HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/2006 • B K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM December 8, 2006 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Cou !I FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information 1. Our thoughts are with Fire Chief Ron Fraze; we will continue to communicate updates on his condition as we receive them — we wish him a speedy recovery! During his absence, Gary Hutton will serve as acting chief. 2. We met with representatives from the GSA today, Friday, December 8th, regarding the Federal Courthouse. It was a positive meeting, and we appear to be moving towards the Central Park site. There are many steps, including federal and state environmental processes which have to be followed, before anything is certain, but ofewritten information common on he site, pr jectt entry,exit next steps will nd be If all continues forward, the estimated time frame to completion is 24 to 27 months. 3. We waited nearly five months for Shafter's water plan to be presented to us. We received it this week, and it was very disappointing. The details are complicated, but the "plan" rests on an idea to take credit for wastewater effluent that is, and will continue to be, used to grow crops - a paper shuffle! A much more detailed evaluation will follow. 4. Public Works has prepared the attached report summarizing our overall plan for street infrastructure improvements. Due to increased availability of funds that we anticipate will be available with the recent passage of the State bond measures, the impact of the TRIP funding, and the Council's approval of increased funding in the budget for street repair and resurfacing, we will seize the opportunity we have before us to make a significant investment in our local road infrastructure! 5. The exploratory committee that was formed to study the feasibility of a new downtown performing arts center has decided that the estimated cost of approximately $341 million makes it unrealistic to pursue further. Please see the enclosed letter sent to the committee members this week. Honorable Mayor and City Council December 8, 2006 Page 2 6. Highlights from Recreation and Parks events and activities for November include: The Westwold Playground renovation is now complete and open for play. The new play equipment features several climbers, two sets of swings, a climbing wall, and rubber surfacing to meet ADA and other safety standards. The first Turkey Splash at McMurtrey pool on Thanksgiving morning was successful, with 37 participants competing in five events in the heated pool. The event received state and national media coverage, and will grow in attendance in future years. November attendance at McMurtrey Aquatic Center is up 181% over the same time last year: 1,629 in 2006 compared to 567 in 2005. New programs, more people in existing programs and a swim meet hosted by the Bakersfield Swim Club all helped boost attendance this past month. It is currently closed for about ten days to drain, clean, change lights, and refurbish the locker rooms. It should re- open on December 13. A new dog run was installed at Seasons Park, especially designated for small dogs only. This came as a request from the community wanting a place for their small dogs to run without having to be concerned about the bigger dogs. A total of 34 benches (out of a total 49) have been designated as memorial benches at The Park at River Walk, to date. 7. The Police Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report and the Graffiti Unit Statistics for November are enclosed. 8. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of December 11 th is enclosed. 9. A response to a Council request is enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Sullivan • Additional trash cans provided for the Christmas parade route. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk B A K E R S F I E L D DEC 0 .8 2OD6 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM December 8, 2006 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Subject: Investment in Street Infrastructure -__.__.. This memo provides a summary of the City's anticipated future investment in our street infrastructure. Funding for road improvements has increased over the years because of several factors including Council's commitment to street improvements, TRIP projects, and passage of two recent ballot measures (Propositions1A and Proposition 16). This memo discusses the impact of each of these items on the City's investment in our street infrastructure. Proposition 1A — Transportation Funding Protection. Legislative Constitutional Amendment (Proposition 42 Reform). Proposition 42, enacted in 2002, dedicated motor vehicle fuel sales tax funds to transportation programs. Instead of being directed to the State's General Fund, these revenues are to be transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund to provide for improvements to highways, streets and roads, and transit systems. Proposition 42, however, allowed the Legislature to suspend the transfer by a two-thirds vote subject to a gubernatorial declaration that the transfer would have a negative impact on the State's finances. The transfer has been suspended twice — in 2003-04 and in 2004-05. Proposition 1A limits the State's ability to suspend the transfer of motor vehicle fuel sales tax to the Transportation Investment Fund. This Amendment provides local agencies additional protection that these funds would be used as the voters intended for transportation purposes. A history of the funds received from Proposition 42 follows: FY 2000-01 $ 1,690,871 FY 2001-02 $ 634,084 FY 2002-03 $ 671,452 FY 2003-04 $ 0 FY 2004-05 $ 0 FY 2005-06 $3,291,872 (Includes repayment for 2003-04 ($868,859) and 2004-05 ($1,083,867). 