HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 97-84RESOLUTION NO. 97-84 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS (GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL), SERIES 1984, THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INDENTURE AND LOAN AGREEMENT AND CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield (the "City") is a municipal corporation and charter city duly organized and existing under a freeholders' charter pursuant to which the City has the right and power to make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs and certain other matters in accordance with and as more particularly provided in Sections 3, 5 and 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California and Section 12 of the Charter of the City (the "Charter"); WHEREAS, the City Council of the City (the "Council"), acting under and pursuant to the powers reserved to the City under Sections 3, 5 and 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California and Section 12 of the Charter has established by adoption of the City of Bakersfield Health Facilities Financing Law (the "Law") a procedure for the authorization, issuance and sale of revenue bonds by the City for the purpose, inter alia, of providing financing for health facilities as specified therein; WHEREAS, the City has determined to engage in a program of making loans to health facilities pursuant to the Law, and has determined to borrow money for such purpose by the issuance of revenue bonds as authorized by the Law; WHEREAS, the City has determined to issue a series of such revenue bonds, designated as the "City of Bakersfield Hospital Revenue Bonds (Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital), Series 1984" (the "Bonds"), in an aggregate principal amount of thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000) for the purpose of providing moneys to make a loan to Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Association (the "Corporation") to assist in financing the construction, furnishing and equipping of certain improvements (the "Project") to the Corporation's existing health facility in Bakersfield; WHEREAS, assisting in the financing of such improvements promotes the purposes of the Law, is in the public interest, serves a public purpose, promotes the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the City, and constitutes a municipal affair; and WHEREAS, all acts, conditions and things required by the Law and by all other laws of the State of California to exist, to have happened or to have been performed precedent to and in connection with the issuance of the Bonds exist, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and the City is now duly authorized and empowered, pursuant to each and every requirement of law, to issue the Bonds for the purpose, in the manner and upon the terms herein provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: Section 1. The Council does hereby find and declare that the above recitals are true and correct and that the issuance of the Bonds is a municipal affair and a proper public purpose. Section 2. Pursuant to the Law, the Bonds shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000). Section 3. The proposed form of Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1984, between the City and Crocker National Bank, as trustee (the "Trustee"), presented at this meeting, is hereby approved, and the Mayor, City Manager or Assistant City Manager and City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Trustee an Indenture in substantially said form with such changes therein as the officers executing the same, with the advice of the City Attorney, may approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. The date, maturity date, interest rate or rates, privileges, manner of execution, place or places of payment, terms of redemption and other terms of the Bonds shall be as provided in said Indenture, as finally executed. Section 4. Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, California, is hereby appointed as trustee for the City and the holders of the Bonds, with the duties and powers of such trustee as set forth in the Indenture. Section 5. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute, for and in the name and on behalf of the City and under its seal, the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed thirty-five million 2 dollars ($35,000,000) in accordance with the terms of the Indenture. Section 6. The proposed form of Loan Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1984, between the City and Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Association, presented at this meeting is hereby approved, and the Mayor, City Manager or Assistant City Manager and the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute, acknowledge and deliver a Loan Agreement in substantially said form, with such changes therein as the officers executing the same, with the advice of the City Attorney, may approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. Section 7. The Bonds, when executed pursuant to Section 5 hereof, shall be delivered to the Trustee for authentication. The Trustee is hereby requested and directed to authenticate the Bonds by executing the Trustee's certificate of authentication appearing thereon, and to deliver the Bonds~ when duly executed and authenticated, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, in accordance with written instructions executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor or City Manager and the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk, which instructions said officers are hereby authorized and directed, in the name and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver to the Trustee. Said instructions shall provide for the delivery of the Bonds to the purchaser or purchasers thereof upon payment of the purchase price thereof. Section 8. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed, jointly and severally, to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds and otherwise to effectuate the purposes of this resolution. Section 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of December, 1984, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: AYES: COUN(~Ii.M£N: BARTON. CHILDS. CHRtSTENSEN, DICKERSON. MOORE, RATTY, NOES: CO, U~.,MEN: ~.~,~ I~ .... A~SEk'1': ~OUf~::~Ltd~N: /')./~/';' ~' AI~?AtNINO: COUNG~LMEN: /'~/? ABSTAINING: K and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 12th day of December MAYOR o~'~he City of B / 1984 APPROVED as to form: OH&S Draft 12/01/84 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD and GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION LOAN AGREEMENT Dated as of December 1, 1984 $35,000,000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS (GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL) SERIES 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Parties ......................... 1 Preambles ........................ 1 1.1 Definitions ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ARTICLE II REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE CORPORATION; FINDINGS OF THE CITY 2.1 Representations and Warranties of the Corporation .................... 2 2.2 Findings of the City ................ 5 ARTICLE III ISSUANCE OF BONDS; LOAN OF PROCEEDS 3.1 The Bonds ..................... 5 ARTICLE IV REPAYMENT OF LOAN 4.1 Payments to Revenue Fund .............. 5 4.2 Additional Payments ................ 6 4.3 Letter of Credit .................. 8 4.4 Gross Revenue Fund ................. 10 4.5 Depreciation Reserve Account ............ 12 4.6 Obligations of the Corporation Unconditional; Net Contract ............ 13 4.7 Prepayment ..................... 13 4.8 Security for the Corporation's Obligations ..... 14 4.9 Conversion to Fixed Interest Rate ......... 14 ARTICLE V THE PROJECT 5.1 Disbursements from the Project Fund ................... 15 5.2 Prohibited Uses .................. 15 Section Page ARTICLE VI PARTICULAR COVENANTS 6.1 Maintenance of Corporate Existence of the Corporation; Consolidation, Merger, Sale or Transfer Under Certain Conditions ..... 15 6.2 Accreditation and Licensing ............ 16 6.3 Rates and Charges; Debt Coverage .......... 17 6.4 Limitation on Encumbrances ............. 18 6.5 Accounting Records, Financial Statements and Budget ............... 18 6.6 Tax Covenants ................... 19 6.7 Limitation on Disposition of Properties ...... 20 6.8 Compliance with United States and California Constitutions ............. 21 6.9 Special Services Covenant ............. 21 6.10 Additional Fund .................. 22 ARTICLE VII MAINTENANCE, TAXES, INSURANCE AND CONDEMNATION 7.1 Maintenance and Operation of the Health Facility .................. 22 7.2 Taxes, Assessments, Other Governmental Charges and Utility Charges ............ 23 7.3 Insurance Required ................. 23 7.4 Worker's Compensation ............... 25 7.5 Insurers; Policy Forms and Loss Payees ....... 25 7.6 Disposition of Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds ..................... 26 ARTICLE VIII NON-LIABILITY OF CITY; EXPENSES; INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Non-Liability of City ............... 27 8.2 Expenses ...................... 27 8.3 Indemnification .................. 27 ARTICLE IX LOAN DEFAULT EVENTS AND REMEDIES 9.1 Loan Default Events ................ 28 9.2 Remedies on Default ................ 30 9.3 Remedies Not Exclusive; No Waiver of Rights ..................... 31 9.4 Expenses on Default ................ 32 9.5 Notice of Default ................. 32 Section ARTICLE X MISCELLANEOUS P~ 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Further Assurances ................ 32 Amendment of Indenture .............. 32 Notices ...................... 33 Governing Law ................... 33 Binding Effect .................. 33 Severability of Invalid Provisions ........ 33 Article and Section Headings and References .................... 34 Agreement Represents Complete Agreement; Amendments .............. 34 Third Party Beneficiaries ............. 34 10.10 Execution of Counterparts ............. 34 10.11 Term of Agreement ................ 34 Execution ........................ 