HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 93-84RESOLUTION NO. 93-84 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING THE RESULTS OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF COUNCILMAN IN THE SIXTH WARD AND SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR CITY MEASURE A, HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1984. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby find, determine, and declare as follows: a. That pursuant to applicable law, a Special Municipal Election was held in the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of November, 1984, for the purpose of electing a Councilman for the remainder of the term in the Sixth Ward. b. That said election was held and conducted in con- formity with all applicable provisions of law; and c. That pursuant to direction of the City Council, the County Clerk of the County of Kern has heretofore conducted a canvass of the results thereof and has filed with said City Council a certificate relating thereto which has been examined and is hereby accepted by this City Council; and d. That the City Council does hereby accept the canvass of record of said elections as certified by said County Clerk and does hereby resolve, determine, and declare the results of said Special Municipal Election as follows: WARD 6: Mark Dickerson Mark David Goza Marla M. Hansen Scott Sean Rollins 3,078 553 2,444 145 e. That the City Council does hereby declare the following Derson to be elected to the office of City Councilman for the unexpired term of three years, as follows: WARD 6: Mark Dickerson SECTION 2. That the City Council does hereby find, determine, and declare as follows: a. That pursuant to applicable law, a Special Municipal Election was held and conducted in said City on the 6th day of November, 1984; and b. That said election was held and conducted in conformity with all applicable provisions of law; and c. That said Special Municipal Election was held for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said City the following proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Bakersfield: MEASURE "A" Shall Sections (183), (209) and (221) of the City Charter be amended to provide that the six (6) year term for members of the City's Fire and Police Civil Service Commissions and the four (4) year term for the members of the City's Miscellaneous Departments Civil Service Commission all be reduced to three (3) year terms and that the provisions for removal of commissioners be made consistent for all three commissions? d. That pursuant to direction of the City Council, the County Clerk of the County of Kern has heretofore conducted a canvass of the results thereof and has filed with said City Council a certificate relating thereto which has been examined and is hereby accepted by this City Council. e. That the Statement of Election Results relating to said special election is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated h~rein. fe of record of County Clerk That the City Council does hereby accept the canvass said Special Municipal Election as certified by said and does hereby declare the results of said Special Municipal Election to be MEASURE "A" That resolution. as follows: FOR AGAINST 35,045 12,725 SECTION 3. the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY passed and adopted by the Council of regular meeting thereof held on the by the following vote: that the foregoing Resolution was the City of Bakersfield at a 28th day of November , 1984, AYES: COUNCILMEN: BARTON, CHILDS, CHRISTENSEN, MOORE, PAYNE, RATTY, ROCKOFF NOES: COUNCILMEN: ,~)~;/) ,~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: /~/'/~. ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED ~J~is 28%h day of November MAYOR of t,~e '~,ity of Bakersfield , 19 84 APPROVED as to form: CI'~Y ATTORNF~' ~f t e y Bakersfield RJO/bl 3. CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK TO RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION RESULT (~i7"~ .[~LSRI~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY FO KERN ) I, GALE S. ENSTAD, County Clerk-Recorder, County of Kern, State of California, HEREBY CERTIFY that I have canvassed the retuzns of the vote cast in said County at the General Election held on November 6, 1984 for all Candidates and Measures submitted to the voters, and that the Statement of the Vote Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the whole number of votes cast in said City of Bakersfield, and whole nualber of votes cast for each candidate and for and against each measure in said City of Bakersfield and in each of the respective precincts therein, and that the totals of the respective colununs and the totals as shown for each candidate and for and against each measure are full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I do hereby set my hand and the Official Seal of the County of Kern this 19th day of NovengDer, 1984. ' ~ of Kern cGo;~un t~ '~eNrS~-ADRe c0rde r, County State of California JD(HIBIT A KERN COUNTY GENERAl ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 1984 CITY CONTESTS PAGE NUMBER 005.00001 R 8 T B M S M M A C W M A R R E A U A A C A A R L A C R 0 U G L R K R 0 R R V ! L T 8 T ! L N E L T K K I F T F U E H S 0 0 R A T N F E A R R T T U S O D 0 R R O T P E S T F M S A ! 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