2005-06 allocation was $1,339,146. G:\GROUPDAT\Georgina\CMO\Street Investment.doc FY's 2006-07 and 2007-08: No payments are anticipated for these fiscal years per the State Controllers Office since the original legislation (AB 2928) did not provide funding for these two years. Payments are anticipated to commence in FY 2008-09. The $3.3 Million received in 2005/06 has not yet been expended. The Engineering Division is actively working on designing resurfacing projects that would use these funds. Proposition 1B — Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 This transportation bond contains more than $19 billion in funding to improve highways, ports, commuter rail systems, and other projects. The bonds contain $2 billion to improve local streets and roads. $1 billion of these funds will be allocated directly to cities through a per-capital formula that guarantees the smallest city a minimum of $400,000 to address their most critical transportation needs. Preliminary estimates indicate that the City of Bakersfield's allocation will be $9.9 million dollars. We do not have any information regarding the timing of these funds. But what we do know is that this funding source will increase the City's investment in streets by $9.9 million dollars. When these funds become available, it will be expended for road improvements by a combination of capital improvement projects and street crews. The impact of Proposition 16 on our local roads is substantial. This new revenue source, in addition to the funds already dedicated for road improvements by the Council, will benefit the entire community and will certainly be noticeable to the public. Proposition 1 B also creates opportunities for competitive grants. Attachments A to C provide a list of projects that are being pursued by KernCog and the City for various Pots of the Proposition 18 funds. Parsons is working on some of the applications in the metro area for us. They are currently working on applications for the fourth and sixth projects of Attachment A. These are due in early January. The Attachment C program is a future one that does not yet have criteria and deadlines set. Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) Metropolitan Bakersfield's unprecedented growth over the past several years has placed considerable strain on the area's transportation system. Recognizing the impact growth was having on our outdated road system, Congressman Thomas earmarked $630 million of federal funds to improve the City's road system. This amount, plus the required local match, will increase the investment in our streets close to $800 million. Street Repairs and Resurfacing Funds In addition to the funds previously discussed, the 2006-07 budget reflects Council's commitment to increase funding for street investment. Attachment D summarizes funding for the current fiscal year as compared to the prior three years. Noteworthy items include: ■ The operating funds spent on road repairs have more than doubled and there is an increase of$1.2 million proposed for FY 2006-07 over FY 2005-06. G:\GROUPDAT\Georgina\CMO\Street Investment.doc • The Capital Outlay funds designated for road repairs in the proposed FY 2006- 07 budget of$3 Million is three times greater than for FY 2003-04. the amount that was budgeted • In FY 2005-06 there was a large amount of federal transportation ISTEA funds budgeted for road repairs. This does not reflect a typical year. Reasons for the spike include additional funding which became available through KernCog at the end of FY 2004-05 and ISTEA funding for FY 2004-05 was not allocated until late that fiscal year. Because it was allocated so late, it was included in the FY 2005-06 budget. ■ Several mid-year additions to the city's road resurfacing efforts are shown. FY 2004-05 includes one-time funding for roads due to the VLF Gap Loan Receivable the City dedicated to road repairs and $1.5 million in one-time funds. Attachment E is a memo from the Public Works Director discussing the progress made by Streets Division crews for street maintenance. As the memo highlights, we have made a lot of progress since 2003. Attachment F provides a summary of the recent paving projects completed by outside contractors and designed by our Design Engineering staff. Again, a lot of progress has been made. Summary What does this mean for Bakersfield? We have an unprecedented opportunity to increase our investment in City streets. Proposition 42 funds bring in an immediate $3.3 million opportunity to increase our investment. Although there is no funding for FY's 2006-07 and 2007-08, this program is anticipated to start up again in FY 2008-09. Proposition 1 B should contribute $9.9 million to our investment in streets. TRIP funds would over time increase our investment by approximately $800 million. The annual budget reflects Council's commitment to increase the City's investment in streets whenever possible. G:\GROUPDAT\Georgina\CMO\Street Investment.doc PROPOSITION 1 B ATTACHMENT A CORRIDOR MOBILITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Route Limits Description and Soonsorina Aaencv Route 46 Interstate 5 to SLO County Line Phase III and IV- Caltrans Route 14 Freeman Gulch widening Widen 2 to 4 lanes (Partnership Project- Caltrans Route 58 Cottonwood Road to Route 99 widen 4 to 6 lanes- Caltrans Route 58 Route 99 to Allen Road widen 4 to 6 lanes-City of Bakersfield 7th Standard Road Route 99 to Santa Fe Way widen 4 to 6 lanes -County of Kern Route 178 Morning Drive to Miramontes Drive widen 4 to 6 lanes -City of Bakersfield ATTACHMENT B ROUTE 99 CORRIDOR PROGRAM Route Limits Description and Soonsorina Agency Route 99 Wilson Ave. to Route 119 widen 6 to 8 lanes-Caltrans Route 99 Woollomes Road Interchange upgrade Interchange- City of Delano Route 99 Elmo Highway Interchange 9 construct new interchange -City of McFarland Route 99 Route 204 to 7'h Standard Road Widen 6 to 8 lanes -County of Kern ATTACHMENT C TRADE CORRIDOR PROGRAM Route Limits Description and Sponsoring Agency Route 58 Route 58/Route 99 Construct connector ramps-Caltrans Route 