. Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC WORKS STREETS DIVISION —WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 6 — NOVEMBER 10, 2006 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Continue resurfacing project in the area between So. "H" Street & Chester Avenue, Wilson Road & Planz Road. Continue reconstructing streets in the area North of Planz Road, west of Stine Road. Miscellaneous Streets Division Projects: Continue the Monitor Street & Hosking Road storm line installation project. Continue the Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive widening project. Continue the project of repairing curb and gutter at the bus stop on California Avenue & Chester Lane. Installing curb, gutter and sidewalk on the south side of Casa Loma Drive between Lotus Lane & Madison Street. C'.\D000ME-1\rsmiley�LOCALS-1\Temp\Work Schedule Week of November 6.doc Page 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE _Monday, November 6 2006 Between Oak Street & "F" Street, 16th Street to Golden State Frontage Road. Between Chester Avenue & Alta Vista Drive, Bernard Street / 34th Street to Espee Street / Niles Street. Between Jenkins Road & Allen Road, Rosedale Highway to Palm Street. Between Brimhall Road & Rowland Avenue, Rugger Street to Jenkins Road. Between Allen Road & Jewetta Avenue, Stockdale Highway north to the canal. Tuesday, November 7 2006 Between California Avenue & Brundage Lane, Oak Street to Union Avenue. Wednesday, November 8 2006 Between Pacheco Road & Panama Lane, New Stine Road to Wible Road. Pacheco Road to Encino Street, between 99 Highway & So. "H" Street. Between Panama Lane & Berkshire Road, So. "H" Street to Union Avenue. Thursday, November 9 2006 Between Cochran Drive & Stockdale Highway, Carr Street to California Avenue. Between New Stine Road & 99 Highway, California Avenue to Stockdale Highway. Between Stockdale Highway & Ming Avenue, Ashe Road to New Stine Road. Between Hosking Road & McKee Road, Wible Road to New Stine Road. Friday, November 10 2006 City streets in the area between Belle Terrace & White Lane /Adidas Avenue, New Stine Road to Wible Road. Between Madison Street & Hale Street, Watts Drive to Brook Street. C'.\DOCUME-1\rsmiley\LOCALS-1\Temp\Work Schedule—Week of November 6.doc • B A K E R S F I E L D RECEIVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD --� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OCT 3 O 2006 MEMORANDUM i TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: October 26, 2006 SUBJECT: STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON SILVIA AND ANTONIA WAY Referral No. 1643 [WHEN UNCILMEMBER CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE A TIMELINE AS TO THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WEST OF CHESTER AVE. ON VIA DR. AND ANTONIA WAY WILL BE COMPLETED. The target date for completing the street resurfacing project in the area between Wilson Road & Planz Road, South "H" Street & South Chester Avenue is November 10, 2006. There have been delays on this project due to equipment breakdown and the California Water Company requesting a four week delay so that they could replace some of the water lines in this area. The Street Maintenance crew is currently resurfacing the streets within the area and some of the streets have been completed. G:\GROUPDATRefen-als\2006\10-25\Ref#1643 Silvia-Antonia St.doc RECEIVED ZA�r B A K E R S F 1 E L D OCT 31 2006 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: October 26, 2006 SUBJECT: RECYCLING IDEAS Referral No. 1646 [C 0 UNCILMEMBER BENHAM REQUESTED STAFF RESPOND TO CORRESPONDENCE FROM JULIA WHEELER REGARDING RECYCLING IDEAS FOR THE CITY. Staff sent the following email to Julia Wheeler in response to her email correspondence: Dear Ms. Wheeler, On behalf of Bakersfield's Mayor and City Council members who received your October 25th email regarding recycling, I would like to let you know our consideration of your idea. We agree that it would be wonderful if there were no fee for the recycling service. However, the true cost of the collection and sorting service must be covered. Part of the cost is covered by the sale of aluminum cans, newspaper, and soda bottles. But the bulk of curbside recycling is for cardboard, milk jugs, junk mail, and magazines, etc. These are heavy items which do not sell for enough to "pay the freight". Thus, there is still a net cost for recycling after the high value items are sold. In many cities, the net cost of recycling is paid for through the regular trash service fees, and most people don't realize they are paying to recycle. Bakersfield does not combine the two fees, because the majority in a community survey in 2000 desired not to pay a recycling fee at all. Thus, we currently have a voluntary system in order to respect the majority opinion while still recycling where we can. We are working on reducing the cost to make this more popular. In fact, we just received a large state grant today for that purpose. You should see the fee decrease in the future. In the meantime, we respect the decision not to pay the fee, and we encourage you to use the free community drop off recycling centers. I think the two nearest you are Tevis Jr. High School and Fred L. Thompson Jr. High School. As for the part of your idea about cutting the brown trash can service to every other week, we can not do so because of health code requirements. I hope these answers help you understand how the program works. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Kevin Barnes Solid Waste Director Phone #: (661) 326-3114 Fax#: (661) 852-2114 email: Kbarnes @ci.bakersfield.ca.us C:\DOCUME-1\Iskinner\LOCALS-1\Temp\,CPgrpWse\Ref#1646 Recyding.doc EC� E` IVED B A K E R S F I E L D OCT 31,2006 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LEET ANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: October 24, 2006 SUBJECT: MULTIPLE PROJECT FOLLOW-UPS Referral No. 1639 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ROJAS REVIEW THE ATTACHED MATERIAL AND CONTACT HIM FOR DISCUSSION. ITEMS ARE: 1. CALTRANS PA&ED STATUS. REPORT REGARDING HWY 46 FUNDING 2. ROUND-ABOUT USE AT HAGEMAN 3. AN UPDATE OF THE TIF PROJECT LIST The Public Works Director has contacted Councilmember Couch to discuss the above mentioned items. G:\GROUPDAIIReferrals\2006\10-11\Ref#1639 Couch-Rojas.doc RECEIVED B A K E R S F 1 E L o NOV - 3 2006 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: November 2, 2006 SUBJECT: IMPROVEMENTS AT TRUXTUN AND COFFEE INTERSECTION Referral No. 1647 COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A SHORT REPORT ON THE LONG TERM PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE INTERSECTION OF TRUXTUN AND COFFEE. In early 2006, staff evaluated options for improvements at this intersection. The necessary improvements would include • widen the Coffee Road Bridge over the Kern River to lengthen the southbound to eastbound dual left turn lane bays for additional storage capacity, • widen Coffee Road northbound adjacent to retail center to add a third lane northbound, lengthen the dual right turn lane bays, and add a deceleration lane at the entrance to the retail center. In addition, widen the south side of Truxtun Avenue adjacent to the retail center to improve circulation for southbound to eastbound turning movements. • install traffic signal and lighting system at the southern entrance to the retail center on the southeast corner of Truxtun Avenue and Coffee Road. In addition, construct median modifications to accommodate left turn movements for both northbound and southbound Coffee Road. The current estimate for constructing the above improvements is $6,000,000. While these improvements would help somewhat to reduce the congestion within the intersection proper, there would still be a large volume of traffic being directed into the existing two-lanes of east bound Truxtun Avenue. As a result, staff does not recommend these improvements. Construction of the Westside Parkway will reduce the congestion in this intersection and on Truxtun Avenue. G\GROUPDA11Referrals\2006\10-25\Ref#1647 St Improvements.doc