35 iii LOAN AGREEMENT THIS LOAN AGREEMENT, dated as of December 1, 1984, between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a charter city and municipal corporation in the State of California (the "City"), and the GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit public benefit corporation validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of California (the "Corporation"), W I TNE S SETH: WHEREAS, the City is a municipal corporation and charter city duly organized and existing under a freeholders' charter pursuant to which the City has the right and power to make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs and certain other matters in accordance with and as more particularly provided in Sections 3, 5 and 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California and Section 12 of the charter of the City (the "Charter"); WHEREAS, the City's Health Facilities Financing Law, constituting Chapter 3.60 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code (the "Law"), authorizes the City to issue its bonds for the purposes and subject to the conditions described therein; WHEREAS, the Corporation has applied for the financial assistance of the City in financing the construction, furnishing and equipping of certain improvements to its health facility in Bakersfield, California, and, after due investigation and deliberation, the City has approved said application and authorized the issuance of its City of Bakersfield Hospital Revenue Bonds (Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital), Series 1984 (the "Bonds") in the principal amount of thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000) to provide such assistance to the Corporation in accordance with the Law; WHEREAS, the City and the Corporation each have duly authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the material covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto hereby formally covenant, agree and bind themselves as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS SECTION 1.1. Definitions. Unless the context clearly otherwise requires, the capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the meanings specified in the Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1984, by and between the City and Crocker National Bank, as trustee, as originally executed or as it may from time to time be supplemented, modified or amended as provided therein. ARTICLE II REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE CORPORATION; FINDINGS OF THE CITY SECTION 2.1. Representations and Warranties of the Corporation. The Corporation makes the following representations and warranties to the City that as of the date of the execution of this Agreement and as of the date of delivery of the Bonds to the purchaser thereof (such representations and warranties to remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of delivery of the Bonds or any investigations by or on behalf of the City or the results thereof): (a) The Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of California, has full legal right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out and consummate all transactions contemplated hereby and by proper corporate action has duly authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Corporation has full legal right, power and authority to enter into the Deed of Trust and the Assignment of Lease and by proper corporate action has duly authorized the execution and delivery of the Deed of Trust and the Assignment of Lease. (b) The officer of the Corporation executing this Agreement is duly and properly in office and fully authorized to execute the same. (c) This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Corporation and (i) when assigned to the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture, will constitute the legal, valid and binding agreement of the Corporation with the Trustee enforceable against the Corporation in accordance with its terms for the benefit 2 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 of the Holders of the Bonds, and (ii) any rights of the City and obligations of the Corporation hereunder not so assigned to the Trustee constitute the legal, valid, and binding agreement of the Corporation with the City enforceable against the Corporation in accordance with its terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, enforcement of this Agreement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, or other laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally and by the application of equitable principles if equitable remedies are sought. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease and the Deed of Trust, the consummation of the transactions herein and therein contemplated and the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions hereof and thereof, will not conflict with or constitute a violation or breach of or default (with due notice or the passage of time or both) under the articles of incorporation of the Corporation, its bylaws or any applicable court or administrative decree or order, or any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, loan agreement, lease, contract or other agreement or instrument to which the Corporation is a party or by which it or its properties are otherwise subject or bound or, to the knowledge of the Corporation, any applicable law or administrative rule or regulation, or result in the creation or imposition of any prohibited lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature whatsoever upon any of the property or assets of the Corporation, which conflict, violation, breach, default, lien, charge or encumbrance might have consequences that would materially and adversely affect the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease or the Deed of Trust or the financial condition, assets, properties or operations of the Corporation or its properties. (e) No consent or approval of any trustee or holder of any indebtedness of the Corporation, and no consent, permission, authorization, order or license of, or filing or registration with, any governmental authority is necessary in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease or the Deed of Trust or the consummation of any transaction herein or therein contemplated, except as have been obtained or made and as are in full force and effect. (f) The Corporation constitutes a "participating health institution" and operates a "health facility" as those terms are defined in the Law. 3 040213 - 0005-087- 5719m- ( 0355m ) 12/03/84 (g) There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation before or by any court or federal, state, municipal or other governmental authority pending or, to the knowledge of the Corporation after reasonable investigation, threatened against or affecting the Corporation or the assets, properties or operations of the Corporation which, if determined adversely to the Corporation or its interests, could have a material and adverse effect upon the consummation of the transactions contemplated by or the validity of this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease or the Deed of Trust, or upon the financial condition, assets, properties or operations of the Corporation, and the Corporation is not in default with respect to any order or decree of any court or any order, regulation or demand of any federal, state, municipal or other governmental authority, which default might have consequences that would materially and adversely affect the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease or the Deed of Trust, or the financial conditions, assets, properties or operations of the Corporation or its properties. All tax returns (federal, state and local) required to be filed by or on behalf of the Corporation have been filed, and all taxes shown thereon to be due, including interest and penalties, except such, if any, as are being actively contested by the Corporation in good faith, have been paid or adequate reserves have been made for the payment thereof. The Corporation enjoys the peaceful and undisturbed possession of all of the premises upon which the Health Facility is located. (h) No written information, exhibit or report furnished to the City by the Corporation in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement, the Assignment of Lease or the Deed of Trust contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. (i) The Corporation is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of said Code. (j) The Corporation has good and marketable title to the Health Facility free and clear from all encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances. 4 040213~0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 (k) The Corporation does not restrict admissions of patients to the Health Facility on racial or religious grounds. SECTION 2.2. Findings of the City. The City hereby finds and determines that (i) the Corporation constitutes a "participating health institution" as such term is defined in the Law; (ii) the loan to be made hereunder with the proceeds of the Bonds will promote the purposes of the Law by providing funds to pay the cost of constructing, furnishing and equipping a health facility; (iii) said loan is in the public interest, serves a public purpose, promotes the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the City, and meets the requirements of the Law; (iv) the portion of such loan allocable to the cost of the Health Facility does not exceed the total cost thereof as determined by the Corporation and approved by the City. ARTICLE III ISSUANCE OF BONDS; LOAN OF PROCEEDS SECTION 3.1. The Bonds. The City has authorized the issuance of the Bonds pursuant to the Indenture in the principal amount of thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000). The City hereby lends and advances to the Corporation and the Corporation hereby borrows and accepts from the City (solely from the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds) said principal amount, to be applied under the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Indenture. The Corporation hereby approves the Indenture, the assignment thereunder to the Trustee of the right, title and interest of the City (with certain exceptions) in this Agreement and the issuance thereunder by the City of the Bonds. ARTICLE IV REPAYMENT OF LOAN SECTION 4.1. Payments to Revenue Fund. In consideration of the issuance of the Bonds by the City and the loan of the proceeds thereof to the Corporation, the Corporation agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the Trustee the following amounts at the following times: (i) prior to the Conversion Date, if a Letter of Credit is in effect, the Corporation shall on or before the sixth (6th) Business Day before each Interest Payment Date (the "Interest Due Date") commencing in January, 1985 pay the Trustee for deposit in the Interest Fund an amount equal to the interest accrued on 5 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 the Bonds to the day before the Interest Due Date, plus an amount equal to the interest to accrue from the Interest Due Date until the last day of the Interest Period, assuming the rate of interest borne by the Bonds will not change for the remainder of the Interest Period; (ii) at any time when no Letter of Credit is in effect, the Corporation shall pay the Trustee for deposit in the Interest Fund on or before the last Business Day of each Interest Period commencing January, 1985, an amount equal to the interest on the Bonds payable on the next succeeding Interest Payment Date and (iii) the Corporation shall pay the Trustee for deposit in the Principal Fund 105 days before any principal or sinking fund payment date on the Bonds (whether at maturity, by redemption or by acceleration) an amount equal to the principal or sinking fund payment and premium, if any, then coming due on the Bonds, (such interest or principal payments hereafter called "Loan Repayments"), continuing until the Bonds have been fully paid (or provisions made therefor in accordance with the Indenture). Any amount held in the Principal Fund and the Interest Fund provided under the Indenture which is in excess of the amount required for the payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on any of the Bonds and which may pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture be applied to the payment of principal, premium, if any, or interest coming due on such payment date, shall be credited against the Loan Repayments then required to be made by the Corporation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if on any Interest Payment Date or the maturity or redemption date(s) of the Bonds, the aggregate amount of moneys in the Interest Fund and the Principal Fund is for any reason insufficient or unavailable to make the required interest or principal payments on the Bonds then becoming due (whether by demand, maturity, redemption or acceleration), the Corporation shall forthwith pay, or cause to be paid, the amount of any such deficiency to the Trustee. The Corporation shall receive credit against its obligation to make Loan Repayments in an amount equal to the principal of Bonds paid from demands for payment under the Letter of Credit to effect redemption pursuant to Section 4.01(b) or (c) of the Indenture. Each Loan Repayment hereunder shall be in lawful money of the United States of America and paid to the Trustee in immediately available funds at its principal corporate trust office in San Francisco, California, and held, invested, disbursed and applied as provided in the Indenture, SECTION 