HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 83-84RESOLUTION NO. 83-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OBSOLETE CITY RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS AND PAPERS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 34090 ET SEQ. OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, a request has been made by the City Clerk's Office for authority to destroy certain obsolete City records, and a copy of said list of records is attached as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, such records are more than five (5) years old; and WHEREAS, said request has been approved by the City Attorney and is in accordance with the procedures and require- ments of the City and Section 34090 et seq. of the California Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that pursuant to Section 34090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, approval is hereby granted for the immediate destruction of the items listed in the said Exhibit "A" and for the continued destruction of such listed items after they become five (5) years old. .......... o0o .......... I passed and adopted by the Council of regular meeting thereof held on the the following vote: HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was the City of Bakersfield at a 17th day of October, 1984, by NOES= COUNCILMSN_~ ~ ..................... ABSENT, COUNQI~E~: ~ ................ CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the Ctty of Bakersfield APPROVED:his 17th day of October, 1984 / :'. MAYOR o~,/~:~/he Cib~ of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: / i" ~' 1-~ " .. . /', ~ / ~zTy ATTORN,~' of the ~ty of Bskersf~eld bl 2. 9- 1 0- S 4 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DESTRUCTION OF FILES ~ X)RRESPONDENCi£ FILES Fire Alarm System Attotin,\', City, Hist. Audit. (?J~y o!' Bak~ersfield, Misc. Audit Bids Auditorium, Civic, His¢'. Auditorium, C~tizens' Committee Auditorium, (hvic, Recreation Bid Summaries Budp>~ t Budget Transfers Buildin~ Department, Misc. FILE DATES 19.t7 - 1952 1968 - 1972 ] 972 [ 977 - I 07] - 1978 1974 - 1978 ]97] - 197~ 1967 - 197~ [973 - 1978 1977 - 1978 1971 - 1978 1971 - 197S 1971 - 1978 1971 - ]97[; Board of Equalization Cali forn Ca] i fornia, Ca] [ lorn (CalTrana Slate Slain, Cha:nber n[ Cemmerc~ '& Board {,! Tl'ad¢, t'itv Hall Remodoling & Ci v[ I Defense Mattors , Hist. Civil Service. Commission, Misc. N~cion~[ Institute oF Hun~(?ipnl Clerks Bulletins 1968 - 1978 /971 - 1978 ]977 - 1978 1970 - 1978 1978 1.9f;G - 1978 1971 - 1972 1978 ]957 1978 -I- CORRESPONDENCIi I,' l LI4S (' ty Clerk Correspondence C t5 Clerk ~[~eq'k]y Memos Auditorium - Recreation Committee Budv:et R(wiex~ ~ Finance Cnmmil tee Busincs~ I),~vclopm~nt & Parkin~ Cc, lnmittt,e Intergovernmental Relations Committee I,ogis] at ire Committee llecreat ion Committee ~',at(.r and City Growth ('ommittees, Misc. c'itizens' Advis~ry Committ,~e lot Fr('~'way Study ¢'itkzena' Advisory Committ(,e Treatrot-hi Facil ities ~'i ty-County C(,operat i,m (k~mmd t7 Inl,~r-Gr,ulp Rf letlone Board Pre[~minar> [nvestigat[,,n r,f Wastewater Treatment a Disposal for Southeast Bakers- f~eld Commun4 ly Dew. lopment Block Grant Community I)evc ~opmctlt Department, Misc. Como ] aint s: Contracts Contracts M1 ae. Extensions of Trine Ch:inge Orders DATES 1975 1971 - 1978 1971 - 1978 1969 - 1978 l ,q(L9 ] 978 I.