58 Cottonwood Road to Route 99 Widen 4 to 8 lanes—Caltrans Route 58 General Beale Rd. to east of Tehachapi Construct truck climbing lane—Caltrans Route 58 West of General Beale Road Construct truck weigh station Interstate 5 Grapevine to Lebec Construct truck climbing lane—Caltrans 7`"Standard Rd. Coffee Road to Sante Fe Way Widen 2 lanes to 4 lane—County of Kern Route 58 Route 99 to Allen Road Widen 4 to 6 lanes—City of Bakersfield 7"Standard Rd. 1-517'n Standard Road Modify Interchange—County of Kern 7"Standard Rd. Route 99/7"Standard Road Modify Interchange—County of Kern City of Bakersfield Funding for street repairs and resurfacing Attachment D (Budgeted figures) FY-2003-04 FY-2004-05 FY 200548 FY 2006.07 Streets-O erat'nc BUtl t Street Materials&Operating Costs GF $ 2,648,752 $ 2,722,893 $ 5,224.211 $ 6,399,800 Street Materials&Operating Costs GT 5 1.600,000 $ 2,000.000 $ 2,670.000 $ 2.700,000 Total Operating S 4,248,752 S 4,722,993 E 7,894,211 $ 9,099,800 CIP Capital Outlay Fund T4K127 Rehab Of City Streets COF $ 1,000,000 T5K127 Rehab of City Streets COF 761(755 Pavement Rehab FY05-06 S 1,000,000 771(748 Resurfacing-Streets Division COF COF $ 2,500,000 CDBG Fund $ 3.000,000 T6K117 Street Reconstruction CDBG T6K143 Street Reconstruction CDBG S 263.500 T7K104 St Improv-Lotus BTW CL&BR CDBG $ 700,000 T7K105 Curb Gutter Sidewalk E Tnrxtun CDBG S 127,000 T7K108 Curb Gutter Sidewalk Various CDBG S 375.000 T7K121 Streetscape Improv.34th St Chester CDBG S 442.000 Gas Tax FFund/ISTEA S 250,000 T5K125 Chip/Slurry Seals TSK135 Resurfacing Vac Streets $ 175,000 $ 500.000 T5K123 Reconstruct Var.Streets ISTEA TSK123 Reconstruct Vac Streets GT $ 2,323,913 T6Ki64 Reconstruct Var.Streets ISTEA $ 301,087 761(164 Reconstruct Var.Streets GT $ 3.303,940 TSK167 Reconstruct Var.Streets ISTEA $ 428,060 T5K757 Reconstruct Var.Streets GT $ 809,160 $ 104,840 T7K129 Reconstruct Var Streets ISTEA T7K129 Reconstruct Var Streets GT S 1,584,687 T7K141 Pvmt Resurfacing/Reconstruction ISTEA S 205,313 T7K141 Pvmt Resurfacing/Reconstruction GT S 251.000 Redevelopment-Southeast Project Area S 32.000 T7K149 SE Streets Curb and Gutter Improv. E 300,000 Total CIP S 1,000,000 S 1,938,500 5 10,471,000 $8,587,000 Mid-year LIP adjustments fOne•Time Fundsl TOT Transfer to Capital Outlay Fund(Oct 2004) VLF Gap Loan Receivable(Feb.2005) S 1.500.000 VLF transfer to Capital Outlay Fund(12-14-05) $ 4'200'000 General Fund Transfer to Capital Outlay Fund(3-22-06) $ 570,000 General Fund Transfer to Capital Outlay Fund(Proposed for May 2006) 5 500,000 $ 500,000 Total Mid-year adjustments $ - S 5,700,000 E 1,570,000 S - Grand Total S 5,248,752 $ 12,361,493 $ 19,935,211 515,666,800 Increase compared to 2003.04 236% 380% 298y, 12/6/2006 9:32 B A K E R S F I E L D Attachment E PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM December 8, 2006 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRESS — STREETS DIVISION Street maintenance activities have increased dramatically in the past two years. During FY 03-04, approximately 14 miles of streets were either resurfaced or reconstructed. This was primarily due to funding and manpower limitations and equipment breakdowns. In 2002, a plan was formulated to increase the amount of street maintenance that is performed by City crews. The plan called for increased staffing, new equipment and more funding for materials and outside services. Under the plan it was estimated that 44 miles of streets would be resurfaced or reconstructed. This plan was approved by the City Council and efforts of the plan were first seen in FY 04-05, when 22 miles of streets were either resurfaced or reconstructed, an increase of 57%. In addition, 146 miles of streets were sealed with rejuvenating oil. FY 05-06 was the first year of full implementation of the plan when 65 miles of streets were either resurfaced or reconstructed, an increase of 364% from FY 03-04 efforts. This exceeded the estimated amount to be completed under the plan by 21 miles, nearly 50%. Also, 408 miles of streets were sealed, an increase of 179% from FY 04- 05. During this FY streets crews also completed major projects such as construction of: seating area at River Walk Park; parking lot at the Animal Care Facility; roads and loading pad at Mount Vernon Recycling Facility; and a turn pocket on Rosedale Highway at Abate-A-Weed. In the current FY (06-07), 30 miles have been resurfaced or reconstructed and we are on target to complete of 60 miles. So far this year 498 miles of streets have been sealed, which is already an increase over last year's efforts. We expect this to continue into the future with the current manpower and funding. This effort is the maximum we can expect from the current levels of staffing, equipment, and funding for materials and outside services. Other construction projects worked on so far this FY include: widening Panama Lane west of Wible Road; construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the south side of Casa Loma Drive between Madison Street & Lotus Lane; and widening Brimhall Road east of Calloway Drive. G:\GROUPDATiGeorgina\CMO\Maintenance Progress 2006.DOC ATTACHMENT F B .N h E R S F I� L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design Engineering 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield California 93301 PAST YEAR PAVING PROJECTS Project Number Project Name Description T5K127 Rehab of City Street segments in this project are 17th Street from Chester Streets Avenue to L Street, Discovery Davie from West Commerce Center Drive to Marella Way,Marella Way from Discover Drive to California Avenue, Marella Way from California Avenue to Montclair Street, Lennox Drive from Hewlett Street to California Avenue, Lennox Drive from California Avenue to Business Park South, Business Park South from Lennox Drive to Business Center Drive, Christmas Tree Lane from Mount Vemon Avenue 1 to Columbus Street, Panorama Drive from River Boulevard to