4.2. Additional Payments. In addition to Loan Repayments, the Corporation agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the City or to the Trustee, as the case may be, "Additional Payments," as follows: 6 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 (a) All taxes and assessments of any type or character charged to the City or to the Trustee affecting the amount available to the City or the Trustee from payments to be received hereunder or in any way arising due to the transactions contemplated hereby (including taxes and assessments assessed or levied by any public agency or governmental authority of whatsoever character having power to levy taxes or assessments) but excluding franchise taxes based upon the capital and/or income of the Trustee and taxes based upon or measured by the net income of the Trustee; provided, however, that the Corporation shall have the right to protest any such taxes or assessments and to require the City or the Trustee, at the Corporation's expense, to protest and contest any such taxes or assessments assessed or levied upon them and that the Corporation shall have the right to withhold payment of any such taxes or assessments pending disposition of any such protest or contest unless such withholding, protest or contest would adversely affect the rights or interests of the City or the Trustee; (b) The reasonable annual (or other regular) fees and expenses of the Trustee for services rendered pursuant to the Indenture and all fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for any extraordinary services rendered by the Trustee under the Indenture, as and when the same become due and payable; (c) The reasonable fees and expenses of such accountants, consultants, attorneys and other experts as may be engaged by the City or the Trustee after notice to the Corporation to prepare audits, financial statements, reports, opinions or provide such other services but only to the extent required or reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement or the Indenture; and (d) The reasonable fees and expenses of the City or any agency selected by the City to act on its behalf in connection with this Agreement, the Bonds or the Indenture, including any and all expenses incurred in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds or incurred by the City in connection with any litigation which may at any time be instituted involving this Agreement, the Bonds, the Indenture or any of the other documents contemplated thereby, or otherwise in connection with the administration of this Agreement. 7 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 (e) Any amounts required to restore the balance in the Reserve Fund to the Reserve Fund Requirement, which amount shall be paid by the Corporation not later than the next Interest Due Date (as defined in 4.1). Such Additional Payments shall be billed to the Corporation by the City or the Trustee from time to time, together with a statement certifying that the amount billed has been incurred or paid by the City or the Trustee for one or more of the above items. After such a demand, amounts so billed shall be paid by the Corporation (except as provided in (e) above) within thirty (30) days after receipt of each such bill by the Corporation. SECTION 4.3. Letter of Credit. At all times during the Letter of Credit Period, the Corporation shall cause to be provided and continuously available to the Trustee, as beneficiary, the initial Letter of Credit or a renewal or extension thereof, or a substitute Letter of Credit meeting the requirements of this Section. Failure to provide a Letter of Credit meeting the requirements and at the times provided below will result in the mandatory call for redemption of all Bonds Outstanding pursuant to section 4.01(b) of the Indenture, whereupon the Corporation shall be required to pay as a Loan Repayment the entire amount due hereunder. The following requirements shall apply to any renewal or substitute Letter of Credit provided during the Letter of Credit Period: (i) Any renewal, reissuance or extension of any Letter of Credit shall be for a period of the lesser of (i) a term commencing on or before and extending for at least twelve (12) months after the stated expiration date of the prior term thereof or the term of the prior Letter of Credit, as the case may be, or (ii) with respect to principal until January 15, 2015, and with respect to interest until May 1, 2015. Any Letter of Credit may provide that it shall terminate prior to its stated expiration date upon the date of issuance and delivery of a substitute Letter of Credit. (ii) Each Letter of Credit shall be in an amount at any date not less than the sum of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding and interest thereon for a period of 135 days calculated, prior to Conversion, at an assumed rate of fifteen percent (15%) per annum. 8 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 (iii) Each Letter of Credit shall be in substantially the form of the Letter of Credit delivered at the time of original delivery of the Bonds, and shall be issued by (A) a national banking association organized under the National Banking Act, or any successor law, or (B) a banking corporation organized under the laws of any state of the United States or (C) a banking corporation or association organized under the laws of any country and qualified to do business in the United States, or (D) a state or federally chartered savings and loan association or savings bank, any of the foregoing having a combined capital and surplus of at least $250,000,000. (iv) Each Letter of Credit delivered to the Trustee pursuant to this Section must be accompanied by one or more opinions of counsel from law firms acceptable to the Trustee and addressed to the Trustee to the effect, singly or together, that: (A) The Letter of Credit is a legal, valid and binding obligation of the institution issuing the Letter of Credit, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except (1) as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws relating to, or affecting generally the enforcement of, creditors' rights and remedies against banking corporations or associations, or the same may be applied in the event of the bankrupcty, insolvency, reorganization or similar situation of the issuing institution, and (2) as limited by the availability to any person seeking to enforce the Letter of Credit of equitable remedies, including specific performance and injunctive relief; (B) The issuing institution is duly organized and existing under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction as permitted by (iii) above, and, if applicable, is duly qualified to do business in the State of California or the United States of America and that the issuance of the extended or substitute Letter of Credit does not subject the Bonds to registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended; and (C) Payments made by the issuing institution of amounts drawn under the Letter of Credit will not be recoverable from the Bondholders as voidable preferences under Section 547(b) of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11U.S.C. Section 101 e__t 9 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 seq.) or any successor provision (the "Bankruptcy Code") or other applicable laws and regulations, in the event of the commencement of a proceeding by or against the Corporation or by the City under the Bankruptcy Code or other applicable laws and regulations. (v) Not less than fifteen (15) days before the principal expiration date of or the reduction date relating to the principal portion of any Letter of Credit (and not less than one hundred thirty-five (135) days before the expiration of the interest portion of any Letter of Credit if coverage for interest extends beyond coverage for principal under said Letter of Credit) the Corporation shall cause to be delivered to the Trustee either (A) a renewal, reissuance or extension of the Letter of Credit, or (B) a substitute Letter of Credit, in either case meeting the requirements of this Section together with the legal opinions called for in (iv) above. (vi) The Corporation shall take whatever action is necessary to determine what rating, if any, the Bonds would receive with the extended or substitute Letter of Credit and, if the extended or substitute Letter of Credit will result in a rating on the Bonds lower than the rating(s) initially received, the Corporation shall notify the Trustee and the Remarketing Agent of such fact and the reduced rating that will apply to the Bonds at least 45 days prior to the expiration or reduction of the principal portion of the then-effective Letter of Credit. SECTION 4.4. Gross Revenue Fund. (A) The Corporation agrees that, so long as any of the Bonds remain Outstanding or any Additional Payments remain unpaid, all of the Gross Revenues shall be deposited as soon as practicable upon receipt in a fund designated as the "Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Gross Revenue Fund" (hereafter referred to as the "Gross Revenue Fund") which the Corporation shall establish and maintain, subject to the provisions of subsection (B) of this Section, in an account or accounts at such banking institution or institutions as the Corporation shall from time to time designate in writing to the Trustee for such purpose (the "Depository Bank(s)"). Subject only to the provisions of this Agreement permitting the application thereof for the purposes and on the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Corporation hereby pledges, and to the extent permitted by law grants a security interest to the Trustee in, the Gross Revenue Fund and all of the Gross Revenues to secure the payment of Loan Repayments and 10 040213-0005-087-5719m-(O355m) 12/03/84 Additional Payments and the performance by the Corporation of its other obligations under this Agreement. The Corporation shall execute and cause to be filed Uniform Commercial Code financing statements in form and substance satisfactory to the Trustee, shall execute and cause to be sent to each Depository Bank notice of the security interest granted hereunder and shall execute and deliver such other documents (including, but not limited to, continuation statements) as may be necessary or reasonably requested by the City or the Trustee in order to perfect or maintain as perfected such security interest or give public notice thereof. (B) Amounts in the Gross Revenue Fund may be used and withdrawn by the Corporation at any time for any lawful purpose, except as hereinafter provided. In the event that the Corporation is delinquent for more than one Business Day in the payment of any Loan Repayment, the City or the Trustee shall notify the Corporation and the Depository Bank(s) of such delinquency, and, unless such Loan Repayment is paid within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, the Corporation shall cause the Depository Bank(s) to, and the Depository Bank(s) shall, transfer the Gross Revenue Fund to the name and credit of the Trustee. All Gross Revenues shall continue to be deposited in the Gross Revenue Fund to the name and credit of the Trustee until amounts on deposit in said fund are sufficient to pay in full, or have been used to pay in full, all Loan Repayments in default and all other Loan Default Events shall have been made good or cured to the satisfaction of the Trustee or provision deemed by the Trustee to be adequate shall have been made therefor, whereupon the Gross Revenue Fund (except for the Gross Revenues required to make such payments or cure such defaults) shall be returned to the name and credit of the Corporation. During any period that the Gross Revenue Fund is held in the name and to the credit of the Trustee, the Trustee shall use and withdraw amounts in said fund from time to time to make Loan Repayments, Additional Payments, and other payments