~69 - 1978 i 9¢ 1 - 1978 1973 - 1978 1974 - 1978 [963 - 1978 1963 - 1978 19,12- 1978 I 97 I 1975 - 1976 19(~43 - 1978 [97(; - 197~ 197~3 - 197a 1973 ] 978 197,t - 197S 1953 - 1978 1951 - 1976 1971 - 1976 Corre.qp(mdence, Counci] & Clerk & Other Cities, Hist I 978 -2- 9-IO-Sd (OEt{ESPONDENCE FILES I'orrespondence. CouncJ 1 ~% Clerk - Thank Vou , Mi~;,TM. ~'orrespondence, Council ,k Clerk, Misc. Cc,unci 1 Invitations Council. Hisc. ('ounci 1 Statements ('rime - Narco1 Development Sepvices Department, Misc. Downtown Business A:~soc~tion, Misc. FILE DATES ]967 - 1978 1965 - 1978 /968 - 1978 197.t 1978 1974 1978 1970 - 1978 ] 976 - 1978 1968 - ~978 Urban Renewal: Rede, velopm~'nt Agency }'lieorions - Report of I']octton~ - Procedures f~,r Candictators 1:'o I 1 (~W b:lect io~ , Misc. }')nt)loy~'u~ Ch:tngo r,l Statu~ Employeea - Classification Plan Emp] )~eea - Time Sheets F. mployeea - aa~roll Change Notice Employees - Payroll Copies Employees - Record of Sick I,oave Ze,ro Population Growth Energy & Environmental Matlets, Misc. Misc. & Vacation 1968 - 1978 197'6 1976 i 978 19'7:{ - 1978 1970 - 197(~ 1975 ]97s ]974 - 1978 1971 - 1978 ~973 - ]978 1970 - ~978 1970 ]970 - 1978 Fodera] Gov0rnment F(~dera ] O~vernmen t, Offico Building Legislative Matters Misc. ~pp!icati,m ]960 - ]964 197] - 1978 1975 1978 19(3~ !978 O-84 CORRESPONDENCE FILES FAU (Federal Aid Urban) Funds Federal Revenu~~ Sharing Funds Finance Department, Misc. Antirecession Fiscal As.~istam'~, Fund,~ l.'Jr~, Department - Paramedics Program Fire Dep:ir Linen t Fire Depnrtment , Floods, Bakers/'ield - Annual R~,pori Franchise:, Hatters - P.U.C., (;fade Sel,:t?ation Districl Industri~] Relations, Misc. l nsoranc*: Kern County Correspond~mce Kern County Council of Goveynment KernCog- Citizens Advisory Committe~, Kern County Economic Corr~,.,rat Kern County Hoti sfng Authorfty Korn CotinLy Local Formation l,eague of Cali Yornia Cities Bulletins Eeague o1' California Cities - Resolutions Manager, City, Misc. llayor Don Ilari Amendments, Government Cod~, FI LI,~ DATES 197,i - 1978 [ 973 1978 1970 - 1978 i 977 ] 975 1976 1971 1978 I977 ] 95G 1978 ] 97 ] 1978 I ~)~;3 197a 105~; 1978 197~ [978 / 97 I ~ 978 1971 - 1978 1966 - 1978 1963 - 1978 i 970 - 1978 1964 - 1978 1975 - 1978 1971 - ]978 [969 - 1978 19G5 Parking & Trafl'ic Matter,s Parks, Hist. I:ncroaehmer, t Pt,rmits P~rm Its Misc. 1959 - 1978 971 - 1978 97,i t978 9(;6 L978 CnRRESPONDENCE FILES Petitions, Misc. ]']annirlg Co,'nP, lJssion. 