Mount Vernon Avenue and Palm Street from Real Road to SR99. Construction was completed in September 2005. TSK135 Resurfacing of r roject number was combined with Project No. T5K151 for Various Streets vements on Panorama Drive from Juniper Ridge Road to Canyon Street. Construction was completed in July T5K169 Resurfacing VLF segments in this project are south"H"Street from Ming Phase I Avenue to SR58, Mohawk Street from California Avenue to Truxtun Avenue, Bernard Street from Mount Vernon Avenue to Oswell Street and Camino Media from Old River Road to Lancashire Street. Construction was completed in January _ 2006. T5K170 Resurfacing VLF Castle&Cooke-Reconstruction of Stockdale Hwy between Phase II Allen Road and the Kem River Bridge. Completed August 2006. Stuart Thomas, Inc. - Reconstruction of South"H"Street between Hosking Road and the Arvin-Edison Ca- nal. Completed August 2006. C&C Properties, Inc. -Street improvements on the east side of Coffee Road including new Pavement and concrete curb gutter, sidewalk and median island, but not including the number one lane. Completed June _ 2005. T5K157 Resurfacing Street segments in this project are Madison from Hayes to Various Streets SR58, Q Street from 31"Street to West Columbus, Harris 04-05 Road from Gosford to East of Silvergate Street, and Harris Road from Stine Road to Annette Street. Construction was completed in May 2006. ATTACHMENT F PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design Engineering 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield,California 93301 PAST YEAR PAVING PROJECTS CONT. Project Number Project Name Description T5K164 Reconstruction Various Street segments in this project are Oswell Street from Streets south of Bernard to Auburn m Street, White Lane from Ashe Road to Wilson Road, Coffee Road from Stockdale Highway to Arvin-Edison Canal(south of Truxtun Avenue), and Coffee Road from Rosedale Highway to Calloway Canal. The contract for this project has been awarded. Construction has been completed on White Lane and Coffee Road-Rosedale Hwy to Callaway Canal segments. Due to the holiday shopping season and winter weather season, the Oswell Street and Coffee Rd-Stockdale Hwy to Arvin- Edison Canals segments ' eg will be constructed in Spring 2007. T6K123 Reconstruction Various f Street segments in this project are Mt Vernon from Streets i University to Panorama and Columbus from Haley to 05-06 Mt. Vernon Avenue. Construction will be completed _ soon. N/A N/A � Monitor Street from Hosking Avenue to Berryessa Court (August 2006)Widened on the East side with curb, gutter,sidewalk and pavement. N/A N/A South H Street from Hosking Avenue to Arvin-Edison Canal(August 2005) Half Road Arterial Improvements, curb, gutter, pavement and East Median Island Curb Future Paving Projects Project Number Project Name Description T7K151 &T7K152 Resurfacing Prop-42 GosfOrd Road Reconstruct—North bound from Panama Lane to Railroad Gosford Road Reconstruct—South bound approximately 700'North of Panama Lane to Panama Lane Olympia Drive Reconstruct—from South Laurel Glen Blvd to South Half Moon Drive Harris Road Resurface—East of Silvergate to Ashe Road Calloway Drive Resurface-from Rosedale Highway to Meachum Road South Real Road Resurface—from Elcia Drive to Stockdale Highway Y South Real Road Resurface—fr from Chester Lane to California Avenue I- i CHAIN ■ YOUNGER ■ COHN ■ STILES C 1430 TRUXTUN AVENUE • P.O.BOX 2348 • BAKERSFIELD,CA 93303 • 661/323.4000 FAX 661/324-1352 • e-mail:Iawinfo@chainyoungercom • wwwxhainyoungercom A LAW CORPORATION MORRIS B. CHAIN(1904-1977) *EDMDs MILTON M.YOUNGER DAVID K.COHN DEC 0 7 2006 DAVID V.STALES December 5, 2006 JAMES A.YORO PAUL A.WELCHANS MAX M. KOENIG BRIAN P.AZEMIKA OF COUNSEL GEORGE D.MANOLAKAS Donna Kunz ANTHONY P.AZEMIKA City Development Director NICHOLAS P.AZEMIKA 1501 Truxtun Ave. KATHRYN M.Fox GAEL G.MUELLER Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Bakersfield Performing Arts Center Dear Committee Member:: At our last meeting on November 15, 2006, at the Bell Tower Club, Mr. McCoy presented his Overall Project Budget Summary. I herewith enclose a copy of it. As you can see, Mr. McCoy has estimated that the project budget would be $341,000,000. He also estimated that we would need to raise approximately $100,000,000 up front. Following this meeting, I contacted certain key members of the Committee who had heard the presentation: Bruce Freeman, Joe Drew, and Joe Colombo. And I also had a long conversation with John Farrer. These long-time members of this committee and persons of considerable experience in construction have agreed that the $341,000,000 cost is so large that it is not feasible to proceed with the project. Also the necessity of raising $100,000,000 upfront appears to make the project untenable. J have contacted Robert McCoy and told hum of our decision. I herewith enclose a copy of his letter to me on November 28, 2006, in which he appears to indicate that despite the fact that the Committee has withdrawn from active pursuit of the development of the Bakersfield Performing Arts Center, he intends to proceed in some manner with it. I have discussed his letter of November 28, 2006 with him and he indicates that he will attempt to contact other persons in Bakersfield, who he believes he can interest in supporting him in the project. I have no objection to him doing this. I explained that I simply do not believe that the Committee, including myself, can credibly go out into the community and seek to raise funds for a project that will cost this much. Steering Committee Members December 5, 2006 Page 2 Reluctantly, I have withdrawn the Committee from the project. Of course, this means that the effort that I have spent for the last three years on this project will be unproductive, at least at this time. I am sorry that the end product of our many meetings and discussions is that we will take no further action as a committee. If you feel you would like to work with Mr. McCoy further on the project, you are of course encouraged to contact him. Thank you for your many hours of effort, thought and discussion. If the project is revived in the future, naturally I will want to be a part of it. Very truly yours, MILTON M. YOUNGER, Chairman Tel.