required of the Corporation under this Loan Agreement as such payments become due (whether by maturity, redemption, acceleration or otherwise), and to make such other payments in the order which the Trustee, in its discretion, shall determine to be in the best interests of the Holders of the Bonds. During any period that the Gross Revenue Fund is held in the name and to the credit of the Trustee, the Corporation shall not be entitled to use or withdraw any of the Gross Revenues unless and to the extent that the Trustee at its sole discretion so directs for the payment of current or past due operating expenses of the Corporation; provided, however, that the Corporation shall be entitled to use or withdraw any amounts in the Gross Revenue Fund which do not constitute Gross Revenues. The Corporation 11 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 agrees to execute and deliver all instruments as may be required to implement this Section. The Corporation further agrees that a failure to comply with the terms of this Section shall cause irreparable harm to the Holders from time to time of the Bonds, and shall entitle the Trustee, with or without notice, to take immediate action to compel the specific performance of the obligations of the Corporation as provided in this Section. SECTION 4.5. Depreciation Reserve Account. (A) The Corporation shall establish and maintain a special account with the Lender designated as the "Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Depreciation Reserve Account" (hereinafter referred to as the "Depreciation Reserve Account"). On or before the first day of each month in each year commencing January 1, 1988, for so long as maintenance of the Depreciation Reserve Account is required by the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Corporation shall deposit or cause to be deposited in the Depreciation Reserve Account one twelfth of the following amounts in the following years: Years (inclusive) Amount 1988-89 1990-2000 $2,300,000 3,000,000 (B) Amounts in the Depreciation Reserve Account shall be used w2thin thirteen (13) months of the deposit therein for one or more of the following purposes, provided that, in the case of any uses described in (2) or (3) below, the Corporation shall first obtain the written consent of the Lender to the application of moneys on deposit in said account (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld): (1) To the payment of the principal of any indebtedness of the Corporation, or to the payment of the interest thereon to the extent necessary to prevent a default on such indebtedness, including the obligations of the Corporation hereunder except for Depreciation Reserve Account Payments; (2) To or additions and personal pay the costs of any capital improvements to the Health Facility, including both real property; or (3) As a loan to the Corporation to provide working capital, provided that (i) the total amount borrowed for such purpose shall not at any time exceed sixty (60) times the average daily expenses of the Corporation as shown in its most recent audited financial statements, (ii) the loan shall bear interest 12 040213-0005-087-5719m- (0355m) 12/03/84 at a reasonable rate and (iii) no such borrowing pursuant to this clause may be outstanding for a period in excess of ninety (90) consecutive days during each period of twelve (12) consecutive months beginning with the first deposit to the Depreciation Reserve Account. SECTION 4.6. Obligations of the Corporation Unconditional; Net Contract. The obligations of the Corporation to make the Loan Repayments and Additional Payments required hereunder and to perform and observe the other agreements on its part contained herein shall be absolute and unconditional, and shall not be abated, rebated, set-off, reduced, abrogated, terminated, waived, diminished, postponed or otherwise modified in any manner or to any extent whatsoever, while the Bonds remain Outstanding or any Additional Payments remain unpaid, regardless of any contingency, act of God, event or cause whatsoever, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any acts or circumstances that may constitute failure of consideration, eviction or constructive eviction, the taking by eminent domain or destruction of or damage to the Health Facility, commercial frustration of purpose, any change in the laws of the United States of America or of the State of California or any political subdivision of either or in the rules or regulations of any governmental authority, or any failure of the City or the Trustee to perform and observe any agreement, whether express or implied, or any duty, liability or obligation arising out of or connected with this Agreement or the Indenture. This Agreement shall be deemed and construed to be a "net contract," and the Corporation shall pay absolutely net the Loan Repayments and Additional Payments, regardless of any rights of set-off, recoupment, abatement or counterclaim that the Corporation might otherwise have against the City or the Trustee or any other party or parties. SECTION 4.7. Prepayment. The Corporation shall have the right, upon deposit with the Trustee of moneys which will become Available Moneys prior to the date set for redemption, to prepay all or any part of the Loan Repayments to correspond to the permitted redemptions of the Bonds set forth in Sections 4.01(a) or (d) of the Indenture, and shall prepay such Loan Repayments to the extent necessary to permit mandatory redemption of the Bonds as set forth in Sections 4.01(b) and (c) of the Indenture, and the City agrees that the Trustee shall accept such prepayments when the same are tendered by the Corporation. The Corporation must give the Trustee written notice of its intention to effect an optional redemption pursuant to Sections 4.01(a) or (d) of the Indenture at least 45 days prior to the date to be fixed for such redemption. All such prepayments shall be 13 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 deposited upon receipt in the Principal Fund and, at the Request of the Corporation, credited against Loan Repayments in order of their due date or used for the redemption of the Bonds in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Indenture. Notwithstanding any such prepayment, as long as any portion of the Bonds remains Outstanding or any Additional Payments remain unpaid, the Corporation shall not be relieved of its obligations hereunder. SECTION 4.8. Security for the Corporation's Obligations. In consideration of the issuance of the Bonds by the City and the loan of the proceeds thereof to the Corporation and to secure the payment of Loan Repayments and Additional Payments and the performance of the other obligations of the Corporation hereunder, the Corporation hereby grants, in addition to any other security interests granted in this Agreement, to the Trustee a security interest in the Health Facility. The Corporation has entered into the Deed of Trust to secure the Corporation's obligations hereunder. The Corporation agrees to execute and cause to be filed Uniform Commercial Code financing statements in form and substance satisfactory to the Trustee, and to execute and deliver such other documents (including, but not limited to, continuation statements) as the Trustee may reasonably require in order to perfect or maintain as perfected such security interest or give public notice thereof. SECTION 4.9. Conversion to Fixed Interest Rate. At any time on or after July 1, 1985, the Corporation may, at its option, cause the interest rate on the Bonds to be converted to a fixed interest rate. To exercise such option, the Corporation shall execute and deliver to the Trustee, the City, the Lender, the Surety, the Indexing Agent and the Remarketing Agent a Certificate: (a) specifying the Conversion Date, which shall be not less than 30 nor more than 45 days after delivery of such notice, and (b) stating whether or not the Letter of Credit will remain in force after the Conversion Date and what rating, if any, will apply to the Bonds after the Conversion Date. The Certificate shall also be accompanied by an Opinion of Bond Counsel, acceptable to the Trustee, to the effect that Conversion to the fixed interest rate as provided herein will not cause interest on the Bonds to become subject to federal income tax. 14 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 ARTICLE V THE PROJECT SECTION 5.1. Disbursements from the Project Fund. The Corportion shall proceed with due diligence with the Project and use its best efforts to cause the acquisition, installation and construction thereof to be completed by October 31, 1987, delays beyond the reasonable control of the Corportion only excepted. The Corporation hereby grants to the City all rights of access to the Corporation's facilities necessary for the City to carry out its obligations and to enforce its rights hereunder. It is expressly understood and agreed that the City shall be under no liability of any kind or character whatsoever for the payment of any cost of the Project and that all such costs and expenses shall be paid by the Corporation. The acquisition, installation and construction of the Project shall be in accordance with all applicable zoning, planning and building regulations, and the Corporation shall obtain all necessary governmental permits, licenses, certificates, authorizations and approvals necessary to be obtained for the acquisition, installation, construction and operation of the Project. Disbursements will be made from the Project Fund to pay certain costs of the Project, as and to the extent provided and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Indenture. SECTION 5.2. Prohibited Uses. No portion of the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds will be used to finance any facility, place or building used or to be used (1) primarily for sectarian instruction or study or as a place for devotional activities or religious worship, or (2) by a person not an "exempt person" within the meaning of Section 103(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or by an "exempt person" in an "unrelated trade or business" within the meaning of Section 513(a) of said Code, in such manner or to such extent as would result in loss of exemption from federal income tax of interest of the Bonds under Section 103 of said Code. ARTICLE VI PARTICULAR COVENANTS SECTION 6.1. Maintenance of Corporate Existence of the Corporation; Consolidation, Merger, Sale or Transfer Under Certain Conditions. The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will maintain its existence as a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, and will not dissolve or consolidate with or merge into another corporation or 15 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 permit one or more other corporations to consolidate with or merge into it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may, without violating the covenants contained in this Section, consolidate with or merge into another corporation, or permit one or more other corporations to consolidate with or merge into it, if: (A) The surviving, resulting or transferee corporation, as the case may be: (i) assumes in writing all of the obligations of the Corporation under this Agreement; (ii) is not, after such transaction, otherwise in default under any provisions of this Agreement; (iii) is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or a corresponding provision of the federal income tax laws then in effect; and (iv) qualifies under the Law as a "participating health institution;" and (B) The Trustee and the City shall have received an Opinion of Bond Counsel to the effect that such merger, consolidation, sale or other transfer will not cause interest on the Bonds to be subject to federal income taxation under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. If a merger or consolidation is effected, as provided