7, isc. Pol~0o Dqmrtment, Misc. FI!,I] DATES 1972 1978 1937 ]978 1[)75 - 1978 }h,ok Ptlb l:qhin< lh'que~t~ for Copies I'ublic W,>rks once Public Works Yard AlIiiON . "S" Streul of Cit} }{~,ster - Corporat 1on Yard Corrl:,Spolld- - Speci fR'ations Corporation - 16th Street between "R" & Pub] ic Works Department Traffic Public Works Purchasing - PurchasinL - Purchasin?: - Purchasin~ - Recreat ~ on Recreation. Misc. ~efunds, Garbage & Rubbish Collection Korn Count} Solid Waste Manax(.ment K,'rn t~ Bakersfield School Teel]~tge City Guvernment Da~ Author i ty Department, Misc. R(~quisi tions Purchase Orders Claim Vouchers Claim Vouchers - L'](.c'tions California Aw,. Park Facilities P] an S,'ho~] District UnJ ficatJon [,1-District Plsn C~>]I,~K('s - Bak~rsfi~-]d ,% Stat~' S~rvfce Clubs - East Bakers['R, ld Prog:ressix, e (' l ub St.wage' Tr,,atment Plant I)z'ainap, '.;,'wu~', Tr~,atm,mt Plant M:~tt,.rs 197 ] 1978 i 978 1975 - 1978 19.10 - 1978 [ 976 1971 - 1978 1971 - 1978 1974 - 1978 1972- 1978 1975 - 1978 1969 - [978 1969- 1976 ] ,c)63 ] 978 [974 1978 1975 [ 969 1978 ]t~75 - 1978 I 9~;9 I 968 - 1978 195o - 1978 195 I - 1978 197'3 - 1978 { ~ qlld{S PONDENCI{ FILES ~ow(-f* C~lll~(.ct lt)r~ Mat t{}rs S~atemenl s - Schedu]ed (Proceedings Dropped. Etc. ) Mount Vernon Off-Ramp - Route Taxes, Misc. Airlines a Airports Bicycles Golden Empire Transit Railroads k Aretrak Taxicabs TransporLat ion, Misc. Bakersfi~.ld Municipal Transit Ihlbl ic, Misc. Req ues Fire Dispatch Sy>;t em }78 Tracts. Subdivision Matotis1 'a Labou and Faithful Performance Bonds. Escrow Guarant e~ Unions. Trade ('ouncJ 1s & But Ida.rs }x<qlan~;e Pacific 2'olet)hone Company P:tci~ic Ga> & l;lec~ric Pvop,)aal Cit5 tia] 1 , Po ic~:, ~: r'ontrex System; Pol ice & l,'Jr~, W~,eds, Abatemehl, of Z, min~ Ad,justme,nt B~mrd, Xlis~'. Y,~uth, Equal Opportunity Y,~tlth, Anti-Poverty Program FII,I( DATES i 97 ] - ] 978 9b[ - 1978 1972 - [978 1977 1978 ]975 1978 I975 I977 i97l 1978 1969 1978 1971 1978 1973 [978 [969 - [978 1971 1978 1975 - ]978 ]971 1973 197t I975 I 9(57 - 978 1972 - 97~'~ ] 973 - 978 1969 - 978 1975 973 - ,978 96:1 - 978 968 - 1978 966 1978 ELI£CTI ON FILES File No. 1~]9, 109A, 109B NOMINATING MUNICIPAL ELECTION Ward Nos. l, .2, 4, '7 I'll< No. ll© GENERAL },IUNICIPAI: ELECTION ~','ard No. ,1 File No. i12 NOMINATING MUNICIPAL ELECTION Ward Nos. 2, 5. 6 File No. 116 SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOIl NOMINATION OF MAYOR CONSOLIDATED WI~H PRI~IARY ELECTION EELD JUNE 6, 1972 File No. ] L8, [18A NOMINATING .~IUN[CIPAL ELECTION Ward Nos;. ], 3, 4, 7 t, ile No. ]19 GENERAL MUNICIPAl, ELECTION Ward No. ] DATE February 25, 1969 1969 March 2, 1971 June 6, 1972 February 27, 1973 April 10, 1973 -7 CITY CI,ERK'S OFFICE DESTRUCTION 0}' FILES Hiscel laneous Files 19,'1() - t978 Election Files Counci[ and Ma.~or 1969 - 1973 Contracts and A~reements W~th ex[}ir~t~oh dat~.~, Notices of Completion Cllan~ Ol'cl~:t'~ 1~1 ]~.[t~i seven y(~itrs old. (lYp and/or t hrrlu~h 1976) EXI!1111 T "A"