#(661)334-4965 Fm(661) 3344997 MMY/ljc Enclosures 1-Nov-06 Bakersfield Performing Arts Center Overall Project Budget Summary A Land Acquisition $11,500,000 B Building Costs $171,000,000 Construction Escalation $17,500,000 Soft Costs $47,000,000 Design Contingency $12,000,000 $247,500,000 C Soft Costs $55,000,000 Commissioning and Start-up Costs $10,000,000 Overall project Management $9,000,000 Fundraising $8,000,000 $82,000 000 D Project Budget $341,000,000 First Year Start-up Preliminary Budget 1 Land Acquisition $1,750,000 2 Architectural Design Work $1,750,000 3 City Approval Process $500,000 4 Fundraising $550,000 5 Overall Project Management 1450,00 0 $5,000;000 OLAKERSHELD FERF R .iN�aR?S `ErJ7ER November 28, 2006 Milton Younger Chain Younger 1430 Truxtun Avenue P.O. Box 2348 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2348 RE: Bakersfield Performing Arts Center Dear Milt, It is with great disappointment that we accept your personal decision to withdraw from the active pursuit of the development of the Bakersfield Performing Arts Center. I am sure that you have given this a great deal of thought in the last few weeks. And I understand your reticence on a personal level to undertake the fund raising activity that lies ahead. That task is daunting to say the least. I know you believe in the need for the Bakersfield Performing Arts Center and I trust you will continue to support us. I also trust that I can count upon your personal support and help in opening doors within the community. Your efforts and underwriting that have enabled us to define the scope and cost of the development to date will not be forgotten. You cannot be thanked enough. I will see that you are kept informed on all aspects of the development. You are welcome to join any meetings and participate as you desire. Sincerely rt ccoy Cc: J Stuebbe J Farrer J Colombo rr V r 2nnp www.ba ke rs f e l d perform i ngar cs.o rg OFBAKE �(,ORPORAtQ�S� BAKERSFIELD POLICE ' " MEMORANDUM GAY C1,71 R IL F Date: December 5, 2006 Est{ 0 d Z006 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager e From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police LW C'T OFFICE Subject: Special Enforcement Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Special Enforcement Unit's monthly report for November of 2006. Please call if you have any questions. WRR/vrf Bakersfield Police Department Special Enforcement Unit Monthly Report—November 2006 The following is a compilation of the performance of the Special Enforcement Unit and significant incidents /investigations for November 2006. 79 Felony Arrests 7 Guns Seized 53 Supplemental Reports 57 Misdemeanor Arrests 346 FI's 92 General Offense Reports 15 Felony Warrant Arrests 34 Citations 37 Vehicle Reports 20 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests 278 Probation and Parole Se 8 Search Warr ants Hrs. Assisting Other 3 2006 Shootings 328.5 Hours In Training 142 Department 7 2005 Shootings Sections 2 2004 Shootings I 2003Shootings Year to Date Statistics January — November 2006 984 Felony Arrests K404 Guns Seized 541 Supplemental Reports 619 Misdemeanor Arrests FI's 1149 General Offense 227 Felony Warrant Reports Arrests Citations 308 Vehicle Reports 297 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests 3236 Probation and Parole Se 51 Search Warrants Hrs. Assisting Other 54 2006 Shootings 1213 Hours In Training 3354.5 Department 82 2005 Shootings Sections 46 2004 Shootings 40 2003 Shootings SEU DAILY ACTIVITY 11/1/06-Wednesday-0800-0300 SEU Officers arrested the following suspects: Curtis Moore, 46, 12/13/59, from 805 S. Haley was arrested for H&S 11359, 11358, & 11366 (Marijuana for sale) 06-226493 Daniel Melendrez, 29, 8/15/77, was stopped by SEU officers in the 1900 blk. of Virginia for riding his bicycle at night without a light. Officers saw Melendrez discard approximately 1 oz. of methamphetamine as they contacted him. 06-229809 Eduardo Pineda, 21, 6/5/85, was contacted during a traffic stop at 2000 block Quincy St and found to be in possession of approximately a 1/4 lb. of methamphetamine. During a consent search of his wife's residence an additional 10 grams of methamphetamine and$2,230. was seized. An asset forfeiture investigation was completed and the $2,230. along with the $296. that Pineda had in his possession was seized. 06-229843 Frityeral Flores, 20, 12/8/86, from Flower/Orange, for possess paraphernalia. 06-229848 11/2/06-Thursday- 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Jessie Hill, 19, 4/31/87, from 801 Truxtun Ave, for failure to register as a gang member Jonathan Taylor, 19, 4/25/87, from 600 Fairfax#20, for ADW, gang member poss. a firearm, probationer in possession of a firearm, criminal threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. Thomaslee Mulero, 19, 9/17/87, from 600 Fairfax#20, for ADW, gang member poss. a firearm, probationer in possession of a firearm, criminal threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. Terry Turner, 25, 7/3/81, from 801 Truxtun Ave, for parole and gang registration violations Calvin Burns, 25, 7/15/81, from 801 Truxtun Ave, for CCW, gang member CCW- firearm, carry non- registered concealed firearm, poss. loaded firearm by a gang member, poss. stolen property and participation in a criminal street gang. Billy Richardson, 24, 10/1/82, from 1000 block Truxtun Ave, for poss. cocaine base, and a parole hold Dametras Level, 33, 7/4/73, from 1000 block Truxtun Ave, for gang registration violation. Guns Seized: 06-230661, Serial: 375757, Dan Wesson, .357 caliber revolver,from 801 Truxtun #921 06-230205, Serial: 71040645302,Prestorm, .45 caliber semi-auto pistol from 600 Fairfax#20 11/3/06 -Friday- 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Marie Carrasco, 27, 7-1-79, from 1300 block E. California for poss. paraphernalia, false info Jessie Carrasco, 30, 4-14-76, from 1300 block E. California for poss. meth, etc Chester Williams, 25, 10-8-81, from 2000 block L St, for P.C.3056 Joshua Profit, 26, 12-30-80, from 2000 block L St, for P.C. 3056 Adam Davis, 22, 5-21-84, from 1200 block Brown St, for a misdemeanor warrant. 