in this Section, the provisions of this Section shall continue in full force and effect and no further merger or consolidation, shall be effected except in accordance with the provisions of this Section. SECTION 6.2. Accreditation and Licensing. The Corporation covenants and agrees to use its best efforts (as long as it is in the best interests of the Corporation and will not materially adversely affect the interests of the Bondholders) to maintain all permits, licenses and other governmental approvals necessary for the operation of the Health Facility as a health care institution; and to use its best efforts to maintain its qualification and negotiate for participation in and payment under private insurance programs having broad application and federal, state and local governmental programs providing for payment or reimbursement for services rendered (as long as it is in the best interests 16 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 of the Corporation and will not materially adversely affect the interests of the Bondholders). SECTION 6.3. Rates and Charges; Debt Coverage. (A) The Corporation covenants and agrees to cause the Health Facility to be operated as a revenue producing health care facility. The Corporation further covenants and agrees, subject to (D) below, to fix, charge and collect, or cause to be fixed, charged and collected, subject to applicable requirements or restrictions imposed by law, such rates, fees and charges for the use of the Health Facility and for the services furnished or to be furnished by the Corporation which, together with all other receipts and revenues of the Corporation and any other funds available therefor, will be reasonably projected to be sufficient in each Fiscal Year to produce Net Income Available for Debt Service equal to at least 1.10 times Maximum Aggregate Annual Debt Service. (B) Subject to (D) below, within one hundred fifty (150) days after the end of each Fiscal Year the Corporation shall compute the Net Income Available for Debt Service and promptly furnish to the Trustee and the City a Certificate setting forth the results of such computation. The Corporation further covenants and agrees that if at the end of such Fiscal Year the Net Income Available for Debt Service shall have been less than 1.10 times Maximum Aggregate Annual Debt Service, the Corporation will promptly employ a Management Consultant to make recommendations as to a revision of the rates, fees and charges of the Corporation or the methods of operation of the Corporation which will result in producing Net Income Available for Debt Service in the amount required by subsection (A) of this Section in the current Fiscal Year. Copies of the recommendations of the Management Consultant shall be filed with the Trustee. The Corporation shall, promptly upon receipt of such recommendations, subject to applicable requirements or restrictions imposed by law, and subject to a good faith determination of its Board of Directors that such recommendations, in whole or in part, are in the best interests of the Corporation, revise rates, fees and charges or methods of operation or collections and shall take such other action as shall be in conformity with such recommendations. If the Corporation determines not to comply with such recommendations, the Corporation shall file with the Trustee a certified copy of a resolution of its Board of Directors determining not to comply with such recommendations and stating in reasonable detail the reasons therefor. In the event that the Corporation shall fail to comply with the recommendations of the Management Consultant, subject to the applicable requirements or restrictions imposed by law and to 17 040213-0005-087-5719m-(O355m) 12/03/84 the determination of the Board of Directors that such recommendations are not in the best interests of the Corporation or the Trustee may, in addition to the rights and remedies elsewhere set forth herein, institute and prosecute an action or proceeding in any court or before any board or commission having jurisdiction to compel the Corporation to comply with the recommendations and requirements of this subsection (B). If the Corporation complies in all material respects with the reasonable recommendations of the Management Consultant in respect to said rates, fees, charges and methods of operation or collection, the Corporation will be deemed to have complied with the covenants contained in this Section for such Fiscal Year notwithstanding that Net Income Available for Debt Service shall be less than the amount required under subsection (A) of this Section; provided, that this sentence shall not be construed as in any way excusing the Corporation from taking any action or performing any duty required under this Agreement or be construed as constituting a waiver of any other Loan Default Event. (C) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may permit the rendering of service at, or the use of, the Health Facility without charge or at reduced charges, at the discretion of its Board of Directors, to the extent necessary for maintaining its tax exempt status and its eligibility for grants, loans, subsidies or payments from the United States of America, any instrumentality thereof, or the State of California or any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof, or in compliance with any recommendation for free services that may be made by the Management Consultant. (D) This Section 6.3 shall apply only if no Letter of Credit is in effect. SECTION 6.4. Limitation on Encumbrances. The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will not create, assume or suffer to exist any mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, lien or charge of any kind (a "security interest") upon the Health Facility prior to or on a parity with the security interests granted hereunder; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing the Corporation may create, suffer or assume Permitted Encumbrances. SECTION 6.5. Accounting Records, Financial Statements and Budget. (A) The Corporation covenants and agrees at all times to keep, or cause to be kept, proper books of record and account, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, in which complete and accurate entries shall be made of all transactions of or 18 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 in relation to the business, properties and operations of the Corporation. Such books of record and account shall be available for inspection by the City or the Trustee at reasonable hours and under reasonable circumstances. (B) The Corporation further covenants and agrees to furnish the City, the Lender, the Surety and the Trustee, within one hundred fifty (150) days after the end of each Fiscal Year, with copies of complete financial statements (including a balance sheet, a statement of revenues and expenses, a statement of changes in fund balances, a statement of changes in financial position and such other financial reports and schedules as may have been delivered to the Corporation in connection with such financial statements), together with (1) the report and opinion of an Accountant stating that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and that their examination was performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and (2) a Certificate of the chief financial officer of the Corporation stating that no event which constitutes a Loan Default Event or which with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both would constitute a Loan Default Event has occurred and is continuing as of the end of such Fiscal Year, or specifying the nature of such event and the actions taken and proposed to be taken by the Corporation to cure such default. SECTION 6.6. Tax Covenants. (A) The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will not use or permit the use of any of the funds provided by the City hereunder or any other funds of the Corporation, directly or indirectly, or direct the Trustee to invest any funds held by it under the Indenture or this Agreement, in such manner as would, or enter into, or allow any "related person" (as defined in Section 103(b)(6)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended) to enter into, any arrangement, formal or informal, for the purchase of the Bonds that would, or take or omit to take any other action that would, cause the Bonds to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of Section 103(c) of said Code. (B) The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will maintain its status as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and its exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of said Code. The Corporation further covenants and agrees that it will not use or permit the use of the Health Facility by any person not an "exempt person" within the meaning of Section 103(b)(3) of said Code or by an "exempt person" in an "unrelated trade or business" within 19 040213~-0005-087-5719m-(O355m) 12/03/84 the meaning of Section 513(a) of said Code, in such manner or to such extent as would result in loss of exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the Bonds under Section 103 of said Code. (C) The Corporation shall not make any use of the proceeds of the Bonds or any other funds of the Corporation which will cause such Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" and subject to federal income taxation by reason of Section 103(h) of said Code. (D) The Corporation shall not do anything which would make interest paid on the Bonds subject to federal income taxation. SECTION 6.7. Limitation on Disposition of Properties. (A) The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will not sell or otherwise dispose of any part or parts of the Health Facility in any Fiscal Year aggregating in excess of one percent (IX) of Gross Patient Revenues (as shown on the Corporation's most recent Audited Financial Statements) (other than (i) in the ordinary course of business, (ii) as permitted by Section 6.1 hereof, or (iii) to an Affiliated Corporation, provided that after such transfer the Corporation has an unrestricted fund balance (as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) at least equal to the aggregate principal amount of Bonds (less any amounts on deposit in the Reserve Fund on the date of such transfer). (B) Before any sale or other disposition of any part or parts of the Health Facility in any Fiscal Year aggregating in excess of one percent (1~) of the Corporation's Gross Patient Revenues (other than as provided in subsections (A) or (C) of this Section), the Corporation shall furnish to the Trustee and the City (i) a Certificate of the Corporation stating that no Loan Default Event has occurred and is continuing and stating the amount of the net proceeds, if any, of such sale or other disposition and (ii) an appraisal of the part of the Health Facility so sold or disposed of, showing that such property is to be sold or disposed of at a price at least equal to its fair market value, and after the Conversion Date, that said disposition shall not materially and adversely affect the revenue generating capacity of the Health Facility. Upon receipt of such Certificate and appraisal, the Trustee shall execute and deliver any releases or other documents reasonably requested by the Corporation in connection with such sale or other disposition. 20 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/o3/84 (C) The Trustee shall execute and deliver any releases or other documents reasonably requested by the Corporation in connection with disposition of any part or parts of the Health Facility upon the Corporation certifying to the Trustee that the fair market value aggregates less than one percent (1~) of Gross Patient Revenues (as shown on the Corporation's most recent combined Audited Financial Statements) in any Fiscal Year. (D) Before the sale or other disposition of any part or parts of the Health Facility to an Affiliated Corporation that is not a nonprofit corporation, the Corporation shall cause to be delivered to the Trustee and the City an Opinion of Bond Counsel to the effect that such sale or other disposition will not cause interest on the Bonds to be subject to federal income taxation under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and shall not cause the Corporation to lose its status as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or a corresponding provision of the federal income tax laws then in effect. (E) Notwithstanding anything in this Article, the Corporation may freely and without limitation transfer cash, securities or other intangible property to or from any Affiliated Corporation. SECTION 6.8. Compliance with United States and California Constitutions. The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will not restrict admissions of patients to the Health Facilities on racial or religious grounds. On or before August 30 of each year, the Corporation will furnish to the City a Certificate of the Corporation stating that (i) no facility, place or building financed with any portion of the proceeds of the Bonds has been used primarily for sectarian instruction or study or is a place for devotional activities or religious worship and (ii) the Corporation does not restrict admissions of patients to the Health Facilities on racial or religious grounds. The City and its designees shall have the right to inspect the Health Facilities at all reasonable times for the purpose of verifying the foregoing Certificate of the Corporation and due compliance by the Corporation with the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of California. SECTION 6.9. Special Services Covenant. The Corporation covenants and agrees that, as long as any Bonds are Outstanding and subject to the provisions of Section 6.1, it will operate a general acute care hospital within the City. Eor the benefit of the City and its residents, the Corporation further covenants and agrees that, as long as any 21 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 Bonds are Outstanding (except as hereinafter in this Section provided), it will provide the following services: basic emergency services, prenatal and maternity services, eye services, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation classes and pulmonary function testing services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may terminate one or more of the foregoing services provided that: (i) the Corporation continues to operate a general acute care hospital within the City; (ii) the Corporation notifies the City of its intent to terminate the service or services; and (iii) the Corporation agrees to provide additional or equivalent services for the benefit of the City and its residents which, in the opinion of the City, will result in the same or additional benefit to the City and its residents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation may, without the consent of the City, terminate any service which, in the opinion of the Corporation, becomes obsolete or outmoded due to an advance in medical technique or technology, provided that the Corporation agrees to provide a service which is functionally equivalent to such terminated service. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.1, failure to maintain at any time any of the special services required by this Section shall not constitute a Loan Default Event, but, in the event of such failure, the City shall be entitled to institute and prosecute an action in any court or before any board or commission having jurisdiction to compel the Corporation ~o comply with the covenant contained in this Section and to exercise whatever other remedies (including an action for damages) the City might have with respect thereto arising from this Agreement. SECTION 6.10. Additional Funds. The Corporation shall deliver to the Trustee, for deposit in the Hospital Account of the Project Fund, such amounts at such times as may be required by the Letter of Credit Agreement. ARTICLE VII MAINTENANCE, TAXES, INSURANCE AND CONDEMNATION SECTION 7.1. Maintenance and Operation of the Health Facility. The Corporation covenants and agrees that the Health Facility will be caused to be operated and maintained in accordance with all governmental laws, ordinances, approvals, rules, regulations and requirements including, without limitation, such zoning, sanitary, pollution and safety ordinances and laws and such rules and regulations thereunder as may be binding upon the Corporation. The Corporation further covenants and agrees 22 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 that the Health Facility will be caused to be operated and maintained as a health care institution and will maintain and operate the same, and all engines, boilers, pumps, machinery, apparatus, fixtures, fittings and equipment of any kind in or that shall be placed in any building or structure now or hereafter at any time constituting part of the Health Facility in good repair, working order and condition, and that it will from time to time make or cause to be made all needful and proper replacements, repairs, renewals and improvements so that the efficiency and value of the Health Facility shall not be impaired. SECTION 7.2. Taxes, Assessments, Other Governmental Charges and Utility Charges. The Corporation covenants and agrees to pay, or cause to be paid and discharged, all taxes, assessments, governmental charges of any kind whatsoever, water rates, meter charges and other utility charges which may be or have been assessed or which may have become liens upon the Health Facility or the interest therein of the City, the Trustee or of the Holders of the Bonds, and will make such payments or cause such payments to be made, respectively, in due time to prevent any delinquency thereon or any forfeiture or sale of the Health Facility or any part thereof, and, upon request, will furnish to the City or the Trustee receipts for all such payments, or other evidence satisfactory to the Trustee; provided, however, that the Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax, assessment, rate or charge as herein provided as long as they shall in good faith contest the validity thereof, provided that the Corporation shall have set aside reserves with respect thereto that, in the opinion of its Board of Directors, are adequate. SECTION 7.3. Insurance Required. (A) The Corporation covenants and agrees that, subject to subsection (B) of this section, it will cause the Health Facility and all of the operations of the Corporation to be adequately insured at all times, cause to be carried and maintained such insurance in amounts which are customarily carried and against such risks as are customarily insured against by other corporations in connection with the ownership and operation of facilities of similar character and size in the State of California. The Corporation further covenants and agrees to carry and maintain, or cause to be carried and maintained, and to pay or cause to be paid in timely fashion the premiums for, at least the following insurance with respect to the Health Facility and the Corporation when and as such insurance is available: (a) Insurance, on all properties constituting the Health Facility, against loss or damage by fire, 23 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 lightning, vandalism, malicious mischief and all other risks covered by the extended coverage insurance endorsement then in use in the State of California, subject to a deductible of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per accident or casualty, in an amount equal to at least the lesser of the full replacement value of the property insured or the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds. The replacement value of the Health Facility shall be determined from time to time at the request of the Corporation or the Trustee (but not less frequently than once in every twenty-four months) by an Insurance Consultant or by an architect, contractor, appraiser or appraisal company selected by the Corporation and not objected to by the Trustee. During the course of substantial addition, extension, alteration or improvement to the Health Facility, the Corporation shall maintain or cause to be maintained builder's risk insurance in the amount of the full completed value of such construction work, subject to deductibles of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per accident or casualty, covering loss by fire, lightning and removal from the premises endangered by fire and lightning, and all other risks covered by the extended coverage endorsement then in use in the State of California. (b) Boiler insurance providing coverage of pressure vessels, auxiliary piping, pumps and compressors, refrigeration systems, transformers and miscellaneous electrical apparatus in the Health Facility which present significant potential for loss, in an amount not less than two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000), subject to deductibles not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per occurrence. (c) Comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance in the minimum amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) for damages arising out of any one accident, and automobile liability and property insurance in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for damages arising out of any one accident. (d) Professional liability insurance, in the minimum amount of $5,000,000 as to any one occurrence. (e) Fidelity bonds or other insurance on all the Corporation's officers and employees who collect or have custody of or access to revenues, receipts or income of the Corporation, in such amounts as are ordinarily 24 040213~-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 carried by organizations engaged in like activities and with gross revenues comparable to those of the Corporation. (B) The Corporation shall employ, or cause to be employed, an Insurance Consultant to review the insurance requirements of the Corporation from time to time (but not less frequently than annually). If the Insurance Consultant makes recommendations for the increase of any of the coverage required by subsection (A) of this Section, the Corporation shall increase such coverage in accordance with such recommendations, subject to a good faith determination of the Boards of Directors of the Corporation that such recommendations, in whole or in part, are in the best interests of the Corporation. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, the Corporation shall have the right, without giving rise to a Loan Default Event solely on such account, (1) to maintain insurance coverage below that required by subsection (A) of this Section, if the Corporation furnishes to the Trustee a certificate of the Insurance Consultant or other evidence satisfactory to the Trustee that the insurance so provided accords the greatest amount of coverage available for the risk being insured against at rates which in the judgment of the Insurance Consultant are reasonable in connection with reasonable and appropriate risk management, or (2) to adopt alternative risk management programs which its Board of Directors determines to be reasonable and which shall not have a material and adverse impact on the Corporation's reimbursement from third party payors, including, without limitation, to self-insure in whole or in part, to participate in programs of captive insurance companies, to participate with other health care institutions in mutual or other cooperative insurance or other risk management programs, to participate in state or federal insurance programs, to take advantage of state or federal laws now or hereafter in existence limiting medical and malpractice liability, or to establish or participate in other alternative risk management programs; all as may be approved as reasonable and appropriate risk management by the Insurance Consultant. SECTION 7.4. Workers' Compensation. The Corporation will at all times maintain workers' compensation coverage as required by the laws of the State of California. SECTION 7.5. Insurers; Policy Forms and Loss Payees. Each insurance policy required by Section 7.3 shall be carried by insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of California which are financially responsible and capable of fulfilling the requirements of such policies and not objected to by the Trustee. All such policies 25 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 (except liability policies) shall name the Corporation, the Trustee and the Lender as insured parties, beneficiaries or loss payees as their interest may appear. Each policy shall be in such form and contain such provisions as are generally considered standard for the type of insurance involved and shall contain a provision to the effect that the insurer shall not cancel or substantially modify the policy provisions without first giving at least thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the Corporation. In lieu of separate policies, the Corporation may maintain blanket policies which cover any one or more risks required to be insured against so long as the minimum coverages required herein are met. SECTION 7.6. Disposition of Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds. (A) The proceeds of the insurance carried pursuant to clauses (a) and (b) of Section 7.3(A) and the proceeds of any condemnation awards with respect to the Health Facility shall be paid immediately upon receipt by the Corporation or other named insured parties to the Trustee for deposit in a special fund which the Trustee shall establish and maintain and hold in trust, to be known as the "Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds Fund." In the event the Corporation elects, with the consent of the Lender, to repair or replace the property damaged, destroyed or taken in accordance with said plans, after deducting therefrom the reasonable charges and expenses of the Trustee in connection with the collection and disbursement of such moneys, moneys in the Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds Fund shall be disbursed by the Trustee for the purpose of repairing or replacing the property damaged, destroyed or taken upon compliance with the provisions of Section 3.03 of the Indenture for disbursements from the Project Fund. In the event that the proceeds of any loss or damage to or condemnation of the Health Facility shall be less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), the Trustee shall pay over such proceeds to the Corporation without any formality whatsoever. (B) In the event the Corporation shall not elect to repair or replace the property damaged, destroyed or taken, as provided in subsection (A) of this Section, or in the event moneys remain in the Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds Fund after such property has been so repaired or replaced, the Trustee shall transfer all amounts in the Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds Fund on account of such damage, destruction or condemnation to the Principal Fund. 26 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 ARTICLE VIII NON-LIABILITY OF CITY; EXPENSES; INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 8.1. Non-Liability of City. The City shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or premium or interest on the Bonds, except from Revenues. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of California or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or premium or interest on the Bonds. The Corporation hereby acknowledges that the City's sole source of moneys to repay the Bonds will be provided by the payments made by the Corporation pursuant to this Agreement, together with investment income on certain funds and accounts held by the Trustee under the Indenture, and hereby agrees that if the payments to be made hereunder shall ever prove insufficient to pay all principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due (whether by maturity, redemption, acceleration or otherwise), then upon notice from the Trustee, the Corporation shall pay such amounts as are required from time to time to prevent any deficiency or default in the payment of such principal or interest, including, but not limited to, any deficiency caused by acts, omissions, nonfeasance or malfeasance on the part of the Trustee, the Corporation, the City or any third party. SECTION 8.2. Expenses. The Corporation covenants and agrees to pay, or cause to be paid, and to indemnify the City and the Trustee against all costs and charges, including reasonable fees of attorneys, accountants, consultants and other experts, incurred in good faith or arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the Bonds or the Indenture. SECTION 8.3. Indemnification. The Corporation agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the City and the Trustee and their respective officers, employees and agents from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses, of every conceivable kind, character and nature whatsoever (excepting therefrom only such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses arising from the negligence of the City or the Trustee, or their respective members, officers, employees or agents), including, but not limited to, losses, claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of, resulting from or in any way connected with (1) the Health Facility or the Project, or the conditions, occupancy, use, possession, conduct or management of, or work done in or about, or from the planning, design, acquisition, installation or 27 040213-0005-087-5719m-(O355m) 12/03/84 construction of such facilities or any part thereof; (2) the issuance of the Bonds and the carrying out of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; or (3) any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of any material fact or omission or alleged omission to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading in any information furnished to the initial purchaser of the Bonds in connection with the sale of the Bonds. The Corporation further agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to pay, or cause to be paid, or to reimburse the City and the Trustee and their respective officers, employees and agents for any and all costs, reasonable attorney's fees, liabilities or expenses incurred in connection with investigating, defending against or otherwise in connection with any such losses, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or actions. ARTICLE IX LOAN DEFAULT EVENTS AND REMEDIES SECTION 9.1. Loan Default Events. The following events shall be "Loan Default Events": (a) If the Corporation shall fail to pay any Loan Repayments on or before the date on which such Loan Repayments are due and payable; (b) If the Corporation shall fail to comply with the provisions of Sections 4.2, 6.1, or 6.7; (c) If any representation or warranty made by the Corporation herein or in any document, instrument or certificate furnished to the Trustee or the City in connection with the issuance of the Bonds shall at any time prove to have been incorrect in any material respect as of the time made; (d) If the Corporation shall fail to observe or perform any covenant, condition, agreement or provision in this Agreement on their part to be observed or performed, other than as referred to in subsection (a) or (b) of this Section, for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice, specifying such failure or breach and requesting that it be remedied, has been given to the Corporation by the City, the Lender or the Trustee; except that, if such failure can be remedied but not within such sixty (60) day period and if the Corporation has taken all action reasonably possible to remedy such 28 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 failure or breach within such sixty (60) day period, such failure or breach shall not become a Loan Default Event for so long as the Corporation shall diligently proceed to remedy same in accordance with and subject to any directions or limitations of time established by the Trustee; (e) If the Corporation shall abandon the Health Facility, or any substantial part thereof, and such abandonment shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Corporation by the City, the Lender or the Trustee; (f) If any default shall exist under any agreement respecting Funded Debt (except the Letter of Credit Agreement) and if, as a result thereof, such Funded Debt shall be declared immediately due and payable or a proceeding is brought for enforcement thereof; (g) If the Corporation files a petition in voluntary bankruptcy, for the composition of its affairs or for corporate reorganization under any state or federal bankruptcy or insolvency law, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or admits in writing to insolvency or inability to pay debts as they mature, or consents in writing to the appointment of a trustee or receiver for itself or for the whole or any substantial part of the Health Facility; (h) If a court of competent jurisdiction shall enter an order, judgment or decree declaring the Corporation an insolvent, or adjudging it bankrupt, or appointing a trustee or receiver of the Corporation or of the whole or any substantial part of the Health Facility, or approving a petition filed against the Corporation seeking reorganization of the Corporation under any applicable law or statute of the United States of America or any state thereof, and such order, judgment or decree shall not be vacated or set aside or stayed within thirty (30) days from the date of the entry thereof; (i) If, under the provisions of any other law for the relief or aid of debtors, any court of competent jurisdiction shall assume custody or control of the Corporation or of the whole or any substantial part of the Health Facility, and such custody or control shall not be terminated within thirty (30) days from the date of assumption of such custody or control; 29 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 (j) If any Event of Default shall occur under the Letter of Credit Agreement and the Lender shall give written notice thereof to the Trustee, or if the Lender shall give written notice to the Trustee that the amount of any payment under the Letter of Credit will not be reinstated following a payment thereunder; (k) If the Corporation shall fail to deliver to the Trustee a renewal or substitute Letter of Credit fifteen (15) days before the expiration or reduction of the principal portion of the Letter of Credit to an amount less than the then Outstanding principal of the Bonds; or (i) If an Event of Default shall occur under the Indemnification and Collateral Agreement or the Letter of Credit Agreement and the Surety or the Lender shall give written notice thereof to the Trustee. SECTION 9.2. Remedies on Default. If a Loan Default Event shall occur, then, and in each and every such case during the continuance of such Loan Default Event, the Trustee may take any one or more of the following remedial steps: (a) If the unpaid principal of and interest on the Bonds shall have become immediately due and payable pursuant to Section 7.01 of the Indenture, the Trustee shall, by notice in writing to the Corporation, declare all installments of Loan Repayments and Additional Payments to be immediately due and payable. Upon any such declaration or automatic acceleration, such amount shall be immediately due and payable in the amount determined in accordance with Section 7.01 of the Indenture. (b) The Trustee may take whatever action, at law or in equity, as may appear necessary or desirable to collect the Loan Repayments, Additional Payments and any other payments then due and thereafter to become due under this Agreement or to enforce the performance and observance of any obligation, covenant, agreement or provision contained in this Agreement to be observed or performed by the Corporation. (c) The Trustee shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party or creditor under the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of California, and the general laws of the State of California, with respect to the enforcement of the security interests granted or reserved hereunder, including without 30 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 limitation to the extent permitted by law the right to require that all of the Gross Revenues of the Corporation be assembled and delivered to the Trustee, and the Trustee may, to the extent permitted by law, impound books and records evidencing the Corporation's accounts, accounts receivable and other similar claims for the payment of money and take possession of all notes and other documents which evidence such accounts, accounts receivable and claims for money and give notice to obligors thereunder of the Trustee's interest in the Gross Revenues of the Corporation and to make direct collections on such accounts, accounts receivable and claims for money. (d) The Trustee may take whatever legal action may appear necessary or desirable to enforce its rights and the rights of the Holders of the Bonds under the Deed of Trust or the Assignment of Lease. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Trustee may not take any remedial acton under this Agreement for payment of any amount due hereunder (unless the Bonds have been accelerated pursuant to Section 7.01 of the Indenture) without the consent of the Lender (unless the Lender has failed to honor a draw under the Letter of Credit) and, if a Surety Bond is in effect, the Surety (unless the Surety has failed to make a payment when due under the Surety Bond). SECTION 9.3. Remedies Not Exclusive; No Waiver of ~ights. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Trustee is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy, to the extent permitted by law, shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or otherwise. In order to entitle the Trustee to exercise any remedy, to the extent permitted by law, reserved to it contained in this Agreement, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required. Such rights and remedies as are given to the City hereunder shall also extend to the Trustee, and the Trustee may exercise any rights and will be charged with the obligations of the City under this Agreement, and, subject to Section 10.9 hereof, the Trustee and the Holders of the Bonds shall be deemed to be the sole third party beneficiaries of all covenants and conditions herein contained. No delay in exercising or omitting to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of 31 040213-0005-087-5719m-(O355m) 12/03/84 any such default or an acquiescence therein, and every such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. SECTION 9.4. Expenses on Default. In the event the Corporation should default under any of the provisions of this Agreement and the City or the Trustee should employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of the payments due hereunder, the Corporation agrees to pay on demand to the City or the Trustee the reasonable fee of such attorneys and such other reasonable expenses so incurred by the City or the Trustee. SECTION 9.5. Notice of Default. The Corporation agrees that, as soon as is practicable, but no later than ten (10) days from the date of such event, the Corporation will furnish the Trustee and the Lender notice of any event which is a Loan Default Event pursuant to Section 9.1 hereof or which is an event of default under Section 7.01 of the Indenture which has occurred and is continuing on the date of such notice, which notice shall set forth the nature of such event and the action which the Corporation proposes to take with respect thereto. ARTICLE X MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 10.1. Further Assurances. The Corporation agrees to execute and deliver any and all such further agreements, instruments, financing statements or other assurances as may be reasonably necessary or requested by the City or the Trustee to carry out the intention or to facilitate the performance of this Agreement, including, without limitation, documents reasonably necessary or requested to perfect and continue the security interests herein intended to be created and documents customarily necessary or required in connection with commercial construction loans. SECTION 10.2. Amendment of Indenture. The City covenants that, except as may be necessary to protect the tax-exempt status of the interest on the Bonds, it will take no action to amend or supplement the Indenture in any manner that would materially adversely affect the interests of the Corporation, the Lender or the Surety without obtaining the prior written consent of the Corporation, the Lender and the Surety to such amendment or supplement. The City will promptly notify the Corporation, the Lender and the Surety of all amendments to the Indenture. 32 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 SECTION 10.3. Notices. All notices or communications herein required or permitted to be given shall be in writing and, if to the Corporation, mailed or delivered to it as follows: Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, P.O. Box 1888, Bakersfield, California 93303, Attention: Vice President for Financial Services, and, if to the City, mailed or delivered to it as follows: City of Bakersfield, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301, Attention: City Attorney, and, if to the Trustee, mailed or delivered to it as follows: Crocker National Bank, One Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94104 Attention: Corporate Trust Department. A duplicate copy of each notice or communication given hereunder by either the City or the Corporation to the other shall also be given to the Trustee, to the Lender at 5670 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1860, Los Angeles, California 90036, Attention: Commercial Banking Division and to the Lender at 265 Anita Drive, Suite 230, Orange, California 92668, Attention: Commercial Banking Division; to the Surety at 255 California Street, San Francisco, California 94111 Attention: Director of Financial Guaranties and to The Dowdell Corporation, 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 640, Sacramento, California 95814, Attention: President. The City, the Corporation, the Trustee, the Lender and the Surety may, by notice given hereunder, designate any further or different address to which subsequent notices, certificates and other communications shall be sent. SECTION 10.4. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the Constitution and laws of the State of California. SECTION 10.5. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the City, the Corporation and its respective successors and assiqns, subject, however, to the limitations contained herein. SECTION 10.6. Severability of Invalid Provisions. If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then such provision or provisions shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions contained in this Agreement and such invalidity, illeqality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. The City and the Corporation each hereby declares that it would have entered into this Agreement and each and every other Section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more Sections, paragraphs, 33 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 sentences, clauses or phrases of this Agreement may be held illegal, invalid or unenforceable. SECTION 10.7. Article and Section Headings and References. The headings or titles of the several Articles and Sections hereof, and any table of contents appended to copies hereof, shall be solely for convenience of reference and shall not affect the meaning, construction or effect of this Agreement. All references herein to "Articles," "Sections" and other subdivisions are to the corresponding Articles, Sections or subdivisions of this Agreement; the words "herein," "hereof," "hereby," "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or subdivision hereof; and words of the masculine gender shall mean and include words of the feminine and neuter genders. SECTION 10.8. Agreement Represents Complete Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement represents the entire contract between the parties. This Agreement may not be effectively amended, changed, modified, altered or terminated except by the written agreement of the Corporation and the City and the concurring written consent of the Lender, the Surety and the Trustee, given in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. SECTION 10.9. Third Party Beneficiaries. The Lender and the Surety are intended to be, and shall be deemed to be, third party beneficiaries of this Agreement insofar as their rights to receive the benefits of and to enforce the provisions are expressly set forth. SECTION 10.10. Execution of Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed to be an original and all of which shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. SECTION 10.11. Term of Agreement. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of execution hereof until 34 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84 NEW YORK, NEW YORK ~9TH FLOOR ORRICK, HERRINGTON ~. SUTCLIFFE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 9'+111 December 4· 1984 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Richard Oberholzer~ Esq. City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: City of Bakersfield Hospital Revenue Bonds (Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital) Series 1984 Dear Richard: Enclosed are two clean copies of the following documents, to be handled as indicated: Resolution of the City Council, to be placed on the agenda for and approved at the December 12, 1.984 meeting; Loan Agreement between the City and Greater 9akgrsfJ.eld Memorial Nospite~ Association to be approved in substantially final form on December 12; and Indenture between the City and Crocker National Bank, as trustee, to be approved in substantially final form on December 12. Our schedule contemplates closing this transaction on Friday, December 14, 1984, in our San Francisco office. We will need to have a certified copy of the adopted resolution at the closing. If this presents a problem, please let me know. In addition to the two documents approved, there will be other closing documents which will require the Mayor or City Manager's signature and the City Clerk's attestation. We would expect to have execution copies of all such documentation available for signature by the ORRICK, HERRINGTON [ SUTCLIFFE Richard Oberholzer, Esq. December 4~ 1984 Page Two City representatives no later than Tuesday, December 11. I expect that one of the hospital representatives that will be attending the closing would be able to bring the executed documents with him on Thursday, December 13. If you have questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me or John Myers. As always, thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Diane S. Potter DSP/ds Enclosures cc: Interested Parties the Indenture is discharged or terminated pursuant to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Corporation have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names and the City has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by their duly authorized representatives, all as of the date first above written. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By [SEAL] Attest: City Clerk GREATER BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION [SEAL] Attest: By President Secretary 35 040213-0005-087-5719m-(0355m) 12/03/84