11/4/06- Saturday SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Oscar Zepeda, 33, 7/4/73,from 500 blk 28th St, was arrested for PC 12020(a)(1) (pons. concealed weapon - dagger) 06-232043 Brian Jackson BMA 30 was arrested for PC 3056 06-232079 A01111111M 17, 12/24/89, from 1600 block Orange St, for petty theft. Isaac Ortiz, 19, 10/26/87,from 3600 block Q St, for a misdemeanor warrant. Hugo Garcia, 29,from 11/11/77, from Cottonwood/Casino, for poss. paraphernalia and public intox. Shennewa Dean, 34, 8/19/72, from 1200 38th St, #62, for a felony warrant. 11/5/06- Sunday SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Raymond Rede, 23, 12/2/82, was contacted in the 1900 blk of Pacific. Rede is a Loma Baker and was in possession of a loaded 22 cal. Revolver. He was arrested for PC 69, 12021(a), 186.22. (Possession of a firearm by a felon) 06-232798 Racial Disiderio, 26, 9/3/78, from 300 blk Clifton was arrested for H&S 11377 (poss. meth) 06-232778 Mike Juarez, 20, 2/5/86, is a parolee at large that fled from officers when they attempted to contact him in the 1300 blk of Niles.Juarez ran into a residence at 1314 Niles and threatened to kill the occupants if they told the police that he was inside. When officers found Juarez hiding in a closet he again attempted to escape.Juarez was arrested for PC 69, 243(b), 148, 136.1, 140, & 186.22 06-232599 (assault on a police officer) Marvin Long, 39, 7/17/67, from 6th St/Eye St, for a felony warrant. Brian Jackson, 30, 12/20/76, from Flower/Owens St, for a parole hold and expired reg. Gun Seized: 06-232798, Serial: TB24661, F.I.E, .22 revolver, from 1900 block Pacific St 11/6/06-Mondav SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Eduardo Hernandez, 18, 3/27/88, from 800 blk Virginia St, for poss. of paraphernalia. Jeffrey Hardin, 46, 3/17/60, from 277 Lincoln St, for parole violation. 11/7/06 —Tuesdav SEU officers arrested the following suspects: ANIMISM 17, 6/22/89, from California/P, for unlicensed driver, unsafe lane change, driver allow open container, and curfew violation. 17, 8/8/89, from California/P, for open container, minor possess alcohol, curfew and possession of vandalism tools. Michael Dominguez, 23, 8/6/83, from Flower/Virginia, for suspended license. Frederick Harris, 47, 1/13/59, from 1600 block Union Ave, for a felony warrant. Gun Seized: 06-234523, Serial: C763448M, Remington 870, 12 gauge shotgun,from 6220 Santo Domingo Ct. 11/8/06— Wednesday—0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Keith Shepherd, 47, 7/20/59, from 1622 Union Ave, for pons. meth for sale and paraphernalia. Fredrick Ortiz, 25, 3/28/81, from 1300 Monterey St, for GTA, felony evading, unlicensed driver, and possession of a stolen vehicle. Robert Beltran, 37, 1/6/69, from 1415 Truxtun Ave, for a felony warr ant. Jason Smith, 27, 2/9/79, from 615 Niles St, for resisting/delaying arrest. 16, 11/5/89, from Lotus/Melwood, for being an unlicensed driver. Theodore Sandoval, 30, 4/29/76, from 200 blk Monterey, for a felony warrant. 11/9/06—Thursday—0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Nathaniel Winston, 21, 9/27/85, from 600 blk N St, for a felony warrant. The following subjects were arrested in front of 803 Melwood. A small amount of cocaine base along with packaging material was found near them. Upon further search 33 rocks of cocaine base weighing approx. 7.5 grams was seized. The subjects are documented Country Boy Crips. 06-235871 Timmy Chaffold, 36, 8/12/70 Trent Braham, 19, 4/19/87 Clarence Langston II, 35, 10/15/71 Chardale Hughes, 36, 9/17/70 Franklin Langston, 28,5/5/78 11/10/06-Friday- 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Lontrell Williams, 22,4/4/84, (documented East Side Crip) was arrested from 1018 Bank St, for H&S 11351.5 and PC 186.22 (poss. cocaine base for sales) 06-236920 SEU executed a search warrant at 607 S. Haley#C. Approximately 1/4 oz. of cocaine base was seized along with currency, packaging material and a digital scale. The currency totaled $3,134, and was seized for asset forfeiture. 06-236717. The following suspects were arrested for possession of cocaine base for sales: Marquese Jingles, 25, 6/24/81 (documented East Side Crip) Donald Parrish, 29, 1/14/77 (documented East Side Crip) Jemia Fox,27, 1/26/79 11/11/06- Saturday- 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Anthony Sanchez, 40, 12/11/66, from the 100 block of 8th St, for a felony warrant. Jeriel Fite, 22, 9/27/84, from the 1400 block of E 10th St, for gang registration violation. Anthony Porter, 32, 1/6/74, from 1300 block West Dr, for possession of ecstasy for sales, transportation of ecstasy for sales, driver allow open container, expired registration and participation in a criminal street gang. Esiquiel Delon, 30, 11/27/25, from Chester/5th, for possession of a dangerous weapon - club, and violation of parole. Mario Hernandez, 30, 6/9/76, from Chester/5th, for possess a dangerous weapon -club. 15, 7/3/91, from the 500 block of Chester Ave, for false info to an officer. Deon Davis, 28, 8/18/78,from the 1600 block of Terrace Wy, for gang registration violation, failure to maintain light, and drive on a suspended license. 11/12/06- Sunday - 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Gregory Gutierrez, 29, 11/3/77, from the 4000 block of S. H St, for possession or narcotic paraphernalia, possession of meth for sales and transportation of meth. Timothy Rose, 33, 4/20/73, from Kentucky/Oswell, for possession of heroin, possession of paraphernalia, and bike without a headlamp. David Alaniz, 33, 6/3/73, from the 3000 block of Claflain, for a misdemeanor warrant. -' 15, 2/17/90,from River/Water, for impersonation of a real person. Darrell Gardner, 47, 7/24/59, from Kern St/Monterey St, for assault on a L.E.O. Michael Gentry, 28, 2/1/78, from Buck Owens/Gilmore, for a felony warrant. Raymond Ramirez, 19, 6/1/87, from the 4600 block of Monitor St, for possession of meth, resist/obstruct officers, possess paraphernalia, suspended license, no plates and alter lighting. 11/13/06—Monday—Off Part of the SEU team went out of town for Training. 11/14/06—Tuesday —Off Part of the SEU team went out of town for Training. 11/15/06—Wednesday— Off Part of the SEU team went out of town for Training. 11/16/06—Thursday— 1600-0200 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Barry Jeffcoat, 54, 10/24/52, from 1311 Beale Ave, for possession of meth and possession of narcotic paraphernalia. 11/17/06—Friday SEU officers arrested the following suspects: SEU executed a search warrant at 127 S. Owens. Approx. 12 grams of cocaine base was seized. 06-241936 Arrested: Israel Jackson, 31, 2/27/75 (documented East Side Crip) Shaute Childs, 25, 1/6/81 SEU conducted a parole search at 1918 Filson looking for Leon Delouth, 29, 4/11/77, who was wanted for PC 664/187. Delouth was taken into custody without incident. 06-229067 11/18/06— Saturday SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Donte Carr, 25, 11/6/81, was contacted in the 600 blk. of Union. Carr was found to be in possession of approx. 2.5 grams of cocaine base. 06-242547 Ricardo Rojas,19, 2/7/87, was arrested in the 1100 blk of Smith with approx. 1 gram of methamphetamine 06-242594 The following subjects were arrested at 1116 Monterey during a probation search when approx. 15.8 grams of methamphetamine was seized. Reynaldo Rodriguez,18, 8/21/88,documented E/S Baker Carlos Perez, 25, 1/2/81, documented Varrio Baker 17, 11/14/89 documented Varrio Baker Cristobal Crosthwaite, 19, 6/29/87 Anthony Lyons, 18, 3/23/88, from 1500 block of Brundage Ln, for a misdemeanor warrant. 11/19/06— Sundav The SEU Unit responded to the Museum of Tolerance 11/20/06—Monday— 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Robert Banks, 20, 7/18/86, from 6000 Almendra Dr, for vandalism. Karita Anderson, 20, 7/7/86, from 6000 Almendra, for receive stolen property Willie Bottley, 20, 3/2/86, from 200 Union Ave, for a misdemeanor warrant. 11/21/06 —Tuesday — 0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Dominic Delaney, 27, 2/19/79, from Brundage/Chester, for false info, drive on suspended license, brake lamp out, and no proof of insurance. Phillip Chavira, 26, 8/30/80, from 100 block S. Union Ave, for delaying/resisting, felony evading, and suspended license. 17, 12/19/89, from 300 block Mariposa, for possession of a switchblade. Luis Ramirez, 32, 1/16/74, from 1000 block Robinson, for misdemeanor warrant. Charles Johns, 27, 3/1/79, from 6512 Chewacan Dr, for alter ID on a firearm. Gun Seized: 06-244691, Serial: Obliterated, Strurm, Ruger, & Co, Revolver, 0.357, 6512 Chewacan 11/22/06— Wednesday— 0800-0200 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Donald Gresham, 48, 12/10/58,from 402 S. N St, for felon in possession of ammo. 11/23/06 —Thursday - 01F - Thanks¢iving 11/24/06—Friday— 1700-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Israel Trevino, 23, 7-4-83, from Pearl/Robinson, for poss. narcotic paraphernalia & 3056 Herbey Ochoa,30, 8-6-76,from Wilkins/S Owens, for a misdemeanor warrant. Desmond Clinton, 20, 8-25-86, from 6025 Chicory, for a felony warrant. Earl Cartwright, 19, 12.27-87, from Potomac/S. Robinson, for a misdemeanor warrant. 11/25/06— Saturday — 1200-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Randon McQuiller, 20, 1/7/86, from 1300 block Lincoln, for delay /obstruct officers, obstructed plate, suspended license, and failure to signal Billy Cullins, 25, 5/4/81, from Lantados St/Deanna Wy, for a misdemeanor warrant. Louis Robinson, 19, 9/13/87, from Flower/West, for assault on an officer, pons. cocaine for sales, resist arrest, destroy evidence and transport a controlled substance. Patty Stubbs, 43, 8/22/63, from 900 Terrace Wy, for battery Dewayne Stubbs, 42, 11/24/64, from 900 Terrace Wy, for battery Deon Davis, 28, 8/18/78, from 900 blk Terrace Wy, for threats, battery. Delma Salazar, 23, 6/22/83, from 1800 Potomac Ave, for a felony warrant Lalita Vallez, 30, 6/14/76, from Potomac/S Williams, for GTA,receive stolen property, unlicensed driver and no insurance. Eduardo Garcia, 27, 7/6/79, from 1308 Monterey St, for battery on an officer, misd. Evasion, wrong way driving, delay /obstruct officers, transportation of meth, poss. meth for sales. Thao Cook, 22, 6/1/784, from 1600 19th St, for criminal threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. H.C. Bryant, 35, 11/22/71, from 1600 19th St, for terrorist threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. Ira Jones, 21, 4/13/85, from 1600 19th St, for criminal threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. Joshua Profit, 26, 12/30/80, from 1600 19th St, for terrorist threats, conspiracy, and participation in a criminal street gang. Earl Webb, 33, 4/30/73, from 3620 Madison, for parole violation. Gun Seized: 06-247627, Ser: unknown,Smith and Wesson, .38 caliber revolver, 3620 Madison St. 11/26/06- Sunday - 1200-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: 15, 3/31/91, from 1400 block Miller St, for poss. less 1 oz.marijuana and poss. burglary tools Darius Key, 23, 5/6/83, from 9th St/T St, for ADW, brandishing firearm, spousal abuse, and criminal threats. Marques Holiwell, 30, 11/9/76, from S. Owens/Virginia, for misdemeanor warrant. 11/27/06-Monday-0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Fredy Licea, 21, 5/3/85, from 1200 Texas St, was arrested for PC 3056 (violation of parole) Obie Chris, 28, 8/3/78, from 10 Augusta, was arrested for H&S 11350 (poss.cocaine) Ryan Carolina, 18, 11/24/88, from 400 blk M St, was arrested for H&S 11377 (poss. meth) Anthony Montoya, 28, 12/16/78, from 6th/K, for possession of a syringe. 11/28/06—Tuesday—0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Israel Rivera, 28, 7/18/78, from E 19th/Baker, for poss. of meth and controlled substance William Kesterson, 26, 2/27/80,from Brundage/H, for gang member possess a loaded firearm, possession of meth for sales, transportation of meth for sales, possess paraphernalia, participation in a criminal street gang, possess a cane sword, and suspended license. Gun Seized: 06-249684, Serial: B88706,FEG, 9mm semi-auto pistol, from 1818 Terrace 11/29/06—Wednesday —0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Regina Loya, 35, 12/7/71, was contacted in the 200 block of 2nd and found to be in possession of a small amount of cocaine base. She was arrested for H&S 11350, 11364, PC 148.9& 653.22a 06-250441 Anthony Hodge, 42, 12/6/64, from S Union/Adams, was arrested for H&S 11350 & 11364. 06-250464 (poss. cocaine base) Johnanen Winn-Moler, 20, 10/13/86, & Neil Holland, 32, 11/30/73, were contacted during at traffic stop at Jewett/33rd and found to be in possession of methamphetamine. They were both arrested for H&S 11378. 06-250265 Victor Zaragoza, 22, 1/31/84 & Rojelio Aguilar, 31, 9/16/75, were contacted in the 1300 block of Oregon and found to be in possession of methamphetamine. They were both arrested for H&S 11378. 06-250594 11/30/06—Thursday —0800-0300 SEU officers arrested the following suspects: Arturo Vidalez HMA 36 was arrested for H&S 11350, 11364, VC 21650.1, & PC 148 when he threw a syringe loaded with suspected heroin when officers attempted to contact him as he was riding a bicycle on the wrong side of the roadway. 06-250838 —BMJ 16, Carl Jones BMA 25,Frank Page BMA 29, Eugene Cooks BMA 30, and David Mcmillon BMA 32, were arrested for H&S 11351.5, PC 186.22 & 182.1 after the execution of a search warrant at 114 Northrup#2. During a search of Carl Page he removed a baggie from his buttocks containing approximately 3 grams of cocaine base. Frank Page was searched and three officers observed a portion of a baggie protruding from his buttocks. When the officers commented on the baggie, Page quickly pushed the baggie into his anal cavity. A warrant for a body cavity search was obtained and Page was transported to KMC. Narcotics were not found during the medical exam. All five subjects are documented Eastside Crips. 06-251272 o�H B A KERss BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM , C1, m ,.� •RY LlF OR�YP L D Date: December 5, 2006 D To: Alan Tandy, City Manager 6 From: W. R. Rector, Chief of Police tVP- MANAGER'S Subject: GHOST "Graffiti" Statistics for November I have attached the Graffiti Unit statistics for the month of November. Please call if you have any questions. M p �t p CD O � O O ). N N C') CO r 0) CD T N CO V d D CD Z M M O N N r r O r p T M C V)N LO O r r r O 0 r r r N Q7 d N r M M r r r n O M r N Of O C'7 O O O O N N O N O O O N Q N co 2%H r C N 0 0 M N N � O T C3 O N N V Cl) T M r M N O N M U) QCO N N N CA N f� r . a QCA M Z CO M N f- LO O LO p t CA O Z N r� LO Nt CO N M N a_ (D CO Z N a O CO LO LO LO r CD Z V N � r r 7 r M N N M N N y r 0 N N a w d C av d O W . y C_V Y lC_N Cy N - F C O W 4 O W Y d d £ LO c O O 'O N C`a a n o 20 O 6 y0 Uwn. cn0 Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF DECEMBER 11 — DECEMBER 15, 2006 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: As weather permits we will continue putting an asphalt concrete base on streets that will be reconstructed in the area between So. Real Road and Akers Road, south of White lane Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Continue installing curb & gutter in the area between California Avenue & Chester Lane, east of Oak Street. Continue installing curb & gutters in the southeast redevelopment area between Union Avenue & "P" Street,California Avenue to 4th Street. C.\DOCUME-1\rsmiley\LOCALS-1\TemplWork Schedule-Week of December 11 2006.doc Page 2 Of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, December 11, 2006 City streets in the area between So. "H" Street & Union Avenue, Wilson Road to Panama Lane. Tuesday, December 12, 2006 City streets in the area between Brundage Lane & Ming Avenue, Hughes Lane to Union Avenue. Between Ming Avenue & White Lane, Wible Road to So. "H" Street. Between White Lane & Pacheco Road, Hughes Lane to So. "H" Street. Wednesday, December 13 2006 Between Pacheco Road & Panama Lane, Stine Road to Wible Road. Between Pacheco Road & Encino Street, 99 Highway to So. "H" street. Between Panama Lane & Berkshire Road, So. "H" Street to Union Avenue. Thursday, December 14 2006 Between Cochran Drive & Ming Avenue, Ashe Road/Carr Street to New Stine Road. Between California Avenue & Stockdale Highway,New Stine Road to 99 Highway. Between Stine Road & Wible Road, Hosking Road to McKee Road. Friday, December 15 2006 City streets in the area between Stine Road & 99 Highway, Bell Terrace to White Lane. Between Watts Drive & Brooks Street, Madison Street to Hale Street. C:\DOCUME-1\rsmiley\LOCALS-1\Temp\Work Schedule-Week of December 11 2006.doc B A K E R S F 1 E L D UEI C o b ZUOB i CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 7, 2006 SUBJECT: CHRISTMAS PARADE AND TRASH CANS Referral No. 1671 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF ASSURE THAT ADDITIONAL TRASH CANS ARE PROVIDED ALONG THE CHRISTMAS PARADE ROUTE FOR NEXT WEEKS PARADE. Staff will set up temporary folding trash and recycling containers along the parade route on the afternoon of the parade and remove them early the next morning. There will be five or six pairs of containers per block along the route. CADOCUME-1\Iskinner\LOCALS—l\Temp\XPgrpwise\Ref#1671 Christmas Parade.doc